Gas analysis - Determination of the water dew point of natural gas - Cooled surface condensation hygrometers (ISO 6327:1981)

Describes hygrometers which determine the water content of a gas by detecting water vapour condensation occurring on a cooled surface or by checking the stability of the condensation on this surface. The hygrometers considered here may be used for determining water vapour pressure, without requiring calibration, in a system operating under total pressures greater than or equal to atmospheric pressure.

Gasanalyse - Bestimmung des Wassertaupunktes von Erdgas - Kondensations-Hygrometer mit gekühlter Oberfläche (ISO 6327:1981)

Diese Internationale Norm beschreibt Hygrometer zur Bestimmung des Wasserdampf Taupunktes von Erdgas, welche nach dem Prinzip der Wasserdampfkondensation an einer kalten Oberfläche bzw. der Messung der Stabilität des Kondensates an dieser Oberfläche arbeitet.

Analyse des gaz - Détermination du point de rosée des gaz naturels - Hygromètres à condensation à surface refroidie (ISO 6327:1981)

La présente Norme internationale décrit les hygromètres qui déterminent le point de rosée des gaz naturels en détectant l'apparition de la condensation de la vapeur d'eau sur une surface refroidie ou en contrôlant la stabilité de la condensation sur cette surface.
Le point de rosée des gaz naturels traités circulant dans les conduites de transport s'étend entre - 25 °C et + 5 °C, ce qui correspond, selon la pression du gaz, à des concentrations en eau de 50 à 200 ppm (V/V). Les hygromètres traités dans la présente Norme internationale peuvent être utilisés pour déterminer, sans étalonnage, la pression partielle de la vapeur d'eau dans un système fonctionnant sous une pression totale, supérieure ou égale à la pression atmosphérique. Il existe une relation entre la pression partielle de vapeur d'eau et le point de rosée observé, ce qui donne à cette méthode le caractère d'une mesure absolue. Lorsque le gaz contient des condensables à une température voisine de, ou supérieure à celle du point de rosée, l'observation du point de rosée est plus délicate.

Analiza plinov - Določevanje vodnega rosišča zemeljskega plina - Hlajeni površinski kondenzirani higrometri (ISO 6327:1981)

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Gas analysis - Determination of the water dew point of natural gas - Cooled surface
condensation hygrometers (ISO 6327:1981)
Gasanalyse - Bestimmung des Wassertaupunktes von Erdgas - Kondensations-
Hygrometer mit gekühlter Oberfläche (ISO 6327:1981)
Analyse des gaz - Détermination du point de rosée des gaz naturels - Hygromètres à
condensation à surface refroidie (ISO 6327:1981)
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN ISO 6327:2008
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

EN ISO 6327
January 2008
ICS 75.060
English Version
Gas analysis - Determination of the water dew point of natural
gas - Cooled surface condensation hygrometers (ISO
Analyse des gaz - Détermination du point de rosée des gaz Gasanalyse - Bestimmung des Wassertaupunktes von
naturels - Hygromètres à condensation à surface refroidie Erdgas - Kondensations-Hygrometer mit gekühlter
(ISO 6327:1981) Oberfläche (ISO 6327:1981)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 15 December 2007.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European
Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national
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This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
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Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36  B-1050 Brussels
© 2008 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved Ref. No. EN ISO 6327:2008: E
worldwide for CEN national Members.

The text of ISO 6327:1981 has been prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 193 "Natural
gas” of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and has been taken over as EN
ISO 6327:2008 by Technical Committee CEN/SS N21 "Gaseous fuels and combustible gas", the
secretariat of which is held by CMC.

This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of
an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by July 2008, and conflicting national
standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by July 2008.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the
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According to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of
the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium,
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United
Endorsement notice
The text of ISO 6327:1981 has been approved by CEN as EN ISO 6327:2008 without any
International Standard
Gas analysis - Determination of the water dew Point of
natura1 gas - Cooled surface condensation hygrometers
Hygromktres a condensation & surface refroidie
Determination du Point de roske des gaz naturels -
Analyse des gaz -
First edition - 1981-03-15
Ref. No. ISO6327-1981 (E)
UDC 665.612.3 : 543.27 : 533.275
tests, water vapour tests, determination, vapour pressure, humidity, dew Point, test
Descriptors : gas analysis, natura1 gas, hygrometers,
Price based on 5 pages
OS0 (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of
national Standards institutes (ISO member bedies). The work of developing Inter-
national Standards is carried out through ISO technical committees. Every member
body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been set up has the
right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work.
Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to
the member bodies for approval before their acceptance as International Standards by
the ISO Council.
International Standard ISO 6327 was developed by Technical Committee ISO/TC 158,
Analysis of gases, and was circulated to the member bodies in September 1979.
it has been approved by the member bodies of the following countries :
Australia India Poland
Belgium Korea, Rep. sf Romania
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya South Africa, Rep. of
Egypt, Arab Rep. of Mexico United Kingdom
France Netherlands USSR
Germany, F. R. Philippines
No member body expressed disapproval of the document.
International Organkation for Standardkation, 1981
Printed in Switzerland
ISO 6327-1981 (E)
Determination of the water dew Point of
Gas analysis -
natura1 gas - Cooled surface condensation hygrometers
1 Scope 3.2 Determination of water vapour pressure
The partial water vapour pressure in the gas samples is the
This International Standard describes hygrometers used for the
determination of the water dew Point of natura1 gases by detec- saturated vapour pressure corresponding to the observed dew
Point, provided that the gas in the hygrometer is at the same
ting water vapour condensation occurring on a cooled surface
or by checking the stability of the condensation on this surface. pressure as the gas at the time of sampling.
Published documents are available giving the relationship be-
tween saturated vapour pressure and temperature.
2 Field of application
lt should be noted that if methanol is present, this method
determines methanol in addition to water. However, if the
The water dew Point of processed natura1 gases in transmission
methanol content is known, the annex gives, for information,
lines normally lies between - 25 OC and + 5 OC, which cor-
responds to water concentrations of 50 to 200 ppm (V/ v), correction factors allowing determination of the actual water
dew Point.
according to the pressure of the gas.
3.3 Precautions to be taken
The hygrometers considered in this International Standard may
be used for determining water vapour pressure, without requir-
lt is essential that all Sample lines be as short as possible and be
ing calibration, in a System operating under total pressures
sized to produce a negligible pressure drop during measure-
greater than or equal to atmospheric pressure. The relationship
ment. The Sample lines and the hygrometer, apart from the
between water vapour partial pressure and the observed dew
mirror, shall be above the water dew Point temperature.
Point confers on the method the quality of absolute measure-
4 Characteristics of the apparatus
If the test atmosphere contains gases which condense at a
temperature in the region of, or above, that of the water dew
4.1 General
Point, it is very difficult to detect the condensed water vapour.
Condensation apparatus may be designed in various ways. The
differentes lie mainly in the nature of the condensation surface,
the methods used for cooling the surface and for controlling its
3 Principle
temperature, the methods used for measuring the surface
temperature and the method of detecting the condensation.
The mirror and its associated components are normally placed
3.1 Principle of the apparatus
in a small cell through which a Sample of the gas flows; at high
pressures, the mechanical strength and leak tightness of the
With this type of apparatus, which determines the water con-
cell have to be suitable.
tent of a gas by measuring the corresponding dew Point, a sur-
face (generally a metallic mirror), the temperature of which may
lt is recommmended that the mirror should be easily removable
be artificially lowered and accurately measured, is exposed to a
for cleaning.
Sample of the gas being tested. The surface is then cooled to a
temperature at which condensation occurs and is observed as
Adequate precautions shall be taken if measurements are to be
made in the presence of condensable hydrocarbons.
Measurements tan be carried out manually or automatically.
Below this temperature, condensation increases with time,
whilst above it, condensation decreases or does not occur. This
Caution : Manufacturers’ instructions should be carried out
surface temperature is then (for practical applications) taken as
before gas at high pressure is admitted to the cell.
the dew Point of the gas flowing through the apparatus.

In the absence of any condensation, -[he aiffused light failing cr;
the phototeil must be reduced. The effects of BEght diffused
Lkvices for measuring dew point tan be designed tcd make from internal surfaces of the cell tan be reduced Dy blackening
isoiated measurements at different times or to make more or these surfaces ahd this precaution EX be stipplernen-ted by an
iess continuous measurements. For isolated measurements, arrangement sf the optical system so that only the mirror Os
imethods of mir-kor cooling may be Chosen which require con- illuminated and the photocell vievvs oniy the ,mirror.
tinwous attention by the Operator responding to changes in the
zcndensed deposit which is observed by the naked eye. Bf there
!s jess moisture in the gas Sample, i.e. if the gas has a lower
(3ebv Point, the rate at which water vapour flows through the
apparatus per unit time decreases so that condensation forms
more siowjy, and it becomes more difficult to judge whether
The following methods are used for reducing and adjusting the
eowdensation is increasing or diminishing. Observation sf the
mirror temperature. The methods described in 4.4% and 4.42
deposi; tan be made easier by using a photoelectric cell or any
require constant ütter-hn frcmi the operatot- and are 7laC
,--%er deiice which is sensitive to Iight, if a simple indicator SS
suitabhe for autcmatic devices. 521) automatic deviees, two
while maintaining manual control of the cooling
cooling methods are used : indirect cantact with a coslant EX-
csoling by the thermoelectric (Peitier) effect as described In
4.4.3 and 4.44. In any case; the rate :isl eooirng 0-F the a-~riu-~~-
L%%?-~ certain types of manually operated instrumenrs, it is very
shall not exceed 1 “C per n?in~Gie.
-~+?%xI~ to observe the water dew Point in the presence of con-
c.31 1
d~~sed hydrocarbons. In such cases, a liquid Paraffin bubbler
Z-ISS be used to assist such observations. It is very important,
however, that the principles involved and the Iimitations in the
kse of such a bubbler are understood.
A volatile liquid in contact v&n :he Keas’ face ~9 P!X mirrcr tan
be evaporated and cooled by an air ibw. Hand beliovvs are
& equiiibrium is established between the gas passing through
generally used for this purpose, but an adjustable Source of fow
1’ yj e
bjubbier and the liquid Paraffin oil contained in it, at the
pressure compressed air or any othea suitable pressurized gas
aen-perature and pressure of the bubbler. This involves the
is preferable. The liquid used tan be ethyfene oxide, a veay
-t~~Eo~~ihg reactions :
efficient liquid giving cooling of the mirror cf approximately
30 OCR without effort, when hand bello\ws are used. Wowever,
b! , ) The first gas passing through fresh liquid Paraffin loses
risk, acetone tan be used to obtain cooling of
if toxicity is a
water to the Paraffin until equilibrium is achieved, at which
approximateiy 20 cC with hand bellows or even greater coo!lng
-t!me the water content of the exit gas is the same as that of
with compressed air or other suitable pressurized gas,
-tae injet gas. Therefore, the temperature of the bubbler
must be above that of the water dew Point of the gas to be
4.42 Gas cooiing y adiabaak expansiow
Tested and sufficient gas must be passed into the bubbler
*sr equilibrium to be established before observations tan be
The mirror tan be cooled by discbarging onto Ets rear face a gas
which has just expanded ihrough a nozzle. Compressed carbon
dioxide, available from small cyiinders, is often used for this
9) Until equilibrium is established, heavy hydrocarbon
purpose, but other gases such as compressed air, compressed
components pass from the gas into the liquid Paraffin. lt is
nitrogen, propane 01 halogenated hydrocarbons tan also be
this exchange that reduces the volume of potentially con-
used. Mirror temperatures of at least 40 cC beiow the gar
densable hydrocarbons in the gas, thereby reducing the
Sample temperature tan be obtained.
masking effect of the condensed hydrocarbon liquid. As
there BS a continuing exchange of components, the liquid
Paraffin becomes saturated with condensible hydrocarbons 4.43 lndirect mntae~ wvith a coskm~
the content of which increases in the gas. The liquid paraf-
fin must then be replaced and the bubbler conditioned The mirror is connected Po a cooler through a thermal resistor.
before further observations tan be made. Normally, a solid topper rod is plunged into the cooler and
connected to the mirror by a small piece of insulating material
The device tan be fully automated by using the output Signal of
forming the thermal resistor. The mirror is heated by an electric
the photoelectric cell to stabilize the mirror at the required con- element. Current intensity should be c

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