Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures

Applies to industrial-process control valves and provides the flow capacity test procedures for determining some of the variables used in the equations given in EN 60534-2.

Stellventile für die Prozeßregelung - Teil 2-3: Durchflußkapazität - Prüfverfahren

Vannes de régulation des processus industriels - Partie 2-3: Capacité d'écoulement - Procédures d'essais

S'applique aux vannes de régulation des processus industriels et donne les procédures d'essai relatives à la capacité d'écoulement pour la détermination de certaines variables utilisées dans les équations de la EN 60534-2.

Industrial-process control valves - Part 2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures (IEC 60534-2-3:1997)

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2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.Industrial-process control valves - Part
2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures (IEC 60534-2-3:1997)Stellventile für die Prozeßregelung -- Teil 2-3: Durchflußkapazität - PrüfverfahrenVannes de régulation des processus industriels -- Partie 2-3: Capacité d'écoulement - Procédures d'essaisIndustrial-process control valves -- Part 2-3: Flow capacity - Test procedures25.040.40Merjenje in krmiljenje industrijskih postopkovIndustrial process measurement and control23.060.40Pressure regulatorsICS:Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z:EN 60534-2-3:1998SIST EN 60534-2-3:1998en01-november-1998SIST EN 60534-2-3:1998SLOVENSKI
NORMEINTERNATIONALECEIIECINTERNATIONALSTANDARD60534-2-3Deuxième éditionSecond edition1997-12Vannes de régulationdes processus industriels –Partie 2-3:Capacité d’écoulement – Procédures d’essaiIndustrial-process control valves –Part 2-3:Flow capacity – Test procedures Commission Electrotechnique Internationale International Electrotechnical
CommissionPour prix, voir catalogue en vigueurFor price, see current
catalogueÓ IEC 1997
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Geneva, SwitzerlandTelefax: +41 22 919 0300e-mail: IEC web site
http: //www.iec.chCODE PRIXPRICE CODETSIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 3 –CONTENTSPageFOREWORD.5Clause1 Scope.72 Normative references.73 Definitions.94 Symbols.95 Test system.116 Accuracy of tests.197 Test fluids.198 Test procedure for incompressible fluids.219 Data evaluation procedure for incompressible fluids.2710 Test procedure for compressible fluids.3311 Data evaluation procedure for compressible fluids.41Annex A – Typical examples of test specimens showing appropriate pressure tap locations47SIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 5 –INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION___________INDUSTRIAL-PROCESS CONTROL VALVES –Part 2-3: Flow capacity – Test proceduresFOREWORD1)The IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) is a worldwide organization for standardization comprisingall national electrotechnical committees (IEC National Committees). The object of the IEC is to promoteinternational co-operation on all questions concerning standardization in the electrical and electronic fields. Tothis end and in addition to other activities, the IEC publishes International Standards. Their preparation isentrusted to technical committees; any IEC National Committee interested in the subject dealt with mayparticipate in this preparatory work. International, governmental and non-governmental organizations liaisingwith the IEC also participate in this preparation. The IEC collaborates closely with the International Organizationfor Standardization (ISO) in accordance with conditions determined by agreement between the twoorganizations.2)The formal decisions or agreements of the IEC on technical matters express, as nearly as possible, aninternational consensus of opinion on the relevant subjects since each technical committee has representationfrom all interested National Committees.3)The documents produced have the form of recommendations for international use and are published in the formof standards, technical reports or guides and they are accepted by the National Committees in that sense.4)In order to promote international unification, IEC National Committees undertake to apply IEC InternationalStandards transparently to the maximum extent possible in their national and regional standards. Anydivergence between the IEC Standard and the corresponding national or regional standard shall be clearlyindicated in the latter.5)The IEC provides no marking procedure to indicate its approval and cannot be rendered responsible for anyequipment declared to be in conformity with one of its standards.6)Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subjectof patent rights. The IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.International Standard IEC 60534-2-3 has been prepared by subcommittee 65B: Devices, ofIEC technical committee 65: Industrial-process measurement and control.The second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1983, of which itconstitutes a technical revision.The text of this standard is based on the following documents:FDISReport on voting65B/319/FDIS65B/329/RVDFull information on the voting for the approval of this standard can be found in the report onvoting indicated in the above table.Annex A forms an integral part of this standard.SIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 7 –INDUSTRIAL-PROCESS CONTROL VALVES –Part 2-3: Flow capacity – Test procedures1 ScopeThis section of IEC 60534-2 is applicable to industrial-process control valves and provides theflow capacity test procedures for determining the following variables used in the equationsgiven in IEC 60534-2-1 and IEC 60534-2-2:a)flow coefficient C;b)liquid pressure recovery factor without attached fittings FL;c)combined liquid pressure recovery factor and piping geometry factor of a control valve withattached fittings FLP;d)piping geometry factor Fp;e)pressure differential ratio factors xT and xTP;f)valve style modifier Fd;g)Reynolds number factor FR.2 Normative referencesThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text,constitute provisions of this section of IEC 60534-2. At the time of publication, the editionsindicated were valid. All normative documents are subject to revision, and parties toagreements based on this section of IEC 60534-2 are encouraged to investigate the possibilityof applying the most recent editions of the normative documents indicated below. Members ofIEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.IEC 60534-1:1987, Industrial-process control valves – Part 1: Control valve terminology andgeneral considerationsIEC 60534-2:1978, Industrial-process control valves – Part 2: Flow capacity – Section One:Sizing equations for incompressible fluid flow under installed conditionsIEC 60534-2-2:1980, Industrial-process control valves – Part 2: Flow capacity – Section Two:Sizing equations for compressible fluid flow under installed conditionsIEC 60534-8-2:1991, Industrial-process control valves – Part 8: Noise considerations –Section 2: Laboratory measurement of noise generated by hydrodynamic flow through controlvalvesIEC 61298-1:1995, Process measurement and control devices – General methods andprocedures for evaluating performance – Part 1: General considerationsIEC 61298-2:1995, Process measurement and control devices – General methods andprocedures for evaluating performance – Part 2: Tests under reference conditionsSIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 9 –3 DefinitionsFor the purpose of this section of IEC 60534-2, the definitions given in IEC 60534-1,IEC 60534-2, IEC 60534-2-2, IEC 61298-1, and IEC 61298-2 apply.4 SymbolsSymbolDescriptionUnitCFlow coefficient (Kv, Cv)Various (see IEC 60534-1)CRFlow coefficient at rated travelVarious (see IEC 60534-1)dNominal valve size (DN)mmFdValve style modifier1FFLiquid critical pressure ratio factor1FLLiquid pressure recovery factor of a control valve withoutattached fittings1FLPCombined liquid pressure recovery factor and piping geometryfactor of a control valve with attached fittings1FpPiping geometry factor1FRReynolds number factor1FgSpecific heat ratio factor1MMolecular mass of flowing fluidkg/kmolNNumerical constants (see table 3)Various (see note 1)pcThermodynamic critical pressurekPa or bar (see note 2)pvVapour pressure of liquid at inlet temperaturekPa or barp1Inlet absolute static pressure measured at the upstreampressure tapkPa or barp2Outlet absolute static pressure measured at the downstreampressure tapkPa or barDpDifferential pressure (p1 – p2) between upstream anddownstream pressure tapskPa or barDpmaxMaximum pressure differentialkPa or barDpmax(L)Maximum effective Dp without attached fittingskPa or barDpmax(LP)Maximum effective Dp with attached fittingskPa or barQVolumetric flow ratem3/h (see note 3)QmaxMaximum volumetric flow rate (choked flow conditions)m3/hQmax(L)Maximum volumetric flow rate for incompressible fluids (chokedflow conditions without attached fittings)m3/hQmax(LP)Maximum volumetric flow rate for incompressible fluids (chokedflow conditions with attached fittings)m3/hQmax(T)Maximum volumetric flow rate for compressible fluids (chokedflow conditions without attached fittings)m3/hQmax(TP)Maximum volumetric flow rate for compressible fluids (chokedflow conditions with attached fittings)m3/hRevValve Reynolds number1T1Inlet absolute temperatureKtsReference temperature for standard conditions°CSIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 11 –Symbols (continued)SymbolDescriptionUnitxRatio of pressure differential to inlet absolute pressure (Dp/p1)1xTPressure differential ratio factor of a control valve withoutattached fittings for choked flow1xTPPressure differential ratio factor of a control valve with attachedfittings for choked flow1YExpansion factor1ZCompressibility factor (Z = 1 for gases that exhibit ideal gasbehaviour)1gSpecific heat ratio1nKinematic viscositym2/s (see note 4)zVelocity head loss coefficient of a reducer, expander or otherfitting attached to a control valve1r1/roRelative density (r1/ro = 1 for water at 15,5 °C)1NOTE 1 – To determine the units for the numerical constants, dimensional analysis may be performed on theappropriate equations using the units given in table 3.NOTE 2 – 1 bar = 102 kPa = 105 Pa.NOTE 3 – For compressible fluid volumetric flow rates in m3/h, identified by the symbol Q, refer to standardconditions which are an absolute pressure of 101,325 kPa (1,013 25 bar) and a temperature of either 0 °C or15 °C (see table 3).NOTE 4 – 1 centistoke = 10-6 m2/s.5 Test systemA basic flow test system is shown in figure 1.Figure 1 – Basic flow test systemFlow measuring deviceUpstreamthrottlingvalveFlowTemperaturemeasuringdevicePressure tapsTest sectionTest specimen(see 5.1)DownstreamthrottlingvalveIEC
1 757/97SIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 13 –5.1 Test specimenThe test specimen is any valve or combination of valve, reducers, expanders, or other fittingsfor which test data are required.Modeling of test specimens to a smaller scale is an acceptable practice in this section,although testing of full-size specimens or models is preferable. Good practice in modelingrequires attention to significant relationships such as Reynolds number in the flow of fluidthrough a completely filled conduit, Mach number where compressibility is important, andgeometric similarity.5.2 Test sectionThe test section shall consist of two straight lengths of pipe as shown in table 1. The upstreamand downstream piping adjacent to the test specimen shall conform to the nominal size of thetest specimen connection.The inside diameter of the pipe shall be within ±2 % of the actual inside diameter of the ends ofthe test specimen for valves up to and including DN 250 having a pressure rating up to andincluding PN 100. For valves larger than DN 250 or valves with a pressure rating higher thanPN 100, the inside diameter at the inlet and outlet of the test specimen should be matched withthe inside diameter of the adjacent piping.The inside surface shall be free from rust, scale, or other obstructions which may causeexcessive flow disturbance.5.3 Throttling valvesThe upstream throttling valve is used to control the inlet pressure to the test section. Thedownstream throttling valve is used for control during testing. Together they are used to controlthe pressure differential across the test section pressure taps and to maintain a specificdownstream pressure. There are no restrictions as to the type of these valves. However, theupstream valve should be selected and located so as not to affect the accuracy of the flowmeasurement. The downstream throttling valve may be larger than the nominal size of the testspecimen to ensure that choking will occur in the test specimen. Vaporization at the upstreamvalve shall be avoided when testing with liquids.SIST EN 60534-2-3:1998

60534-2-3 © IEC:1997– 15 –Table 1 – Test section piping requirementsl1l2l3l4Two times nominal pipediameterSix times nominal pipediameterEighteen times nominalpipe diameter minimumOne times nominal pipediameter minimumStandard test section configurationPressure
tapTest specimenFlowPressure
tapI1 + I3I2I1I2 + I4I4I3NOTE 1 – Straightening vanes may be used where beneficial. If employed, the length l3 may be reduced to notless than eight times the nominal pipe diameter.NOTE 2 – The location of the pressure taps are upstream and downstream of the test specimen as a whole. Thetest specimen may be simply the control valve or the control valve with any combination of attached fittings (seeannex A).NOTE 3 – If upstream flow disturbance consists of two elbows in series and they are in different planes, thedimension l3 should exceed 18 nominal pipe diameters unless straightening vanes are used.5.4 Flow measurementThe flow measuring instrument may be located upstream or downstream of the test section,and may be any device whi

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