Artificial intelligence - Data quality for analytics and machine learning (ML) - Part 2: Data quality measures (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)

This document specifies a data quality model, data quality measures and guidance on reporting data quality in the context of analytics and machine learning (ML).
This document is applicable to all types of organizations who want to achieve their data quality objectives.

Künstliche Intelligenz - Datenqualität für Analytik und maschinelles Lernen (ML) - Teil 2: Datenqualitätsmaßnahmen (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)

Intelligence artificielle - Qualité des données pour les analyses de données et l’apprentissage automatique - Partie 2: Mesure de la qualité des données (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)

Umetna inteligenca - Kakovost podatkov za analizo in strojno učenje - 2. del: Merjenja kakovosti podatkov (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)

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Umetna inteligenca - Kakovost podatkov za analizo in strojno učenje - 2. del:
Merjenja kakovosti podatkov (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)
Artificial intelligence - Data quality for analytics and machine learning (ML) - Part 2: Data
quality measures (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)
Künstliche Intelligenz - Datenqualität für Analytik und maschinelles Lernen (ML) - Teil 2:
Datenqualitätsmaßnahmen (ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024)
Intelligence artificielle - Qualité des données pour les analyses de données et
l’apprentissage automatique - Partie 2: Mesure de la qualité des données (ISO/IEC 5259
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN ISO/IEC 5259-2
35.020 Informacijska tehnika in Information technology (IT) in
tehnologija na splošno general
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

ISO/IEC 5259-2
First edition
Artificial intelligence — Data
quality for analytics and machine
learning (ML) —
Part 2:
Data quality measures
Intelligence artificielle — Qualité des données pour les analyses
de données et l’apprentissage automatique —
Partie 2: Mesure de la qualité des données
Reference number
ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024(en) © ISO/IEC 2024

ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024(en)
© ISO/IEC 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024(en)
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope .1
2 Normative references .1
3 Terms and definitions .1
4 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 5
5 Data quality components and data quality models for analytics and machine learning . 5
5.1 Data quality components in data life cycle .5
5.2 Data quality model .6
6 Data quality characteristics and quality measures .8
6.1 General .8
6.2 Inherent data quality characteristics .9
6.2.1 Accuracy .9
6.2.2 Completeness .10
6.2.3 Consistency . 12
6.2.4 Credibility . 13
6.2.5 Currentness .14
6.3 Inherent and system-dependent data quality characteristics . 15
6.3.1 Accessibility . 15
6.3.2 Compliance . 15
6.3.3 Efficiency .16
6.3.4 Precision .16
6.3.5 Traceability .17
6.3.6 Understandability .17
6.4 System-dependent data quality characteristics .18
6.4.1 Availability .18
6.4.2 Portability .18
6.4.3 Recoverability .19
6.5 Additional data quality characteristics .19
6.5.1 Auditability.19
6.5.2 Balance . 20
6.5.3 Diversity . . 22
6.5.4 Effectiveness . 23
6.5.5 Identifiability .24
6.5.6 Relevance . 25
6.5.7 Representativeness . 25
6.5.8 Similarity . . . 26
6.5.9 Timeliness .27
7 Implementing a data quality model and data quality measures for an analytics or ML
task .28
8 Data quality reporting .28
8.1 Data quality reporting framework . 28
8.2 Data quality measure information . 29
8.3 Guidance to organizations . 29
Annex A (informative) Design and document of a measurement function .30
Annex B (informative) UML model of data quality measure framework .32
Annex C (informative) Overview of data quality characteristics .33
Annex D (informative) Alternative groups of data quality characteristics .35

© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024(en)
Annex E (informative) Comparison between data quality characteristics of ISO/IEC 25012 and
ISO/IEC 5259-2 .36
Bibliography .37

© ISO/IEC 2024 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC 5259-2:2024(en)
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