Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 5-4: System compatibility testing for I&HAS equipments located in supervised premises

This Technical Specification details methods and tests for compatibility assessment of system components, including a CIE, intended to be used in intruder and hold up alarm systems complying with EN 50131-1. This includes: • I&HAS components for which EN 50131 series product standards exist; • I&HAS components for which no EN 50131 series product standards currently exist; • I&HAS components that include additional functionality outside the scope of EN 50131-1 or shared with another system; • non-I&HAS components used to supplement the functionality of the system, but which are not required by EN 50131-1 (e.g. printer). The assessment and testing covered by this Technical Specification focuses on verifying the functionality of each event type from source to destination between components. It is not intended to repeat specific tests contained within the relevant product standard, but does include the verification that there are no adverse affects on mandatory EN 50131 functions as a result of the intended use of the components. This Technical Specification does not detail the manner in which an I&HAS is designed, installed and used in any particular application. This Technical Specification recognizes that it is not practical to assess the compatibility of components in all possible configurations and conditions. Methods of assessment are specified to reach an acceptable degree of confidence within pre-determined configurations and conditions. This Technical Specification is applicable to components connected to CIE whether the components are interconnected by electrical wires, wire-free links or other means. The test programme developed to assess compatibility may be undertaken as part of a programme to assess the performance of a component according to a part of EN 50131.

Alarmanlagen — Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen — Teil 5-4: Prüfbeschreibungen zur Systemkompatibilität für in Gebäuden installierte EMA/ÜMA-Komponenten

Systèmes d’alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l’intrusion et les hold-up - Partie 5-4: Essai de compatibilité système pour les équipements contre l'intrusion et les hold-up situés dans des locaux surveillés

Alarmni sistemi - Sistemi za javljanje vloma in ropa - 5-4. del: Preskušanje združljivosti komponent sistemov za javljanje vloma in ropa v nadzorovanih prostorih

Ta tehnična specifikacija podrobno opisuje metode in preskuse za oceno združljivosti komponent sistemov, vključno s CIE, ki so namenjeni uporabi pri alarmnih sistemih za javljanje vloma in ropa, skladnih s standardom EN 50131-1. Sem spadajo: – komponente sistemov za javljanje vloma in ropa, za katere obstajajo standardi EN 50131 za proizvode skupine, – komponente sistemov za javljanje vloma in ropa, za katere trenutno ni standardov EN 50131 za proizvode skupine, komponente sistemov za javljanje vloma in ropa, ki vključujejo dodatne funkcije izven področja uporabe standarda EN 50131-1 ali si funkcije delijo z drugim sistemom, – komponente, ki niso del sistemov za javljanje vloma in ropa in se uporabljajo za dopolnitev funkcionalnosti sistema, vendar jih standard EN 50131-1 ne zahteva (npr. tiskalnik). Ocena in preskus, opisana v tej tehnični specifikaciji, se osredotočata na preverjanje funkcionalnosti vsake vrste dogodka od vira do cilja med komponentami. Specifikacija ni namenjena ponavljanju posebnih preskusov iz ustreznega standarda za izdelek, vendar vključuje preverjanje, ali ima načrtovana uporaba komponent negativne učinke na obvezne funkcije iz standarda EN 50131. Ta tehnična specifikacija ne opisuje podrobno načina zasnove, namestitve in uporabe sistema za javljanje vloma in ropa pri kateri koli posamezni uporabi. Ta tehnična specifikacija upošteva, da ocena združljivosti komponent v vseh mogočih konfiguracijah in pogojih ni praktična. Metode za oceno so opredeljene na način, s katerim se doseže sprejemljiva stopnja zaupanja v okviru vnaprej določenih konfiguracij in pogojev. Ta tehnična specifikacija se uporablja za komponente, povezane s CIE, ne glede na to, ali so komponente medsebojno povezane z električnimi žicami, brezžičnimi povezavami ali na drugačen način. Preskusni program, razvit za oceno združljivosti, se lahko izvaja kot del programa za oceno lastnosti komponente v skladu z delom standarda EN 50131.

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Technical Committee
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TS CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2013
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Standards Content (Sample)

Alarmni sistemi - Sistemi za javljanje vloma in ropa - 5-4. del: Preskušanje
združljivosti komponent sistemov za javljanje vloma in ropa v nadzorovanih
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 5-4: System compatibility testing
for I&HAS equipments located in supervised premises
Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil 5-4: Prüfbeschreibungen zur
Systemkompatibilität für in Gebäuden installierte EMA/ÜMA-Komponenten
Systèmes d’alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l’intrusion et les hold-up - Partie 5-4:
Essai de compatibilité système pour les équipements contre l'intrusion et les hold-up
situés dans des locaux surveillés
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012
13.310 Varstvo pred kriminalom Protection against crime
13.320 Alarmni in opozorilni sistemi Alarm and warning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

CLC/TS 50131-5-4
June 2012
ICS 13.320
English version
Alarm systems -
Intrusion and hold-up systems -
Part 5-4: System compatibility testing for I&HAS equipments located in
supervised premises
Systèmes d’alarme -  Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und
Systèmes d'alarme contre l’intrusion et les Überfallmeldeanlagen -
hold-up - Teil 5-4: Prüfbeschreibungen zur
Partie 5-4: Essai de compatibilité système Systemkompatibilität für in Gebäuden
pour les équipements contre l'intrusion et installierte EMA/ÜMA-Komponenten
les hold-up situés dans des locaux
This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2012-05-28.

CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to
make the TS available promptly at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting
national standards in force.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung

Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B - 1000 Brussels

© 2012 CENELEC - All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC members.
Ref. No. CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012 E

Contents Page
Foreword. 3
Introduction . 4
1 Scope . 5
2 Normative references . 5
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 5
4 Requirements . 6
5 Assessment methods and tests . 8
Annex A (informative) Functions of an I&HAS .13
Annex B (informative) Generic requirements for testing of a component within scope of EN 50131-1
for which no EN 50131 product standard exists .14

- 3 - CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012
This document (CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012) has been prepared by CLC/TC 79 "Alarm systems".
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
The components forming an intruder and hold-up alarm system (I&HAS) are each designed to
contribute to a particular aspect of the overall functionality of the complete system. The system gains
its full functionality only when all components are correctly interconnected and then only if the
components intercommunicate effectively.
For the purposes of this document, the control and indicating equipment (CIE) is the focal point of the
system and all other components are required to communicate effectively with the CIE.
Communication does not only require the consideration of communication protocols; other aspects
such as power supply requirements and data transmission characteristics should also be considered.
A framework is therefore presented to permit a formal assessment of the compatibility of I&HAS
components, which may be conducted by a manufacturer, potential customer or independent
- 5 - CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012
1 Scope
This Technical Specification details methods and tests for compatibility assessment of system
components, including a CIE, intended to be used in intruder and hold up alarm systems complying
with EN 50131-1.
This includes:
• I&HAS components for which EN 50131 series product standards exist;
• I&HAS components for which no EN 50131 series product standards currently exist;
• I&HAS components that include additional functionality outside the scope of EN 50131-1
or shared with another system;
• non-I&HAS components used to supplement the functionality of the system, but which are
not required by EN 50131-1 (e.g. printer).
The assessment and testing covered by this Technical Specification focuses on verifying the
functionality of each event type from source to destination between components. It is not intended to
repeat specific tests contained within the relevant product standard, but does include the verification
that there are no adverse affects on mandatory EN 50131 functions as a result of the intended use of
the components.
This Technical Specification does not detail the manner in which an I&HAS is designed, installed and
used in any particular application.
This Technical Specification recognizes that it is not practical to assess the compatibility of
components in all possible configurations and conditions. Methods of assessment are specified to
reach an acceptable degree of confidence within pre-determined configurations and conditions.
This Technical Specification is applicable to components connected to CIE whether the components
are interconnected by electrical wires, wire-free links or other means.
The test programme developed to assess compatibility may be undertaken as part of a programme to
assess the performance of a component according to a part of EN 50131.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 50131-1:2006, Alarm systems — Intrusion and hold-up systems — Part 1: System requirements
EN 50131-3:2009, Alarm systems — Intrusion and hold-up systems — Part 3: Control and indicating
CLC/TS 50398, Alarm systems — Combined and integrated alarm systems — General requirements
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 50131-1:2006 and the
following apply.
ability of a component to operate as intended in the specified system configuration with the specified
compliance or compliant
demonstrated conformity with requirements of applicable standards and relevant regulatory
component type 1
device configured as part of an I&HAS performing a function that is within the scope of EN 50131-1
Note 1 to entry: There may or may not be a product standard in the EN 50131 series for a type 1 component.
Note 2 to entry: A device performing a function outside of the scope of EN 50131-1 may be considered as a “type
1” device if so declared by the supplier (see 4.2.1).
component type 2
device connected to an I&HAS that is not a “type 1” component
topological arrangement of interconnected components
mandatory function
function that is defined as mandatory for a type 1 component by EN 50131-1 or the relevant EN 50131
product standard
optional function
function that is defined as optional for a type 1 component by EN 50131-1 or the relevant EN 50131
product standard
natural person or legal entity commissioning the tests
Note 1 to entry: This may or may not be the manufacturer of part or all of the system.
3.2 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following abbreviations apply:
CIE: Control and indicating equipment
I&HAS: Intruder and hold-up alarm system
PS: Power supply
4 Requirements
4.1 General
In order to comply with this specification, the configuration of the tested system and compatibility of its
components shall meet all the requirements of this clause.

- 7 - CLC/TS 50131-5-4:2012
This shall be verified by assessment (5.1) with reference to the required documentation (4.3) and shall
be subjected to the relevant tests as described in 5.4 to 5.7.
4.2 Basic system requirements
4.2.1 Compliance of components
Components shall meet the requirements of this document and any operation of its function shall not
adversely affect the I&HAS.
Components type 1 within the scope of EN 50131-1 shall additionally:
• be compliant with the relevant part(s) of EN 50131; or
• if there is no part of EN 50131 relevant to the component, the product shall comply with a
relevant national specification or with the manufacturer’s specification, which should include
the generic requirements detailed in Annex B.
NOTE A supplier may declare a device outside of EN 50131-1 scope as a “type 1” device. In this case, the
supplier should provide details of relevant functionality that is critical for the purposes of this document, which
should be considered as fulfilling the above, and form the basis for compliance testing.
Claims of compliance with the compatibility requirements of CLC/TS 50131-5-4 shall not be used to
imply that individual products are compliant with the EN 50131 series product standards or that non-
specified functions operate correctly.
4.2.2 Connection of components
The connection of components under consideration shall permit testing of the functionality of each
event type from source to destination.
Where the supplier requires multiple components to be evaluated, they shall be connected and their
functionality tested together.
NOTE Simulation of other types of system component may be appropriate.
4.2.3 Non-I&HAS functionality
If a non-I&HAS function is performed by a component connected to an I&HAS, any operation of this
function shall not adversely affect the I&HAS.
4.2.4 Components including functionality shared with other systems
If an I&HAS function is shared with any other system, the requirements of CLC/TS 50398 apply, such
that any operation of the shared function shall not adversely affect the I&HAS.
4.2.5 Relationship between functionalities
The relationship between the various types of functionality is illustrated in Annex A.
4.3 Documentation
Documentation relevant to the configuration of components under consideration shall be provided by
the supplier, and shall contain information necessary for assessment of compatibility, including:
a) a list of components to be evaluated, with a unique identification of each component
including hardware and software versions (where appropriate);
b) specifications of cables or other interconnection media (including limitations. EXAMPLE
distance, size, environmental condition);
c) details of I&HAS functions incorporated into each component;
d) details of I&HAS functions that are to be simulated;

e) the limits of use of the components (e.g. set up parameters, functional limitations, etc.).
f) the system security grade at which the components are intended to be used.
g) for type 1 components, declaration and/or suitable evidence of
• compliance of the components to the relevant part of EN 50131 or
• compliance to the manufacturer’s specification including Annex B
h) technical information facilitating the justification of compatibility, e.g.
• electrical and logical characteristics of the interconnection(s) between each
component and the CIE;
• type and identification of terminating points for the interconnections on each
• input voltage range and current requirements for each component;
• voltage range and current capability of power output connections specified for each
NOTE This may be PS output, power outlet from CIE, etc.
This information shall be documented in the test report and in documentation accompanying any
resulting certification.
Items a) to f) shall define the scope of the compatibility testing.
5 Assessment methods and tests
5.1 General requirements
To assess the compatibility, an analysis shall be undertaken, as defined in 5.2, for each component
and its type of interconnection.
A functional test programm

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