Agglomerated stone - Test methods - Part 13: Determination of electrical resistivity

This European Standard covers the determination of DC insulation resistance, surface resistance and resistivity, and the corresponding electrical conductance and conductivity of specimens of agglomerated stone products conforming to the definition reported in EN 14618. These products are usually made by stone aggregates bound via either resin and filler or cement and water (paste components), or a mixture of polymer/cement and related addition (such as reinforcing fibres, electrically insulating/conducting fillers, etc.).
Resistivity/conductivity may also be used as an indirect measure of some properties of agglomerated stone products (see Annex A - informative).
Volume resistance and resistivity test method and the corresponding electrical conductance and conductivity of specimens of agglomerated stone products are also included (see Annex C - informative).

Künstlich hergestellter Stein - Prüfverfahren - Teil 13: Bestimmung des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstands

Diese Europäische Norm umfasst die Bestimmung des Isolationswiderstands, des Oberflächenwiderstands und des spezifischen Oberflächenwiderstands sowie der entsprechenden elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten und spezifischen elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten von Probekörpern aus Produkten aus künstlich hergestellten Steinen, die der in EN 14618 angegebenen Definition entsprechen. Diese Produkte werden üblicherweise aus Gesteinskörnungen hergestellt und entweder mit Harz und Füllstoffen oder Zement und Wasser (pastöse Bestandteile) oder einem Gemisch aus Polymer/Zement und bestimmten Zusatzmitteln (z. B. Verstärkungsfasern, elektrisch isolierenden/leitenden Füllstoffen usw.) gebunden.
Der spezifische elektrische Widerstand/die spezifische elektrische Leitfähigkeit darf auch als indirektes Maß für bestimmte Eigenschaften von Produkten aus künstlich hergestellten Steinen angewendet werden (siehe informativer Anhang A).
Prüfverfahren für den Durchgangswiderstand und den spezifischen Durchgangswiderstand sowie für die entsprechenden elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten und für die spezifischen elektrischen Leitfähigkeiten von Probekörpern aus Produkten aus künstlich hergestellten Steinen wurden ebenfalls erfasst (siehe informativer Anhang C).

Pierre agglomérée - Méthodes d'essai - Partie 13 : Détermination de la résistivité électrique

La présente méthode d’essai concerne la détermination en courant continu de la résistance d’isolement, de la
résistance et de la résistivité superficielles, ainsi que des conductances et des conductivités électriques
correspondantes, d’éprouvettes de produits en pierres agglomérées conformément à la définition indiquée
dans l’EN 14618. Ces produits sont habituellement composés de granulats de pierre liés soit par une résine et
un filler ou par du ciment et de l’eau (composants pâteux), soit par un mélange de polymères/ciment et
d’additions correspondantes (telles que des fibres de renforcement, des fillers isolants ou conducteurs, etc.).
La résistivité et la conductivité peuvent également être utilisées comme mesure indirecte de certaines
propriétés de produits en pierre agglomérée (voir l’Annexe A - informative).
La méthode d’essai de la résistance et de la résistivité transversales ainsi que les conductances et
conductivités correspondantes d’éprouvettes de produits en pierres agglomérées sont également incluses
(voir l’Annexe C – informative).

Aglomeriran kamen - Preskusne metode - 13. del: Ugotavljanje električne upornosti

Ta evropski standard zajema ugotavljanje izolacijske upornosti pri enosmernem toku, površinske upornosti in odporne moči ter ustrezne električne prevodnosti in prevodnosti primerkov izdelkov iz aglomeriranega kamna, ki ustrezajo definiciji iz standarda EN 14618. Ti izdelki so navadno izdelani iz agregata kamna, ki je vezan s smolo in polnilom ali s cementom in vodo (sestavine paste) ali mešanice polimera/cementa in ustreznih dodatkov (kot so ojačana vlakna, električno prevodna/izolirana polnila ipd.). Upornost/prevodnost se lahko uporablja tudi kot posredni kazalec nekaterih lastnosti izdelkov iz aglomeriranega kamna (glej dodatek A – informativni). Vključene so tudi volumska upornost, preskusna metoda za upornost, ustrezna električna prevodnost in prevodnost primerkov izdelkov iz aglomeriranega kamna (glej dodatek C – informativni).

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.WULþQHXSRUQRVWLKünstlich hergestellter Stein - Prüfverfahren - Teil 13: Bestimmung des spezifischen elektrischen WiderstandsPierre agglomérée - Méthodes d'essai - Partie 13 : Détermination de la résistivité électriqueAgglomerated stone - Test methods - Part 13: Determination of electrical resistivity91.100.15Mineralni materiali in izdelkiMineral materials and productsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 14617-13:2013SIST EN 14617-13:2013en,fr,de01-julij-2013SIST EN 14617-13:2013SLOVENSKI

EN 14617-13
April 2013 ICS 91.100.15 Supersedes EN 14617-13:2005English Version
Agglomerated stone - Test methods - Part 13: Determination of electrical resistivity
Pierre agglomérée - Méthodes d'essai - Partie 13 : Détermination de la résistivité électrique
Künstlich hergestellter Stein - Prüfverfahren - Teil 13: Bestimmung des spezifischen elektrischen Widerstands This European Standard was approved by CEN on 1 March 2013.
CEN members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the same status as the official versions.
CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and United Kingdom.
Management Centre:
Avenue Marnix 17,
B-1000 Brussels © 2013 CEN All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members. Ref. No. EN 14617-13:2013: ESIST EN 14617-13:2013

DC electrical conduction and polarisation phenomena in insulating materials . 10 Annex B (informative)
Statistical evaluation of test results. 12 B.1 Scope . 12 B.2 Symbols and definitions . 12 B.3 Statistical evaluation of test results . 12 Annex C (informative)
Determination of DC volume resistance and resistivity and the corresponding electrical conductance and conductivity . 14 C.1 Scope . 14 C.2 Test specimen preparation . 14 C.3 Specimen conditioning . 14 C.4 Electrode system and measuring equipment . 14 C.5 Procedure . 14 C.6 Expression of results . 15 C.7 Report . 15 Bibliography . 16
Resistivity/conductivity may also be used as an indirect measure of some properties of agglomerated stone products (see Annex A - informative). Volume resistance and resistivity test method and the corresponding electrical conductance and conductivity of specimens of agglomerated stone products are also included (see Annex C - informative). 2 Normative references Not applicable. 3 Principle The resistance/conductance of an agglomerated stone specimen is evaluated by the measurement of direct current (DC) flow in the specimen under specified conditions by appropriate electrode systems. The resistivity/conductivity shall be calculated from specimen and electrode dimensions and shapes.
4 Terms and definitions and symbols 4.1 insulation resistance
Ω  Ω = ohm insulation resistance between two electrodes that are in electrical contact with an agglomerated stone specimen, calculated as the ratio of the direct voltage applied to the electrodes to the total current flowing between them Note 1 to entry: It is dependent upon the shape and size as well as the volume and surface resistance of the specimen. 4.2 surface resistance
Rs (Ω) surface resistance between two electrodes that are in electrical contact with the surface of an agglomerated stone specimen, calculated as the ratio of the direct voltage applied to the electrodes to that portion of the current between them which is primarily distributed on the specimen surface and a thin material layer beneath the specimen surface
Note 1 to entry: Surface conductivity cannot be accurately known, only conventionally, because more or less volume contribution is usually involved in the measurement, depending on the nature of the specimen and environment. 4.3 surface resistivity
ρs (Ω) surface resistivity of the agglomerated stone material, which is calculated as the ratio of the potential gradient parallel to the current direction along its surface to the current per unit width of the surface SIST EN 14617-13:2013

γs (Ω-1) reciprocal of the surface resistivity 4.5 volume resistance
Rv (Ω) volume resistance between two electrodes that are in electrical contact with a specimen, calculated as the ratio of the direct voltage applied to the electrodes to that portion of the current between them that flows only through the volume of the specimen 4.6 volume resistivity
ρv (Ω·m) volume resistivity of the agglomerated stone material, which is calculated as the ratio of the potential gradient, parallel to the current direction in the material, to the current density
EXAMPLE The charge carriers flow through the specimen, charge flowing in the unit time across the unit surface area normal to the current direction. 4.7 volume conductivity
γv (Ω-1·m-1 = S/m  S = siemens) reciprocal of the volume resistivity 5 Sampling and test specimen preparation Sampling is not the responsibility of the test laboratory, unless otherwise agreed. It shall be appropriate to agglomerated stone consignment. Whenever possible, the random sampling method shall be used. Test specimens shall, however, be representative of the agglomerated stone sample and can be directly obtained from laboratory moulding and curing according to a detailed procedure (properly described in the test report) and/or core samples taken "in situ" and cut to proper size for the measuring apparatus. The surfaces shall be honed or polished. The test specimen may have any practical shape allowing the use of a proper three terminal electrodes system, according to the electrode assembly schematically shown in Figure 1 for flat test specimens. Sheet specimens like those illustrated in Figure 1 should exhibit a thickness exceeding by 20 % the largest stone fragments size used in the agglomerated stone, and a diameter of 20 mm to 160 mm according to the resistivity of the tested material. At least five test specimens shall be selected by sampling. 6 Specimen conditioning Measurements shall be made on either room-conditioned (23 ± 2) °C and (50 ± 10) % R.U. or dried specimens. In the first case, specimens shall be measured after proper conditioning (24 h at least) in the measuring environment according to other existing standard conditioning procedures. In the latter case, specimen should be dried to constant weight in a circulating-air oven at (50 ± 2) °C (i.e. difference < 0,1 % mass by consecutive weighing/ 24 h). After removing from the oven, specimens shall be cooled to room temperature in a dessicator under anhydrous atmosphere (anhydrous calcium chloride can be used) or in a vacuum enclosure until testing. SIST EN 14617-13:2013

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