ASTM E669-91
(Classification)Master Matrix for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Standards (Withdrawn 2000)
Master Matrix for Nuclear Fuel Cycle Standards (Withdrawn 2000)
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to present a master-matrix approach for the identification and classification of areas in the nuclear fuel cycle in which the development of standards will be needed.
1.2 The master matrix is defined as the array of operations and activities included in the fuel cycle for nuclear reactors. These operations start with the mining, milling, and fuel fabrication, continue with the transportation of spent fuel after discharge from a reactor, and culminate with the shipment of waste to a repository, of refabricated fuel to a reactor station, and of recycled uranium to an enrichment plant (see Fig. 1). Matrix standards dealing specifically with nuclear reactors is the function of other groups as established in Section 10 of Recommended Guide E584.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ASTM Ebb9 91 E 0759510 0078889 2 W
Designation: E 669 - 91
1916 Race St Philadelphia, Pa 19103
Reprinted from the AnnuaI Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined Index, will appear in the next ediiion.
Standard Master Matrix for
Nuclear Fuel Cycle Standards1
This standard is issued under the tixed designation E 669; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (0 indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope ties, unambiguous assignments, and reporting and coordi-
nating progress. This standard arranges the nuclear fuel cycle
1.1 The purpose of this standard is to present a master-
complex into manageable packages so that standards can be
matrix approach for the identification and classification of
developed by a number of groups simultaneously, or in a
areas in the nuclear fuel cycle in which the development of
disparate time frame, in response to the urgency of the need.
standards will be needed.
1.2 The master matrix is defined as the array of opera-
4. Master Matrix
tions and activities included in the fuel cycle for nuclear
4.1 It is the purpose of this master matrix (Table 1) to
reactors. These operations start with the mining, milling, and
identify a series of matrices to cover the various steps in the
fuel fabrication, continue with the transportation of spent
fuel cycle from the fission reactor types set forth in Recom-
fuel after discharge from a reactor, and culminate with the
mended Guide E 584, namely: light-water reactors (LWR),
shipment of waste to a repository, of refabricated fuel to a
gas-cooled reactors, fast reactors, and other reactors.
reactor station, and of recycled uranium to an enrichment
plant (see Fig. 1). Matrix standards dealing specifically with 5. Summary of Standard
nuclear reactors is the function of other groups as established
5.1 Generic Matrix (Table 2)-The intersections in the
in Section 10 of Recommended Guide E 584.
master matrix (Table 1) identify generic subject matrices,
whose intersections in turn represent and identify areas that
may require subordinate matrices or specific standards.
2. Referenced Documents
Those functional activities for the systems and components
2.1 ASTM Standards:
to be considered in the generic matrix for the receipt and
E 583 Practice for Systematizing the Development of
storage of light-water reactor spent fuel are given in Table 2
(ASTM) Voluntary Consensus Standards for the Solu-
as an example.
tion of Nuclear and Other Complex Problems2
5.2 Work Plan:
E 584 Recommended Guide for Developing the (ASTM)
5.2.1 Subcommittee C26.91 on Long Range Planning
Voluntary Consensus Standards Required to Help Im-
shall establish a priority plan for the development of subor-
plement the National Energy Plan2
dinate matrices as delineated by the intersections of the
E 846 Matrix for Light-Water Reactor Spent-Fuel Trans-
master matrix. The priority establishment shall be an evolu-
tionary process based on the state of development and the
commercial viability of the particular reactor type and its
3. Significance and Use fuel cycle, in accordance with the national policy.
5.2.2 The matrix shall be developed in sufficient detail to
3.1 The nuclear fuel cycle is an important segment of the
identify the systems and components and their respective
nuclear energy production system, and perhaps its most
functiona activities,
complex one. As the fuel cycle industry develops, many
5.2.3 The task group shall expand the generic matrix in
ramifications of practices, procedures, and definitions will
accordance with 5.2.2 in sufficient detail to permit identifi-
occur, and standards will be needed. To provide a framework
cation of the potential need for standards. The categories of
for early organization of these needs, Practice E 583 and
potentially needed standards are identified as follows: (I)
Recommended Guide E 584 were devised. The intent of this
measurement/test procedure, (2) performance, (3) process/
nuclear fuel cycle standard is to provide the framework, by
methods, (4) materials, and (5) nomenclature and defini-
using a matrix, for the identification and classification of
tions. The task group shall also identify “need areas” based
areas where consensus standards potentially will be needed,
upon the following criteria: (1) safety, (2) safeguards, (3)
This standard will provide guidance for establishing priori-
facilitation of licensing process, (4) standardization of proce-
dures, methods, terminology, and (5) facilitation of equip-
ment and material interchangeability. Existing standards will
’ This matrix is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C-26 on Nuclear
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