Method of Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Oscillatory Cylinder and Uniform Abrasion) (Withdrawn 1981)

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ASTM D1175-80 - Method of Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Oscillatory Cylinder and Uniform Abrasion) (Withdrawn 1981)
English language
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~ ~l~ Designation: D 1175- 80
1916 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Copyright ASTM
If not listed in the current combined index, will appear in the next edition.
Standard Test Methods for
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1175; the number immediately following the designation indicates the
year of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last
1. Scope sure, tension, and abrasive action; or (2) rub
specimens uniformly in all directions in the
1.1 These methods cover the determination
plane of the surface of the specimen about
of abrasion resistance of textile fabrics using
every point in it. The various means of evalu­
the oscillatory cylinder and uniform abrasion
ation for these methods are described in Sec­
tions 13 and 22 on Interpretation of Results.
NoTE !-Other procedures for measuring the
abrasion resistance of textile fabrics are given in:
5. Uses and Significance
D 3884, Tests for Abrasion Resistance of Textile
Fabrics (Rotary Platform, Double Head Method);
5.1 The measurement of the resistance to
D 3885, Test for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fab­
abrasion of textile and other materials is very
rics (Flexing and Abrasion Method); D 3886 Test
complex. The resistance to abrasion is affected
for Abrasion Resistance of Textile Fabrics (Inflated
by many factors, such as the inherent mechan­
Diaphragm Method); and AA TCC 61 Impeller
Tumble Method. ical properties of the fibers; the dimensions of
the fibers; the structure of the yarns; the con­
2. Applicable Documents
struction of the fabrics; and the type, kind, and
2. I A STM Standards: amount of fmishing material, added to the
D 123 Defmitions of Terms Relating to Tex­ fibers, yarns, or fabric.
5.2 The resistance to abrasion is also greatly
D 1682 Tests for Breaking Load and Elon­ of the tests, such as
affected by the conditions
gation of Textile Fabrics the nature of abradant; variable action of the
D 1776 Practice for Conditioning Textiles for abradant over the area of specimen abraded,
Testing the tension of the specimen, the pressure be­
tween the specimen and abradant, and the
3. Definitions
dimensional changes in the specimen.
3. l abrasion, n-the wearing away of any 5.3 Abrasion tests are all subject to variation
part of a material by rubbing against another due to changes in the abradant during specific
surface. tests. The abradant must accordingly be dis­
3.2 For definitions of other terms used in carded at frequent intervals or checked period-
these methods, refer to Definitions D 123.
These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM
4. Summary of Methods
Committee D-13 on Textiles and are the direct responsibility
of Subcommittee 013.59 on Fabric Test Methods, General.
4.1 These methods are used in determining
Current edition approved March 3, 1980. Published May
the abrasion resistance of specified textile fab­
1980. Replaces D 1175-64 T.
'Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Part 32.
rics, in a controlled manner, by machines
·'Available from American Association of Textile Chem­
which: (1) subject specimens to unidirectional
ists and Colorists, P.O. Box 12215, Research Triangle Park,
rubbing action under known conditions of pres- N.C. 27709.

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D 1175
ically against a standard. With disposable abra­ far developed for abrasion resistance may show
dants, the abradant is used only once or dis­ a high degree of variability in results obtained
carded afl~:r limiieu use. With permanent abra­ by different operators and in different labora­
dants that use hardened metal or equivalent tories; however, they represent the methods
surfaces, it is assumed that the abradant will now most widely in use.
not change appreciably in a specific series of 5.7 Since there is a defiriite need for mea­
tests, but obviously similar abradants used in suring the relative resistance to abrasion, stan­
different laboratories will not likely change at dardized test methods are 'desirable and useful
the same rate due to differences in usage. Per­ and may clarify the problem and lessen the
manent abradants may also change due to pick
confusion. These test methods have been pre­
up of finishing or other material from test pared in an attempt to attain these objectives.
fabrics and must accordingly be cleaned at 5.8 Because of the conditions mentioned
frequent intervals. The measurement of the
above, technicians frequently fail to get good
relative amount of abrasion may also be af­ agreement between results obtained on the
fected by the method of evaluation and may be same type of testing instrument both within

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