Natural gas - Calculation of thermodynamic properties - Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications (ISO 20765-1:2005)

This part of ISO 20765 specifies a method of calculation for the volumetric and caloric properties of natural gases, natural gases containing synthetic admixture and similar mixtures, at conditions where the mixture can exist only as a gas.
The method is applicable to pipeline-quality gases within the ranges of pressure and temperature at which transmission and distribution operations normally take place. For volumetric properties (compression factor and density), the uncertainty of calculation is about ± 0,1 % (95 % confidence interval). For caloric properties (for example enthalpy, heat capacity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, speed of sound), the uncertainty of calculation is usually greater.

Erdgas - Berechnung thermodynamischer Eigenschaften - Teil 1: Eigenschaften der Gasphase für Zwecke des Transports und der Verteilung (ISO 20765-1:2005)

Gaz naturel - Calcul des propriétés thermodynamiques - Partie 1: Propriétés de la phase gazeuse pour des applications de transport et de distribution (ISO 20765-1:2005)

L'ISO 20765-1:2005 spécifie une méthode de calcul des propriétés volumétriques et calorifiques des gaz naturels, de gaz naturels contenant un adjuvant synthétique et de mélanges similaires, dans des conditions telles que le mélange ne peut exister que sous forme gazeuse.
La méthode est applicable aux gaz de qualité réseau dans les plages de pression et de température auxquelles s'effectuent normalement les opérations de transport et de distribution. Pour les propriétés volumétriques (facteur de compression et masse volumique), l'incertitude de calcul avoisine ± 0,1 % (intervalle de confiance de 95 %). En revanche, l'incertitude de calcul est généralement plus élevée pour les propriétés calorifiques (par exemple l'enthalpie, la capacité thermique, le coefficient de Joule-Thomson, la vitesse du son).

Zemeljski plin - Izračun termodinamičnih lastnosti - 1. del: Lastnosti plinaste faze za prenos in distribucijo (ISO 20765-1:2005)

Ta del standarda ISO 20765 določa metodo za izračun volumetričnih in kaloričnih lastnosti zemeljskih plinov, zemeljskih plinov, ki vsebujejo sintetične dodatke, in podobnih mešanic pri pogojih, v katerih lahko mešanica obstaja samo v plinastem stanju.
Metoda se uporablja za pline iz cevovoda v razponu tlaka in temperature, v katerem običajno potekajo dejavnosti prenosa in distribucije. Negotovost izračuna za volumetrične lastnosti (kompresijski faktor in gostota) znaša približno ±0,1 % (95-odstotni interval zaupanja). Negotovost izračuna za kalorične lastnosti (na primer entalpija, toplotna kapaciteta, Joul-Thomsonov koeficient, hitrost zvoka) je običajno večja.

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Erdgas - Berechnung thermodynamischer Eigenschaften - Teil 1: Eigenschaften der Gasphase für Zwecke des Transports und der Verteilung (ISO 20765-1:2005)Gaz naturel - Calcul des propriétés thermodynamiques - Partie 1: Propriétés de la phase gazeuse pour des applications de transport et de distribution (ISO 20765-1:2005)Natural gas - Calculation of thermodynamic properties - Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications (ISO 20765-1:2005)75.060Zemeljski plinNatural gasICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN ISO 20765-1:2018SIST EN ISO 20765-1:2018en,fr,de01-december-2018SIST EN ISO 20765-1:2018SLOVENSKI
EN ISO 20765-1
t r s z ICS
y wä r x r English Version
Natural gas æ Calculation of thermodynamic properties æ Part
sã Gas phase properties for transmission and Gaz naturel æ Calcul des propriétés thermodynamiques æ Partie
sã Propriétés de la phase gazeuse pour des
Erdgas æ Berechnung thermodynamischer Eigenschaften æ Teil
sã Eigenschaften der Gasphase für This European Standard was approved by CEN on
u s August
t r s zä
egulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alterationä Upætoædate lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CENæCENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN memberä
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t r s z CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Membersä Refä Noä EN ISO
t r y x wæ sã t r s z ESIST EN ISO 20765-1:2018

Reference numberISO 20765-1:2005(E)© ISO 2005
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO20765-1First edition2005-09-15Natural gas — Calculation of thermodynamic properties — Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications Gaz naturel — Calcul des propriétés thermodynamiques — Partie 1: Propriétés de la phase gazeuse utilisée pour des applications de transport et de distribution
ISO 20765-1:2005(E) PDF disclaimer This PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed but shall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area. Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.
ISO 2005 All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel.
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ISO 20765-1:2005(E) © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
iiiContents Page Foreword.iv Introduction.v 1 Scope.1 2 Normative references.1 3 Terms and definitions.1 4 Thermodynamic basis of the method.2 4.1 Principle.2 4.2 The fundamental equation of Helmholtz free energy.3 4.3 Thermodynamic properties derived from the Helmholtz free energy.5 5 Method of calculation.8 5.1 Input variables.8 5.2 Conversion from pressure to reduced density.9 5.3 Implementation.9 6 Ranges of application.10 6.1 Pressure and temperature.10 6.2 Pipeline quality gas.10 7 Uncertainty.11 7.1 Uncertainty for pipeline quality gas.11 7.2 Impact of uncertainties of input variables.14 8 Reporting of results.14 Annex A (normative)
Symbols and units.16 Annex B (normative)
The Helmholtz free energy of the ideal gas.19 Annex C (normative)
The equation for the Helmholtz free energy.22 Annex D (normative)
Detailed documentation for the equation of state.24 Annex E (informative)
Assignment of trace components.30 Annex F (informative)
Implementation of the method.32 Annex G (informative)
Examples.35 Bibliography.42
ISO 20765-1:2005(E) iv
ISO 20765-1:2005(E) © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
vIntroduction This part of ISO 20765 specifies methods for the calculation of thermodynamic properties of natural gases, natural gases containing synthetic admixture, and similar mixtures. This part of ISO 20765 has four normative annexes and three informative annexes.
INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 20765-1:2005(E) © ISO 2005 – All rights reserved
1Natural gas — Calculation of thermodynamic properties — Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications 1 Scope This part of ISO 20765 specifies a method of calculation for the volumetric and caloric properties of natural gases, natural gases containing synthetic admixture and similar mixtures, at conditions where the mixture can exist only as a gas. The method is applicable to pipeline-quality gases within the ranges of pressure, p, and temperature, T, at which transmission and distribution operations normally take place. For volumetric properties (compression factor and density), the uncertainty of calculation is about ± 0,1 % (95 % confidence interval). For caloric properties (for example enthalpy, heat capacity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, speed of sound), the uncertainty of calculation is usually greater. 2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. ISO 31-3, Quantities and units — Part 3: Mechanics ISO 31-4, Quantities and units — Part 4: Heat ISO 7504, Gas analysis — Vocabulary ISO 12213-2, Natural gas — Calculation of compression factor — Part 2: Calculation using molar-composition analysis ISO 14532, Natural gas — Vocabulary 3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 31-4, ISO 7504 and ISO 14532 and the following apply. NOTE See Annex A for the list of symbols and units used in this part of ISO 20765. 3.1 caloric property characteristic of a gas or homogeneous gas mixture which can be calculated from a fundamental equation of state NOTE The caloric properties to which this part of ISO 20765 can be applied are internal energy, enthalpy, entropy, isochoric heat capacity, isobaric heat capacity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, isentropic exponent and speed of sound. SIST EN ISO 20765-1:2018

ISO 20765-1:2005(E) 2

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