Playground equipment for children ­ Part 2: Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 1176:2017 and its parts (2020 - 2022)

The purpose of this document is to publish replies to requests for interpretations to all parts of EN 1176 which have been drafted by the interpretation panel and confirmed by CEN/TC 136/SC 1.

Kinderspielplatzgeräte ­ Teil 2: Antworten zu Interpretationsanfragen der Jahre 2020 - 2022 zur EN 1176:2017 und deren Teilen

Équipements d'aires de jeux pour enfants ­ Partie 2: Réponses aux demandes d'interprétation de l'EN 1176:2017 et de ses parties (2020 - 2022)

Oprema otroških igrišč - 2. del: Odgovori na zahteve za razlago standarda EN 1176:2017 in njegovih delov (2020 -­ 2022)

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Oprema otroških igrišč - 2. del: Odgovori na zahteve za razlago standarda EN
1176:2017 in njegovih delov (2020 -- 2022)
Playground equipment for children ­ Part 2: Replies to requests for interpretation of EN
1176:2017 and its parts (2020 ­­ 2022)
Kinderspielplatzgeräte ­ Teil 2: Antworten zu Interpretationsanfragen der Jahre 2020 ­­
2022 zur EN 1176:2017 und deren Teilen
Équipements d'aires de jeux pour enfants ­ Partie 2: Réponses aux demandes
d'interprétation de l'EN 1176:2017 et de ses parties (2020 ­ ­2022)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: FprCEN/TR 17842-2
97.200.40 Igrišča Playgrounds
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

FprCEN/TR 17842-2
April 2024
English Version
Playground equipment for children - Part 2: Replies to
requests for interpretation of EN 1176:2017 and its parts
(2020 -- 2022)
Équipements d'aires de jeux pour enfants - Partie 2: Kinderspielplatzgeräte - Teil 2: Antworten zu
Réponses aux demandes d'interprétation de l'EN Interpretationsanfragen der Jahre 2020 -- 2022 zur EN
1176:2017 et de ses parties (2020 - -2022) 1176:2017 und deren Teilen

This draft Technical Report is submitted to CEN members for Vote. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye and
United Kingdom.
Recipients of this draft are invited to submit, with their comments, notification of any relevant patent rights of which they are
aware and to provide supporting documentation.

Warning : This document is not a Technical Report. It is distributed for review and comments. It is subject to change without
notice and shall not be referred to as a Technical Report.



CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2024 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
Contents Page
European foreword . 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 7
2 Normative references . 7
3 Terms and definitions . 7
4 EN 1176-1:2017, Playground equipment and surfacing — Part 1: General safety
requirements and test methods . 7
5 EN 1176-2:2017+AC:2019, Playground equipment and surfacing — Part 2:
Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for swings . 22
6 EN 1176-3:2017, Playground equipment — Part 3: Additional specific safety
requirements and test methods for slides . 26
7 EN 1176-4:2017+AC:2019, Playground equipment and surfacing - Part 4: Additional
specific safety requirements and test methods for cableways. 27
8 EN 1176-5:2019, Playground equipment and surfacing — Part 5: Additional specific
safety requirements and test methods for carousels . 28
9 EN 1176-6:2017+AC:2019, Playground equipment — Part 6: Additional specific
safety requirements and test methods for rocking equipment . 30
10 EN 1176-7:2020, Playground equipment and surfacing — Part 7: Guidance on
installation, inspection, maintenance and operation . 31
Bibliography . 33

FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
European foreword
This document (FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 136
“Sports, playground and other recreational facilities and equipment”, the secretariat of which is held by
This document is currently submitted to the Vote on TR.
CEN/TR 1784 consists of the following parts, under the general title Playground equipment for children
— Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 1176:2017 and its parts:
— Part 1: Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 1176:2017 and its parts (2018-2019)
— Part 2: Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 1176:2017 and its parts (2020-2022)
FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
Interpretations and no-action decisions
This document contains all agreed responses to interpretation requests of the years 2020 to 2022
concerning the understanding of clauses and requirements in EN 1176 and its parts. The responses
concern those requests that have resulted in an interpretation or a decision that no action is required as
the standard is sufficiently clear. It should bring a close to all interpretations made to EN 1176 and its
An interpretation does not have the same status as the text of the standard. However, following an
interpretation gives assurance that the relevant clause of the standard has been applied correctly.
An interpretation is a clarification of the meaning of the standard.
The interpretations have been prepared by the interpretation panel of CEN/TC 136/SC 1 in accordance
with an agreed process and finally confirmed by the whole CEN/TC 136/SC 1 prior to responding back
to the enquiring National Standardization Body. The information contained herein should always be
considered in association with the original published text contained in the EN 1176 standard series.
Requests for interpretations can be submitted by a CEN member body through its national mirror
committee or by a CEN/TC 136 liaison organization (but not directly by an individual or a company) –
in accordance with the interpretation panel process agreed by CEN/TC 136/SC 1. The requests are
channelled to the CEN/TC 136/SC 1 interpretation panel, which will then deal with the request.
A request for an interpretation may lead to:
a) an interpretation of the standard with no action to the standard (no revision and no amendment)
This should reflect a reasonable interpretation of how the standard should be used, taking into
1) the wording of the standard;
2) the rationale of the standard;
3) the history of the standard.
This is also applicable when it is agreed that the standard appropriately specifies how playground
equipment is assessed.
b) a proposal for an amendment of the standard
This is applicable when it is agreed that the existing standard clauses need urgent update, for
example, if the interpretation identifies a serious conflict that compromises safety.
NOTE All replies to interpretation requests received since 2017 are published in the CEN/TR 17842 series.
As required, additional parts of this TR are published to include any new interpretations that have been agreed
since the publication of the previous TR part. Proposals for amendments will be progressed as new work item
proposals in accordance with CEN rules.
FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
c) a future revision
It is not part of the interpretation panel process to carry out new work that was not previously
covered within the published EN 1176 parts and clauses. Future work requests should always be
raised by National Standard Bodies using the “Future work request template” to ensure full
consideration is given to the necessity and possible consequences, before starting any new work on
EN 1176 and its parts.
Responses to interpretation requests
Since requests for interpretations are submitted through a CEN member body, it is assumed that the
member body will keep itself informed about decisions concerning the request and its progress and will
itself inform the originator of the request, as appropriate.
The following information requests have been included in this document:
Table 1
Request Standard Submitting
Clause Key words
Number reference country
2020-01 EN 1176-1 Sweden Sand cranes
2020-02 EN1176-2 4.5, 3.13, 4.6.3 & Netherlands Parent-child swing
Annex B
2020-03 EN 1176-5 5.2.3 Finland Ground clearance, tapered underside
2020-04 EN1176-6 3.11, 4.5 Denmark Restraint of motion, damping
2020-05 EN 1176-2 3.13 Denmark Group swing seat, parent-child swing
2020-06 EN 1176-1 A.2.6.1 Denmark Swing seats, gondola, traditional
2020-07 EN 1176-1 Annex H Lithuania adequate level of impact attenuating
2020-08 EN 1176-7 scope Lithuania Scope
2020-09 EN 1176-2 Impact Area, Netherlands Impact area, group swing
Group swing
2020-12 EN 1176-5 4.3 and 4.5, Sweden Type D, user stations, Annex E
Table 1
2020-13 EN 1176-4 4.9 Türkiye Impact test method
2020-14 EN 1176-1 Finland Adjacent platforms
FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
Table 2
Request Standard Submitting
Clause Key words
Number reference country
2021-01 1176-1, table 4 Sweden Bark, woodchip, particle size
2021-02 1176-1 Sweden Entrapment, partially bound test
Table 3
Request Standard Submitting
Clause Key words
Number reference country
2022-02 EN 1176-1 Sweden Partially bound openings
2022-03 EN 1176-3 4.8 Finland Impact areas, slides, falling spaces
2022-04 EN 1176-1 Finland Falling space, obstacles, climbing, risk
2022-05 EN 1176-1 Finland Guardrails, falling height, climbing
FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
1 Scope
The purpose of this document is to publish replies to requests for interpretations to all parts of EN 1176
which have been drafted by the interpretation panel and confirmed by CEN/TC 136/SC 1.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms and definitions
No terms and definitions are listed in this document.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at
— IEC Electropedia: available at
4 EN 1176-1:2017, Playground equipment and surfacing — Part 1: General
safety requirements and test methods
4.1 Interpretation request 2022-05 – Finland: Guardrails
4.1.1 Member body question
1. Is the underside of a guardrail (A) allowed to have elements or geometries (B) that could be used
for climbing? See Figure 1.
2. If geometries that could be used for climbing do exist, should the guard rail be included to falling
Figure 1
4.1.2 Member body proposal
1. Yes. The requirement to discourage climbing is given only for barriers and not for the guard rails.
2. In line with interpretation 2011-04, only if the guardrail allows access to higher locations, the
guard rail is considered a climbing element and should be included to the falling height.
FprCEN/TR 17842-2:2024 (E)
4.1.3 Interpretation Panel
Proposed track: No action
4.1.4 Comments/proposal for an answer
A Guardrail’ is defined in EN 1176-1:2017, cause 3.23, as ‘rail intended to prevent a user from falling’.
Requirements for ‘Guardrails’ are given in EN 1176-1:2017, clause, which do not require them to
discourage climbing.
To answer the specific MB Questions:
1. Yes. The requirement to discourage climbing is given only for barriers and not for the guardrails.
2. Yes. Any elements that encourage climbing to higher sections of the equipment should be included
in the ‘Free Height of Fall’. (EN 1176-1:2017, clause, includes examples of what features
could encourage climbing ‘for roofs, or other features not intended for play’. Guardrails are not
specifically mentioned although they would generally be expected as a ‘feature not intended for
The Interpretation Panel also noted that when considering a fall onto a platform that is more than 1m
high, the surface of the lower platform shall present the necessary impact attenuating properties, in line
with EN 1176-1:2017, clause
4.2 Interpretation request 2021-02 – Sweden: b) – Entrapment, partially bound
test probe
4.2.1 Member body question
Our questions relate to paragraph b) and the connected test method D2.2. This works perfectly
fine for rectangular openings. However, for angular/V-shaped openings in range 2, you get totally
different minimum angle depending on whether you use the shoulder part or the test template D.
See also separate document for further illustrations and explanation of the problem.
Based on the findings in the separate document, should we:
— Use only the shoulder portion, approving angles >75 degrees?
— Use only the test template D, approving angles >60 degrees?
4.2.2 Member body proposal
Either change the clause and the test method to use ONLY one of the following:
— Shoulder po

Questions, Comments and Discussion

Ask us and Technical Secretary will try to provide an answer. You can facilitate discussion about the standard in here.