IEC 60534-1:2023 is available as IEC 60534-1:2023 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60534-1:2023 applies to all types of industrial-process control valves (hereinafter referred to as control valves). This document establishes a partial basic terminology list and provides guidance on the use of all other parts of IEC 60534.

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IEC 61207-3:2019 is available as IEC 61207-3:2019 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition. IEC 61207-3:2019 applies to the three main methods for measuring oxygen by its paramagnetic property, which are outlined in the introduction. It considers essential ancillary units and applies to analyzers installed indoors and outdoors. Safety-critical applications can require additional requirements from system and analyzer specifications not covered in this document. This document is intended: - to specify terminology and definitions related to the functional performance of paramagnetic gas analyzers for the measurement of oxygen in a source gas; - to unify methods used in making and verifying statements on the functional performance of such analyzers; - to specify what tests are performed to determine the functional performance and how such tests are carried out; - to provide basic documents to support the application of internationally recognized quality management standards. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2002. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) all references (normative and informative) have been updated, deleted or added to as appropriate; b) all the terms, descriptions and definitions relating to the document have been updated where appropriate; c) all references to “errors” have been replaced by “uncertainties” and appropriate updated definitions applied.

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Applies to gas analyzers using high temperature electrochemical sensors for measurement of oxygen in gas. Applies to both 'in situ' and extractive analyzers installed indoors or outdoors.

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This part of IEC 61131 specifies a single-drop digital communication interface technology for small sensors and actuators SDCI (commonly known as IO-LinkTM2), which extends the traditional digital input and digital output interfaces as defined in IEC 61131-2 towards a point-to-point communication link. This technology enables the transfer of parameters to Devices and the delivery of diagnostic information from the Devices to the automation system. This technology is mainly intended for use with simple sensors and actuators in factory automation, which include small and cost-effective microcontrollers. This part specifies the SDCI communication services and protocol (physical layer, data link layer and application layer in accordance with the ISO/OSI reference model) for both SDCI Masters and Devices. This part also includes EMC test requirements. This part does not cover communication interfaces or systems incorporating multiple point or multiple drop linkages, or integration of SDCI into higher level systems such as fieldbuses.

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IEC 61131-10:2019 specifies an XML-based exchange format for the export and import of IEC 61131-3 projects. A complete IEC 61131-3 project implemented in an IEC 61131-3 environment can be transferred between different programming environments. It allows for the exchange of configuration elements, data types, and POUs written in: • the textual language, instruction list (IL), • the textual language, structured text (ST), • the graphical language, ladder diagram (LD), • the graphical language, function block diagram (FBD), and • sequential function chart (SFC). The exchange format is specified as a corresponding XML schema. The XML schema is an independent file with the .xsd extension and as such part of this specification. The specification of this schema is contained in Annex A. Annex B provides recommended schemata for extensions. An example XML document is given in Annex C. It is assumed that the reader of this document is familiar with XML technology.

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This part of IEC 60534 specifies face-to-face (FTF) and centre-to-face (CTF) dimensions for given nominal sizes and pressure ratings of flanged, two-way, globe-type, straight pattern and angle pattern control valves. The nominal sizes included are DN 15 to DN 400 for straight pattern control valves and DN 15 to DN 400 for angle pattern control valves.

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This International Standard specifies the requirements, in addition to the resistance versus temperature relationship, for both industrial platinum resistance thermometers (later referred to as "thermometers") and industrial platinum resistance temperature sensors (later referred to as "platinum resistors") whose electrical resistance is derived from defined functions of temperature. Values of temperature in this document are in terms of the International Temperature Scale of 1990, ITS-90. A temperature in the unit °C of this scale is denoted by the symbol t, except in Table A.1 where the full nomenclature t90 /°C is used. This document applies to platinum resistors whose temperature coefficient α, defined as α= R100 − R0 R0 ⋅ 100°C is conventionally written as α = 3,851⋅10-3 °C-1, where R100 is the resistance at t = 100 °C and R0 is the resistance at t = 0 °C. This document covers platinum resistors and thermometers for the temperature range −200 °C to +850 °C with different tolerance classes. It can also cover particular platinum resistors or thermometers for a part of this temperature range. For resistance versus temperature relationships with uncertainties less than 0,1 °C, which are possible only for platinum resistors or thermometers with exceptionally high stability and individual calibration, a more complex interpolation equation than is presented in this document can be necessary. The specification of such equations is outside the scope of this document.

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IEC 60534-4:2021 is available as IEC 60534-4:2021 RLV which contains the International Standard and its Redline version, showing all changes of the technical content compared to the previous edition.IEC 60534-4:2021 specifies the requirements for the inspection and routine testing of control valves manufactured in conformity with the other parts of IEC 60534. This document is applicable to valves with pressure ratings not exceeding Class 2500. The requirements for actuators apply only to pneumatic actuators. This document does not apply to the types of control valves where radioactive service, fire safety testing, or other hazardous service conditions are encountered. If a standard for hazardous service conflicts with the requirements of this document, the standard for hazardous service should take precedence.

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This part of IEC 60746 is intended: - to specify terminology, definitions and requirements for statements by manufacturers for analyzers, sensor units and electronic units used for the determination of dissolved oxygen partial pressure or concentration; - to establish performance tests for such analyzers, sensor units and electronic units; - to provide basic documents to support the applications of quality assurance standards [1]1. This document applies to analyzers using membrane covered amperometric sensors. It applies to analyzers suitable for use in water containing liquids, ultrapure waters, fresh or potable water, sea water or other aqueous solutions, industrial or municipal waste water from water bodies (e.g. lakes, rivers, estuaries), as well as for industrial process streams and process liquids. Whilst in principle amperometric oxygen-analyzers are applicable in gaseous phases, the expression of performance in the gas phase is outside the scope of this document. This document is applicable to analyzers specified for permanent installation in any location (indoors or outdoors) using membrane-covered amperometric sensors.

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IEC 62828-3:2018 establishes specific procedures for testing temperature transmitters used in measuring and control systems for industrial process and for machinery control systems. When the process measurement transmitter features the temperature transmitter separated from the sensing element, the standard applies only to the temperature transmitter without the sensing element. In the case of a device where the sensing element is fully integrated with the temperature transmitter, the standard applies to the complete device. For general test procedures, reference is made to IEC 62828-1, which is applicable to all types of industrial and process measurement transmitters (PMT). The sensing element itself as well as radiation thermometers are excluded from the scope of this document. The IEC 62828 series cancels and replaces the IEC 60770 series and proposes revisions for the IEC 61298 series. NOTE In industrial and process applications to indicate the process measurement transmitters, it is common also to use the terms “industrial transmitters”, or “process transmitters”.

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IEC 60584-3:2021 It is necessary for thermocouple temperature measurement that the electro-motive force (abbreviated as e.m.f. hereafter) of the thermocouple circuit is precisely measured by a measuring instrument. A thermocouple is electrically connected to the instrument by a proper pair of electric cables. IEC 60584-3:2021 standardizes these cables. It specifies identification and manufacturing tolerances for extension and compensating cables (mineral insulated extension and compensating cables are not included) provided directly to users of industrial processes. These tolerances are determined with respect to the e.m.f. ver-sus temperature relationship of IEC 60584-1. The requirements for extension and compensating cables for use in industrial process control are specified.

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IEC 62828-1:2017 establishes a general framework for defining reference conditions and test procedures applicable to all types of industrial and process measurement transmitters (PMTs) used in measuring and control systems for industrial process and machinery. These reference test conditions are divided into “standard reference conditions”, which apply when determining the accuracy of measurement, and “ambient and process reference conditions”, which are used to assess the influence of external quantities on the measurement. The IEC 62828 series cancels and replaces the IEC 60770 series and proposes revisions for the IEC 61298 series.

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IEC 62828-2:2017 establishes specific procedures for testing pressure process measurement transmitters (PMT) used in measuring and control systems for industrial processes and for machinery control systems. A pressure PMT can feature a remote seal to bring the process variable to the sensing element in the PMT. When the remote seal cannot be separated from the PMT, the complete device is tested.

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IEC 61987-24-3:2017 provides - an operating list of properties (OLOP) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for flow modification accessories for automated valves, listed in Annex A, - device lists of properties (DLOPs) for flow modification accessories for automated valves, listed in Annex B.

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IEC 61987-24-2:2017 provides - an operating list of properties (OLOP) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for accessories attached to automated valves, listed in Annex A, - device lists of properties (DLOPs) for accessories attached to automated valves, listed in Annex B.

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IEC 62828-4:2020 establishes specific procedures for testing level transmitters used in measuring and control systems for industrial process and machinery control systems. For general test procedures, reference is to be made to IEC 62828-1:2017, applicable to all types of transmitters. Throughout this document, the term "industrial transmitters" covers all types of transmitters used in measuring and control systems for industrial processes and for machinery. The requirements of this document are applicable to all level measurement principles. Detailed description of transmitters is given for two main principles for improved clarity.

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IEC 62828-5:2020 establishes specific procedures for testing flow transmitters used in measuring and control systems for industrial process and for machinery control systems. For general test procedures, reference is to be made to IEC 62828-1:2017, applicable to all types of industrial and process measurement transmitters. This document – together with IEC 62828-1:2017 – is the reference standard for testing every type of flow transmitter, not only for liquids but also for gases and for steam. In this document, "industrial flow transmitters" consistently covers all types of flow transmitters used in measuring and control systems for industrial process and for machinery.

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IEC 62952-3:2017 specifies requirements and a profile for a power source containing a generic energy harvesting adapter module (GEHAM) used as power source for wireless communication devices (WCD).

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IEC 62952-2:2016 specifies a profile for a power module containing batteries used as power source for wireless communication devices.

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IEC 62952-1:2016 specifies the general requirements of power modules for wireless communication devices (WCD). This document includes additional optional specifications to permit use in explosive atmospheres and harsh environments. This International Standard is based on VDI/VDE 2185 Blatt 3.

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IEC 61003-2:2016 gives guidelines for inspection and routine testing of electrical and pneumatic instruments with two- or multi-position output, for instance, for acceptance tests or after repair. It is applicable to electrical and pneumatic industrial-process instruments, using measured values that are continuous signals. The set point value may be either a mechanical (position, force, etc.) or a standard signal. These instruments may be used as controllers or as switches for alarms and other similar purposes. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2009. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - use of the term "two- or multi-position output" instead of "two- or multi-state instrument" (see Scope); - use of the term "differential gap" instead of "switching differential" (see Table 1 No 2); - use of the term "dielectric strength" instead of "isolation test" (see Table 1 No 5). This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 61003-1:2016, IEC 61298-2:2008 and IEC 61298-3:2008

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IEC 61003-1:2016 is applicable to pneumatic and electric industrial-process instruments or control device using measured values that are continuous signals either a mechanical (position, force, etc.) or a standard electric signal. It is intended to specify uniform terminologies and testing methods for performance evaluation of industrial-process instruments or process control systems modules with analogue measured values and two- or multi-position outputs. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2004. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - use of the term "two-position output" instead of "two-state instrument" (see 3.2); - use of the term "differential gap" instead of "switching differential" (see 3.4); - use of "fast transient/burst immunity requirements" instead of "power supply transient overvoltages", and revision of the test method (see 6.2.10); - deletion of 6.2.12 "common mode interference" and 6.2.13 "normal mode interference (series mode) "tests of the previous edition; - use of the term "electromagnetic field" instead of "radiated electromagnetic interference", the test method remained the same (see 6.2.16); - use of the term "dielectric strength" instead of "isolation test", and revision of the reference (see 6.3.4); - deletion of Subclauses "8.2 Design features", "10.1 Routine maintenance and adjustment" and "10.2 Repair" of the previous edition.

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IEC 61515:2016 establishes the requirements for simplex, duplex and triplex mineral-insulated metal-sheathed thermocouple cables and thermocouples, which are intended for use in general industrial applications. The abbreviation MIMS (for "mineral-insulated metal-sheathed") will be used hereafter. It covers thermocouple cables and thermocouples with only base-metal conductors of Types T, J, E, K and N. The specifications in this standard apply to new thermocouple cables and thermocouple units as delivered to the user. They do not apply to the product after use. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1995. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - Duplex and triplex are standardized. - Specification of insulation resistance is revised so that the user can choose the best product to fit for the purpose. - "Table 2 Recommended maximum operating temperatures" in the previous version is expanded significantly including newly developed sheath material and it is moved to Annex C. - Test items and their methods are expanded and a guide table (Table 4) is added for userfriendliness.

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IEC 60534-2-3:2015(E) is applicable to industrial-process control valves and provides the flow capacity test procedures for determining the following variables used in the equations given in IEC 60534-2-1: a) flow coefficient C; b) liquid pressure recovery factor without attached fittings FL; c) combined liquid pressure recovery factor and piping geometry factor of a control valve with attached fittings FLP; d) piping geometry factor FP; e) pressure differential ratio factors xT and xTP; f) valve style modifier Fd; g) Reynolds number factor FR. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1997, of which it constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Addition of informative Annexes B, C, D, E and F. b) Organizational and formatting changes were made to group technically related subject matter.

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IEC 61987-24-1:2015 provides Operating Lists of Properties (OLOPs) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for valve/actuator accessories, that can be used for every valve/actuator accessory, Device Lists of Properties (DLOPs) for positioners and I/P converters.

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IEC 61987-21:2015 provides a characterization for the integration of automated valves, including control valves, automated on/off-valves and process regulators, in the Common Data Dictionary (CDD); generic structures in conformance with IEC 61987-10 for Operating Lists of Properties (OLOPs) and Device Lists of Properties (DLOPs) of final control elements.

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IEC 61987-23:2015 provides Operating Lists of Properties (OLOPs) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for valve actuators, Device Lists of Properties (DLOPs) for valve actuators.

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IEC 61987-22:2015 provides Operating Lists of Properties (OLOP) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for valve body assemblies and process regulators, Device Lists of Properties (DLOPs) for the description of various types of valve body assemblies and process regulators.

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IEC 60534-8-4:2015 establishes a method to predict the noise generated in a control valve by liquid flow and the resulting noise level measured downstream of the valve and outside of the pipe. The noise may be generated both by normal turbulence and by liquid cavitation in the valve. Parts of the method are based on fundamental principles of acoustics, fluid mechanics, and mechanics. The method is validated by test data. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published 2005. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: a) Hydrodynamic noise is predicted as a function of frequency and b) Elimination of the acoustic power ratio.

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IEC 61285:2015 describes the physical requirements for the safe operation of the process analyser measuring system installed in an analyser house (AH) in order to ensure its protection against fire, explosion and health hazards. This standard applies for analyser houses with inner and/or external potential explosive atmospheres and it applies to hazards caused by toxic substances or asphyxiant gases. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2004 and constitutes a technical revision. The main changes are: - incorporation of previously issued corrigendum and - minor updates to several sections and references.

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IEC 61207-6:2014 applies to all aspects of analyzers using photometric techniques for the measurement of concentration of one or more components in a mixture of gases or vapors. It should be used in conjunction with IEC 61207-1. It specifies: - the terminology and definitions related to the functional performance of gas analyzers, utilizing a photometric analyzer, for the continuous measurement of gas or vapor concentration in a source gas; - it unifies methods used in making and verifying statements on the functional performance of such analyzers; - it specifies what tests should be performed to determine the functional performance and how such tests should be carried out and it provides basic documents to support the application of standards of quality assurance ISO 9001. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1994 and constitutes a technical revision. The major changes are: - All references (normative and informative) have been updated, deleted or added to as appropriate. - All the terms and definitions relating to the document have been updated where appropriate. - New definitions have been added for generic photometric equipment and measurements. - All references to "errors" have been replaced by "uncertainties" and appropriate updated definitions applied. - Figures A.1, A.2.

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IEC 61207-7:2013 includes the terminology, definitions, statements and tests that are specific to tuneable semiconductor laser gas analyzers, which utilize tuneable semiconductor laser absorption spectroscopy (TSLAS). It applies to all aspects of analyzers utilizing TSLAS for the concentration measurement of one or more gas components in a gaseous mixture or vapour. It applies to analyzers utilizing tuneable semiconductor lasers as sources and utilizing absorption spectroscopy, such as direct absorption, FMS, WMS, multi-pass absorption spectroscopy, CRDS, ICOS, PAS and CEAS techniques, etc.

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IEC 61131-9:2013 specifies a single-drop digital communication interface technology for small sensors and actuators SDCI (commonly known as IO-Link), which extends the traditional digital input and digital output interfaces as defined in IEC 61131-2 towards a point-to-point communication link. This technology enables the transfer of parameters to Devices and the delivery of diagnostic information from the Devices to the automation system.

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IEC 60584-1:2013 specifies reference functions and tolerances for letter-designated thermocouples (Types R, S, B, J, T, E, K, N, C and A). Temperatures are expressed in degrees Celsius based on the International Temperature Scale of 1990, ITS-90 (symbol t90), and the EMF (symbol E) is in microvolts. The reference functions are polynomials which express the EMF, E in V, as a function of temperature t90 in °C with the thermocouple reference junctions at 0 °C. Values of EMF at intervals of 1 °C are tabulated in Annex A. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 1995 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following changes: - IEC 60584-1:1995 and IEC 60584-2:1982 have been merged; - the standard is now explicitly based on the reference polynomials which express thermocouple EMF as functions of temperature. The tables derived from the polynomials are given in Annex A; - inverse polynomials expressing temperature as functions of EMF are given in Annex B, but inverse tables are not given; - the range of the polynomial relating the EMF of Type K thermocouples is restricted to 1 300 °C; - values of the Seebeck coefficients are given at intervals of 10 °C; - thermoelectric data (EMF and Seebeck coefficients) are given at the fixed points of the ITS-90; - some guidance is given in Annex C regarding the upper temperature limits and environmental conditions of use for each thermocouple type.

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IEC 61514-2:2013 specifies design reviews and tests intended to measure and determine the static and dynamic performance, the degree of intelligence and the communication capabilities of single-acting or double-acting intelligent valve positioners. The tests may be applied to positioners which receive standard analogue electrical input signals (as specified in IEC 60381) and/or digital signals via a data communication link and have a pneumatic output. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2004 and constitutes a technical revision. The significant changes with respect to the previous edition are: The standard has been optimized for usability and the test procedures have been reviewed regarding applicability for use in test facilities. Impractical test procedures were removed or modified.

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IEC 62703:2013 specifies the general aspects in the terminology and definitions related to the performance of fluorometric oxygen analyzers used for the continuous determination of dissolved oxygen partial pressure or concentration in liquid media; unifies methods used in making and verifying statements on the functional performance of such analyzers; specifies which tests should be performed in order to determine the functional performance and how such tests should be carried out and provides basic documents to support the application of standards of quality assurance within ISO 9001.

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IEC 61131-3:2013 specifies the syntax and semantics of a unified suite of programming languages for programmable controllers (PCs). This suite consists of two textual languages, Instruction List (IL) and Structured Text (ST), and two graphical languages, Ladder Diagram (LD) and Function Block Diagram (FBD). This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 2003 and constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following significant technical changes: It is a compatible extension of the second edition. The main extensions are new data types and conversion functions, references, name spaces and the object oriented features of classes and function blocks.

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IEC 61499-4:2013 defines rules for the development of compliance profiles, which specify the features of IEC 61499-1 and 61499-2 to be implemented in order to promote the following attributes of IEC 61499-based systems, devices and software tools: - interoperability of devices from multiple suppliers; - portability of software between software tools of multiple suppliers; - and configurability of devices from multiple vendors by software tools of multiple suppliers. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005. It constitutes a technical revision and includes the following significant technical changes: Table B.1 has been updated for consistency with Table 8 of IEC 61499-1:2013.

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IEC 61499-1:2012 defines a generic architecture and presents guidelines for the use of function blocks in distributed industrial-process measurement and control systems (IPMCSs). This architecture is presented in terms of implementable reference models, textual syntax and graphical representations. The models given in this standard are intended to be generic, domain independent and extensible to the definition and use of function blocks in other standards or for particular applications or application domains. It is intended that specifications written according to the rules given in this standard be concise, implementable, complete, unambiguous, and consistent. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005 an constitutes a technical revision. It includes the significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition related to: Execution control, Temporary variables, Service sequences, the syntax for mapping of FB instances, the Syntax for definition of segment types, the Function block types for interoperation with programmable controllers and the READ/WRITE management commands.

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IEC 61499-2:2012 defines requirements for software tools to support the following systems engineering tasks enumerated in IEC 61499-1: - the specification of function block types; - the functional specification of resource types and device types; - the specification, analysis, and validation of distributed IPMCSs; - the configuration, implementation, operation, and maintenance of distributed IPMCSs; - the exchange of information among software tools. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2005 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: The contents of Annex A have been updated to conform to the technical changes of the second edition of IEC 61499-1. CDATA sections are now allowed for the textual contents of algorithms in Tables A.4 and A.5.

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IEC 61131-6:2012 specifies requirements for programmable controllers (PLCs) and their associated peripherals, as defined in Part 1, which are intended to be used as the logic subsystem of an electrical/electronic/programmable electronic (E/E/PE) safety-related system. A programmable controller and its associated peripherals complying with the requirements of this part is considered suitable for use in an E/E/PE safety-related system and is identified as a functional safety programmable logic controller (FS-PLC). An FS-PLC is generally a hardware (HW) / software (SW) subsystem. An FS-PLC may also include software elements, for example predefined function blocks.

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IEC 60534-8-2:2011 includes the method for measuring the sound pressure level due to liquid flow through a control valve and the method for determining the characteristic increase of noise due to the onset of cavitation. It also defines the equipment, methods and procedures for the laboratory measurement of the airborne sound needed to determine these characteristics. Two methods are provided for testing the noise generating characteristics of control valves. The first is a uniform method of measuring the radiated noise from the valve and the associated test piping including fixed flow restrictions through which the test fluid (water) is passing. The second is a procedure for measuring the sound pressure levels within pipe systems upstream and downstream of the valve under fixed operating conditions. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1991 and constitutes a technical revision that includes internal noise measurement.

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IEC 60534-2-1:2011 includes equations for predicting the flow of compressible and incompressible fluids through control valves. The equations for incompressible flow are based on standard hydrodynamic equations for Newtonian incompressible fluids. They are not intended for use when non-Newtonian fluids, fluid mixtures, slurries or liquid-solid conveyance systems are encountered. The equations for incompressible flow may be used with caution for non-vaporizing multi-component liquid mixtures. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1998. This edition constitutes a technical revision. It includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: - the same fundamental flow model, but changes the equation framework to simplify the use of the standard by introducing the notion of Δpsizing; - changes to the non-turbulent flow corrections and means of computing results; - multi-stage sizing as an Annex.

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IEC 60534-8-3:2010 establishes a theoretical method to predict the external sound-pressure level generated in a control valve and within adjacent pipe expanders by the flow of compressible fluids. This method considers only single-phase dry gases and vapours and is based on the perfect gas laws. It is assumed that the downstream piping is straight for a length of at least 2 m from the point where the noise measurement is made. The method is applicable to the following single-stage valves: - globe (straight pattern and angle pattern), - butterfly, - rotary plug (eccentric, spherical), - ball, and - valves with cage trims. Specifically excluded are the full bore ball valves where the product FpC exceeds 50 % of the rated flow coefficient. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2000. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition are as follows: - predicting noise as a function of frequency; - using laboratory data to determine the acoustical efficiency factor.

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    50 pages
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IEC 60534-7:2010 provides a list of requirements that are necessary for the procurement of the majority of control valves for process systems. The list is arranged to assist the specification writer with a standardized presentation of data and also to be a basis for use with data processing facilities. A detailed set of instructions is included in order to ensure that the abbreviated terms are fully understood and that consistent data entries are always made. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1989. This edition constitutes a technical revision The main changes with respect to the previous edition are: - the standard has been updated to reflect digital electronic accessories and fieldbus protocols; - to aid clarification, the explanation of terms and definitions contains the same subheading as the information required in the control valve data sheet; - the column numbering system has been replaced with descriptive title headings.

  • Standard
    21 pages
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IEC 60546-1:2010 is intended to specify uniform methods of test for evaluating the performance of industrial-process PID controllers with analogue input and output signals. The test conditions specified in this standard, for example the range of ambient temperatures, power supply, etc., are used when no other values are agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition, published in 1987 and constitutes a minor technical revision made to bring terms, measurement units and references up to date.

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    41 pages
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IEC 60546-2:2010 applies to pneumatic and electrical industrial-process controllers using analogue signals which are in accordance with IEC 60381-1 and IEC 60381-2. The provisions of this standard are applicable in principle to controllers having different, but continuous signals. It provides technical guidance for inspection and routine testing of controllers, for instance, as acceptance tests or after repair. For a full evaluation, IEC 60546-1 should be used. Quantitative criteria for acceptable performance are established by agreement between manufacturer and user. The requirements of this standard are effective when agreed upon by the manufacturer and the user. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition, published in 1987. It constitutes a minor technical revision made to bring some terms, measurement units and references up to date.

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    15 pages
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IEC 61207-1:2010 specifies the terminology, definitions, requirements for statements by manufacturers and tests that are common to all gas analyzers. It is applicable to analyzers specified for permanent installation in any location (indoors or outdoors) and to such analyzers utilizing either a sample handling system or an in situ measurement technique. It is applicable to the complete analyzer when supplied by one manufacturer as an integral unit, comprised of all mechanical, electrical and electronic portions. It also applies to sensor units alone and electronic units alone when supplied separately or by different manufacturers. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 1994 and constitutes a technical revision. The significant technical changes with respect to the first edition are the following:
- all references (normative and informative) have been updated, deleted or added, as appropriate;
- all the terms and definitions relating to this International Standard have been updated;
- all references to 'errors' have been replaced by 'uncertainties' and appropriate updated definitions applied.
Where only one value is quoted for a performance specification, such as intrinsic uncertainty, linearity uncertainty or repeatability throughout a measurement range, this has now been defined as the maximum value, rather than an average or 'representative' value. This was previously undefined. Where zero and 100 % span calibration gases are used, there is now a defined requirement that the analyser must be able to respond within its standard performance specifications beyond its normal measurement range, to allow for any under or over response of the instrument to be recorded. A new Annex A has been added giving recommended standard values of influence.

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    42 pages
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IEC 60534-2-4:2009 applies to all types of industrial-process control valves. It defines how to state typical control valve inherent flow characteristics and inherent rangeabilities. It also defines how to establish criteria for adherence to manufacturer-stated flow characteristics. This edition constitutes a technical revision. The main changes with respect to the previous edition are: - update the normative references; - delete the terminology included in IEC 60534-1; - transform the previous Note 1 in Clause 6; - redraw the graphics; - delete the previous Figure 3.

  • Standard
    13 pages
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IEC 61298-3:2008 specifies general methods and procedures for conducting tests and reporting on the functional and performance characteristics of process measurement and control devices. The tests are applicable to any such devices characterized by their own specific input and output variables, and by the specific relationship (transfer function) between the inputs and outputs, and include analogue and digital devices. For devices that require special tests, this standard should be used, together with any product-specific standard specifying special tests. It covers tests for the effects of influence quantities.

  • Standard
    33 pages
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