Standard Practice for Surveillance Testing of High-Temperature Nuclear Component Materials

1.1 This practice covers procedures for specimen testing to establish changes occurring in the mechanical properties due to irradiation and thermal effects of nuclear component metallic materials where these materials are used for high temperature applications above 370°C (700°F).

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ASTM E531-76(2001) - Standard Practice for Surveillance Testing of High-Temperature Nuclear Component Materials
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Designation:E531–76 (Reapproved 2001)
Standard Practice for
Surveillance Testing of High-Temperature Nuclear
Component Materials
This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 531; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope the Statistical Analysis of Fatigue Data
E 261 Practice for Determining Neutron Fluence Rate, Flu-
1.1 This practice covers procedures for specimen testing to
ence, and Spectra by Radioactivation Techniques
E 399 Test Method for Plane-Strain Fracture Toughness of
irradiation and thermal effects of nuclear component metallic
Metallic Materials
materials where these materials are used for high temperature
E 453 Practice for Examination of Fuel Element Cladding
applications above 370°C (700°F).
Including the Determination of the Mechanical Properties
2. Referenced Documents E 482 Guide forApplication of Neutron Transport Methods
for Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E706 (IID)
2.1 ASTM Standards:
E 844 Guide for Sensor Set Design and Irradiation for
A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for MechanicalTesting
Reactor Surveillance, E706 (IIC)
of Steel Products
E 3 Methods of Preparation of Metallographic Specimens
3. Significance and Use
E 8 Test Methods forTensionTesting of Metallic Materials
3.1 The requirements contained herein can be used as a
E 21 Test Methods for Elevated Temperature Tension Tests
basis for establishing conditions for safe operation of critical
of Metallic Materials
components. The requirements provide for general plant as-
E 23 Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of
sessment and verification that materials meet design criteria.
Metallic Materials
The test specimens and procedures presented in this practice
E 29 Practice for Using Significant Digits in Test Data to
are for guidance when establishing a surveillance program.
Determine Conformance with Specifications
3.2 This practice for high-temperature materials surveil-
E 45 Test Methods for Determining the Inclusion Content
lance programs is used when nuclear reactor component
of Steel
E 112 Test Methods for Determining the Average Grain
performed through the service life of the components to assess
changes in selected material properties that are caused by
E 139 Practice for Conducting Creep, Creep-Rupture, and
Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials
used as design criteria for the respective nuclear components.
E 184 Practice for Effects of High-Energy Neutron Radia-
The extent of material property change caused by neutron
tion on the Mechanical Properties of Metallic Materials,
5 irradiation depends on the composition and structure of the
E706 (IB)
initial material, its conditioning in component fabrication, as
E 185 Practice for Conducting Surveillance Tests for Light
5 well as the nature of the irradiation exposure. The need for
Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Reactor Vessels, E706 (IF)
E 206 Definitions of Terms Relating to Fatigue Testing and
under all irradiation conditions including spectrum and rate
effects on material properties.
This recommended practice is under the jurisdiction ofASTM Committee E10
4. Description of Term
on Nuclear Technology andApplicationsand is the direct responsibility of Subcom-
mittee E10.02 on Behavior and Use of Metallic Materials in Nuclear Systems.
4.1 test specimen—a coupon or a piece of metal cut from a
Current edition approved March 26, 1976. Published July 1976. Originally
larger metal piece which is then formed to final size for testing
published as E 531–75. Last previous edition E 531–75.
to determine physical or mechanical properties.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 14.02.
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 12.02.
Discontinued—see 1986 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
5. Test Specimens shall be evaluated prior to use as surveillance specimens to
ensure that test results from the use of non-standard specimens
5.1 Pre-Exposure Material Characterization—It is impor-
can be correlated with test results from specimens of recom-
tant that test specimen materials be characterized prior to
exposure and that the following should be considered as a
for surveillance specimens, the archive, base line, and thermal
control specimens shall be identical with the surveillance
5.1.1 Process history, material designation, manufacturer,
heat number, weld and fabrication procedures used, and heat
5.3.3 Surface Condition—Test specimens where surface
5.1.2 Original location and orientation in the parent mate- condition is critical to the test results should not be finish
machined in such critical areas (Charpy notch, fatigue speci-
5.1.3 Specimen weight and dimensions,
5.1.4 Metallographic characteristics (grain size, microstruc-
to test. Specimens should be oversized to allow for removal of
ture, and inclusion content established in accordance with Test
at least 0.1 mm of surface prior to test. Where possible, test
Methods E 45 and E 112),
specimens with the exception of weight change specimens
5.1.5 Chemical analysis results,
shall be encapsulated in an inert environment so as to deter-
5.1.6 All specimens shall be taken from the specified
mine only the effect of neutron irradiation and temperature on
location and orientation specified in Test Methods and Defini-
mechanical or physical properties. It is recognized the integrity
tions A 370 and Test Methods E 8, and
of the encapsulation may be breached in some cases during
5.1.7 Mechanical properties including yield strength, tensile
strength, stress rupture life, creep strength, fatigue strength,
encapsulated specimens should be considered.This will ensure
and impact strength as a function of test temperature.
a meaningful comparison between baseline and exposed speci-
5.1.8 The information described in 5.1.1-5.1.7 should be
reported in a single document.
5.3.4 Number of Specimens—The number of specimens
5.2 Post Exposure Material Characterization—After expo-
sure, the following should be reported:
5.2.1 Observations from visual examination,
composition, processing, or in exposure conditions from simi-
5.2.2 Changes in specimen weight and dimensions,
lar components. Specific recommendations as to number of
5.2.3 Metallographic characteristics (grain size, microstruc-
specimens will be found in the respective specimen sections.
ture, and inclusion content),
At least four sets of specimens shall be included in each
5.2.4 Results of chemical analysis,
surveillance program.
5.2.5 Appropriate mechanical properties being surveyed
5.3.5 Material—Test specimens shall be taken from the
including considerations of changes in tensile strength, stress-
material used in component fabrication. The material shall be
to-rupture strength, creep strength, fatigue strength, impact
processed at the same time as the component or processed in a
strength (control tests are recommended to be performed
fashion identical to the component surveyed. Weld and heat-
simultaneously with the tests of exposed specimens to ensure
affected zone test specimens shall be taken from equivalent
that deviations in test results can be attributed to the exposed
material welded at the same time as the particular component
specimen’s environment and not to variations in testing meth-
or equivalent material welded with the same welding param-
ods), and
eters. It is not necessary to include each heat or minor
5.2.6 Optional quantitative examination of surface chemis-
variation, but only to select those receiving the highest expo-
try and subsequent changes.
sure or those previously found to be most sensitive to neutron
5.2.7 Exposed test specimens should be cleaned in accor-
irradiation and temperature or those that can restrict the
dance with accepted cleaning procedures. (Refer to Subcom-
operation of the reactor. Test specimens may be taken from
mittee G01.08 for practices for preparing, cleaning, and evalu-
components periodically removed from the reactor for other
ating test specimens.)
reasons. These specimens can be used to provide supplemental
5.3 Specimen Preparation—Test specimens shall be stan-
dard recommended specimens where possible as described in
a full characterization of the pre-exposure condition must be
Test Methods E 8, E 21 and E 23 and Practice E 139. The use
available along with measured exposure conditions.
of the word specimen or words test specimen as used in this
5.4 TensionTestSpecimens—The type and size of specimen
practice is described in Section 4.
to be used shall conform to the smaller sizes as recommended
5.3.1 The test area of a specimen (for example, Charpy
in Test Methods E 8 and E 21. Either threaded or button-head
notch, reduced section of a fatigue specimen) may be left
ends will be acceptable. For plate or sheet specimens, pin ends
unfinished if further environmental exposure prior to testing is
anticipated. as described in Test Methods E 8 are recommended. The
location and orientation of test specimens shall be as defined in
5.3.2 Size—In general, due to the limited space available in
Test Methods E 8 or Test Methods and DefinitionsA 370, or in
surveillance capsules the smaller sizes of test specimens are
recommended.Where it is not possible to use specimens of the PracticeE 185.Bothbasemetalandweldmetalspecimenswill
be taken.Aset of tension specimens shall consist of three each
recommended size, the least deviation possible from recom-
mended sizes should be adhered to. Non-standard specimens base metal and weld metal.
5.5 Creep and Stress-Rupture in Specimens—The type and 0.2 µm R (8 µin. AA) surface roughness. After polishing, all
size of specimen to be used shall be the same as those used for remaining grinding and polishing marks shall be longitudinal
tension specimens except that button-head or pinned-end and any circumferential grinding marks must be removed. The
specimens are recommended for high-temperature testing. finished specimens shall be degreased in suitable solvent.
Practice E 453 describes the attention that must be paid to Specimens to be exposed to liquid sodium shall not be
specimen alignment and dimensional tolerances. One set of degreased in halogenated solvents. If surface observations are
tests shall be conducted at the operating temperature of the to be made, the test specimen may be electropolished in
component of interest. A set shall comprise a minimum of six accordance with Methods E 3. Test specimens that are suscep-
stress rupture tests at six different stress levels. The stress tible to corrosion in room-temperature air shall be stored as
levels should be selected so that the time-to-rupture ranges soon as practicable after preparation in an inert dry gas or
from not less than 100 h to at least 3000 h. Creep strain vacuum. A set of specimens shall consist of ten each of base
measurements may be made if desired. metal and weld metal.
5.6 Low-CycleFatigueSpecimens—For base metal the type 5.7 Swelling Specimens—The swelling specimens shall be
and size of specimen to be used may be the “hourglass” type right circular cylinders 5.0 mm diameter and 10.0 mm long.
with threaded or button-head ends as shown in Fig. 1. For weld The sharp-cornered specimens shall be finished by turning or
metal specimens the uniform gage type may be used. Machin- grinding and have a surface finish of 0.2 µm R (8 µin. AA).
ing and polishing of the test specimens shall be performed with Thespecimensshallbedegreasedinsuitablesolventandstored
care so as to minimize the effects of specimen preparation on in an inert gas or vacuum.
fatigue life. In the final stages of machining, material shall be 5.8 Charpy Impact Specimens—The specimens to be used
removed in the radial thickness amounts of 0.2 mm until 0.1 shall conform to the Charpy V-notch specimens recommended
mm remains. After exposure the final 0.075 mm shall be in Test Methods E 23. The notch shall not be formed prior to
removed by cylindrical grinding at no more than 0.005 mm per exposure as a surveillance specimen. The location and orien-
pass. The final 0.025 mm shall be buffed and finished with an tation of test specimens shall be as defined in Practice E 185
NOTE 1—A = 0.2 µm R (8 min AA).
Metric Conversion
mm in.
0.3 0.01
6.35 0.250
8.4 0.33
12.68 0.499
12.70 0.500
19.1 0.75
38.1 1.5
82.6 3.25
FIG. 1 Standard Hour-Glass Low Cycle Fatigue Specimen (Threaded Ends (a) and Button Head (b))
and Test Methods and Definitions A 370. A set of specimens surveillance specimens should be carefully evaluated with
shallbemadeupoftwelveeachbasemetal,heat-affectedzone, respect to the test results and the conclusions drawn therefrom.
and weld metal. 6.5 Specimen Withdrawal Schedule—The specimen with-
drawalscheduleshallbeasspecifiedinPracticeE 185,CaseB,
6. Irradiation Conditions
based on the percentage of component life as specified inTable
6.1 Introduction—The intent of the section on irradiation
conditions is to provide guidance on how to place surveillance
samples to obtain the desired irradiation conditions in terms of
7. Measurement of Neutron Exposure
temperature, neutron flux, and neutron spectrum to ensure a
7.1 The neutron flux and neutron energy spectrum at the
realistic evaluation of the component that the surveillance
surveillance location shall be given as well as the method used
specimen is representing.
for determination. All assumptions should be clearly stated,
6.2 Irradiation Temperature—It is very important that ad-
and all physical constants, such as cross sections, half lives,
equate consideration be given to test specimens to ensure that
fission yields, etc., should be listed. The neutron flux level
they experience the correct temperatu

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