Standard Test Methods for Shear Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes

1.1 This test method describes procedures for determining the ability of pressure-sensitive tapes to remain adhered under constant load applied parallel to the surface of the tape and substrate.
1.1.1 Procedure A measures the shear adhesion when applied to a vertical standard steel panel.
1.1.2 Procedure B measures the shear adhesion when applied to vertical panel covered with NIST SRM 1810A standard fiberboard.
1.1.3 Procedure C measures the shear adhesion when applied to a vertical panel covered with a fiberboard as defined by Comite Europeen de Normalisation (CEN).
1.1.4 Procedure D measures shear adhesion when applied to a vertical panel covered with a fiberboard agreed upon by the buyer and seller.
1.1.5 Procedure E measures shear adhesion of filament reinforced tape when applied to a horizontal standard steel panel.
1.1.6 Procedure F measures shear adhesion of a filament reinforced tape when applied to a horizontal panel covered with NIST SRM 1810A standard fiberboard.
1.1.7 Procedure G measures the shear adhesion of a filament reinforced tape when applied to a horizontal panel covered with a standard fiberboard defined by CEN.
1.1.8 Procedure H measures the shear adhesion the same as Procedure A except the test is conducted at an elevated temperature and after a 10-min dwell time at the elevated temperature.
1.2 These procedures provide a means of assessing the uniformity of the adhesive of a given type of pressure-sensitive tape, usually tapes used for packaging applications. The assessment may be within a roll of tape, between rolls or production lots.
1.2.1 Variations in the tape backing and adhesive affect the response; therefore, these procedures cannot be used to pinpoint the specific cause(s) of nonuniformity.
1.2.2 This test method is intended to replace AFERA 4012, CEN 1943, and PSTC (see 7.2).

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ASTM D3654/D3654M-00e1 - Standard Test Methods for Shear Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes
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Designation: D 3654/D 3654M – 00
Standard Test Methods for
Shear Adhesion of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 3654/D 3654M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
e NOTE—Editorial corrections were made in October 2000.
1. Scope CEN 1943, and PSTC (see 7.2).
1.1 This test method describes procedures for determining
2. Referenced Documents
the ability of pressure-sensitive tapes to remain adhered under
2.1 ASTM Standards:
constant load applied parallel to the surface of the tape and
A 666 Specification for Annealed or Cold-Worked Austen-
itic Stainless Steel, Sheet, Strip, Plate and Flat Bar
1.1.1 Procedure A measures the shear adhesion when ap-
D 3715/D 3715M Practice for Quality Assurance of
plied to a vertical standard steel panel.
Pressure-Sensitive Tapes
1.1.2 Procedure B measures the shear adhesion when ap-
D 5750/D 5750M Guide for Width and Length of Pressure-
plied to vertical panel covered with NIST SRM 1810A stan-
Sensitive Tape
dard fiberboard.
E 122 Practice for Choice of Sample Size to Estimate a
1.1.3 Procedure C measures the shear adhesion when ap-
Measure of Quality for a Lot or Process
plied to a vertical panel covered with a fiberboard as defined by
2.2 AFERA Standard:
Comite Europeen de Normalisation (CEN).
AFERA 4012 Self-Adhesive Tapes—Measurement of Static
1.1.4 Procedure D measures shear adhesion when applied to
Shear Adhesion
a vertical panel covered with a fiberboard agreed upon by the
2.3 CEN Standard:
buyer and seller.
EN 1943 Self-Adhesive Tapes—Measurement of Static
1.1.5 Procedure E measures shear adhesion of filament
Shear Adhesion
reinforced tape when applied to a horizontal standard steel
2.4 PSTC Standard:
PSTC-7 Holding Power of Pressure-Sensitive Tapes
1.1.6 Procedure F measures shear adhesion of a filament
reinforced tape when applied to a horizontal panel covered
3. Summary of Test Method
with NIST SRM 1810A standard fiberboard.
3.1 Procedure A, Shear Adhesion to Standard Steel
1.1.7 Procedure G measures the shear adhesion of a filament
Panel—A strip of tape is applied to a standard steel panel under
reinforced tape when applied to a horizontal panel covered
controlled roll down. The panel is mounted vertically, a
with a standard fiberboard defined by CEN.
standard mass is attached to the free end of the tape and the
1.1.8 Procedure H measures the shear adhesion the same as
time to failure is determined.
Procedure A except the test is conducted at an elevated
3.2 Procedure B, Shear Adhesion to a Standard (NIST)
temperature and after a 10-min dwell time at the elevated
Fiberboard—A strip of tape is applied to a panel covered with
NIST SRM 1810A fiberboard under controlled roll down. The
1.2 These procedures provide a means of assessing the
panel is mounted vertically, a standard mass is attached to the
uniformity of the adhesive of a given type of pressure-sensitive
free end of the tape and the time to failure determined.
tape, usually tapes used for packaging applications. The
3.3 Procedure C, Shear Adhesion to a Standard CEN
assessment may be within a roll of tape, between rolls or
Fiberboard—A strip of tape is applied to a panel covered with
production lots.
the CEN standard fiberboard under controlled roll down. The
1.2.1 Variations in the tape backing and adhesive affect the
response; therefore, these procedures cannot be used to pin-
point the specific cause(s) of nonuniformity.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
1.2.2 This test method is intended to replace AFERA 4012, 3
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 15.09.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
AFERA (Association des Fabricants Europeen de Rubans Auto-Adhesifs),
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D-10 on LAM, laan Copes van Cattenburch 79, NL–2858 EW., the Hague, the Netherlands.
Packaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D 10.14 on Tapes and EN (European Norm), available from COMITE Europeen de Normalisation,
Labels. CEN Rue de Stassart, 36, B-1050, Brussels, Belgium.
Current edition approved April 10, 2000. Published June 2000. Originally PSTC (Pressure Sensitive Tape Council), 400 N. Michigan Ave., No. 2200,
published as D 3654 – 78. Last previous edition D 3654/D 3654M – 96 . Chicago, IL 60611–4267.
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 3654/D 3654M
panel is mounted vertically, a standard mass is attached to the 4.3.2 The precision of tests conducted on nonstandard
free end of the tape and the time to failure is determined. surfaces may be different than that described in Section 13.
3.4 Procedure D, Shear Adhesion to a Fiberboard with 4.4 Procedures E, F, and G may be used to determine the
Controlled Roll Down—The panel is mounted vertically, a ability of a filament reinforced tape to hold when placed under
standard mass is attached to the free end of the tape and the constant stress.
time to failure is determined. 4.5 Procedure H may be used to compare the shear adhesion
3.5 Procedure E, Shear Adhesion to a Standard Steel of tape applied to a standard steel surface and tested at an
Panel—A strip of filament reinforced tape is applied to a elevated temperature. The use of an elevated temperature
standard steel panel with a 120° bend at one end with during test tends to reduce the duration of the test.
controlled roll down. The panel is mounted horizontally, tape
5. Apparatus
side up, with the free end of the tape allowed to hang vertically
, ,
7 8 9
over the rounded end. A standard mass is attached to the free 5.1 Specimen Cutter —The specimen cutter shall hold
end of the tape and allowed to act for the specified time. two single-edge razor blades in parallel planes, a precise
3.6 Procedure F, Shear Adhesion of Filament Reinforced distance apart, to form a cutter of exact specimen width. Two
Tape to a Standard (NIST) Fiberboard—A strip of filament cutters, 12 mm [0.5 in.] and 24 mm [1 in.] cutting width, shall
reinforced tape is applied to a panel with a 120° bend, covered be available or appropriate alternates, which will not cause
with NIST SRM 1810A standard fiberboard under controlled edge damage.
roll down. The panel is mounted horizontally, tape side up,
NOTE 1—The 12-mm [0.5-in.] cutter shall consist of a 12-mm [0.5-in.]
with the free end of the tape allowed to hang vertically over the
thick by 200-mm [8-in.] length of aluminum bar stock 12-mm [0.5-in.]
round end of the panel. A standard mass is attached to the free
wide. The edges for about 125 mm [5 in.] from one end shall be rounded
end of the tape and allowed to act for a specified time. slightly to form a handle. The width of the bar for 75 mm [3 in.] shall be
narrowed to exactly 12 mm [0.5 in.] minus the thickness of a single–edge
3.7 Procedure G, Shear Adhesion of a Filament Reinforced
razor (one of two used as cutting edges). The razor shall be held in
Tape to a CEN Standard Fiberboard—A strip of filament
position using side plates. The end of the cutter shall be cut away at a 45°
reinforced tape is applied to a panel covered with CEN
angle to expose the cutting edges at one end of the blades. The edges shall
standard fiberboard under controlled roll down. The panel is
be separated by 12 6 0.10 mm [0.5 6 0.005 in.]. The 24 mm [1 in.] cutter
mounted horizontally, tape side up, with the free end of the tape
shall follow the same description except the bar stock shall be 24-mm
allowed to hang vertically over the round end of the panel. A
[1-in.] wide and shall be narrowed to exactly 24 mm [1 in.] minus the
standard mass is attached to the free end of the tape and thickness of a single edge razor.
allowed to act for the specified time.
5.2 Dispensing System, for solvents, such as a wash bottle.
3.8 Procedure H—This procedure is conducted as described 7 9
5.3 Panel :
in Procedure A except the test is conducted at an elevated
5.3.1 For Procedures A, B, C, D, and H, a 50 by 125 mm [2
temperature after a 10-min dwell time at the elevated tempera-
by 5 in.] not less than 1.1 mm [0.043 in.] thickness 302 or 304
stainless steel sheet with bright annealed finish in accordance
3.9 For Procedures A, B, C, D, and H the preferred
with Specification A 666. The surface roughness height shall
specimen size is 12 by 12 mm [0.5 by 0.5 in.]. A specimen size
be 50 6 25 nm [2.0 6 1.0 μin.] arithmetical average deviation
of 24 by 24 mm [1 by 1 in.] may be specified.
from a mean line. One or both of the panel ends shall be ground
3.10 For Procedures E, F and G the specimen width shall be
to form a 90° angle with the panel surface. Panels showing
12 mm [0.5 in.]. For testing reinforced filament by Procedure
stains, discolorations, or numerous scratches are not accept-
H, the width shall be 12 mm [0.5 in.].
able. New panels should be cleaned before use as described in
10.1, except with ten washes of the final solvent. Between uses,
4. Significance and Use
the panels test surface shall be protected from scratches and
4.1 Procedure A measures the ability of a pressure-sensitive
contamination, and the panels stored at conditions described in
tape to adhere to a standard steel panel under constant stress.
This may or may not relate to the ability of the tape to adhere
5.3.2 For Procedures E, F, and G, a panel as described in
to other surfaces.
5.3.1 shall have a 12 mm [0.5 in.] length at one end of the panel
4.2 Procedures B, C, and D may be used to determine the
bent through an arc of 120° away from the test surface. The
shear adhesion of the tapes generally used to close fiberboard
radius of the curvature of the finished surface at the bend shall
boxes in packaging applications.
1 1
be 1.5 to 3 mm [ ⁄16 to ⁄8 in.].
4.3 Procedure D measures the shear adhesion of a pressure-
5.4 Roller, mechanically or hand-operated.
sensitive tape to a nonstandard fiberboard, liner board, corru-
5.4.1 A steel roller 85 6 2.5 mm [32.5 6 0.5 in.] in diameter
gated board, or other surfaces which is agreed upon for testing.
and 45 6 1.5 mm [1.75 by 0.5 in.] in width, covered with
This may be used to compare the shear adhesion of a tape to a
particular fiberboard surface or to compare the shear adhesion
of a tape to a variety of fiberboard surfaces. 8
These widths correspond to the primary metric (SI) units described in Guide
4.3.1 The surfaces of similar fiberboards may exhibit con-
D 5750/D 5750M. These so-called “modular metric” units generally are used
throughout the world. If it is desirable to test slightly different widths (for example,
siderable variation between mills, between batches from one
25 of 50 mm) of specimens per 8.4, this should be noted per 12.1.6 and calculations
mill, and within batches. Take care in the choice of samples
per 11.1 must account for the difference.
and when comparing results between fiberboard surfaces which
Available from Chemsultants International, 9349 Hamilton Drive, Mentor, OH
may not be exactly the same. 44061–1118.
NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
D 3654/D 3654M
rubber approximately 6 mm [0.25 in.] in thickness, having a the solvents listed in 6.2, and made exclusively from virgin
Shore scale A durometer hardness of 80 6 5. The surface shall materials.
be a true cylinder void of any convex or concave deviations.
7. Sampling
The mass of the roller shall be 2040 6 45 g [4.5 6 0.1 lb].
5.4.2 No part of the apparatus shall increase the mass of the 7.1 Acceptance Sampling—Sampling shall be in accordance
with Practice D 3715/D 3715M. For Procedures A, E, and H
roller during use. The roller shall move either mechanically or
by hand at the rate of 10 6 0.4 mm/s [24 6 0.5 in./min]. three replicate specimens shall be averaged in accordance with
Section 11 for each test result. For Procedures B, C, D, and G
5.5 Test Stands and Ancillary Apparatus:
5.5.1 Procedures A, B, C, D, and H—A test stand that shall five replicate specimens shall be averaged. No single value
shall be considered as representative of the roll under test.
hold the test panel, with tape applied, at an angle of 0–2° with
the vertical, so that when the mass is acting on the test 7.2 Sampling for Other Purposes—The sampling and the
number of test specimens depends on the purpose of the
specimen, no peel forces will be exerted on the tape.
5.5.2 Procedures E, G, and F—A test stand that will support testing. Practice E 122 is recommended. It is common to test at
least five specimens of a particular tape. Test specimens should
the test panel in a horizontal plane, approximately 300 mm [12
in.] above the work surface. be taken from several rolls of a tape and, whenever possible,
among several production runs of a tape. Strong conclusions
5.5.3 Clamp or Hook, that will allow attachment of the mass
to the specimen, distributing the load equally across the tape about a specific property of a tape cannot be based on test
results of a single unit (roll) of product.
specimen width.
5.5.4 Test Masses:
8. Test Specimen Procedures A, B, C, D, and H—The test mass shall
8.1 Removal from Roll:
be 1000 6 5 g or other mass as specified. The mass of the
8.1.1 Unwind and discard at least three but no more than six
clamp or hook described in 5.5.3 shall be included as part of
outer wraps of tape from the roll before taking specimens for
the total mass.
testing. Procedures E, F, and G—The test mass shall be 4.5
8.1.2 For Procedures A, E, and H, remove three specimens
6 0.2 kg [10 6 0.5 lb] or other mass as specified. The mass of
per sample roll for each test to be performed. For procedures B,
the clamp or hook as described in 5.5.3 shall be included in the
C, D, and G remove five specimens per roll for each test to be
total mass.
performed. Remove specimens from freely rotating roll at the
5.5.5 Timing Systems:
rate of 500 to 750 mm/s [20 to 30 in./min]. Where width or Procedure A, B, C, D, and H to measure the interval
other factors causing high adherence to backing make it
in minutes, between the application of the load to the specimen
impossible to remove the specimen at the prescribed rate,
and its separation from the panel.
remove it at a rate as close to 500

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