General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part 9: Determination of pH value of aqueous suspension (ISO 787-9:1981)

The water used shall be freshly distilled water, boiled before use, but for 5 to 10 min only, in order to avoid an increase of its pH value due to alkali dissolved from the glass. Preparation of a suspension of the material under test, stopper the container, shaking, allow to stand any time, removing the stopper and determination, to the nearest 0.1 unit, of the pH value of the suspension. - Cancels and replaces ISO Recommendation R 787/9-1970.

Allgemeine Prüfverfahren für Pigmente und Füllstoffe - Teil 9: Bestimmung des pH-Wertes einer wäßrigen Suspension (ISO 787-9:1981)

Dieser Teil von ISO 787 legt ein allgemeines Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung des pH-Wertes einer wäßrigen Suspension einer Pigment- oder Füllstoffprobe fest.

Méthodes générales d'essai des pigments et matières de charge - Partie 9: Détermination du pH d'une suspension aqueuse (ISO 787-9:1981)

La présente partie de l'ISO 787 spécifie une méthode générale d'essai pour la détermination du pH d'une suspension aqueuse d'un échantillon de pigment ou de matière de charge.
NOTE -- Chaque fois que cette méthode générale est applicable pour un pigment ou une matière de charge donné(e), il devra simplement y être fait référence dans la Norme internationale relative à ce pigment ou cette matière de charge, et il devra être mentionné, dans une note, toutes les modifications de détail qui peuvent être nécessaires en raison des propriétés spéciales du produit considéré. Ce n'est que dans le cas où une telle méthode générale ne serait pas applicable à un produit particulier, qu'il deviendrait nécessaire de spécifier une méthode spéciale pour la détermination du pH.

Splošne metode preskušanja pigmentov in polnil - 9. del: Določanje pH vrednosti vodnih suspenzij (ISO 787-9:1981)

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General methods of test for pigments and extenders - Part 9: Determination of pH value
of aqueous suspension (ISO 787-9:1981)
Allgemeine Prüfverfahren für Pigmente und Füllstoffe - Teil 9: Bestimmung des pH-
Wertes einer wäßrigen Suspension (ISO 787-9:1981)
Méthodes générales d'essai des pigments et matieres de charge - Partie 9:
Détermination du pH d'une suspension aqueuse (ISO 787-9:1981)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 787-9:1995
87.060.10 Pigmenti in polnila Pigments and extenders
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

International Standard
General methods of test for pigments and extenders -
Part 9 I Determination of pH value of an aqueous
suspension 9 : D&termination du pH d’une suspension aqueuse
Mbthodes g&&ales d’essai des pigments et mat/&es de charge -
First edition - 1981-09-15
Ref. No. IS0 787/g-1981 (E)
UDC 667.622 : 543.257.1
chemical analysis, determination of content, pH.
Descriptors : paints, pigments, tests,
Price based on 2 pages
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national standards institutes (IS0 member bodies). The work of developing Inter-
national Standards is carried out through IS0 technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the IS0 Council.
International Standard IS0 787/9 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 35,
Paints and varnishes, and was circulated to the member bodies in November 1979.
It has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia Ireland Romania
Austria Israel South Africa, Rep. of
Brazil Italy Spain
Canada Kenya . Sweden
China Korea, Rep. of Switzerland
United Kingdom
France Netherlands
Germany, F. R. Norway USSR
India Poland
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
This International Standard cancels and replaces IS0 Recommendation R 787/g-1970,
of which it constitutes a technical revision.
0 International Organization for Standardization, 1981
Printed in Switzerland
The purpose of this International Standard is to establish a series of general test
methods for pigments and extenders which are suitable for all or many of the individual
pigments and extenders for which specifications might be required. In such cases, a
cross-reference to the general method should be included in the International Standard
relating to that pigment or extender, with a note of any detailed modifications which
might be needed in view of the special properties of the product in question.
Technical Committee ISO/TC 35, Paints and varnishes, decided that all the general
methods should be published as they become available, as parts of a single Interna-
tional Standard, in order to emphasize the relationship of each to the whole series.
The Technical Committee also decided that, where two or more procedures were wide-
ly used for determining the same or a similar characteristic of a pigment or extender,
there would be no objection to including more than one of them in the IS0 series. In
such cases it will, however, be essential to state clearly in a specification which method
is to be used and, in the test report, which method has been used.
Parts of the series already published are as follows :
Part 1 : Comparison of colour of pigments
Part 2 : Determination of matter volatile at 105 OC
Part 3 : Determination of matter soluble in water - Hot extraction method
Part 4 : Determination of acidity or alkalinity of the aqueous extract
Part 5 : Determination of oil absorption value
Part 6 : Determination of residue on sieve - Oil method
Part 7 : Determination of residue on sieve - Water method - Manual procedure
Part 8 : Determination of matter soluble in water - Cold extraction method
Part 9 : Determination of pH value of an aqueous suspension
Part 10 : Determination of density - Pyknometer method
Part 11 : Determination of tamped volume and apparent density after tamping
Part 13 : Determination of water-soluble sulphates, chlorides and nitrates
Part 14 : Determination of resistivity of aqueous extract
Part 15 : Comparison of resistance of coloured pigments of similar types to light
from a specified light source
Part 16 : Comparison of relative tinting

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