Cellular plastics, rigid - Test methods for self-skinned, high-density materials (ISO 9054:1990)

Contains the basic test procedures for the determination of the physical properties of these plastics. Also specifies the primary methods to be used for comparison of materials similar to materials as defined in clause 3. Likewise permits the use of the same test methods, when found to be suitable for the assessment of the properties of products of different thickness, when agreed upon by the supplier and the purchaser.

Harte Schaumstoffe - Prüfverfahren für Integralschaumstoffe hoher Dichte (ISO 9054:1990)

Diese Internationale Norm legt die grundlegenden Prüfverfahren zur Bestimmung der physikalischen Eigenschaften von harten Integralschaumstoffen hoher Dichte fest (üblicherweise mit einer Dichte über 100 kg/m3). Die vorliegende Norm legt außerdem die für einen Vergleich von Werkstoffen, die Integralschaumstoffen hoher Dichte ähneln, anzuwendenden Verfahren nach Abschnitt 3 fest, die auf ISO-Prüfverfahren beruhen und genormte Probekörperdicken anwenden.

Plastiques alvéolaires rigides - Méthodes d'essai pour les produits à peau intégrée et à haute densité (ISO 9054:1990)

Penjeni polimerni materiali - Trde pene - Preskušanje trdih integralnih pen z visoko gostoto (ISO 9054:1990)

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Penjeni polimerni materiali - Trde pene - Preskušanje trdih integralnih pen z visoko
gostoto (ISO 9054:1990)
Cellular plastics, rigid - Test methods for self-skinned, high-density materials (ISO
Harte Schaumstoffe - Prüfverfahren für Integralschaumstoffe hoher Dichte (ISO
Plastiques alvéolaires rigides - Méthodes d'essai pour les produits a peau intégrée et a
haute densité (ISO 9054:1990)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 9054:1999
83.100 Penjeni polimeri Cellular materials
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

First edition
1990-l 2-15
Cellular plastics, rigid - Test methods for
self-skinned, high-density materials
Plasfiques ahkolaires rigides - Methodes d’essai pour les produits 5
peau intkgr6e et 5 haufe densit
Reference number
IS0 9054: 1990(E)
IS0 9054:1990(E)
IS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide
federation of national standards bodies (IS0 member bodies). The work
of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through IS0
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for
which a technical committee has been established has the right to be
represented on that committee. International organizations, govern-
mental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the
work. IS0 collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are
circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an Interna-
tional Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies
casting a vote.
International Standard IS0 9054 was prepared by Technical Committee
ISO/TC 61, Plastics.
Annex A forms an integral part of this International Standard.
0 IS0 1990
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
International Organization for Standardization
Case Postale 56 l CH-1211 Genkve 20 + Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
IS0 9054:1990(E)
Cellular plastics, rigid - Test methods for self-skinned,
high-density materials
IS0 845:1988, Cellular plastics and rubbers - Deter-
I Scope
mination of apparent (bulk) density.
This International Standard specifies the basic test
IS0 868:1985, Plastics and ebonite - Determination
procedures for the determination of the physical
of indentation hardness by means of a durometer
properties of self-skinned, high-density (typically
(Shore hardness).
having an overall density in excess of 100 kg/m3)
rigid cellular plastic materials.
IS0 1922:1981, Cellular plastics - Determination of
shear strength of rigid materials.
This standard also specifies the primary methods to
be used for comparison of materials similar to self-
IS0 1923:1981, Cellular plastics and rubbers - De-
skinned, high-density materials as defined in clause
termination of linear dimensions.
3, based upon IS0 test methods and using a stan-
dard test specimen thickness. It likewise permits the
IS0 1926:1979, Cellular plastics - Determination of
use of the same test methods, when found to be
suitable, for the assessment of the properties of tensile properties of rigid materials.
products of different thickness, when agreed upon
IS0 4897:1985, Cellular plastics - Determination of
by the supplier and the purchaser.
the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of rigid
materials at sub-ambient temperatures.
2 Normative references
IS0 6603-1:1985, Plastics - Determination of multi-
The following standards contain provisions which,
axial impact behaviour of rigid plastics - Part I:
through reference in this text, constitute provisions
Falling dart method.
of this International Standard. At the time of publi-
cation, the editions indicated were valid. All stan-
IS0 6603-2: 1989, Plastics - Determination of multi-
dards are subject to revision, and parties to
axial impact behaviour of rigid plastics - Part 2: In-
agreements based on this International Standard
strumented puncture test.
are encouraged to investigate the possibility of ap-
plying the most recent editions of the standards in-
IS0 8301: -l), Thermal insulation - Determination of
dicated below. Members of IEC and IS0 maintain
steady-state thermal resistance and related proper-
registers of currently valid International Standards.
ties - Heat flow meter apparatus.
IS0 75:1987, Plastics and ebonite - Determination
IS0 8302: -I), Thermal insulation - Determination of
of temperature of deflection under load.
steady-state thermal resistance and related proper-
ties - Guarded hot plate apparatus.
IS0 178: 1975, Plastics - Determination of flexural
properfies of rigid p/as tics.
IEC 24311967, Recommended methods of test for
electric strength of solid insulating materials at
IS0 291:1977, Plastics - Standard atmospheres for
power frequencies.
conditioning and testing.
1) To be published.
5.2 Testing
3 Definition
The testing of the specimens shall be performed
For the of this International Standard, the
under the same conditions as used for conditioning
definitio n applies.
the test specimens.
self-skinned, high-density material; integral-skin
foam; structural foam: A rigid cellular material, with
an integral surface skin formed during manufacture,
6 Test methods
which has either:
All tests for material properties shall be as agreed
a) one or more surface zones with an apparent
upon between purchaser and supplier. These tests
density substantially greater than that of the core
will vary from material to material depending upon
the ultimate use of the finished material. It should
be recognized that properties are influenced by the
variation of the density in the direction of the thick-
b) a relatively uniform density.
Where IS0 test methods are unavailable or cannot
be used for determining the property values as set
forth in these clauses, national practice shall be the
4 Test specimens
guiding factor.
Where the form and thickness of the finished product
are known, the thickness of the specimen shall be
6.1 Apparent density
“as produced”. In those instances where the final
form and shape of the product are unknown, or
See IS0 845.
where the thickness of the part is variable, the test
thickness shall be as agreed upon by the purchaser
The linear dimensions shall be measured with an
and supplier. When a test specimen is moulded ex-
accuracy of 0,Ol mm (in accordance with IS0 1923)
pressly for test purposes, the identical conditions,
and the mass to an accuracy of 0,l g.
as specified by the material supplier for use in the
production of the finished product, shall be used in-
sofar as is practical.
6.2 Bending strength
When test specimens are cut from a finished part or
See IS0 178, which determines the bending stress
a part moulded expressly for test purposes, no
and deflectio

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