Acoustics - Pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry for hearing conservation purposes (ISO 6189:1983)

Specifies procedures and requirements without masking that are applicable to individuals whose hearing sensiticity might be adversely affected by occupational noise exposure and presents techniques for automatic recording and manual audiometry.

Akustik - Reinton-Luftleitungs-Schwellenaudiometrie für die Gehörvorsorge (ISO 6189:1983)

Acoustique - Audiométrie liminaire tonale en conduction aérienne pour les besoins de la préservation de l'ouïe (ISO 6189:1983)

La présente Norme internationale fixe des modes opératoires et des spécifications pour l'audiométrie liminaire tonale par voie aérienne sans masquage qui sont applicables à des personnes dont l'acuité auditive pourrait être affectée par une exposition aux bruits industriels. Des techniques pour l'audiométrie manuelle et pour l'audiométrie avec enregistrement automatique sont présentées.
Les modes opératoires et spécifications présentés dans ce document ne s'appliquent qu'à l'audiométrie liminaire tonale par voie aérienne au moyen d'écouteurs ; les méthodes applicables pour d'autres techniques audiométriques, telle que l'audiométrie liminaire tonale par conduction osseuse, le masquage et l'audiométrie vocale ne sont pas spécifiées. Les techniques d'audiométrie assistées par ordinateur ne sont pas spécifiées mais elles doivent aboutir à des résultats équivalents à ceux obtenus par audiométrie manuelle. Les spécifications de la présente Norme internationale ne sont pas destinées aux applications cliniques et elles ne sont pas applicables non plus telles quelles dans d'autres circonstances, comme pour les besoins scolaires ou pour les services de santé.

Akustika - Pražna avdiometrija s čistimi toni za zvočno prevodnost za oceno ohranjenosti sluha (ISO 6189:1983)

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EN 26189:1999
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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Akustik - Reinton-Luftleitungs-Schwellenaudiometrie für die Gehörvorsorge (ISO 6189:1983)Acoustique - Audiométrie liminaire tonale en conduction aérienne pour les besoins de la préservation de l'ouie (ISO 6189:1983)Acoustics - Pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry for hearing conservation purposes (ISO 6189:1983)17.140.01Acoustic measurements and noise abatement in general13.140Vpliv hrupa na ljudiNoise with respect to human beingsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 26189:1991SIST EN 26189:1999en01-november-1999SIST EN 26189:1999SLOVENSKI
G3 International Standard INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR STANDARDIZATION.ME~YHAPOAHAR OPTAHWAUMR t-l0 CTAH~APTbl3AL<’l@ORGANISATION INTERNATIONALE DE NORMALISATION Acoustics - Pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry for hearing conservation purposes Acoustique - Audiometrie hminaire tonale en conduction aerienne pour /es besoins de Ia prhervation de l’ouk First edition - 1983-12-01 UDC 534.61.7 : 612.85 Ref. No. ISO 6189-1983 (E) Descriptors : acoustics, audiometry, definitions, audiometers, calibrating, testing conditions, acoustic measurement. 0 cn - Price based on 9 pages SIST EN 26189:1999

Foreword ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national Standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of developing International Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been authorized has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by the ISO Council. International Standard ISO 6189 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 43, Acoustics, and was circulated to the member bodies in June 1982. lt has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries : Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada China Czechoslova kia Denmark Finland Germany, F. R. The member body technical grounds 0 of the following country expressed disapproval of the documen Greece Hungary Israel Italy Jamaica Japan Netherlands New Zealand Norway Pakistan France Portugal Romania South Africa, Rep. of Spain Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom USA USSR International Organkation for Standardkation, 1983 Printed in Switzerland SIST EN 26189:1999

INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 61894983 (E) Acoustics - Pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry for hearing conservation purposes 0 Introduction This International Standard lays down requirements and pro- cedures for conducting pure tone air conduction threshold audiometry when it is deemed by the responsible authority ap- propriate to monitor the hearing of subjects exposed to noise at work. Monitoring audiometry provides a safeguard against the effects of noise causing hearing loss and monitors the effec- tiveness of procedures such as organizational measures and the wearing of hearing protectors. Since hearing conservation con- cerns normal hearing as weil as impaired hearing, requirements are presented for measuring hearing sensitivity down to levels below the Standard reference zero for the calibration of pure tone audiometers. This International Standard does not present procedures for accomplishing either bone conduction pure tone audiometry or Speech audiometry. In obtaining a reliable measure of hearing sensitivity many fac- tors are involved. lt is essential that audiometers, when in ser- vice, be checked and the calibration maintained. This Interna- tional Standard presents an outline of a calibration scheme. To avoid masking of the test tone of the audiometer by ambient noise in the audiometric test room, the levels of the ambient noise have to lie below certain values. This International Stan- dard gives maximum permissible ambient Sound pressure levels not to be exceeded when hearing threshold levels down to 0 dB (sec ISO 389) have to be measured. It indicates the maximum ambient Sound pressure Ievels which are permissible when other minimum hearing threshold levels have to be measured. Recent exposure to noise may temporarily elevate hearing threshold levels. Procedures to minimize temporary threshold shift during audiometric testing are given. Methods of conducting audiometric tests with manual and automatic recording fixed frequency audiometers are presented in this International Standard. For manual audiometry, a bracketing and an ascending method are specified. Also com- Puter controlled or other automated equipment may be used for the audiometric procedure. lt is essential that the prepara- tion and the instruction of the test subject as well as the con- duct of an audiometric test be carried out by a qualified person. In this International Standard, rules are given to obtain the hearing threshold levels from an audiometric recording and to construct an audiogram. Provisional data is given for the dif- ference existing between hearing threshold levels recorded by manual audiometers and those recorded by automatic recor- ding audiometers. This International Standard presents measures of the reliability of audiometric measurements and contains a bibliography. 1 Scope This International Standard specifies procedures and re- quirements for air conduction pure tone threshold audiometry without rnasking that are applicable to individuals whose hear- ing sensitivity might be adversely affected by occupational noise exposure and presents techniques for automatic recor- ding and manual audiometry. 2 Field of application The procedures and requirements presented in this lnter- national Standard are restricted to air conduction pure tone threshold audiometry by earphones; other audiometric tech- niques, such as bone conduction pure tone threshold audiometry, masking and Speech audiometry, are not specified. Techniques for Computer controlled audiometry are not specified, but shall elicit results equivalent to manual audiometry. The specifications in this International Standard are not intended for clinical purposes nor are they applicable without modification in other circumstances, such as at schools or at health Service institutes. 3 References ISO 389, Acoustics - Standard reference zero for the calibra- tion o f pure- tone audiome ters. 1) ISO 4869, Acoustics - Measurement of Sound attenuation of hearing protectors - Subjective method. IEC Publication 303, IEC provisional reference couple for the calibration of earphones used in audiometry. IEC Publication 318, An IEC artificial ear, of the wideband type, for the calibration of earphones used in audiometry. I EC Pu blication 645, Audiometers. 1) See also ISO 389/Add. 1. SIST EN 26189:1999

ISO 6189-1983 (E) 4 Definitions 5.2 Specific requirements For the pu rpose definitions aPPlY of this International Standard the following 4.1 pure tone audiometer : An electroacoustic instrument, equipped with earphones, which provides pure tones of specified discrete frequencies at known Sound pressure levels. 4.2 manual audiometer : A pure tone audiometer in which the Signal presentations, frequency and hearing level selection and recording of the responses of the subject are performed manually. 4.3 automatic recording audiometer : A pure tone audiometer in which hearing level variations are under subject’s control and are recorded automatically. 4.4 Computer controlled audiometer : A pure tone audiometer in which the test procedure is controlled by com- Puter. For the purpose of this International Standard a com- Puter is considered as any electronie device that has a program controlling the test procedure. 4.5 ai r conductio n : The transmission of external and middle ear to the internal ear. Sound through the 4.6 aud iometric recording : A display of the subject to the Signals emitted by an audiometer 5.2.1 tones Frequencies and Sound pressure levels of test Audiometers shall be provided with test tones of at least the following frequencies : 500, 1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000 and 6 000 Hz, and preferably also with 8 000 Hz. The hearing levels shall preferably cover at least the range from - 10 dB to + 70 dB but should cover at least the range from 0 dB to 70 dB. 5.2.2 Order of presentation of test tones Automatic recording audiometers shall be so adjusted that the test tones are presented in one of the following sequences : 500, 1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000, 6 000, (8 000) Hz or 1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000, 6 000, (8 0001, 500 Hz. The test tone fre- quency 8 000 Hz is recommended. The sequence of the test tones shall be the same to both ears. The test tones of pulsed, according 645. automatic recording audiometers shall be to the specification given in IEC Publication For manual and Computer controlled audiometers, the test tones shall be presented in the sequence : 1 000, 2 000, 3 000, 4 000, 6 000, (8 0001, 500, 1 000 Hz to one ear followed by the same sequence to the other ear. The test tone frequency 8 000 Hz is recommended. responses of a NOTE - In special cases the test frequency 500 Hz may be omitted. If so, appropriate adjustments should be made to the requirements in 5.2.1 and 6.1.1. 4.7 hearing level : The hearing level of a pure tone at a specified frequency, for a specific type of earphone and for a specified manner of applications, is the Sound pressure level of this Signal set up by the earphone in a specified coupler or ar- tificial ear minus the appropriate reference equivalent threshold Sound pressure level. 4.8 hearing threshold level : The hearing threshold level of a given ear at a specified frequency is the threshold level at that frequency, derived by a specified method from an audiometric recording, expressed as hearing level. 4.9 audiogram of a subject : Presentation, in graphical or tabular form, of the hearing threshold levels of the subject’s ears, determined under specified conditions and by a specified method, as a function of frequency. 5 Audiometers 5.1 General requirements Audiometers shall be initially constructed and calibrated accor- ding to the requirements of ISO 389 and IEC Publication 645, concerning type 4 monitoring air conduction pure tone manual and automatic recording audiometers, and shall be maintained and calibrated regularly according to 5.3. Computer controlled audiometers shall be constructed so that they meet the re- quirements concerning monitoring air conduction pure tone manual audiometers and are operating according to the specifications given in 8.1 and 8.3 and give results equivalent to 8.2 and 8.4. 5.2.3 Attenu audio meters ation rate of automatic recording For automatic recording audiometers the preferred attenuation rate shall be 5 dB/s. If another rate is used, it shall be 2,5 dB/s. 5.3 Maintenance and calibration lt is essential that the audiometer, when in Service, is calibrated in accordance with ISO 389 and camplies with the calibration requirements of IEC Publication 645. In Order to ensure this the following scheme, consisting of a regularly performed check procedure supplemented by basic calibrations, is specified as a minimum requirement. 5.3.1 Check procedure A listening check according to shall be performed at the beginning of each day of testing. A subjective test according to shall be performed at least once a week and preferably daily. An objective calibration check according to shall be carried out once every three months. 5.3.1 .l Listening check An experience tester with normal hearing shall listen carefully for distortions, attenuator and tone-switch transients and other unwanted Sound from the audiometer at a minimum of three attenuator settings at all test frequencies. If any unwanted Sounds from the audiometer are heard, the audiometer shall be withdrawn from Service for inspection and repair. 2 SIST EN 26189:1999

ISO 6189-1983 (E) Subjective calibration check Take an audiogram of a person having known stable hearing, with hearing threshold levels not exceeding 25 dB at each test frequency, and compare the test results with the known audiogram. If the results indicate hearing threshold level dif- ferences exceeding 10 dB at any frequency the audiometer shall be withdrawn from Service and subjected to an objective calibration check or basic calibration. The maximum permissible ambient Sound pressure level, Lmax, measured at the head Position in the test room, but with the subject absent, is given by the formula : L max =k+A where k is as given in tables 1 to 3; Objective calibration check Measure the frequency of all test tones. Measure the Sound pressure levels of the test tones at each frequency at each ear- phone. A is the average Sound attenuation of the audiometric ear- phone (measured, for example, according to the procedure specified in ISO 4869.) NOTE - The audiometer may be set to 70 dB pose and the appropriate correction m ade. hearing level for this pur- In addition, Perform a listening check according to 5.3.1 .l. The audiometer shall be withdrawn from Service and subjected to a basic calibration, if any departures from the requirements of type 4 audiometers, given in IEC Publication 645 concerning frequency accuracy and Sound pressure Ievel accuracy, or if any unwanted Sounds have been observed. 5.3.2 Basic calibration A basic calibration shall be performed by a competent laboratory every 2 years, or when judged necessary as a result of the periodic Checks given in 5.3.1. The procedure shall be such that after its application the audiometer is calibrated in accordance with ISO 389 and meets the requirements of type 4 instruments given in IEC Publica- tion 645 relating to : NOTE - When values of A are known for a particular Pattern of audiometric earphone, these values should be used. Values of k + A are, however, given in the third column of tables 1 to 3, for con- venience, for the case of typical current supra aural earphones. The data are based on experimental values for two commercially available earp hone typesf71 f*]’ The ambient Sound pressure level measurements should be made at a time when conditions are representative of those ex- isting when audiometric tests are carried out. The values provided in tables 1 to 3 assume that the lowest test frequency is 500 Hz. If minimum hearing threshold levels other than 0 dB have to be measured, the maximum permissible ambient Sound pressure levels, shall be calculated by adding to the values given in the tables 1, 2 and 3 the minimum hearing threshold levels to be measured. For example, if the minimum hearing threshold level to be measured is - 10 dB, 10 dB is subtracted from the values presented in the tables

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