ASTM D5639/D5639M-11
(Practice)Standard Practice for Selection of Corrugated Fiberboard Materials and Box Construction Based on Performance Requirements
Standard Practice for Selection of Corrugated Fiberboard Materials and Box Construction Based on Performance Requirements
This practice assists users in selecting appropriate performance characteristics of corrugated fiberboard or box construction, or both, commensurate with the user's need for packing and distribution of goods. This practice describes several attributes of fiberboard and boxes which relate to various hazards encountered in distribution and describes test parameters which may be specified by the user to ensure sufficient strength in the box for containment, storage, handling, and protection of contents.
The user should specify only those attributes and related tests which are required for satisfactory performance in the user's operations and distribution cycle(s). When using packaging regulations as a basis for developing specifications, the reason for the existence of the regulation and its function and importance should be understood. As previously stated, regulations may be exceeded and should be when the minimum specifications are inadequate for the full effects of the distribution cycle. If the user decides to employ box compression strength or a rough handling performance protocol as the overriding specification, it should be noted that all minimum standards required by various organizations shall also be met or surpassed. These minimum standards can be stated in the box drawing so as to ensure adherence to regulations If a Box Manufacturer’s Certificate (BMC) is printed on the box, then the ECT or Mullen Burst/Basis Weight values shall meet or exceed the minimum requirements for size and weight of the packaged product.
See Appendix X7 for several examples of specification determinations.
1.1 This practice provides information on corrugated fiberboard for the prospective user who wants guidance in selecting attributes of materials and box construction based on performance requirements. These attributes should be part of specifications which establish levels of the qualities a shipping container shall have in order to be acceptable to the purchaser or user. The attributes and qualities should be testable, using standard methods that are recognized by both the buyer and seller. This practice will assist users in developing specifications for corrugated containers through an analysis of performance requirements and subsequent relationships to fiberboard materials and box construction attributes. This practice is intended to provide specific corrugated container performance standards as opposed to packaged product performance evaluation through distribution and handling environments, such as Practice D4169.
1.2 The attributes and their levels should be based on the intended use of the box, including the handling and environment it will encounter. Many packaging regulations include detailed descriptions of the materials that may be used and style, closure, or other construction details of allowed shipping containers. These regulations are presented as minimum requirements; they may be exceeded for functional reasons, but there is no regulatory reason to do so. Rail and motor freight classifications applicable for surface common carrier transportation have established minimum requirements for certain attributes of corrugated packaging. These may or may not be appropriate for application in the complete distribution system, as they encompass only containerboard or combined corrugated boardnot finished boxesand are not intended to provide for the distribution system beyond the transportation segment.
1.2.1 The attribute levels contained herein are based on US practice and specifications. Some attributes such as flute dimensions and basis weights may be defined differently in other countries.
1.3 There are two distinctly different methods commonly used for specifying boxes. The most common approach is to specify materials, such as defining flute, edge crush value, Mullen burst value, and flat crush minimums, containerboard weights and thicknesses. An alternative approach is to def...
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Designation: D5639/D5639M − 11
StandardPractice for
Selection of Corrugated Fiberboard Materials and Box
Construction Based on Performance Requirements
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5639/D5639M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 1.2.1 The attribute levels contained herein are based on US
practice and specifications. Some attributes such as flute
1.1 This practice provides information on corrugated fiber-
dimensions and basis weights may be defined differently in
other countries.
attributes of materials and box construction based on perfor-
mance requirements. These attributes should be part of speci- 1.3 There are two distinctly different methods commonly
fications which establish levels of the qualities a shipping used for specifying boxes. The most common approach is to
container shall have in order to be acceptable to the purchaser specify materials, such as defining flute, edge crush value,
or user. The attributes and qualities should be testable, using Mullen burst value, and flat crush minimums, containerboard
standard methods that are recognized by both the buyer and weights and thicknesses. An alternative approach is to define
seller. This practice will assist users in developing specifica- some measure of performance. Mullen burst values can be one
tions for corrugated containers through an analysis of perfor- of these measures if the user has determined that some
mancerequirementsandsubsequentrelationshipstofiberboard minimum burst value is all that is required in their distribution
materials and box construction attributes. This practice is system.Theoverallcompressionstrengthoftheboxisanother,
intended to provide specific corrugated container performance and this measure allows each supplier to achieve the required
standards as opposed to packaged product performance evalu- strength through their own unique combination of materials
ation through distribution and handling environments, such as and processes. A third measure would be to pass some sort of
Practice D4169. rough handling performance protocol, with Practice D4169
being one example. Unlike material specifications, where
1.2 The attributes and their levels should be based on the
definitions of fluting, test methods of ECT, and difficulty of
intended use of the box, including the handling and environ-
assessing individual components of the box structure exist,
ment it will encounter. Many packaging regulations include
compression values of the finished box are easily tested and
detailed descriptions of the materials that may be used and
same can be said of box performance measured against a
containers. These regulations are presented as minimum re-
performance protocol. Using only material specifications to
quirements; they may be exceeded for functional reasons, but
there is no regulatory reason to do so. Rail and motor freight
classifications applicable for surface common carrier transpor-
box, but if the score lines are too deep or too shallow, or if the
tation have established minimum requirements for certain
manufacturer’s joint is not secured correctly, the box will fail
attributes of corrugated packaging. These may or may not be
in distribution.
Conversely, box compression and rough handling perfor-
as they encompass only containerboard or combined corru-
mance protocols measures both material and manufacturing
gated board—not finished boxes—and are not intended to
quality simultaneously. It is sometimes advantageous to use a
provide for the distribution system beyond the transportation
combination of both these methods to help assure the outer
liner will not easily scuff or break. Though suppliers will need
to continue to use material specifications when making boxes,
the user would benefit more from employing performance
This practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee D10 on Packaging
and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D10.27 on Paper and Paperboard
specifications to help guarantee similar box attributes from a
Current edition approved April 1, 2011. Published April 2011. Originally
especially if they’re located in different countries, will use the
approved in 1994. Last previou
This document is not anASTM standard and is intended only to provide the user of anASTM standard an indication of what changes have been made to the previous version. Because
it may not be technically possible to adequately depict all changes accurately, ASTM recommends that users consult prior editions as appropriate. In all cases only the current version
of the standard as published by ASTM is to be considered the official document.
Designation:D5639/D5639M–09 Designation: D5639/D5639M – 11
Standard Practice for
Selection of Corrugated Fiberboard Materials and Box
Construction Based on Performance Requirements
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D5639/D5639M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
reapproval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope
1.1 This practice provides information on corrugated fiberboard for the prospective user who wants guidance in selecting
attributes of materials and box construction based on performance requirements. These attributes should be part of specifications
which establish levels of the qualities a shipping container mustshall have in order to be acceptable to the purchaser or user. The
attributes and qualities should be testable, using standard methods that are recognized by both the buyer and seller. This practice
will assist users in developing specifications for corrugated containers through an analysis of performance requirements and
subsequent relationships to fiberboard materials and box construction attributes. This practice is intended to provide specific
corrugated container performance standards as opposed to packaged product performance evaluation through distribution and
handling environments, such as Practice D4169.
1.2 The attributes and their levels should be based on the intended use of the box, including the handling and environment it
will encounter. Many packaging regulations include detailed descriptions of the materials that may be used and style, closure, or
other construction details of allowed shipping containers.These regulations are presented as minimum requirements; they may be
exceeded for functional reasons, but there is no regulatory reason to do so. Rail and motor freight classifications applicable for
surface common carrier transportation have established minimum requirements for certain attributes of corrugated packaging.
These may or may not be appropriate for application in the complete distribution system, as they encompass only containerboard
or combined corrugated board—not finished boxes—and are not intended to provide for the distribution system beyond the
transportation segment.
1.3Corrugated containers for packaging of hazardous materials for transportation must comply with federal regulations
administered by the U.S. Department of Transportation (Code of Federal Regulations, CFR49
1.2.1 TheattributelevelscontainedhereinarebasedonUSpracticeandspecifications.Someattributessuchasflutedimensions
and basis weights may be defined differently in other countries.
1.3 There are two distinctly different methods commonly used for specifying boxes. The most common approach is to specify
materials, such as defining flute, edge crush value, Mullen burst value, and flat crush minimums, containerboard weights and
thicknesses.An alternative approach is to define some measure of performance. Mullen burst values can be one of these measures
if the user has determined that some minimum burst value is all that is required in their distribution system. The overall
compression strength of the box is another, and this measure allows each supplier to achieve the required strength through their
own unique combination of materials and processes.Athird measure would be to pass some sort of rough handling performance
and verified using a common test method (Test Method D642). The same can be said of box performance measured against a
performance protocol. Using only material specifications to define a box does not guarantee the box will be well made. For
example, the best possible material could be used for making a box, but if the score lines are too deep or too shallow, or if the
manufacturer’s joint is not secured correctly, the box will fail in distribution.
Conversely, box compression and rough handling performance protocols measures both material and manufacturing quality
simultaneously. It is sometimes advantageous to use a combination of both these methods to help assure the outer liner will not
easily scuff or break. Though suppliers will need to continue to use material specifications when making boxes,
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