Standard Guide for Training Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) to Prepare Patients for Medical Transportation (Withdrawn 2006)

1.1 This guide establishes the minimum training standard for preparing ill or injured patients of all ages for medical transportation.
1.2 This guide is one of a series that together describe the minimum training standard for the emergency medical technician (basic).
This guide establishes the minimum training standard for preparing ill or injured patients of all ages for medical transportation.
Formerly under the jurisdiction of Committee F30 on Emergency Medical Services, this guide was withdrawn in March 2006. This guide was withdrawn because it is no longer in line with current national standards curriculum.

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ASTM F1328-00 - Standard Guide for Training Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) to Prepare Patients for Medical Transportation (Withdrawn 2006)
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or withdrawn.
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Standard Guide for
Training Emergency Medical Technician (Basic) to Prepare
Patients for Medical Transportation
This standard is issued under the fixed designation F 1328; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
1. Scope 4.3 This guide shall be used as the basis to revise Practice
F 1031.
1.1 This guide establishes the minimum training standard
4.4 Every person who is identified as an emergency medical
for preparing ill or injured patients of all ages for medical
technician (basic) shall have been trained to this standard.
4.5 This guide must be used in conjunction with Practice
1.2 This guide is one of a series that together describe the
F 1031, Guides F 1219, and JAMA Standards and Guidelines.
minimum training standard for the emergency medical techni-
cian (basic).
5. General Guidelines
2. Referenced Documents 5.1 All emergency medical technicians (basic) shall be
trained to accomplish the following:
2.1 ASTM Standards:
5.1.1 All patients must be reassessed frequently and at least
F 1031 Practice for Training the Emergency Medical Tech-
prior to and following every therapeutic intervention.
nician (Basic)
5.1.2 Patients may have more than one problem and these
F 1219 Guide for Training the Emergency Medical Techni-
problems should be dealt with in the order of their severity.
cian (Basic) to Perform Patient Initial and DetailedAssess-
5.1.3 Patients with life-threatening conditions which cannot
be resolved in the field should be immediately transported in
2.2 Other Documents:
accordance with local protocol.
Standards and Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscita-
5.1.4 Patients shall be treated in a professional, caring, and
tion and Emergency Cardiac Care. Reprinted from Journal
reassuring manner.
of the American Medical Association, lastest edition
5.1.5 The emergency medical technician (basic) is respon-
3. Terminology sible for facilitating the delivery of definitive care by a higher
level of care in both the field or hospital in the most expedient
3.1 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
manner available.
3.1.1 management—the step(s) that constitute action taken
5.1.6 Depending upon the patient’s conditionALS intercept
by the emergency medical technician (basic) for a patient in
should be considered.
need of assistance due to a real or perceived traumatic or
5.1.7 Transportshouldnotbeunnecessarilydelayed.During
medical condition.
transport the patient should be continuously reassessed. The
4. Significance and Use
hospital or medical control as soon as possible without
4.1 This guide establishes the minimum national standard
compromising patient care. Patients should be transported in a
for training the emergency medical technician (basic) to
safe manner.
prepare the ill and injured patient of all ages for medical
5.1.8 The emergency medical technician (basic) shall pro-
transportation. This guide does not preclude additions to or
vide all pertinent patient information to the receiving facility.
modification of these as

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