Methods of Testing Polymerizable Embedding Compounds Used for Electrical Insulation (Withdrawn 1990)

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ASTM D1674-67(1977) - Methods of Testing Polymerizable Embedding Compounds Used for Electrical Insulation (Withdrawn 1990)
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ASTM DI679 67 H 0757530 0022720 1 I
Designation: D 1674 - 67 (Reapproved 1977)
Standard Methods of Testing
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 1674; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (E) indicates an editorial change since the lasf revision or reapproval.
1. Scope Electrical Insulating Materials at Commer-
cial Power Frequencies’
1.1 These methods cover electrical, mechani-
D 150 Test Methods for A-c LoSS Character-
cal, and thermal tests for polymerizable com-
istics and Permittivity (Dielectric Constant)
pounds used for encasing or embedding electrical
of Solid Electrical Insulating Materials*
and electronic components or assemblies. The
D229 Method of Testing Rigid Sheet and
procedures appear in the following sections:
Plate Materiais Used for Electrical Insu-
Procedure Sections Method 1ati0n3
Sampling. 3 D 374 Test Methods for Thickness of Solid
................. ...
Specimen Preparation and Electrical Insulation’
D495 Test Method for High-Voltage, Low-
Conditioning. . 4 D618
Hardness . 5 to 11 D2240
Current Dry Arc Resistance of Solid Elec-
Coeficient of Linear Thermal
trical Insulation’
Expansion . 12 to 18 D 696
D 6 I8 Methods of Conditioning Plastics and
Specific Gravity. . 19 to 26 D 792
Electrical Insulating Materials for Testing’
. Coefficient of Thermal
Conductivity . 27 to 33 .
D 696 Test Method for Coefficient of Linear
Thermal Shock Resistance . 34 to 39 .
Thermal Expansion of Plastics4
Dielectric Constant and Dissipa-
D 792 Test Methods for Specific Gravity and
tion Factor. . 40 to 48 .
Density of Plastics by Displacement4
Dielectric Strength . 49 to 55 .
Arc Resistance. . 56 to 60 D 495
D2240 Test Method for Rubber Property-
Effect of High Humidity . 6 1 to 66 .
Durometer Hardness’
Flame Resistance (ignition time
E 197 Specification for Enclosures and Serv-
and burning time) . 67 D 229
icing Units for Tests Above and Below
Dielectric Strength of Embedded
Electrodes . 68 to 75 D 149
Room Temperature6
1,2 The compounds must cure without pres-
3. Sampling
sure and may or may not require heat to accom-
3. I Because of the diverse nature of the com-
plish the reaction. They are required to electri-
cally insulate and mechanically protect and sup-
These methods are under the jurisdiction of ASTM Com-
port the parf or assembly without a case, pot, or
mittee D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials and are the direct
of Subcommittee W9.01 on Electrical Insulating
other external reinforcement after curing.
Varnishes, Powders, and Encapsulating Compounds.
1.3 The values states in inch-pound units are
Current edition approved Sept. 8, 1967. Published November
to be regarded as the standard. 1967. Originally published as D 1674 - 59. Last previous edition
D 1674 - 66.
Annual Book OfASTMStatidards, vbl 10.02.
2. Applicable Documents
’ Aiinrial Book of ASTMSlatidards, Vol 10.01.
‘Antiiral Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01.
2.1 ASTMStandards:
’Annual Book ofASTM Siandards, Vol 09.01.
D 149 Test Method for Dielectric Breakdown
Discontinued, see 1980 Atinital Book of ASTMStatidards,
Voltage and Dielectric Strength of Solid Part 12.
mJ 360

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ASTM Dlb74 67 .I 0757530 0022723 3 I
pounds, and the various forms and packages of ner and under the conditions specified in Section
resins, hardeners, catalysts, etc., commercially . 6.
available, no standard methods of sampling have
6. Significance and Use
been established. An adequate amount of mate-
6.1 The arbitrary hardness obtained is in-
rial, representative of each ingredient, shall be
tended to provide a basis for comparison between
selected from each lot to permit preparation of
two materials or between lots of a given material,
specimens in accordance with Section 4.
3.2 Ingredients shall not be used beyond the It may be useful as a means of obtaining quali-
tative measures of the degree of polymerization,
shelf life designated by the manufacturer.
completeness of cure in the case of thermosetfing
4. Specimen Preparation and Conditioning
materials, or degree of plasticization. It may also
serve as a measure of one ofthe effects of addition
4.1 Mold-Slab specimens shall be cast in a
of inert fillers.
verfical position in any suifable mold which will
6.2 Since for many materials the time factors
result in castings of a thickness which can be
involved in applications of the penetrators are
controlled within I5 %, The mold may consist

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