ASTM E1301-95(2003)
(Guide)Standard Guide for Proficiency Testing by Interlaboratory Comparisons (Withdrawn 2003)
Standard Guide for Proficiency Testing by Interlaboratory Comparisons (Withdrawn 2003)
1.1 While there are a number of uses for interlaboratory tests, and variations in their design and implementation, it is still possible to specify the essential principles that need to be considered when organizing such tests. Part A of this guide defines those principles and describes the factors that should be taken into account in the organization and conduct of proficiency testing programs.
1.2 This guide also covers how laboratory accrediting bodies, which assess technical competence of testing laboratories, should select and use proficiency testing programs (refer to Part B).
1.3 Part A of the guide is intended for use by various parties, such as accrediting bodies, regulatory authorities and clients of laboratory services which have a need to assess the technical competence of laboratories. It is also useful for laboratories in self-evaluation, but recognizes that proficiency testing is only one mechanism that can contribute to establishing equivalent confidence among users of different testing laboratories.
1.4 It is currently a condition of some accreditation bodies that laboratories participate regularly in "approved" proficiency testing programs. Therefore, it is essential that program operators comply with principles for conduct of professionally managed proficiency programs, both in terms of technical requirements and quality management (see Annex A1 and Annex A2).
1.5 The methods of operation within different proficiency testing organizations are not expected to be identical and this guide does not give specific operational details for interlaboratory test comparisons. It does, however, cover both measurement comparison and testing programs in which large numbers of laboratories (over 20) or small groups of laboratories (1 to 20) are tested. Therefore, the contents of this guide are intended only as a framework to be modified appropriately for particular situations.
1.6 A list of some relevant references is given in Appendix X1.
While there are a number of uses for interlaboratory tests, and variations in their design and implementation, it is still possible to specify the essential principles that need to be considered when organizing such tests.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee E36 on Accreditation Certification, this guide was withdrawn in July 2012 in accordance with section of the Regulations Governing ASTM Technical Committees, which requires that standards shall be updated by the end of the eighth year since the last approval date.
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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An American National Standard
Designation: E1301 – 95 (Reapproved 2003)
Standard Guide for
Proficiency Testing by Interlaboratory Comparisons
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E1301; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
Proficiency testing is the use of interlaboratory test comparisons to determine the performance of
individual laboratories for specific tests and to monitor the consistency and comparability of a
laboratory’s test data.
Interlaboratory test comparisons are conducted for a number of other purposes including:
(1) Check the consistency and comparability of data for individual testing personnel;
(2) Assist in maintaining the calibration of instrumentation;
(3) Establish the effectiveness and comparability of new test methods;
(4) Achieve commercial improvement;
(5) Assist in determining reasons for interlaboratory differences;
(6) Determine the precision of a test method—often known as interlaboratory studies (see Practice
E691), collaborative trials, or round-robins; and
(7) Assign values to certified reference materials (CRMs).
Participation in proficiency testing programs provides laboratories with an objective means of
assessing and demonstrating the reliability of the data they are producing.Although there are several
types of proficiency testing programs, they all share the common feature of the comparison of test
results obtained by two or more laboratories.
One of the main uses of proficiency testing programs is to assess laboratories’ ability to perform
tests competently. It thus supplements laboratories’ own internal quality control procedures by
providing an additional external evaluation of their testing capability. These activities also comple-
accrediting bodies. Confidence that a testing or calibration laboratory consistently obtains reliable
results is of major importance to users of laboratory services. Users seeking such an assurance may
undertake their own evaluation or may use the evaluation of other bodies.
Bodies assessing the technical competence of testing laboratories normally require or expect
test results, except where proficiency testing is inappropriate. However, it is emphasized that a major
distinction exists between:
(1) Theevaluationofthecompetenceofalaboratorybytheassessmentofitstotaloperationagainst
pre-determined requirements, and
(2) The examination of the results of a laboratory’s participation in proficiency testing which may
only be considered as giving information about the technical competence of the testing laboratory at
a single point of time under the specific conditions of the test for tests involved in a particular
proficiency testing program.
1. Scope
1.1 While there are a number of uses for interlaboratory
tests, and variations in their design and implementation, it is
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E36 onAccreditation
still possible to specify the essential principles that need to be
& Certification and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E36.60 on
Accreditation Bodies. considered when organizing such tests. Part A of this guide
Current edition approved June 10, 2003. Published June 2003. Originally
approved in 1989. Last previous edition approved in 1995 as E1301 – 05. DOI:
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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E1301 – 95 (2003)
taken into account in the organization and conduct of profi- with Reference Materials
ciency testing programs.
1.2 This guide also covers how laboratory accrediting bod-
3. Terminology
ies, which assess technical competence of testing laboratories,
3.1 Definitions—For formal definitions related to laboratory
should select and use proficiency testing programs (refer to
accreditation, Terminology E1187 applies. For formal defini-
Part B).
tions related to quality and statistics, Terminology E456
1.3 PartAoftheguideisintendedforusebyvariousparties,
applies. In addition, the following terms and their definitions
such as accrediting bodies, regulatory authorities and clients of
are provided for ease of reference.
laboratory services which have a need to assess the technical
3.1.1 accuracy—the closeness of agreement between a test
competence of laboratories. It is
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