Child care articles - Compiled interpretations of CEN/TC 252 standards

The purpose of this CEN Technical Report is to provide replies to requests for interpretations and clarifications of:
-   EN 1273:2005, Child use and care articles - Baby walking frames - Safety requirements and test methods;
-   EN 1888:2012, Child care articles - Wheeled child conveyances - Safety requirements and test methods;
-   EN 1930:2011, Child use and care articles - Safety barriers - Safety requirements and test methods;
-   EN 12586:2007, Child use and care articles - Soother holder - Safety requirements and test methods;
-   EN 12790:2009, Child use and care articles - Reclined cradles;
-   EN 12221 1:2008, Changing units for domestic use - Part 1: Safety requirements;
-   EN 12221 2:2008, Changing units for domestic use - Part 2: Test methods;
-   EN 1466:2004+A1:2007, Child care articles - Carry cots and stands - Safety requirements and test methods;
-   EN 14350 2:2004, Child use and care articles - Drinking equipment - Part 2: Chemical requirements and tests;
-   EN 1400:2013+A1:2014, Child use and care articles - Soothers for babies and young children;
-   EN 14372:2004, Child use and care articles - Cutlery and feeding utensils - Safety requirements and tests;
-   EN 16120:2012, Child use and care articles - Chair mounted seat;
-   EN 14350-1:2004, Child use and care articles - Drinking equipment - Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests;
-   EN 16232:2013, Child use and care articles - Infant swings.

Artikel für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder - Gesammelte Interpretationen der CEN/TC 252-Normen

Articles de puériculture - Compilation des interprétations des normes du CEN/TC 252

Izdelki za otroke - Zbrane interpretacije standardov CEN/TC 252

Namen tega tehničnega poročila CEN je zagotoviti odgovore na zahteve za razlago in pojasnilo naslednjih standardov:
– EN 1273:2005, Izdelki za otroke – Hojce – Varnostne zahteve in preskusne metode;
– EN 1888:2012, Izdelki za otroke – Otroški vozički – Varnostne zahteve in preskusne metode;
– EN 1930:2011, Izdelki za otroke – Varnostne pregrade – Varnostne zahteve in preskusne metode;
– EN 12586:2007, Izdelki za otroke – Držalo dude – Varnostne zahteve in preskusne metode;
– EN 12790:2009, Izdelki za otroke – Sklopne zibelke;
– EN 12221 1:2008, Previjalne mize za domačo uporabo – 1. del: Varnostne zahteve;
– EN 12221 2:2008, Previjalne mize za domačo uporabo – 2. del: Preskusne metode;
– EN 1466:2004+A1:2007, Izdelki za otroke – Prenosne posteljice in podstavki – Varnostne zahteve in preskusne metode;
– EN 14350 2:2004, Izdelki za otroke – Pripomočki za pitje – 2. del: Kemijske zahteve in preskusi;
– EN 1400:2013+A1:2014, Izdelki za otroke – Dude za dojenčke in malčke;
– EN 14372:2004, Izdelki za otroke – Jedilni pribor in posoda za hranjenje – Varnostne zahteve in preskusi;
– EN 16120:2012, Izdelki za otroke – Sedeži, ki se pritrdijo na stol za odrasle;
– EN 14350-1:2004, Izdelki za otroke – Pripomočki za pitje – 1. del: Splošne in mehanske zahteve ter preskusi;
– EN 16232:2013, Izdelki za otroke – Gugalnice za dojenčke.

General Information

Publication Date
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9960 - Withdrawal effective - Withdrawal
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SIST-TP CEN/TR 16411:2015
Izdelki za otroke - Zbrane interpretacije standardov CEN/TC 252
Child care articles - Compiled interpretations of CEN/TC 252 standards
Articles de puériculture - Compilation des interprétations des normes du CEN/TC 252
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CEN/TR 16411:2019
97.190 Otroška oprema Equipment for children
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CEN/TR 16411
May 2019
ICS 97.190 Supersedes CEN/TR 16411:2014
English Version
Child care articles - Compiled interpretations of CEN/TC
252 standards
Articles de puériculture - Compilation des Artikel für Säuglinge und Kleinkinder - Gesammelte
interprétations des normes du CEN/TC 252 Interpretationen der CEN/TC 252-Normen

This Technical Report was approved by CEN on 8 March 2019. It has been drawn up by the Technical Committee CEN/TC 252.

CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia,
Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and United Kingdom.


CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Rue de la Science 23, B-1040 Brussels
© 2019 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. CEN/TR 16411:2019 E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

Contents Page
European foreword . 4
Introduction . 5
1 Scope . 8
2 00252033 – EN 1273:2005, Child use and care articles — Baby walking frames —
Safety requirements and test methods . 9
3 00252059 – EN 1888:2012, Child care articles — Wheeled child conveyances —
Safety requirements and test methods . 11
4 00252051 – EN 1930:2011, Child use and care articles — Safety barriers — Safety
requirements and test methods. 27
5 00252046 – EN 12586:2007, Child use and care articles – Soother holder – Safety
requirements and test methods . 45
6 00252048 – EN 12790:2009, Child use and care articles — Reclined cradles . 63
7 00252049 – EN 12221-1:2008 , Changing units for domestic use — Part 1: Safety
requirements . 68
8 00252050 – EN 12221-2:2008, Changing units for domestic use — Part 2: Test
methods . 71
9 00252054 – EN 1466:2004+A1:2007, Child care articles — Carry cots and stands —
Safety requirements and test methods . 72
10 00252032 – EN 14350-2:2004, Child use and care articles — Drinking equipment —
Part 2: Chemical requirements and tests . 75
11 00252089 – EN 1400:2013+A1:2014, Child use and care articles – Soothers for
babies and young children – Safety requirements and test methods . 77
12 00252024 - EN 14372:2004, Child use and care articles — Cutlery and feeding utensils
— Safety requirements and tests . 99
13 00252065 – EN 16120:2012, Child use and care articles - Chair mounted seat . 102
14 00252023 – EN 14350-1:2004, Child use and care articles - Drinking equipment -
Part 1: General and mechanical requirements and tests . 104
15 00252058 – EN 16232:2013, Child use and care articles – Infant swings . 108
Annex A (informative) Interpretation 3 on 3.9 and in EN 12586:2007, Child use and
care articles — Soother holder — Safety requirements and test methods (WI
00252046) . 111
A.1 Introduction . 111
A.2 Examples of possible ventilation holes in more recent models of soother holders . 112
Annex B (informative) Reply to interpretation 3 on 3.9 and in EN 12586:2007, Child
use and care articles — Soother holder — Safety requirements and test methods (WI
00252046) . 114
Annex C (informative) Reply to interpretation 1 on 5.1.10 in EN 12586:2007 Child use and
care articles — Soother holder — Safety requirements and test methods
(WI 00252046) . 116
C.1 Ventilation holes in fastener (5.1.10) . 116
C.2 Discussion . 116
C.3 Final Interpretation . 121
Bibliography . 122

European foreword
This document (CEN/TR 16411:2019) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 252 “Child
care articles”, the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CEN shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
This document supersedes CEN/TR 16411:2014.
This Technical Report contains replies to requests for interpretation and clarifications with regard to
the understanding of clauses in the standards elaborated within the CEN/TC 252. The replies concern
those requests which have resulted in an interpretation or the decision that no action is necessary.
An interpretation does not have the same status as the text of the standard, nor can it overrule the text
of the standard. However, following an interpretation should give assurance that the relevant clause of
the standard has been correctly applied. An interpretation will only be regarded as a clarification of the
meaning of the standard.
a) Disclaimer:
The interpretations and clarifications have been derived by expert groups of CEN/TC 252. The
information contained herein is for guidance only and does not reflect the formal approval by CEN or
CEN member bodies. It should be noted that the interpretations are neither part of any standard nor
have been referenced in the Official Journal of the European Union.
b) Requests for interpretation:
Requests for interpretations may be submitted by a CEN member body through its national committee
or by a CEN/TC 252 liaison (but not directly by an individual or a company) – in accordance with the
interpretation protocols agreed by CEN/TC 252. The requests are then channelled to the relevant
CEN/TC 252 working group which will deal with the request.
A request for an interpretation may lead to:
1) an interpretation of the standard:
this should reflect a reasonable interpretation of how the standard should be used, while taking
into account:
i) the wording of the standard;
ii) the rationale of the standard;
iii) the history of the standard;
2) a no-action decision:
this is applicable when it is agreed that the standard appropriately specifies how a child care article
should be assessed;
3) a proposal for an amendment of the standard:
this is applicable when it is agreed that the standard is deficient in some way.
NOTE Interpretations are published in CEN/TR 16411, which will be updated on a regular basis.
Proposals for amendments will be progressed as new work item proposals in accordance with CEN
c) Answers to requests for interpretations:
Since requests for interpretations are submitted through a CEN member body, it is assumed that the
member body will keep itself informed about decisions concerning the request and its progress and will
itself inform the originator of the request as appropriate.
1 Scope
The purpose of this CEN Technical Report is to provide replies to requests for interpretations and
clarifications of:
— EN 1273:2005, Child use and care articles — Baby walking frames — Safety requirements and test
— EN 1888:2012, Child care articles — Wheeled child conveyances — Safety requirements and test
— EN 1930:2011, Child use and care articles — Safety barriers — Safety requirements and test methods;
— EN 12586:2007, Child use and care articles — Soother holder — Safety requirements and test
— EN 12790:2009, Child use and care articles — Reclined cradles;
— EN 12221-1:2008, Changing units for domestic use — Part 1: Safety requirements;
— EN 12221-2:2008, Changing units for domestic use — Part 2: Test methods;
— EN 1466:2004+A1:2007, Child care articles — Carry cots and stands — Safety requirements and test
— EN 14350-2:2004, Child use and care articles — Drinking equipment — Part 2: Chemical
requirements and tests;
— EN 1400:2013+A1:2014, Child use and care articles — Soothers for babies and young children;
— EN 14372:2004, Child use and care articles — Cutlery and feeding utensils — Safety requirements
and tests;
— EN 16120:2012, Child use and care articles — Chair mounted seat;
— EN 14350-1:2004, Child use and care articles — Drinking equipment - Part 1: General and
mechanical requirements and tests;
— EN 16232:2013, Child use and care articles — Infant swings.

2 00252033 – EN 1273:2005, Child use and care articles — Baby walking frames — Safety requirements and test
Table 1 — Summary table of the request for interpretations classified in the order of the clauses/subclauses of EN 1273:2005
Clause/Subclause Title Interpretation n°
6.1.1  1/2013  1/2014 (2)
Table 2 — Table of the request for interpretation/clarification for EN 1273:2005
N° Figure/ Question Reply
For the tests order shall we follow 6.1.1. but what is the “test order of the
1 6.1.1  standard” ? Is it the order of requirement §5 or order of tests methods §6
?. In one case the §5.9 should be done after §5.14.
N° Figure/ Question Reply
In certain designs of baby walking frames (e.g. non-castor wheels in the
back), after the sideways step test in accordance with, the product
stops with only one front wheel off the platform and with the rear wheels
almost in the initial position (see picture).
As neither in nor there is
an indication to change the position of
the product from the position where it
has stopped after the test in, the
2  tip over test in shall be performed

starting from the position in which the
The mirror committee has been made aware of a lab manually moving the
product has stopped after the step test in
product before performing the tip over test in so that one front without changing the position of
wheel and one back wheel will be off the platform.
the product or of its wheels.
Is the intention of the standard to perform the tip over test starting from
the position in which the product has stopped after the step test in
(see picture above) or is it correct to move the product between
and so that both the front and the rear wheels on one side are
always off the platform?
3 00252059 – EN 1888:2012, Child care articles — Wheeled child conveyances — Safety requirements and test
Table 3 — Summary table of the request for interpretations classified in the order of the clauses/subclauses of EN 1888:2012

Questions, Comments and Discussion

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