Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80, Based on Outside Diameter

1.1 This specification covers polyethylene (PE) pipe that is outside diameter controlled, made in Schedule 40 and 80 sizes for use with socket-type fittings and butt fittings joined by heat fusion, and pressure-rated for water (see appendix). Included are criteria for classifying PE plastic pipe materials and PE plastic pipe, a system of nomenclature for PE plastic pipe, and requirements and test methods for materials, workmanship, dimensions, sustained pressure, burst pressure, and environmental stress cracking. Requirements for marking are also given.  
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to regarded as the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.  
1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the test methods portion, Section 7, of this specification:  This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

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ASTM D2447-99 - Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80, Based on Outside Diameter
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NOTICE: This standard has either been superseded and replaced by a new version or discontinued.
Contact ASTM International ( for the latest information.
Designation: D 2447 – 99 An American National Standard
100 Barr Harbor Dr., West Conshohocken, PA 19428
Reprinted from the Annual Book of ASTM Standards. Copyright ASTM
Standard Specification for
Polyethylene (PE) Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80, Based
on Outside Diameter
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D 2447; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.
1. Scope D 1599 Test Method for Short-Time Hydraulic Failure Pres-
sure of Plastic Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings
1.1 This specification covers polyethylene (PE) pipe that is
D 1600 Terminology for Abbreviated Terms Relating to
outside diameter controlled, made in Schedule 40 and 80 sizes
2 3
Plastics ,
for use with socket-type fittings and butt fittings joined by heat
D 1603 Test Method for Carbon Black in Olefin Plastics
fusion, and pressure-rated for water (see appendix). Included
D 2122 Test Method for Determining Dimensions of Ther-
are criteria for classifying PE plastic pipe materials and PE
moplastic Pipe and Fittings
plastic pipe, a system of nomenclature for PE plastic pipe, and
D 2837 Test Method for Obtaining Hydrostatic Design
requirements and test methods for materials, workmanship,
Basis for Thermoplastic Pipe Materials
dimensions, sustained pressure, burst pressure, and environ-
D 3350 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Pipe and
mental stress cracking. Requirements for marking are also
Fittings Materials
Fu412 Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems
1.2 The values stated in inch-pound units are to regarded as
2.2 NSF Standards:
the standard. The values given in parentheses are for informa-
Standard No. 14 for Plastic Piping Components and Related
tion only.
1.3 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the
Standard No. 61 for Drinking Water Systems
test methods portion, 7, of this specification: This standard
Components—Health Effects
does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any,
associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this
3. Terminology
standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices
3.1 Definitions—Definitions are in accordance with Termi-
and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior
nology F 412, and abbreviations are in accordance with Ter-
to use.
minology D 1600, unless otherwise specified. The abbreviation
2. Referenced Documents for polyethylene plastic is PE.
3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
2.1 ASTM Standards:
3.2.1 hydrostatic design stress—the estimated maximum
D 618 Practice for Conditioning Plastics and Electrical
tensile stress in the wall of the pipe in the circumferential
Insulating Materials for Testing
orientation due to internal hydrostatic water pressure that can
D 792 Test Method for Specific Gravity (Relative Density)
2 be applied continuously with a high degree of certainty that
and Density of Plastics by Displacement
failure of the pipe will not occur.
D 1238 Test Method for Flow Rates of Thermoplastics by
2 3.2.2 pressure rating (PR)—the estimated maximum pres-
Extrusion Plastometer
sure that water in the pipe can exert continuously with a high
D 1248 Specification for Polyethylene Plastics Molding and
3 degree of certainty that failure of the pipe will not occur.
Extrusion Materials
3.2.3 relation among dimensions, hydrostatic design stress,
D 1505 Test Method for Density of Plastics by the Density-
2 and pressure rating—the following expression, commonly
Gradient Technique
known as the ISO equation, is used in this specification to
D 1598 Test Method for Time-to-Failure of Plastic Pipe
3 relate dimensions, hydrostatic design stress, and pressure
Under Constant Internal Pressure
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee F-17 on Plastic
Piping Systems and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee F17.26 on Olefin Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.02.
Based Pipe. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.03.
Current edition approved April 10, 1999. Published July 1999. Originally Available from the National Sanitation Foundation, P.O. Box 1468, Ann Arbor,
published as D 2447 – 65. Last previous edition D 2447 – 95. MI 48106.
2 7
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.01. ISO R 161-1960, Pipes of Plastics Materials for the Transport of Fluids
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 08.04. (Outside Diameters and Nominal Pressures) Part 1, Metric Series.
D 2447
2S/P 5 ~D /t! 2 1 (1) sions, or other defects. The pipe shall be as uniform as
commercially practicable in color, opacity, density, and other
physical properties.
S 5 hydrostatic design stress, psi (or MPa),
6.2 Dimensions and Tolerances—All dimensions shall be
P 5 pressure rating, pse (or MPa),
measured in accordance with Test Method D 2122, using an
D 5 average outside diameter, in. (or mm), and
acceptable length of pipe.
t 5 minimum wall thickness, in. (or mm).
6.2.1 Outside Diameters—In accordance with Test Method
3.2.4 standard thermoplastic pipe materials designation
D 2122, classify the pipe as roundable or nonroundable and
code—the pipe materials designation code shall consist of the
determine the average outside diameter accordingly. For non-
abbreviation PE for the type of plastic, followed by the ASTM
roundable pipe the tolerance for out-of-roundness shall apply
grade in Arabic numerals and the hydrostatic design stress in
only to pipe prior to shipment. The outside diameters and
units of 100 psi with any decimal figures dropped. Where the
tolerances shall be as shown in Table 1.
hydrostatic design stress code contains less than two figures, a
cipher shall be used before the number. Thus a complete
NOTE 2—Five-inch through twelve-inch pipe sizes in Schedule 40 meet
material code consists of two letters and four figures for PE the dimensional requirements of roundable pipe and most polyethylene
pipe materials meet the tensile requirements for roundable pipe.
plastic pipe materials (see Section 5).
6.2.2 Wall Thickness—The wall thicknesses and tolerances
4. Pipe Classification
shall be as shown in Table 2.
4.1 General—This specification covers PE pipe made from
6.2.3 Wall Thickness Range—The wall thickness range shall
five PE plastic pipe materials in Schedule 40 and 80 sizes with
be within 12 %.
outside diameter controlled.
6.2.4 Thickness of Outer Layer—For pipe produced by
simultaneous multiple extrusion, that is, pipe containing two or
5. Materials
more concentric layers, the outer layer shall be at least 0.020
5.1 General—Polyethylene plastics used to make pipe
in. (0.51 mm) thick.
meeting the requirements of this specification are categorized
6.3 Bond—For pipe produced by simultaneous multiple
by means of two criteria, namely, (1) short-term strength tests,
extrusion, the bond between the layers shall be strong and
and (2) long-term strength tests.
uniform. It shall not be possible to separate any two layers with
5.2 Basic Materials—This specification covers PE pipe
a probe or point of a knife blade so that the layers separate
made from four PE plastics as defined in Specification D 1248,
cleanly at any point.
in which the requirements are based on short-term tests. These
6.4 Carbon Black—The polyethylene pipe extrusion com-
are Grade P14, Grade P23, Grade P24, Grade P33, and Grade
pound shall contain at least 2 % carbon black when tested in
P34. The PE plastics can also be described according to the
accordance with Test Method D 1603. For pipe produced by
appropriate cell classification in accordance with Specification
simultaneous multiple extrusion, this requirement shall apply
D 3350. The 80°C sustained pressure performance require-
to the outer layer.
ments of 6.9 are not currently in PE material Specifications
NOTE 3—There is evidence that indicates that type, particle size, and
D 1248 or D 3350. To identify the correct pipe test category
dispersion quality of the carbon black affects the weatherability of the
(C1 to C7), the PE material base resin density and melt index
pipe. The problem is being investigated and when reliable test methods are
must be obtained from the PE material supplier.
developed, requirements for weatherability, or other suitable requirements
to cover this property, will be included in a revision of this specification.
NOTE 1—Committee F-17 has requested that Committee D-20 add the
80°C sustained pressure performance requirements to Specifications
D 1248 and D 3350.
5.3 Hydrostatic Design Stresses—This specification covers
TABLE 1 Outside Diameters and Tolerances for PE Plastic Pipe,
PE pipe made from four PE plastics as defined by hydrostatic
Schedules 40 and 80, in. (mm)
design stresses developed on the basis of long-term tests
Nominal Average Tolerance
Pipe Outside
For Average For Maximum and
Size Diameter
5.4 Compound—The PE plastic extrusion compound shall
Diameter Minimum Diameter
meet the requirements of either Grade P14, Class C; Grade
P23, Class C; Grade P24, Class C; Grade P33, Class C; or
⁄2 0.840(21.34) 60.004(60.10) 60.015(60.38)
Grade P34, Class C material as described in Specification ⁄4 1.050(26.67) 60.004(60.10) 60.020(60.51)
1 1.315(33.40) 60.005(60.13) 60.025(60.64)
D 1248 or the comparable cell classification in accordance with
1 ⁄4 1.660(42.16) 60.005(60.13) 60.025(60.64)
Specification D 3350.
1 ⁄2 1.900(48.26) 60.006(60.15) 60.030(60.76)
2 2.375(60.33) 60.006(60.15) 60.035(60.89)
5.5 Rework Material—Clean, rework material, generated
2 ⁄2 2.875(70.03) 60.007(60.18) 60.035(60.89)
from the manufacturer’s own pipe production, may be used by
3 3.500(88.90) 60.008(60.20) 60.040(61.02)
the same manufacturer, as long as the pipe produced meets all 1
3 ⁄2 4.000(101.60) 60.008(60.20) 60.050(61.27)
4 4.500(114.30) 60.009(60.23) 60.050(61.27)
the requirements of this specification.
5 5.563(141.30) 60.010(60.25) 60.050(61.27)
6 6.625(168.28) 60.011(60.28) 60.050(61.27)
6. Requirements
8 8.625(219.08) 60.015(60.38) 60.075(61.91)
10 10.750(273.05) 60.015(60.38) 60.075(61.91)
6.1 Workmanship—The pipe shall be homogeneous
12 12.750(323.85) 60.015(60.38) 60.075(61.91)
throughout and free from visible cracks, holes, foreign inclu-
D 2447
TABLE 2 Wall Thicknesses and Tolerances for PE Plastic Pipe, Schedules 40 and 80, in.(mm)
Nominal Pipe Wall Thickness
Schedule 40 Schedule 80
Minimum Tolerance Minimum Tolerance
⁄2 0.109(2.77) +0.020(+0.51) 0.147(3.73) +0.020(+0.51)
⁄4 0.113(2.87) +0.020(+0.51) 0.154(3.91) +0.020(+0.51)
1 0.133(3.38) +0.020(+0.51) 0.179(4.55) +0.021(+0.53)
1 ⁄4 0.140(3.56) +0.020(+0.51) 0.191(4.85) +0.023(+0.58)
1 ⁄2 0.145(3.68) +0.020(+0.51) 0.200(5.08) +0.024(+0.61)
2 0.154(3.91) +0.020(+0.51) 0.218(5.54) +0.026(+0.66)
2 ⁄2 0.203(5.16) +0.024(+0.61) 0.276(7.01) +0.033(+0.84)
3 0.216(5.49) +0.026(+0.66) 0.300(7.62) +0.036(+0.91)
3 ⁄2 0.226(5.74) +0.027(+0.69) 0.318(8.08) +0.038(+0.97)
4 0.237(6.02) +0.028(+0.71) 0.337(8.56) +0.040(+1.02)
5 0.258(6.55) +0.031(+0.79) 0.375(9.53) +0.045(+1.14)
6 0.280(7.11) +0.034(+0.86) 0.432(10.97) +0.052(+1.32)
8 0.322(8.18) +0.039(+0.99) . .
10 0.365(9.27) +0.044(+1.12) . .
12 0.406(10.31) +0.049(+1.24) . .
The minimum is the lowest wall thickness of the pipe at any cross section. The maximum permitted wall thickness, at any cross section, is the minimum wall thickness
plus the stated tolerance. All tolerances are on the plus side of the minimum requirement.
6.5 Density—The polyethylene base resin (uncolored PE) in 7.4 Density—Determine the density of the pipe compound
the pipe compound shall have a density in the range from 0.910 in accordance with Test Method D 1505 or D 792, using three
to 0.925 g/cm for pipe made from Grade P14 of Specification specimens. Determine the percentage of carbon black by
D 1248, 0.926 to 0.940 g/cm for pipe made from Grade P23 weight in accordance with 6.4. Calculate the density of the PE
and Grade P24 of Specification D 1248, 0.941 to 0.965 g/cm base resin (uncolored PE) in the pipe compound as follows:
for pipe made from Grade P33 of Specification D 1248, and
D 5 D 2 0.0044 C (2)
0.941 to 0.965 g/cm for pipe made from Grade P34 of
Specification D 1248 when determined in accordance with 7.5.
D 5 density of resin, g/cm ,
6.6 Sustained Pressure—The pipe shall not fail, balloon, R
D 5 density of pipe compound, g/cm , and
burst, or weep as defined in Test Method D 1598, at the test P
C 5 percentage by weight of carbon black.
pressures given in Table 3 and Table 4 when tested in
7.5 Sustained Pressure Test—Select twelve pipe test speci-
accordance with 7.5.
mens at random. Test the specimens individually with water at
6.7 Burst Pressure—The minimum burst pressure for PE
two controlled temperatures under the pressures given in Table
plastic pipe shall be as given in Table 5, when determined in
3 and Table 4, each specimen at least ten times the nominal
accordance with 7.8.
diameter in length, but not less than 10 in. (250 mm) or more
6.8 Environmental Stress Cracking— There shall be no loss
than 3 ft (1000 mm) between end closures and containing the
of pressure in the pipe when tested in accordance with 7.7.
permanent marking on the pipe. Test six specimens at each
6.9 Elevated Temperature Sustained Pressure—The average
temperature. Maintain the specimens at the pressures indicated
failure time must meet or exceed the specified minimum
in Table 3 and Table 4 for the appropriate pipe size and
average failure time in Table 6 for both hoop stresses of a given
temperature for a period of 1000 h or to failure, whichever
pipe test category when tested in accordance with 7.7.
occurs first. Hold the pressure as closely as possible, but within
7. Test Methods
610 psi (669 kPa) (60.69 bar). Condition the specimens for
at least2hto within 62°C (63.6°F) of the specified test
7.1 Conditioning—Condition the test specimens at 73.4 6
temperature. Except as noted, test in accordance with Test
3.6°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 6 5 % relative humidity for not less
Method D 1598. Failure of the pipe shall be as defined in Test
than 40 h prior to test in accordance with Procedure A of
Method D 1598.
Practice D 618, for those tests where conditioning is required.
7.2 Test Conditions—Conduct tests in the standard labora- 7.6 Environmental Stress Cracking Test— Use six randomly
tory atmosphere of 73.4 6 3.6°F (23 6 2°C) and 50 6 5% selected 10-in. (25

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