EN ISO 15330:1999
(Main)Fasteners - Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement - Parallel bearing surface method (ISO 15330:1999)
Fasteners - Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement - Parallel bearing surface method (ISO 15330:1999)
Verbindungselemente - Verspannungsversuch zur Entdeckung von Wasserstoffversprödung - Verfahren mit parallelen Auflageflächen (ISO 15330:1999)
Diese Internationale Norm legt einen Verspannungsversuch fest, der geeignet ist, das Auftreten von Wasserstoffversprödung bei Verbindungselementen bei Raumtemperatur aufzudecken. Dieser Versuch kann angewendet werden bei: - metrischen Schrauben und Stiftschrauben; - gewinderfurchende Schrauben; - Blechschrauben; - Bohrschrauben; - Muttern und - Scheiben, die aus Stahl hergestellt sind und unter Zugspannung stehen. Der Versuch ist im Temperaturbereich 10°C bis 35°C durchzuführen.
Eléments de fixation - Essai de précharge pour la détection de la fragilisation par l'hydrogène - Méthode des plaques parallèles (ISO 15330:1999)
La présente Norme internationale spécifie un essai de précharge permettant de détecter, le risque de fragilisation par l'hydrogène des éléments de fixation à température ambiante.Cet essai s'applique- aux vis et aux goujons métriques;- aux vis autotaraudeuses;- aux vis à tôle;- aux vis autoperceuses;- aux écrous;- aux rondelles;fabriqués en acier et soumis à des contraintes de traction.L'essai doit être effectué dans une plage de températures comprise entre 10 °C et 35 °C.L'essai convient uniquement au contrôle en cours de fabrication et peut être effectué après chaque phase du procédé de fabrication. Il n'est pas destiné au contrôle de réception. Il permet de noter les différences ou modifications des conditions ou des techniques dans le procédé de fabrication et de déterminer l'efficacité des différentes phases duprocédé, y compris les pré et post-traitements de revêtement (dégazage) afin de réduire la quantité d'hydrogène mobile dans les éléments de fixation.Cet essai ne dégage pas le fabricant ni le sous-traitant de la responsabilité d'imposer un contrôle approprié du procédé de fabrication et de le surveiller.
Mehanski vezni elementi - Obremenilni preskus za ugotavljanje vodikove krhkosti - Metoda z vzporednimi naležnimi ploskvami (ISO 15330:1999)
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Mehanski vezni elementi - Obremenilni preskus za ugotavljanje vodikove krhkosti -
Metoda z vzporednimi naležnimi ploskvami (ISO 15330:1999)
Fasteners - Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen embrittlement - Parallel bearing
surface method (ISO 15330:1999)
Verbindungselemente - Verspannungsversuch zur Entdeckung von
Wasserstoffversprödung - Verfahren mit parallelen Auflageflächen (ISO 15330:1999)
Eléments de fixation - Essai de précharge pour la détection de la fragilisation par
l'hydrogene - Méthode des plaques paralleles (ISO 15330:1999)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 15330:1999
21.060.01 Vezni elementi na splošno Fasteners in general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.
First edition
Fasteners — Preloading test for the
detection of hydrogen embrittlement —
Parallel bearing surface method
Éléments de fixation — Essai de précharge pour la détection de la
fragilisation par l'hydrogène — Méthode des plaques parallèles
Reference number
ISO 15330:1999(E)
ISO 15330:1999(E)
Contents Page
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .2
4 Principle .2
5 Test apparatus.3
6 Sampling .6
7 Test procedure.6
8 Test evaluation .8
9 Test report .8
© ISO 1999
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced
or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and
microfilm, without permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case postale 56 • CH-1211 Genève 20 • Switzerland
Internet iso@iso.ch
Printed in Switzerland
ISO 15330:1999(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in
liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting.
Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
International Standard ISO 15330 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 2, Fasteners, Subcommittee
SC 1, Mechanical properties of fasteners.
ISO 15330:1999(E)
When atomic hydrogen enters steels, it can cause loss of ductility or load-carrying ability, cracking (usually as
submicroscopic cracks) or catastrophic brittle failures at applied stresses well below the yield strength or even the
normal design strength for the alloys. This phenomenon often occurs in alloys that show no significant loss in
ductility when measured by conventional tensile tests, and is frequently referred to as hydrogen-induced delayed
brittle failure, hydrogen stress cracking or hydrogen embrittlement. The hydrogen can be introduced during heat
treatment, gas carburizing, cleaning, pickling, phosphating, electroplating and in the service environment as a result
of cathodic protection or corrosion reactions. Hydrogen can also be introduced during fabrication, for example
during roll forming, machining, and drilling due to coolant or lubricant break-down as well as during welding or
brazing operations.
Fasteners — Preloading test for the detection of hydrogen
embrittlement — Parallel bearing surface method
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies a preloading test which is able to detect the occurence of hydrogen
embrittlement of fasteners at room temperature.
This test is applicable to
metric bolts, screws and studs;
thread rolling screws;
self-tapping screws;
self-drilling screws;
which are made of steel and are under tensile stress.
The test shall be carried out within a temperature range of 10 °C to 35 °C.
The test is suitable only for in-process control and may be carried out after any step of the manufacturing process. It
is not intended as an acceptance test. It is capable of assessing differences or changes in processing conditions or
techniques and to determine the effectiveness of the various processing steps including pre- and post-coating
treatments (baking) to reduce the mobile hydrogen in the fasteners.
This test does not relieve the manufacturer or processor from the responsibility of imposing and monitoring suitable
process control.
NOTE The chance of detecting hydrogen embrittlement decreases significantly if the test is started more than 24 h after
the last step of manufacturing process. Therefore, in normal cases this test is not suitable for acceptance testing.
Special attention shall be given to the reference test in clause 7.3.
2 Normative references
The following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 273:1979, Fasteners — Clearance holes for bolts and screws.
ISO 2702:1992, Heat-treated steel tapping screws — Mechanical properties.
ISO 15330:1999(E)
ISO 7085:1999, Mechanical and performance requirements of case hardened and tempered metric thread rolling
ISO 10666:1999, Drilling screws with tapping screw thread — Mechanical and functional properties.
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard the following terms and definitions apply.
susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement
characteristic of a steel fastener to display brittle failure due to the presence of mobile hydrogen and when
subjected to a significant degree of tensile stress and/or adverse service conditions
NOTE 1 With increasing susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement, the critical amount of mobile hydrogen which may cause
brittle failure decreases markedly.
NOTE 2 After the manufacturing process, susceptibility to hydrogen embrittlement cannot be reduced or changed into an
unsusceptible condition, even by any post-coating heat treatment (baking).
risk of hydrogen embrittlement
risk of failure which arises if fasteners made from steel which are susceptible to hydrogen embrittlement absorb
hydrogen and are subjected to tensile stress and/or residual tensile stress
NOTE The risk of hydrogen embrittlement can be reduced when in the relevant process steps hydrogen supply is
minimized and/or when suitable post-coating heat treatment is carried out to enable hydrogen to effuse and/or to trap hydrogen
irreversibly in the steel.
manufacturing lot
quantity of fasteners of a single designation including product grade, property class and size, manufactured from
bar, wire, rod or flat product from a single cast, processed through the same or similar steps at the same time or
over a continuous time period through the same heat treatment and/or coating process, if any
Same heat treatment or coating process means:
for a continuous process, the same treatment cycle without any setting modification;
for a discontinuous process, the same treatment cycle for identical consecutive loads (batches).
NOTE The manufacturing lot may be split into a number of manufacturing batches for processing purposes and then
reassembled into the same manufacturing lot.
manufacturing batch
quantity of identical fasteners from the same manufacturing lot processed together at one time
4 Principle
The preloading test is carried out in suitable test devices. The fasteners are subjected to stress in the range of the
yield point or the breaking torque either by torquing with a mating nut (or bolt) or by driving in a pretapped plate, see
Figures 1 to 3. Other loading systems and fixtures are permissible, provided that the required stress in the range of
the yield point or breaking torque of the relevant fastener can be achieved. The stress or torque is held at least for
48 h. After every 24 h the fasteners are retightened to the initial stress or torque and at the same time checked if
failure due to hydrogen embrittlement has occurred.
ISO 15330:1999(E)
5 Test apparatus
According to the different types of fasteners different test devices shall be used.
5.1 Metric bolts, screws and studs
For metric bolts, screws and studs fixtures of hardened plates of steel with parallel faces and with one hole or with
multiple holes perpendicular to the surfaces of the plates shall be used, see Figure 1.
1 Upper plate
2 Filler plate (for long bolts, screws or studs)
3 Lower plate
4 Nut serving as head
Clearance hole according to ISO 273, fine series
Figure 1 — Test devices for metric bolts, screws and studs
The apparatus for metric bolts, screws and studs comprises a top and a bottom steel plate, see Figure 1. The
hardness of top plate and bottom plate shall be 45 HRC minimum. The bearing surfaces shall be ground, and the
roughness shall not exceed Ra = 8 mm. The thickness of each plate shall be 1d minimum (d is the nominal thread
diameter). The clearance holes shall have diameters d in accordance with ISO 273, fine series, and shall not be
chamfered. The distance of the clearance holes, L, from each other shall be three diameters (3d) minimum.
When carrying out the test, a free threaded length of at least 1d shall be subjected to stress, and no more than 5 full
threads shall extend beyond the nut. To meet these requirements, one or more plates of steel with parallel and
ground faces may be used as filler plate(s). The filler plate(s) may be manufactured from other steel grades and
with a different hardness compared to upper and bottom plate.
ISO 15330:1999(E)
The bolts, screws and studs to be tested are preloaded by tensioning with a mating nut. In the case of studs or
threaded rod, nuts shall be used at both sides of the test plate(s). When they are threaded with different pitch
threads, the nut on the fine thread shall be considered as the head. The nut representing the head shall be screwed
to finger tightness up to the relevant thread end.
In the case of a short screw (l , 2,5 d) only one plate with pretapped holes shall be used in which the screw shall
be screwed directly without using a nut and tightened against the screw head. The plate shall have the properties as
specified above for the top plate.
For testing bolts and screws with no flat bearing surface (e.g. countersunk screws, eye bolts etc.) an appropriate
upper plate or washer shall be used under the head, see Figure 2.
1 Upper plate with countersinks
2 Lower plate
Figure 2 — Example for a test device for bolts and screws with no flat bearing surface
5.2 Thread rolling screws, self-tapping screws and self-drilling screws
The apparatus for thread rolling screws, self-tapping screws and self-drilling screws comprises a plate made from
steel with mechanical properties as specified for the corresponding drive test in ISO 7085, ISO 2702 or ISO 10666
respectively, but which is pretapped, see Figure 3. A suitable washer of hardness class 300 HV may be applied
under the head of the screw to protect the plate. The minimum thickness of the plate shall be 1 ( = nominal thread
d d
diameter). All other requirements are the same as for metric bolts, screws and studs, see 5.1.
NOTE Instead of using taps, pretapping can be achieved by driving the screws to be test
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