General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part 15: Comparison of resistance to light of coloured pigments of similar types (ISO 787-15:1986)

Describes two methods of exposure. In method A, the material is exposed under glass to natural light. In method B, the material is exposed to direct artificial light. The test sample and the agreed reference pigment are each dispersed in the same agreed binder. The dispersions are applied to a substrate and dried; they are then exposed to natural daylight with protection from rain (method A) or to artificial light (method B) under specified conditions. The resistance to light is assessed by comparing the change in colour of the test sample to that of the agreed reference pigment. Cancels and replaces the first edition ISO 787/15-1973.

Allgemeine Prüfverfahren für Pigmente und Füllstoffe - Teil 15: Vergleich der Beständigkeit bei Belichtung von Buntpigmenten ähnlichen Typs (ISO 787-15:1986)

Dieser Teil von ISO 787 beschreibt ein allgemeines Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmungder Beständigkeit bei Belichtung von zwei ähnlichen Buntpigment-Proben (vereinbartes Bezugspigment und Probe). Es werden zwei Belichtungsverfahren beschrieben. Bei Verfahren A wird das Material unter Glas mit natürlichem Tageslicht belichtet, bei Verfahren B direkt mit künstlichem Licht.

Méthodes générales d'essai des pigments et matières de charge - Partie 15: Comparaison de la résistance à la lumière des pigments colorés de types semblables (ISO 787-15:1986)

La présente partie de l'ISO 787 décrit une méthode générale d'essai pour la comparaison de la résistance à la lumière de deux échantillons de pigments colorés de types semblables (pigment de référence agréé et échantillon pour essai). Deux méthodes d'exposition sont décrites. Dans la méthode A, le matériau est exposé sous verre à la lumière naturelle. Dans la méthode B, le matériau est exposé directement à une lumière artificielle.
NOTE -- Chaque fois que l'une de ces méthodes générales (A ou B) est applicable pour un pigment donné, il devra simplement être fait référence à la méthode appropriée dans la Norme internationale relative à ce pigment, en indiquant toutes les modifications de détail qui peuvent être nécessaires en raison des propriétés spéciales du produit. Ce n'est que dans le cas où une telle méthode générale ne serait pas applicable à un produit particulier, qu'il deviendrait nécessaire de spécifier une méthode différente pour la comparaison de la résistance à la

Splošne metode preskušanja pigmentov in polnil - 15. del: Primerjava svetlobne obstojnosti barvastih pigmentov podobnih vrst (ISO 787-15:1986)

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EN ISO 787-15:1997
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Splošne metode preskušanja pigmentov in polnil - 15. del: Primerjava svetlobne
obstojnosti barvastih pigmentov podobnih vrst (ISO 787-15:1986)
General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part 15: Comparison of resistance
to light of coloured pigments of similar types (ISO 787-15:1986)
Allgemeine Prüfverfahren für Pigmente und Füllstoffe - Teil 15: Vergleich der
Beständigkeit bei Belichtung von Buntpigmenten ähnlichen Typs (ISO 787-15:1986)
Méthodes générales d'essai des pigments et matieres de charge - Partie 15:
Comparaison de la résistance a la lumiere des pigments colorés de types semblables
(ISO 787-15:1986)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 787-15:1995
87.060.10 Pigmenti in polnila Pigments and extenders
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

International Standard 787115
General methods of test for pigments and extenders -
Part 15: Comparison of resistance to light of coloured
pigments of similar types
A& thodes g&x!rales d’essai des pigments et ma ti&es de charge -
Partie 15: Comparaison de la kistance 3 la lumi&re des
pigments color&s de types semblables
Second edition - 1986-11-01
UDC 667.622 : 620.191.7
Ref. No. IS0 787/15-1986 (E)
Descriptors : paints, pigments, tests, daylight tests, determination, daylight resistance.
Price based on 5 pages
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through IS0 technical committees. Each member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council. They are approved in accordance with IS0 procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard IS0 787/15 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35,
Faints and varnishes.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition (IS0 787/XV-19731,
clauses 0, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 of which have been technically revised.
Users should note that all International Standards undergo revision from time to time
and that any reference made herein to any other International Standard implies its
latest edition, unless otherwise stated.
0 International Organization for Standardization, 1986
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 787/15-1986 (El
The purpose of this International Standard is to establish a series of general test
methods for pigments and extenders which are suitable for all or many of the individual
pigments and extenders for which specifications might be required. In such cases, a
cross-reference to the general method should be included in the International Standard
relating to that pigment or extender, with a note of any detailed modifications which
might be needed in view of the special properties of the product in question.
Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes, decided that all the general
methods should be published as they become available, as parts of a single Inter-
national Standard, in order to emphasize the relationship of each to the whole series.
The Technical Committee also decided that, where two or more procedures were wide-
ly used for determining the same or a similar characteristic of a pigment or extender,
there would be no objection to including more than one of them in the IS0 series. In
such cases it will, however, be essential to state clearly in a specification which method
is to be used and, in the test report, which method has been used.
Parts of the series already published are as follows:
Part 1 : Comparison of colour of pigments
Part 2 : Determination of matter volatile at 105 OC
Part 3 : Determination of matter soluble in water - Hot extraction method
Part 4 : Determination of acidity or alkalinity of the aqueous extract
Part 5 : Determination of oil absorption value
Part 7 : Determination of residue on sieve - Water method - Manual procedure
Part 8 : Determination of matter soluble in water - Cold extraction method
: Determination of pH value of an aqueous suspension
Part 9
Part 10 : Determination of density - Pyknometer method
Part 11 : Determination of tamped volume and apparent density after tamping
Part 13 : Determination of water-soluble sulphates, chlorides and nitrates
Part 14 : Determination of resistivity of aqueous extract
Part 15 : Comparison of resistance to light of coloured pigments of similar types
Part 16 : Determination of relative tinting strength (or equivalent colouring value)
and colour on reduction of coloured pigments - Visual comparison method
Part 17 : Comparison of lightening power of white pigments
Part 18 : Determination of residue on sieve - Mechanical flushing procedure
Part 19 : Determination of water-soluble nitrates - Salicylic acid method
Part 20 : Comparison of ease of dispersion - Oscillatory shaking method
Part 21 : Comparison of heat stability of pigments using a stoving medium
Part 22 : Comparison of resistance to bleeding of pigments
Part 23 : Determination of density (using a centrifuge to remove entrained air)
Part 24 : Determination of relative tinting strength of coloured pigments and
relative scattering power of white pigments - Photometric methods
. . .
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General methods of test for pigments and extenders -
Part 15: Comparison of resistance to light of coloured
pigments of similar types
0 Introduction important aspect may be accommodated in this part of IS0 787
by allowing the agreed binder (medium) to consist of a disper-
This document is a part of IS0 787, Genera/methods of test for sion of such a pigment. The test procedure is then followed as
pigments and extenders.
The terms “resistance to light” and “light fastness (or colour
The extent to which the change on exposure is allowed to pro-
fastness)” describe the resistance of a material to change in its ceed before the comparison is made, may be of importance. It
appearance as a result of exposure to light. The magnitude of
is unrealistic to assess the exposures when the change is only
the change, if any, is influenced by the quantity and quality of equivalent to the first perceptible change, but it is also inad-
the light to which the material is exposed, and by the nature
visable to wait until the amount of change is large. Thus, it is
and composition of the material itself. Two compositions, each recommended that comparisons of change of appearance be
consisting of identical components but in different proportions,
made when the amount of change of the pigment with known
may not have the same resistance to light. Also, two compo- resistance to light (agreed reference pigment) is equal to
sitions each consisting of the same proportions of similar, but fastness grade 4 and 3 of the grey scale in accordance with
not identical, components may not have the same resistance to
IS0 105, section A02.
For any particular application, the method of test described in
When exposed to natural light, the conditions of the test vary
this International Standard needs to be completed by the
continuously because of the large number of variables (for
following supplementary information. This information should
example intensity and spectral distribution of the light, be derived, in part or totally, from an (interjnational standard or
temperature, relative humidity, and the amount and nature of
other document related to the product under test or, if ap-
atmospheric contaminants) and therefore results cannot be
propriate, should be agreed between the interested parties.
related to similar tests carried out on other occasions. Conse-
quently expressing the results as a function of time alone is not
a) Type and identification of the agreed reference
These considerations form the basis for the comparison of light b) The binder (medium) for dispersion of the test sample
fastness of two different samples of a coloured pigment. Each and the agreed reference pigment and details of the com-
sample is incorporated in the same proportion in otherwise position of the dispersion.
identical compositions and these compositions, in a suitable
c) The method of dispersion to be used.
form, are examined for any difference in their change of ap-
pearance after exposure to the same quantity and quality of
d) Whether the test is to be carried out under natural ex-
light. In order to comply with these exposure conditions, it is
posure (method A) or artificial light (method B).
necessary for the compositions to be exposed side by side at
the same time to the same light source for the same period of
e) If method A is to be used, the exposure angle of the
test specimens and glass cover.
In addition, the light fastness of a pigment may be affected by
f) If method B is to be used, the details of the apparatus
the presence of other pigments such as titanium dioxide. This
and of the light source.
Iso 787/15-1986 (El
1 Scope and field of application 4.2 Film applicator or other device, suitable for applying,
side by side, two films of wet thickness 50 to 100 urn, or a
This part of IS0 787 describes a general method of test for suitable apparatus for preparing mass tone prints with a
comparing the resistance to light of samples of similar types of
thickness of about 1,5 pm.
coloured pigments (agreed reference pigment and test sample).
4.3 Cover sheet, of aluminium foil or other suitable
Two methods of exposure are described. In method A, the
material is exposed under glass to natural light. In method 9,
the material is exposed to direct artificial light.
4.4 Grey scale for assessing change in colour, complying
with IS0 105, sect

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