ASTM E2354-04
(Guide)Standard Guide for Assessing the Durability of Absorptive Electrochromic Coatings within Sealed Insulating Glass Units
Standard Guide for Assessing the Durability of Absorptive Electrochromic Coatings within Sealed Insulating Glass Units
1.1 This guide provides the recommended sequence for using the referenced ASTM test methods for assessing the durability of absorptive electrochromic coatings (ECCs) within sealed insulating glass units. Cross sections of typical electrochromic windows (ECWs) have three to five-layers of coatings that include one to three active layers sandwiched between two transparent conducting electrodes (TCEs, see Section 3). Examples of the cross-sectional arrangements can be found in "Evaluation Criteria and Test Methods for Electrochromic Windows." (For a list of acronyms used in this Standard, see Appendix X1, Section X1.1).
1.2 This guide is applicable only for layered (one or more active coatings between the TCEs) absorptive ECCs on vision glass (superstrate and substrate) areas planned for use in IGUs for buildings, such as glass doors, windows, skylights, and exterior wall systems. The layers used for electrochromically changing the optical properties may be inorganic or organic materials between the superstrate and substrate.
1.3 The ECCs used in this guide will ultimately be exposed (Test Method E 2141) to solar radiation and deployed to control the amount of radiation by absorption and reflection and thus, limit the solar heat gain and amount of solar radiation that is transmitted into the building.
1.4 This guide is not applicable to other types of coatings on vision glass with other chromogenic coatings, for example, photochromic and thermochromic coatings.
1.5 This guide is not applicable to IGUs that will be constructed from superstrate or substrate materials other than glass.
1.6 The test methods referenced in this guide are laboratory test methods conducted under specified conditions.
1.7 The values stated in metric (SI) units are to be regarded as the standard.
1.8 There is no comparable International Standards Organization Standard.
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory requirements prior to use.
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
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Standard Guide for
Assessing the Durability of Absorptive Electrochromic
Coatings within Sealed Insulating Glass Units
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E2354; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision.Anumber in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.8 There is no comparable International Standards Organi-
zation Standard.
1.1 This guide provides the recommended sequence for
1.9 This standard does not purport to address all of the
using the referenced ASTM test methods for assessing the
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
sealed insulating glass units. Cross sections of typical electro-
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.
transparent conducting electrodes (TCEs, see Section 3). Ex-
2. Referenced Documents
amples of the cross-sectional arrangements can be found in
2.1 ASTM Standards:
“Evaluation Criteria and Test Methods for Electrochromic
C168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation
Windows.” (For a list of acronyms used in this Standard, see
E2094 Practice for Evaluating the Service Life of Chro-
Appendix X1, Section X1.1).
mogenic Glazings
1.2 This guide is applicable only for layered (one or more
E2141 Test Methods for Assessing the Durability of Ab-
active coatings between the TCEs) absorptive ECCs on vision
sorptive Electrochromic Coatings on Sealed Insulating
glass (superstrate and substrate) areas planned for use in IGUs
Glass Units
for buildings, such as glass doors, windows, skylights, and
E2188 Test Method for Insulating Glass Unit Performance
exterior wall systems. The layers used for electrochromically
E2190 Specification for Insulating Glass Unit Performance
changing the optical properties may be inorganic or organic
and Evaluation
materials between the superstrate and substrate.
E2240 Test Method for Assessing the Current-Voltage Cy-
1.3 The ECCs used in this guide will ultimately be exposed
cling Stability at 90°C (194°F) ofAbsorptive Electrochro-
mic Coatings on Sealed Insulating Glass Units
the amount of radiation by absorption and reflection and thus,
E2241 Test Method for Assessing the Current-Voltage Cy-
limit the solar heat gain and amount of solar radiation that is
cling Stability at Room Temperature of Absorptive Elec-
transmitted into the building.
trochromic Coatings on Sealed Insulating Glass Units
1.4 Thisguideisnotapplicabletoothertypesofcoatingson
E2355 Test Method for Measuring the Uniformity of an
vision glass with other chromogenic coatings, for example,
Absorptive Electrochromic Coating on a Glazing Surface
photochromic and thermochromic coatings.
1.5 This guide is not applicable to IGUs that will be
NOTE 1—the following draft standards will be added to this guide after
constructed from superstrate or substrate materials other than they have been successfully balloted.
ERRR Test Method for Measuring the Stability to Thermal
1.6 The test methods referenced in this guide are laboratory Shock of Sealed Insulating Glass Units with an Operating
Absorptive Electrochromic Coating
test methods conducted under specified conditions.
1.7 The values stated in metric (SI) units are to be regarded EZZZ Test Method for Assessing the Stability in High
Humidity and Cyclic Temperature Environments of an
as the standard.
Absorptive Electrochromic Coating within Sealed Insulat-
ing Glass Units
This guide is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E06 on Performance
2.2 Canadian Standard:
of Buildings and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee E06.22 on Durability
Performance of Building Constructions.
Current edition approved April 1, 2004. Published April 2004. DOI: 10.1520/
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or
Czanderna,A. W., and Lampert, C. M., “Evaluation Criteria and Test Methods contact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTM
forElectrochromicWindows,” SERI/PR-255-3537,SolarEnergyResearchInstitute, Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
Golden, CO, July 1990. the ASTM website.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
CAN/CGSB12.8 Insulating Glass Units 3.2.13 performance parameters—the photopic transmit-
tance ratio (PTR), of at least 5:1 (PTR = t /t ) between the
b c
bleached (for example, t of 60 to 70%) and colored (for
3. Terminology
example, t of12to14%)states;coloringandbleachingtimes
3.1 Definitions—Refer to Terminology C168 for definitions
of a few minutes; switching with applied voltages from ~1 to
of general terms.
3 V; and open-circuit memory of a few hours, for example,
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
3.2.1 accelerated aging test—anagingtestinwhichtherate
to 24 h.
of degradation of building components or materials is inten-
3.2.14 sealed insulating glass unit—is defined in Test
tionally accelerated from that expected in actual service.
Method E2190 but see also Appendix X1, Section X1.3.
3.2.2 bleached state—a descriptor for an ECW when no
3.2.15 serviceability—the capability of a building product,
ions reside in the electrochromic layer or after ions have been
component, assembly or construction to perform the func-
removed (or inserted, depending on the type of material) from
tion(s) for which it was designed and constructed.
the electrochromic layer(s) and if applicable, the maximum
3.2.16 service life (of a building component or material)—
number of ions have been returned to the counterelectrode
the period of time after installation during which all properties
layer to restore the photopic optical specular transmittance in
exceed minimum acceptable values when routinely main-
the bleached state (t ) from that of the photopic optical
specular transmittance in the colored state (t ).
3.3 Foradditionalusefuldefinitionsforterminologyusedin
3.2.3 chromogenic glazing—is defined in Practice E2094,
this standard, see Appendix X1, Section X1.3.
but also see Appendix X1, Section X1.3.
3.2.4 colored state—a descriptor for an ECW after ions
4. Significance and Use
have been inserted (or removed, depending on the type of
4.1 This guide provides a recommended systematic se-
material) into the electrochromic layer and, if applicable,
removed from the counterelectrode layer to reduce the photo-
durability of ECWs as described in section 1.2. (SeeAppen-
pic optical specular transmittance (of wavelengths from 400
dix X1, Section X1.4.)
nm to 730 nm) from that in the bleached state (t ).
4.2 This guide provides a summary of the durability issues
3.2.5 control parameters for an electrochromic coating
addressed by each of the series of standards that are necessary
(ECC)—the time dependent voltage or current profile that is
for establishing a service lifetime of electrochromic coatings
(ECCs) in insulating glass units (IGUs). When fully imple-
mented in buildings in the U.S., ECCs in IGUs have the
changes from the bleached state to the colored state and back
to the bleached state.
for all uses—not just buildings. Many of the standards that
3.2.6 durability—the capability of maintaining the service-
have been and are being developed for the durability of sealed
a specified time.
the long-term national mission of replacing currently used
3.2.7 electrochromic coating (ECC)—the multilayered ma-
windows with IGUs with ECCs, and these are cited in the
terials that include the electrochromic layers, other layers, and
referenced standards. IGUs with ECCs will, of necessity, have
transparent conducting oxide layers required for altering the
to be able to pass the applicable standards listed in Appendix
optical properties of the coating.
X1, Section X1.4, as well as an ASTM standard on wind
3.2.8 electrochromic layer(s)—the material(s) in an ECW
loading for IGUs. Passing these will not be sufficient because
that alter its optical properties in response to the insertion or
the operating temperatures of ECCs in IGUs is likely to be
+ +
removal of ions, for example, Li or H .
90°C (194°F) at the center-of glass, whereas the highest
3.2.9 electrochromic window (ECW)—a device with an
temperature used in Test Methods E773 or E2188 is 60°C
ECC consisting of several layers of electrochromic and atten-
(140°F). Listings of existing and proposed standards are given
in Table 1 and in Appendix X1, Section X1.4.
response to a change in an applied electric field. The change-
able optical properties include transmittance, reflectance, and 5. Background
absorptance result in changes in the solar heat gain, visible
5.1 Observations and measurements have shown that some
transmittance, and U-factor of the window.
of the performance parameters of ECWs have a tendency to
3.2.10 fenestration—the placement of openings in a build-
deteriorate over time. In selecting the materials, device design,
ing, that is, a window, door, or skylight and its associated
and glazing for any application, the ability of the glazing to
interior or exterior elements such as shades or blinds.
perform over time is an indication of that glazing’s durability.
3.2.11 ion conducting layer—the material in an ECC
The ability of the product to perform over time, at or better
layer and the ion storage layer and electron transport is
Czanderna, A. W., Benson, D. K., Jorgensen, G. J., Zhang, J-G., Tracy, C. E.,
and Deb, S. K., “Durability Issues and Service Lifetime Prediction of Electrochro-
3.2.12 ion storage layer or counter electrode layer—the
mic Windows for BuildingsApplications,” NREL/TP-510-22702, National Renew-
material in an ECC that serves as a reservoir for ions that can
able Energy Laboratory, Golden, CO, May 1997; Solar Energy Materials and Solar
be inserted into the electrochromic layer. Cells, 56, 1999, pp. 419-436.
TABLE 1 Recommended Sequence for Using the Referenced or Planned Test Methods or Practice to Address Questions about the
Durability or Service Lifetime of ECCs within an IGU
STM or SP Qualification or Durability Question Addressed
Stability of the ECC within an IGU
E2355 Will the ECC in the IGU pass initial uniformity inspection and transmittance measurements in the colored and bleached states? This test
method shall also be used to demonstrate if an acceptable uniformity is maintained after the specimens have been subjected to one or more
of the accelerated life tests.
E2241 Can the ECC survive 50 000 current-voltage (coloring/bleaching) cycles at room temperature without a loss in performance below an
acceptable level”?
E2240 Can the ECC survive 50 000 current-voltage (coloring/bleaching) cycles at the anticipated highest operating temperature of 90°C (194°F)
without a loss in performance below an acceptable level”?
E2141 Can the ECC survive 50 000 current-voltage (coloring/bleaching) cycles at 90°C (194°F) in the presence of UV without a loss in performance
below an acceptable level”?
Assessing the Durability of the ECC within an IGU and of the Stability and Durability of the IGU
E RRRERRR Will simulate the effect of a sudden rainstorm. Can the ECC/IGU survive (pass) a sudden exposure to a spray of water at 25°C (77°F) when
the coating temperature is at 90°C (194°F) at the center-of glass, just prior to the sudden exposure (no cracking of coatings or seal failures)?
E2188 Can the ECC in an IGU pass the “Standard Test Method for Insulating Glass Unit Performance” as given in Specification E2190?
E2189 Can the ECW in an IGU pass the “Standard Test Method for Testing Resistance to Fogging in Insulating Glass Units” as given in Specification
E ZZZEZZZ Will the ECC and the IGU survive testing in high humidity at xx°C (yy°F) and 200 thermal cycles between –30°C (-22°F) and xx°C (yy°F)?
Establishing the Service Lifetime of the ECC within an IGU
E2094 Can a service lifetime be established and what is that lifetime?
than specified requirements, is an indication of the service life 5.4 Degradation factors (or stresses) for ECWs include the
of the glazings. While these two indicators are related, the ion insertion and removal processes; temperature; solar radia-
purpose of this guide is to provide a recommended sequence tion (especially UV); water vapor; atmospheric gases and
for assessing the durability of absorptive ECCs within sealed pollutants; thermal stresses such as shock from sudden rain, as
IGUs. well as during the diurnal and annual temperature cycles;
5.2 ECWs perform a number of important functions in a electrochemically induced stresses in the multilayer thin-film
building envelope including: minimizing the solar energy heat device; hail, dust, and wind; condensation and evaporation of
gain; providing for passive solar energy gain; controlling a water; and thermal expansion mismatches. These factors
variable visual connection with the outside world; enhancing may singularly or collectively limit the stability and durability
human comfort (heat gain), security, ventilation, illumination, of ECWs. Because the ECWs are expected to have the
and glare control; providing for architectural expression, and multilayerofcoatingsononeofthesurfacesintheairspaceof
(possibly) improving acoustical performance. Some of these double-pane or triple-pane IG units with an inert gas fill in the
functionsmaydeteriorateinperformanceovertime.Solarheat sealed space, many factors such as high humidity, atmospheric
gain through an ECW is decreased because of two principal gases and pollutants, condensation and evaporation of water,
processes. Energy from the visible part of the spectrum is and dust should not affect the durability of electrochromic
absorbed by an ECW in the colored state. In a
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