Metallic powders - Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts (ISO 3995:1985)

This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (i. e. ISO 3995:1977). The method subjects a compact pressed form metallic powder to a uniformly increasing transverse force under controlled conditions until fracture occurs. the green strength is determined on compacts either having a particular density or after compaction at a specific compacting pressure.

Metallpulver - Bestimmung der Preßkörperfestigkeit von Probekörpern mit rechteckigem Querschnitt unter Biegebeanspruchung (ISO 3995:1985)

Diese internationale Norm behandelt ein Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung der Presskörperfestigkeit durch Messung der Biegebruchfestigkeit von Probekörpern (Presskörpern) mit rechteckigem Querschnitt.

Poudres métalliques - Détermination de la résistance de comprimés rectangulaires à cru (ISO 3995:1985)

La présente Norme internationale spécifie une méthode de détermination de la résistance à cru par mesurage de la résistance à la flexion de comprimés de section rectangulaire.

Metallic powders - Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts (ISO 3995:1985)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Metallic powders - Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts (ISO 3995:1985)Metallpulver - Bestimmung der Preßkörperfestigkeit von Probekörpern mit rechteckigem Querschnitt unter Biegebeanspruchung (ISO 3995:1985)Poudres métalliques - Détermination de la résistance de comprimés rectangulaires a cru (ISO 3995:1985)Metallic powders - Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts (ISO 3995:1985)77.160Metalurgija prahovPowder metallurgy77.040.10Mehansko preskušanje kovinMechanical testing of metalsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 23995:1993SIST EN 23995:2000en01-december-2000SIST EN 23995:2000SLOVENSKI
w - International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANlZATlON FOR STANDARDIZATION.MEXfiYHAPO~HAR OPf-AHM3ALWlR I-IO CTAH~APT~I~~ALW~.ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Metallic powders - Dsetermination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts Poudres mb talliques - D&rmina tion de Ia &istance de comprimhs rectangulaires zi cru Second edition - 1985-07-01 UDC 621.762 : 620.17 Ref. No. ISO 39954985 (E) Descriptors : powder metallurgy, metallic powder, compressed products, tests, determination, green strength, test equipment. Price based on 5 pages SIST EN 23995:2000

Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern- mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take patt in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting. International Standard ISO 3995 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 119, Powder metallurgy. ISO 3995 was first published in 1977. This second edition, of which it constitutes a minor revision. edition cancels and replaces the first @ International Organization for Standardization, 1985 l Printed in Switzerland SIST EN 23995:2000

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 3995-1985 (E) Metallic powders - Determination of green strength by transverse rupture of rectangular compacts 1 Scope and field of application This International Standard specifies a method for the deter- mination of green strength by measuring the transverse rupture strength of compacts of rectangular Cross-section. 2 Principle Subjection of a compact pressed from metallic powder to a uniformly increasing transverse forte under controlled condi- tions until fracture occurs. Determination of the transverse rup- ture strength, or green strength as used herein, as the stress, calculated from the flexure formula, required to break the com- patt as a simple beam supported near the ends and applying the forte midway between the fixed centre of supports. The green strength is determined on compacts either having a particular density or after compaction at a specific compacting pressure. 3 Apparatus 3.1 Die, preferably of cemented carbide or alternatively of tool steel, and two punches for producing rectangular test pieces with dimensions according to clause 4. An example of a design for tooling is shown in figure 1. 3.2 Press, capable of applying forces up to about 300 kN with a minimum accuracy of +2 % and adjustable to permit an even increase of the forte at a rate no higher than 50 kN/s. 3.3 Balance, capable of weighing the compacts to an ac- curacy of *O,Ol g. 3.4 Micrometer or other suitable measuring device, for measuring the dimensions of the compacts to an accuracy of *O,Ol mm. 3.5 Fixture for testing, having two support cylinders (rollers) with a fixed distance between them and a load cylinder (roller). All three cylinders shall be 3 + 0,l mm in diameter and shall be made of hardened steel with a hardness of at least 700 HV, or of hardmetal. The cylinders shall be mounted parallel and the distance between the centres of the support cylinders shall be 25 + 0,2 mm, measured with an accuracy of +O,l mm. The load cylinders shall be mounted midway be- tween the support cylinders. The mounting of the cylinders shall be such as to account for the permitted deviation from parallelism of the top and bottom faces of the test piece. A diagrammatic arrangement of a typical test fixture is shown in figure 2. 3.6 Loading device, which may be either of the following : 3.6.1 A compression testing machine capable of determin- ing the breaking forte with a minimum accuracy of +2 N. 3.6.2 A loading beam apparatus to properly locate the test piece and which is capable of applying a breaking forte through a lever arrangement. The applied forte tan be exerted by various Systems, an example of which is given in figure 3. The applied forte on the test piece shall be calculated to an ac- curacy of +2 N. 4 Sampling The quantity of the test Sample shall be Chosen to give three test pieces with the dimensions ‘IO to 13 mm wide, at least 30 mm long and 5,5 to 6,5 mm thick. The thickness of the test piece shall be uniform within 0,l mm over the distance be- tween supports. If necessary, preliminary tests should be made in Order to establish the quantity of powder which is needed to fulfil this requirement. 5 Procedure 5.1 Cleaning of the die and punches Wipe the die cavity a

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