Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 9: Alarm verification - Methods and principles

This European Technical Specification is available for use where alarm verification methods are considered necessary. It provides recommendations for the addition and use of alarm verification technology in Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm Systems (I&HAS) installed to comply with EN 50131-1. These recommendations should be incorporated into the respective standards in the EN 5013x series. This Technical Specification does not detail methods of alarm verification relying solely on Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) procedures, but does not preclude their use. This Technical Specification describes alarm verification methods that could be applied and details applicable to system and equipment design. The framework limits the range of options in order to provide for local regulations and circumstances, whilst permitting a standardised approach to equipment design. This Technical Specification also provides (in Annex A) recommendations for equipment in order to permit the manufacture of standardised equipment to provide the functionality needed by an I&HAS incorporating alarm verification technology. The associated guidelines for use in ARCs to monitor notification from such I&HAS can be found in EN 50518 3. NOTE Alarm verification may also be referred to as “alarm confirmation”.

Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil 9: Alarmvorprüfung - Verfahren und Grundsätze

Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l'intrusion et les hold-up - Partie 9: Vérification d'alarme - Méthodes et principes

La présente Spécification Technique Européenne est disponible pour utilisation dans les situations où les méthodes de vérification de l'alarme sont considérées comme étant nécessaires. Elle établit des recommandations pour l'ajout et l'utilisation de technologies de vérification de l'alarme dans les I&HAS installés afin de se conformer à l'EN 50131-1. Il convient d'intégrer lesdites recommandations dans les normes correspondantes de la série EN 5013x. La présente Spécification Technique Européenne ne détaille pas les méthodes de vérification de l'alarme reposant uniquement sur les procédures de centre de réception d'alarme (ARC); elle n'exclut cependant pas leur utilisation. La présente Spécification Technique Européenne décrit les méthodes de vérification de l'alarme qui pourraient être appliquées ainsi que les détails applicables à la conception des systèmes et équipements. Le cadre limite la gamme d'options possibles afin de se conformer aux circonstances et réglementations locales, tout en permettant d'adopter une approche normalisée de la conception d'équipement. La présente Spécification Technique Européenne établit également (dans l'Annexe A) des recommandations relatives à l'équipement afin de permettre la fabrication d'équipements normalisés fournissant les fonctionnalités nécessaires pour un I&HAS doté d'une technologie de vérification de l'alarme. Les directives associées à utiliser pour les ARC, afin de surveiller une notification provenant d'un tel I&HAS, peuvent être consultées dans l'EN 50518 3. NOTE Une vérification de l'alarme peut également être nommée "confirmation d'alarme".

Alarmni sistemi - Sistemi za vpad v klic in zadržanje klica - 9. del: Preverjanje alarmov - Metode in načela

Standard CLC/TS 50131-9 je na voljo za uporabo, kjer so potrebne metode za preverjanje alarmov. Zagotavlja priporočila za dodajanje in uporabo tehnologije za preverjanje alarmov v sistemih za vpad v klic in zadržanje klica (I&HAS), ki je nameščena v skladu s standardom EN 50131-1. Ta priporočila naj bi bila vključena v zadevne standarde serije EN 5013x. Ta tehnična specifikacija podrobno ne navaja metod za preverjanje alarmov, ki se zanašajo samo na postopke sprejemnega centra za alarme (ARC), toda ne nasprotuje njihovi uporabi. Ta tehnična specifikacija opisuje metode za preverjanje alarmov, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti, in podrobnosti, ki veljajo za načrtovanje sistema in opreme. Ogrodje omejuje razpoložljive možnosti, da se zagotovi upoštevanje lokalnih predpisov in okoliščin, hkrati pa omogoči standardiziran pristop k načrtovanju opreme.  Ta tehnična specifikacija zagotavlja tudi (v Dodatku A) priporočila za opremo, da se omogoči proizvodnjo standardizirane opreme, ki bi zagotovila funkcionalnost, ki jo potrebuje tehnologija za preverjanje alarma s sistemom za vpad v klic in zadržanje klica (I&HAS). Povezane smernice za uporabo pri sprejemnih centrih za alarme (ARC) za nadzor opozoril iz takšnih sistemov za vpad v klic in zadržanje klica je mogoče najti v standardu EN 50518-3.

General Information

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TS CLC/TS 50131-9:2014
English language
28 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Alarm systems – Intrusion and hold up systems - Part 9: Alarm verification - Methods and
Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil 9: Alarmvorprüfung -
Verfahren und Grundsätze
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: CLC/TS 50131-9:2014
13.310 Varstvo pred kriminalom Protection against crime
13.320 Alarmni in opozorilni sistemi Alarm and warning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


June 2014
ICS 13.320
English Version
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 9: Alarm
verification - Methods and principles
Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l'intrusion et Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil
les hold-up - Partie 9: Vérification d'alarme - Méthodes et 9: Alarmvorprüfung - Verfahren und Grundsätze
This Technical Specification was approved by CENELEC on 2014-04-11.

CENELEC members are required to announce the existence of this TS in the same way as for an EN and to make the TS available promptly
at national level in an appropriate form. It is permissible to keep conflicting national standards in force.

CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2014 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. CLC/TS 50131-9:2014 E

Contents page
Foreword . 4
Introduction . - 5 -
1 Scope . - 6 -
2 Normative references . - 6 -
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . - 6 -
3.1 Terms and definitions . - 6 -
3.2 Abbreviations . - 9 -
4 Overview . - 9 -
5 Parameter variation . - 10 -
6 General recommendations for I&HAS incorporating alarm verification . - 10 -
6.1 General . - 10 -
6.2 Setting and unsetting . - 10 -
6.3 Indications. - 10 -
6.4 Processing and Notification . - 10 -
6.5 Event recording . - 11 -
6.6 Restore . - 12 -
6.7 Documentation . - 12 -
6.8 Hold-up alarms . - 12 -
7 Sequential verification of intruder alarms . - 12 -
7.1 General . - 12 -
7.2 Recommendations for system requirements . - 13 -
7.3 Installation guidelines . - 14 -
7.4 ARC responses . - 15 -
8 Sequential verification of hold-up alarms . - 15 -
8.1 Recommendations for system requirements . - 15 -
8.2 Installation guidelines . - 15 -
8.3 ARC responses . - 15 -
9 Audible alarm verification . - 16 -
9.1 System design factors . - 16 -
9.2 Installation guidelines . - 16 -
9.3 ARC responses . - 17 -
10 Visual alarm verification . - 17 -
10.1 System design factors . - 17 -
10.2 Installation guidelines . - 17 -
10.3 ARC responses . - 17 -
11 ATS faults . - 18 -
11.1 System design factors . - 18 -
11.2 Installation guidelines . - 18 -
11.3 ARC responses . - 18 -
Annex A (informative) Equipment specifications . - 19 -
A.1 General . - 19 -
A.2 Control and indicating equipment . - 19 -
A.3 Multi-output combined detectors . - 20 -
A.4 Multi-action hold-up device . - 20 -
A.5 Audible alarm verification equipment . - 21 -
A.6 Visual alarm verification equipment . - 22 -
Annex B (informative) Equipment test procedures . - 24 -
B.1 CIE . - 24 -
B.2 Multi-output combined detectors . - 26 -
B.3 Audible alarm verification equipment . - 26 -
B.4 Visual alarm verification equipment . - 27 -
Bibliography . - 28 -

–-    3 -– CLC/TS 50131-9:2014 (E)
Figures and Tables
Figure 1 – Time line of completed sequentially verified alarm sequence . - 12 -
Figure 2 – Time line of unverified alarm sequence . - 13 -
Table 1 – Types of alarm permitted to contribute to a sequentially verified intruder alarm . - 13 -
Table A.1 – Tamper protection, tamper detection and environmental recommendations for audible
alarm verification equipment . - 22 -
Table A.2 – Tamper protection, tamper detection and environmental recommendations for visual
alarm verification equipment . - 23 -
Table B.1 – CIE tests for alarm verification functions (1 of 3) . - 24 -

This document (CLC/TS 50131-9:2014) has been prepared by CLC/TC 79 "Alarm systems".
EN 50131 (all parts) will consist of the following parts, under the general title Alarm systems –
Intrusion and hold-up systems:
Part 1 System requirements
Part 2-2 Intrusion detectors – Passive infrared detectors
Part 2-3 Requirements for microwave detectors
Part 2-4 Requirements for combined passive infrared and microwave detectors
Part 2-5 Requirements for combined passive infrared and ultrasonic detectors
Part 2-6 Opening contacts (magnetic)
Part 2-7-1 Intrusion detectors – Glass break detectors (acoustics)
Part 2-7-2 Intrusion detectors – Glass break detectors (passive)
Part 2-7-3 Intrusion detectors – Glass break detectors (active)
Part 2-8 Intrusion detectors – Shock detectors
Part 2-9 Intrusion detectors – Active infrared detectors
Part 3 Control and indicating equipment
Part 4 Warning devices
Part 5-1 Requirements for wired interconnection for I&HAS equipments located in
supervised premises
Part 5-3 Requirements for interconnections equipment using radio frequency techniques
Part 5-4 System compatibility testing for I&HAS equipments located in supervised premises
Part 6 Power supplies
Part 7 Application guidelines
Part 8 Security fog device/systems
Part 9 Alarm verification – Methods and principles
Part 10 Application specific requirements for Supervised Premises Transceiver (SPT)
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
At draft stage.
–-    5 -– CLC/TS 50131-9:2014 (E)
Unwanted alarms have been a significant problem for response authorities throughout Europe. Alarm
verification (also known as “Confirmation”) is one means developed to reduce this problem.
Development of alarm verification technologies has been carried out nationally on an “as needed”
basis, resulting in different methods and practices being used – thus negating the benefits of having
common European Standards for Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm Systems (I&HAS) and associated
This specification provides a basis for use of the technology that could be applied to verification of
intruder and hold-up alarms such that countries that wish to do so could introduce alarm verification
measures in a way that will permit later standardisation across Europe.
It provides a framework with limited options for the design, manufacture and testing of equipment
(especially CIE) whilst enabling a multiplicity of implementations, thus removing the restrictions to
trade imposed by the use of conflicting national recommendations.
The framework includes all methods in current use. Newly developed methods could be added to this
specification, or its principles used to derive guidance for the implementation of such methods.
Alarm verification technology does not supersede the need for best practice in the design and
installation of such systems, but supplements the requirements of EN 50131-1 in order to increase the
probability that an alarm notified to an ARC by an Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm System may be
considered to be genuine.
This European Technical Specification contains recommendations affecting a number of standards
and application guidelines for both systems and products. There are a number of reasons for this:
− to group all relevant recommendations in a single document to simplify reference by those
wishing to introduce an implementation of alarm verification;
− to allow alarm verification to be tested before review and eventual incorporation into European
− to recommend the additional product requirements necessary to provide the additional
functionality for an installed I&HAS to m

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