Medical device software - Requirements for the safety of radiotherapy treatment planning systems

2019-05-29 IP: Link to legislation (MDD) removed following CLC/TC 62 decision 02/2019 decision (May 2019 plenary)

Medizinische elektrische Geräte - Festlegungen für die Sicherheit von Bestrahlungsplanungssystemen

Appareils électromédicaux - Exigences de sécurité pour les systèmes de planification de traitement en radiothérapie

Programska oprema za medicinske aparate - Zahteve za varnost sistemov za načrtovanje radioterapevtske obravnave

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prEN IEC 62083:2024
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Programska oprema za medicinske aparate - Zahteve za varnost sistemov za
načrtovanje radioterapevtske obravnave
Medical device software - Requirements for the safety of radiotherapy treatment planning
Medizinische elektrische Geräte - Festlegungen für die Sicherheit von
Appareils électromédicaux - Exigences de sécurité pour les systèmes de planification de
traitement en radiothérapie
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: prEN IEC 62083:2024
11.040.60 Terapevtska oprema Therapy equipment
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references. 8
3 Terms and definitions . 9
3.1 Terms defined in this document. 10
3.2 Terms defined in other documents . 13
4 General. 20
4.1 Quality and security risk management . 20
4.2 Test grades. 21
4.3 Compliance . 21
4.4 Testing the radiotherapy treatment planning system (RTPS) installation. 21
5 Accompanying documentation . 22
5.1 General. 22
5.2 Instructions for use . 23
6 General requirements for operational safety. 24
6.1 Distances and linear and angular dimensions . 24
6.2 *Coordinate systems, movements, and scales . 24
6.3 Radiation quantities. 25
6.4 Date and time format. 26
6.5 Security . 26
6.5.1 Protection against unauthorized use. 26
6.5.2 Data backup and recovery . 27
6.5.3 Protection against unauthorized activities. 27
6.5.4 Change in software versions. 28
6.6 Data limits. 29
6.7 Patient identification . 29
6.8 Interfaces. 30
6.8.1 Correctness of data transfer. 30
6.8.2 Data input to the radiotherapy treatment planning system (RTPS). 31
6.8.3 Data output from the radiotherapy treatment planning system (RTPS) . 31
7 Approvals and modifications . 32
7.1 Approving an item . 32
7.2 Modifying an approved item . 32
7.3 Deletion of an approved item . 33
7.4 History of an approved item . 33

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8 Algorithms . 33
8.1 Algorithms affecting clinical decisions with unverifiable results . 33
8.2 Absorbed dose Calculation . 34
8.2.1 Accuracy. 34
8.2.2 absorbed dose calculation algorithm input data. 35
8.2.3 patientspecific beam modifying devices calculation. 36
8.2.4 Elapsed time calculations in brachytherapy . 36
8.2.5 Imaging dose calculation. 37
8.3 Radiobiological effect . 37
9 Modelling . 38
9.1 Equipment modelling. 38
9.1.1 General equipment modelling . 38
9.1.2 Equipment model approval. 38
9.1.3 Radiation modelling. 39
9.1.4 Preconfigured model . 42
9.1.5 external beam equipment (EBE) . 43
9.1.6 Imaging equipment modelling . 44
9.1.7 Immobilization and supporting devices modelling. 45
9.1.8 patient specific beam modifying devices modelling . 45
9.2 Patient modelling. 45
9.2.1 General patient modelling . 45
9.2.2 patient model identification. 46
9.2.3 Regions of interest . 46
9.2.4 image registration. 47
9.2.5 patient model approval. 47
9.3 Radiobiological effect modelling. 47
9.3.1 General radiobiological effect modelling . 47
9.3.2 Radiobiological effect model approval. 47
10 radiation treatment prescription. 48
10.1 Display of radiation treatment prescription. 48
10.2 Change of radiation treatment prescription . 48
10.3 radiation treatment prescription approval. 48
11 Treatment planning. 49
11.1 Display of radiation treatment prescription . 49
11.2 treatment plan limits . 49
11.3 Patient orientation. 49
11.4 Summation of absorbed dose distributions . 49
11.5 Evaluation of absorbed dose distribution. 50

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11.6 treatment plan identification. 50
11.7 treatment plan approval. 51
12 QA plan. 51
13 treatment plan record . 51
13.1 Common treatment planrecord parameters . 51
13.2 treatment plan record parameters for external beam equipment (EBE) . 53
13.3 Treatment plan record parameters for brachytherapy. 53
14 treatment plan report. 53
14.1 Common treatment plan report information . 54
14.2 treatment plan report for external beam equipment (EBE) . 54
14.3 treatment plan report for brachytherapy. 55
14.4 treatment plan report for a treatment plan with unapproved models. 55
15 treatment plan export . 55
15.1 Common treatment planexport parameters . 55
15.2 treatment planexport parameters for external beam equipment (EBE). 56
15.3 treatment plan export parameters for brachytherapy . 57
16 adaptive radiotherapy. 57
16.1 treatment plan correlations. 57
16.2 Offline adaptive radiotherapy . 57
16.3 Online adaptive radiotherapy . 58
16.4 Real-time adaptive radiotherapy . 59
Annex A (informative). 60
A.1 Imported and exported data. 60
A.2 6.2 Coordinate systems, movements, and scales . 60
Bibliography. 61
Figure 1 - afterloading equipment geometry parameters, only one channel is shown. 42
Table 1
- Clauses and subclauses in this standard that require the provision of information in the
accompanying documentation, instructions for use and the technical description
................................................................................................................................................. 23

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