Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of fatigue by constant-load pounding (ISO 3385:1989)

Specifies the determination of loss in thickness and loss in hardness of materials intended for use in upholstery. Provides a means of assessing the service performance. The method is applicable both to standard size test pieces cut from stock material and to shaped components. Formulas are given to express the loss in thickness and the loss in hardness. Two figures show the details of a manually adjusted machine and an automatically adjusted. Constitutes a minor revision of the second edition (ISO 3385:1982).

Polymere Weichschaumstoffe - Bestimmung der Ermüdung durch konstante Stoßbelastung (ISO 3385:1989)

Diese Internationale Norm beschreibt ein Verfahren zur Bestimmung der Minderung von Dicke und Härte bei Weichschaumstoffen, die als Polstermaterial dienen sollen.
Dieses Prüfverfahren ergibt die Möglichkeit zur Einschätzung des Gebrauchsverhaltens von Weichschaum¬stoffen aus Latex, Polyether  und Urethantypen, die als lasttragende Polsterwerkstoffe eingesetzt werden.
Die gemessene Dickenabnahme und die Abnahme der Härte werden in Beziehung gesetzt zu den Eigenschaftsminderungen, die mit einer gewissen Wahrscheinlichkeit während des Gebrauchs eintreten, es sind jedoch nicht unbedingt die gleichen.
Das Verfahren ist anwendbar sowohl auf Standardprobekörper, die aus Blockmaterial herausgeschnitten sind, als auch auf geformte Polsterteile.

Matériaux polymères alvéolaires souples - Détermination de la fatigue par indentation à charge constante (ISO 3385:1989)

La présente Norme internationale prescrit une méthode pour la détermination de la perte d'épaisseur et de la perte de dureté des matériaux polymères alvéolaires souples, destinés à l'utilisation en sellerie. Cette méthode d'essai fournit un moyen d'estimation des performances en service des matériaux polymères alvéolaires souples, type latex et polyuréthanne, utilisés en sellerie devant supporter de lourdes charges. La perte d'épaisseur et la perte de dureté mesurées sont apparentées aux pertes qui se produisent en cours d'utilisation, mais ne sont pas nécessairement les mêmes. La méthode est applicable à la fois à des éprouvettes normales découpées dans un bloc de matériau et à des éléments façonnés.

Penjeni polimerni materiali - Mehke pene - Določanje utrujenosti materiala (ISO 3385:1989)

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Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of fatigue by constant-load pounding
(ISO 3385:1989)
Polymere Weichschaumstoffe - Bestimmung der Emüdung durch konstante
Stoßbelastung (ISO 3385:1989)
Matériaux polymeres alvéolaires souples - Détermination de la fatigue par indentation a
charge constante (ISO 3385:1989)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 3385:1995
83.100 Penjeni polimeri Cellular materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

Third edition
Flexible cellular polymeric materials -
Determination of fatigue by constant-load
Matkriaux polymtkes alv6olaires souples - Dktermina tion de Ia fa tigue par
inden ta tion 2 Charge constante
Reference number
ISO 3385 : 1989 (E)
ISO 3385 : 1989 (El
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards bodies (ISO member bedies). The work of preparing International
Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Esch member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has
the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO
collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all
matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council. They are approved in accordance with ISO procedures requiring at
least 75 % approval by the member bodies voting.
International Standard ISO 3385 was prepared by Technical
Committee ISO/TC 45,
Rubber and rubber products.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 3385 : 1982), of which
it constitutes a minor revision.
0 ISO 1989
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronie or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without Permission in
writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standard ization
1 Geneve 20 0 Switzerlan d
Case postale 56 o CH-121
Printed in Switzerland
ISO 3385 : 1989 IE)
Flexible cellular polymeric materials - Determination of
fatigue by constant-load pounding
4.2 Indentor, having an Overall diameter of 250 mm + 1 mm
1 Scope
with a 25 mm ? 1 mm radius at its lower edge, provided with a
device for applying a maximum forte of 750 N + 20 N during
This International Standard specifies a method for the deter-
mination of loss in thickness and loss in hardness of flexible one loading cycle. The indentor shall be rigidly fixed to its guide
cellular materials intended for use in upholstery. and its surface shall be smooth but not polished.
This test method provides a means of assessing the Service per- By means of a trank or other suitable mechanism, the machine
shall be capable of oscillating either the platen (4.1) carrying the
formante of flexible cellular materials of the latex and polyether
urethane types used in load-bearing upholstery. test piece, or the indentor support mounting (4.31, towards the
other in a vertical direction at a rate of (70 -1: 5) strokes per
The measured loss in thickness and loss in hardness are related minute. The amplitude of the stroke shall be adjustable.
to, but are not necessarily the same as, the losses likely to oc-
cur in Service.
4.3 Indentor support mounting, such that the indentor
forte is carried by it except at that patt of the stroke when the
The method is applicable both to Standard size test pieces tut
mounting and platen are closest together; at this Point the full
from stock material and to shaped components.
forte of the indentor shall be supported by the test piece. The
indentor shall be free to be lifted in its mounting to prevent
overloading of the test piece. Means shall be provided whereby
2 Normative reference
at any stroke the time tan be controlled during which the full
forte is exerted by the indentor. This time shall be no more than
The following Standard contains provisions which, through
25 % of the total duration of each cycle.
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this International
Standard. At the time of publication, the edition indicated was
valid. All Standards are subject to revision, and Parties to
4.4 Forte measuring device, whereby the load applied to
agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged
the test piece by the indentor tan be measured. A suitable
to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition
method consists in mounting the platen upon load cells.
of the Standard indicated below. Members of IEC and ISO
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
NOTE - Where adjustment is manual, the indentor is attached to the
lower end of a shaft which Passes through a vertical guide above the
I S 0 2439 : 1980, Polymeric ma teriafs, cellular flexible - De ter-
platen carrying the test piece. Adjustment of the vertical Position of the
mina tion o f hardness finden ta tion technique). indentor relative to the platen controls the length of time at any stroke
that the full forte of the indentor is supported by the test piece. A sug-
gested arrangement is sh

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