ASTM E2086-00
(Guide)Standard Guide for Internet and Intranet Healthcare Security (Withdrawn 2009)
Standard Guide for Internet and Intranet Healthcare Security (Withdrawn 2009)
This guide recommends security mechanisms for protection of healthcare information transmitted using the IPS. The IPS consists of multiple protocol layers.
The lowest layer which can provide end–to–end security is the Internet Protocol (IP). IP may run over a variety of subnetwork technologies, such as Ethernet, X.25, ATM, and even asynchronous dial–up lines. While it is possible to provide security services directly over those technologies, such approaches only protect a single subnetwork and are not discussed further.
A variety of protocols may be run on top of IP. These include the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which provides reliable, sequenced data delivery (sessions), and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), which provides unsequenced data delivery (datagrams). Other protocols at this layer include various routing and configuration protocols used by the network itself.
Application protocols typically make use of either TCP or UDP. A variety of standard application protocols have been defined for such applications as file transfer (FTP), electronic mail (SMTP), and the World Wide Web (HTTP). Some applications have their own security requirements, dictated by the structure of the application or its protocols.
The remainder of this guide is organized as follows: Section 5 discusses security threats and the countermeasures which can be used to protect against these threats. Section 6 presents a brief overview of cryptography, as most network security mechanisms rely on its use. Section 7 distinguishes between network and application security and discusses when each level of security might be useful. The remaining sections recommend specific security protocols and mechanisms for both network and application security needs.
1.1 This guide covers mechanisms that can be used to protect healthcare information which is being transmitted over networks using the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS). This includes the actual Internet itself, as well as corporate intranets constructed from off-the-shelf components implementing these protocols. An organization's security policy will determine when these mechanisms are used, based on risk analysis.
1.2 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is defining security standards for use with the IPS. This guide covers the relevant standards and recommends, where needed, particular options (such as cryptographic transformations) to be used with the standards. Most standards referenced here are proposed standards issues as Request for Comments (RFC's). Some are in the draft stage, but are stable enough (and widely enough implemented) to be recommended for use at this time.
This guide covers mechanisms that can be used to protect healthcare information which is being transmitted over networks using the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS). This includes the actual Internet itself, as well as corporate intranets constructed from off–the–shelf components implementing these protocols. An organization's security policy will determine when these mechanisms are used, based on risk analysis.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee E31 on Healthcare Informatics, this guide was withdrawn in February 2009 in accordance with section of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, which requires that standards shall be updated by the end of the eighth year since the last approval date.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information
An American National Standard
Standard Guide for
Internet and Intranet Healthcare Security
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 2086; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope RFC 2440 OpenPGP Message Format
RFC 2451 The ESP CBC-Mode Cipher Algorithms
1.1 This guide covers mechanisms that can be used to
RFC 2560 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Online
protect healthcare information which is being transmitted over
Certificate Status Protocol
networks using the Internet Protocol Suite (IPS). This includes
RFC 2630 Cryptographic Message Syntax
the actual Internet itself, as well as corporate intranets con-
RFC 2631 Diffie-Hellman Key Agreement Method
structed from off–the–shelf components implementing these
RFC 2632 S/MIME Version 3 Certificate Handling
protocols. An organization’s security policy will determine
RFC 2633 S/MIME Version 3 Message Specification
when these mechanisms are used, based on risk analysis.
RFC 2634 Enhanced Security Services for S/MIME
1.2 The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is defining
security standards for use with the IPS. This guide covers the
2.2 Other Standards:
relevant standards and recommends, where needed, particular
FIPS PUB 180–1 Secure Hash Algorithm
the standards. Most standards referenced here are proposed
3. Terminology
standards issued as Requests for Comments (RFCs). Some are
3.1 Definitions:
in the draft stage, but are stable enough (and widely enough
3.1.1 algorithm—a clearly specified mathematical process
implemented) to be recommended for use at this time.
for computation; a set of rules which, if followed, will give a
2. Referenced Documents prescribed result.
3.1.2 asymmetric cryptography—cryptographic algorithm
2.1 IETF Standards:
that uses two related keys, a public key and a private key; the
RFC 1510 Kerberos Authentication Service
two algorithm keys have the property that, given the public
RFC 1777 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v2)
key, it is computationally infeasible to derive the private key.
RFC 2251 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3)
3.1.3 authentication—the corroboration that the source of
RFCs 1901–1910 Simple Network Management Protocol
data received is as claimed.
RFC 1945 Hypertext Transfer Protocol
3.1.4 authorization—the granting of rights.
RFC 1964 Kerberos v5 GSS-API Mechanism
3.1.5 cipher text—data in its enciphered form.
RFC 2246 The TLS Protocol Version 1.0
3.1.6 clear text—data in its original, unencrypted form.
RFC 2401 Security Architecture for the Internet Protocol
3.1.7 confidentiality—the property that information is not
RFC 2402 IP Authentication Header
made available to or disclosed to unauthorized individuals,
RFC 2403 The Use of HMAC-MD5–96 within ESPandAH
entities, and processes.
RFC 2404 The Use of HMAC-SHA-196 within ESP and
3.1.8 cryptographic checkvalue—a value computed using a
shared secret key and a data unit, which can be used to provide
RFC 2406 IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP)
data integrity and authentication services.
RFC 2407 The Internet IP Security Domain of Interpreta-
3.1.9 cryptography—the discipline which embodies prin-
tion for ISAKMP
ciples, means, and methods for the transformation of data in
RFC 2408 Internet Security Association and Key Manage-
order to hide its information content, prevent its undetected
ment Protocol (ISAKMP)
modification, prevent its unauthorized use or a combination
RFC 2409 The Internet Key Exchange (IKE)
RFC 2411 IP Security Document Roadmap
3.1.10 datagram—a data unit that is delivered indepen-
dently of other data units transmitted over a network.
This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E31 on Healthcare
3.1.11 data integrity—a property whereby data has not been
Informatics , and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E31.25 on Healthcare
altered or destroyed.
Management, Security, Confidentiality, and Privacy.
Current edition approved April 10, 2000. Published June 2000.
Available on line at
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
3.1.12 decryption—a process of transforming ciphertext 3.2.12 HMAC—Hashed Message Authentication Code
into plaintext. 3.2.13 HTTP—HyperText Transfer Protocol
3.2.14 IDUP—Independent Data Unit Protection
3.1.13 digital signature—a cryptographic transformation of
data which, when associated with a data unit, provides the 3.2.15 IETF—Internet Engineering Task Force
3.2.16 IP—Internet Protocol
services of origin authentication, data integrity, and signer
non–repudiation. 3.2.17 IPS—Internet Protocol Suite
3.2.18 IPSEC—Internet Protocol Security
3.1.14 encryption—a process of transforming plain text
(readable) into cipher text (unreadable) for the purpose of 3.2.19 ISAKMP—Internet Security Association and Key
Management Protocol
security or privacy.
3.2.20 LAN—Local Area Network
3.1.15 encryption key—a binary number used to transform
3.2.21 MD—Message Digest
plain text into ciphertext.
3.2.22 MIME—Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
3.1.16 gateway—a computer system or other device that
3.2.23 PCT—Private Communications Technology
acts as a translator between two systems that do not use the
3.2.24 PIN—Personal Identification Number
same communications protocols, data formatting, structures,
3.2.25 PKCS—Public–Key Cryptography Standards
languages, or architecture, or a combination thereof.
3.2.26 RFC—Requests for Comment
3.1.17 intranet—an internal corporate network which uses
3.2.27 RSA—Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman
the Internet protocol suite (TCP, IP, etc.)
3.2.28 SHA-1—Secure Hash Algorithm
3.1.18 non–repudiation—this service provides proof of the
3.2.29 S–HTTP—Secure HyperText Transfer Protocol
3.2.30 S/MIME—Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Exten-
which can be verified by any party.
3.1.19 plain text—data in its original, unencrypted form.
3.2.31 SMTP—Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
3.1.20 repudiation—the denial by a user of having partici-
3.2.32 SSL—Secure Socket Layer
pated in part or all of a communication. (See non–repudiation,
3.2.33 TCP—Transmission Control Protocol
which has the opposite meaning.)
3.2.34 TLSP—Transport Layer Security Protocol
3.1.21 replay—the process of sending a previously sent
3.2.35 UDP—User Datagram Protocol
message as a method of perpetrating a fraud.
3.2.36 VPN—Virtual Private Network
3.1.22 security association—the relationship between two
3.2.37 WAN—Wide Area Network
entities which allows the protection of information communi-
3.2.38 WWW—World Wide Web
cated between the entities. Discussion—This relationship includes a shared
4. Significance and Use
symmetric key, and security attributes describing the relation-
4.1 This guide recommends security mechanisms for pro-
ship. The security association is used to negotiate the charac-
tection of healthcare information transmitted using the IPS.
teristics of these protection mechanisms, but does not include
The IPS consists of multiple protocol layers.
the protection mechanisms themselves.
4.2 Thelowestlayerwhichcanprovideend–to–endsecurity
3.1.23 session—logical relationship between two network
is the Internet Protocol (IP). IP may run over a variety of
endpoints that supports a user or network application.
subnetwork technologies, such as Ethernet, X.25, ATM, and
3.1.24 subnetwork—a network segment, usually with its
even asynchronous dial–up lines. While it is possible to
own address.
provide security services directly over those technologies, such
3.1.25 symmetric encryption—encryptionusingasinglekey
approaches only protect a single subnetwork and are not
to encrypt and decrypt which both the sender and receiver hold
discussed further.
4.3 A variety of protocols may be run on top of IP. These
3.1.26 virtual private network—a network which uses the
include the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP), which pro-
Internet as a carrier, but is operated as a dedicated point-to-
vides reliable, sequenced data delivery (sessions), and the User
point network.
Datagram Protocol (UDP), which provides unsequenced data Discussion—Encryption is used to segregate and
delivery (datagrams). Other protocols at this layer include
protect the VPN’s data when it is conveyed over the Internet.
various routing and configuration protocols used by the net-
3.2 Acronyms:Acronyms:
work itself.
3.2.1 AH—Authentication Header
4.4 Application protocols typically make use of either TCP
3.2.2 API—Application Programming Interface
or UDP. A variety of standard application protocols have been
3.2.3 ASTM—American Society for Testing and Materials
defined for such applications as file transfer (FTP), electronic
3.2.4 ATM—Asynchronous Transfer Mode
mail (SMTP), and the World Wide Web (HTTP). Some
3.2.5 DEC—Digital Equipment Corporation
applications have their own security requirements, dictated by
3.2.6 DES—Data Encryption Standard
the structure of the application or its protocols.
3.2.7 DSA—Digital Signature Algorithm
4.5 The remainder of this guide is organized as follows:
3.2.8 EDI—Electronic Data Interchange
Section 5 discusses security threats and the countermeasures
3.2.9 ESP—Encapsulating Security Payload
which can be used to protect against these threats. Section 6
3.2.10 FTP—File Transfer Protocol
presents a brief overview of cryptography, as most network
3.2.11 GSS—Generic Security Services security mechanisms rely on its use. Section 7 distinguishes
between network and application security and discusses when integrity, in which the integrity service is applied to a sequence
each level of security might be useful. The remaining sections number or other sequencing information.
recommend specific security protocols and mechanisms for 5.2.6 Non–repudiationoforiginanddeliveryprotectagainst
both network and application security needs. an originator or recipient falsely denying originating or receiv-
ing a message. This service provides proof (to a third party) of
5. Threats and Countermeasures origin or receipt, and is provided using digital signatures.
5.1 This section covers the principal threats to a system. In
6. Cryptography Overview
some cases, security services can prevent an attack; in other
cases, they merely detect an attack. 6.1 Cryptographyistheartorscienceofkeepingdatasecure
from disclosure, modification, and forgery. It is particularly
5.1.1 Masquerade occurs when an entity successfully pre-
appropriate in today’s computing environment, given the
tends to be another entity.This includes impersonation of users
increasing use of networks to connect systems (implying more,
or system components, as well as falsely claiming origination
or acknowledging receipt of a message or transaction. possibly unknown users may access data), the increasing
amount of sensitive data being conveyed on these networks,
5.1.2 Modification of information can include modification
legal requirements for protection of data, and the ease and low
of message or data content, as well as destruction of messages,
cost of network attack.
data, or management information. This includes message
6.2 Encryption can be used to provide confidentiality and
sequencing threats, which occur when the order of messages is
integrity services. Following are two types of encryption
5.1.3 Unauthorized disclosure threats include revealing
6.2.1 In symmetric (conventional) cryptography, the sender
message contents or other data, as well as information derived
and recipient share a secret key. This key is used by the
from observing traffic flow, as well as revealing information
originator to encrypt a message and by the recipient to decrypt
held in storage on an open system.
a message.The Data Encryption Standard (DES) is an example
5.1.4 Repudiation occurs when a user or the system denies
of a symmetric cryptosystem. Confidentiality is provided by
having performed some action, such as origination or reception
encrypting the message under a shared key. Integrity and
of a message.
authentication are supported by computing a cryptographic
5.1.5 Denial of service threats prevent the system from
checkvalue, or authenticator, over the message, using a key
performing its functions. This may be accomplished by attacks
shared by the originator and recipient.
on the underlying communications infrastructure, attacks on
6.2.2 In asymmetric (public key) cryptography, different
the underlying applications, or by flooding the system with
keys are used to encrypt and decrypt a message. Each user is
extra traffic.
associated with a pair of keys. One key (the public key)is
5.2 The following services protect against the threats de-
publicly known and is used to encrypt messages destined for
scribed in 5.1.1-5.1.5.
that user. The private key is known only to the user and is used
5.2.1 Peer entity authentication provides proof of the iden-
to decrypt incoming messages. RSA (named after the inven-
tity of communicating parties. Various types of authentication
tors’ initials) is the most well-known asymmetric algorithm.
6.3 Some asymmetric algorithms, such as RSA, can also
on digital signatures or other cryptographic mechanisms.
provide authentication, integrity, and non-repudiation when
5.2.2 Data origin authentication counters the threat of
used as follows:
masquerade and is provided using digital signatures or other
6.3.1 To sign a data unit, the user encrypts it under his
cryptographic integrity mechanisms.
private key.
5.2.3 Access control counters the threat of unauthorized
6.3.2 To verify the data unit, the recipient decrypts it with
disclosure or modification of data. This is particularly appro-
the originator’s public key.
priate on an end system. A variety of access control strategies
6.3.3 If the message is successfully decrypted, it must have
been encrypted by the originator, who is the only entity that
security labels. Since access control is typically provided on an
knows the corresponding private key.
end system, it is not discussed further in this guide.
6.3.4 A digital signature is, then, a piece of data appended
5.2.4 Confidentiality counters the threat of unauthorized
to a message, generated from the message and the signer’s
disclosure, par
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