Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 10: Application specific requirements for Supervised Premises Transceiver (SPT)

This European Standard specifies requirements for SPT used in I&HAS to transmit alarm and other messages to a location remote from the supervised premises. NOTE 1 Requirements for the transmission of alarms are given in the EN/TS 50136 series of standards. EN 50136 2 gives requirements for SPT for use in any type of alarm system (e.g. fire, social care, intrusion, etc). This European Standard gives specific requirements for SPT used in Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm Systems (I&HAS) and should be used in combination with EN 50136 2. The requirements of this European Standard apply to different types of SPT including separate SPT, SPT located within the housings of other I&HAS components and also when the SPT functionality is integrated with the CIE or other parts of an I&HAS. NOTE 2 To facilitate the differing requirements this European Standard includes a categorisation with three types (X, Y and Z). This European Standard does not give requirements for the ATS network or performance.

Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil 10: Anwendungsspezifische Anforderungen an Übertragungseinrichtungen (ÜE)

Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l'intrusion et les hold-up - Partie 10: Exigences d’application spécifiques pour les transmetteurs des locaux surveillés

La présente Norme européenne spécifie les exigences applicables aux SPT utilisés dans les I&HAS pour transmettre des alarmes et d'autres messages à un lieu distant du local surveillé. NOTE 1 Les exigences pour la transmission des alarmes sont données dans la série de normes EN/TS 50136. L'EN 50136 2 donne les exigences applicables aux SPT utilisables dans tout type de système d'alarme (incendie, alarme sociale, intrusion, etc.). La présente Norme Européenne donne les exigences spécifiques applicables aux SPT utilisés dans les systèmes d'alarme contre l'intrusion et les hold-up (I&HAS) et il convient de l'utiliser en combinaison avec l'EN 50136 2. Les exigences de la présente Norme Européenne s'appliquent aux différents types de SPT séparés, y compris aux SPT situés dans les boîtiers d'autres composants d'un I&HAS ainsi que lorsque la fonctionnalité du SPT est intégrée au CIE ou à d'autres parties d'un I&HAS. NOTE 2 Pour faciliter les exigences différentes, cette Norme Européenne inclut une catégorisation avec trois types (X, Y et Z). La présente Norme Européenne ne donne pas d'exigences pour le réseau ATS ni concernant les performances.

Alarmni sistemi - Sistemi za javljanje vloma in ropa - 10. del: Aplikacijsko specifične zahteve za oddajno-sprejemne naprave v nadzorovanih prostorih

Standard EN 50131-10 določa zahteve za oddajno-sprejemne naprave v nadzorovanih prostorih (SPT), ki se uporabljajo v I&HAS, za javljanje alarma in drugih sporočil lokaciji, ki je oddaljena od nadzorovanih prostorov. Ta evropski standard podaja posebne zahteve za oddajno-sprejemne naprave v nadzorovanih prostorih, ki se uporabljajo v alarmnih sistemih za javljanje vloma in ropa (I & HAS) in naj bi se jih uporabljalo v kombinaciji s standardom EN 50136-2. Zahteve iz tega evropskega standarda veljajo za različne vrste oddajno-sprejemnih naprav v nadzorovanih prostorih (SPT), vključno z ločenimi SPT, SPT, ki se nahajajo znotraj ohišja drugih komponent I&HAS in tudi, če je funkcija SPT združena s CIE ali drugim delom I&HAS.

General Information

Publication Date
Technical Committee
Drafting Committee
Current Stage
9093 - Decision to confirm - Review Enquiry
Due Date
Completion Date

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EN 50131-10:2014
English language
19 pages
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Standards Content (Sample)

Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 10: Application specific
requirements for Supervised Premises Transceiver (SPT)
Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil 10: Anwendungsspezifische
Anforderungen an Übertragungseinrichtungen (ÜE)
Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l'intrusion et les hold-up - Partie 10:
Exigences d’application spécifiques pour les transmetteurs des locaux surveillés
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: EN 50131-10:2014
13.310 Varstvo pred kriminalom Protection against crime
13.320 Alarmni in opozorilni sistemi Alarm and warning systems
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.


June 2014
ICS 13.320
English Version
Alarm systems - Intrusion and hold-up systems - Part 10:
Application specific requirements for Supervised Premises
Transceiver (SPT)
Systèmes d'alarme - Systèmes d'alarme contre l'intrusion et Alarmanlagen - Einbruch- und Überfallmeldeanlagen - Teil
les hold-up - Partie 10: Exigences d'application spécifiques 10: Anwendungsspezifische Anforderungen an
pour les transmetteurs des locaux surveillés Übertragungseinrichtungen (ÜE)
This European Standard was approved by CENELEC on 2014-03-10. CENELEC members are bound to comply with the CEN/CENELEC
Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration.
Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the CEN-CENELEC
Management Centre or to any CENELEC member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation
under the responsibility of a CENELEC member into its own language and notified to the CEN-CENELEC Management Centre has the
same status as the official versions.
CENELEC members are the national electrotechnical committees of Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic,
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia,
Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
Turkey and the United Kingdom.

European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
Comité Européen de Normalisation Electrotechnique
Europäisches Komitee für Elektrotechnische Normung
CEN-CENELEC Management Centre: Avenue Marnix 17, B-1000 Brussels
© 2014 CENELEC All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CENELEC Members.
Ref. No. EN 50131-10:2014 E
Contents page
Introduction . - 4 -
1 Scope . - 5 -
2 Normative references . - 5 -
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . - 6 -
3.1 Terms and definitions . - 6 -
3.2 Abbreviations . - 6 -
4 General requirements . - 6 -
4.1 Additional functions . - 6 -
4.2 Equipment features . - 7 -
4.3 SPT structure . - 7 -
5 Security grade . - 7 -
6 Environmental performance . - 7 -
6.1 Requirements . - 7 -
6.2 Environmental tests . - 7 -
7 Functional requirements . - 8 -
7.1 Tamper . - 8 -
7.2 Monitoring of substitution. - 9 -
7.3 Wireless interconnections. - 9 -
7.4 Power supply . - 10 -
8 Product documentation . - 10 -
9 Marking and labelling . - 10 -
10 Tests . - 11 -
10.1 General . - 11 -
10.2 Test conditions . - 11 -
10.3 Tamper security tests . - 12 -
10.4 Substitution tests . - 14 -
10.5 Power supply . - 14 -
10.6 Documentation and marking. - 16 -
10.7 Environmental and EMC tests . - 16 -
Annex A (informative) Classification of SPT . - 18 -
Bibliography . - 19 -

Table 1 – Tamper protection . - 8 -
Table 2 – Tamper detection. - 8 -
Table 3 – Tool dimension for tamper detection . - 9 -
Table 4 – Removal from mounting . - 9 -
Table 5 – Environmental and EMC tests and severity . - 17 -

- 3 - EN 50131-10:2014 (E)
This document (EN 50131-10:2014) has been prepared by CLC/TC 79 "Alarm systems".
The following dates are fixed:
• latest date by which this document has
(dop) 2015-03-10
to be implemented at national level by
publication of an identical national
standard or by endorsement
• latest date by which the national
(dow) 2017-03-10
standards conflicting with this
document have to be withdrawn
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of
patent rights. CENELEC [and/or CEN] shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such
patent rights.
The EN/TS 50131 series consists of the following parts, under the general title Alarm systems –
Intrusion and hold-up systems:
Part 1 System requirements
Part 2-2 Intrusion detectors – Passive infrared detectors
Part 2-3 Requirements for microwave detectors
Part 2-4 Requirements for combined passive infrared and microwave detectors
Part 2-5 Requirements for combined passive infrared and ultrasonic detectors
Part 2-6 Opening contacts (magnetic)
Part 2-7-1 Intrusion detectors – Glass break detectors (acoustics)
Part 2-7-2 Intrusion detectors – Glass break detectors (passive)
Part 2-7-3 Intrusion detectors – Glass break detectors (active)
Part 2-8 Intrusion detectors – Shock detectors
Part 2-9 Intrusion detectors – Active infrared detectors
Part 3 Control and indicating equipment
Part 4 Warning devices
Part 5-1 Requirements for wired interconnection for I&HAS equipments located in
supervised premises
Part 5-3 Requirements for interconnections equipment using radio frequency techniques
Part 5-4 System compatibility testing for I&HAS equipments located in supervised premises
Part 6 Power supplies
Part 7 Application guidelines
Part 8 Security fog device/systems
Part 9 Alarm verification – Methods and principles
Part 10 Application specific requirements for Supervised Premises Transceiver (SPT)
At draft stage.
This European Standard should be read in conjunction with EN/TS 50136 series, particularly
EN 50136-2, and includes requirements for Supervised Premises Transceivers (SPT) specific to
Intrusion and hold-up alarm system (I&HAS) applications.
EN 50131-1 requires that notification be by warning device (WD) and/or alarm transmission system
(ATS). The SPT is the equipment that forms part of the ATS and provides the interface to the I&HAS.
A WD is a local means of notification whereas the SPT is a means of initiating notification at a
distance through Annunciation Equipment (AE), via a network and Receiving Centre Transceiver
EN 50131-1 in particular states the Alarm Transmission System (ATS) performance criteria to be used
with an I&HAS according to its security grade.

- 5 - EN 50131-10:2014 (E)
1 Scope
This European Standard specifies requirements for SPT used in I&HAS to transmit alarm and other
messages to a location remote from the supervised premises.
NOTE 1 Requirements for the transmission of alarms are given in the EN/TS 50136 series of standards.
EN 50136-2 gives requirements for SPT for use in any type of alarm system (e.g. fire, social care, intrusion, etc).
This European Standard gives specific requirements for SPT used in Intrusion and Hold-up Alarm
Systems (I&HAS) and should be used in combination with EN 50136-2.
The requirements of this European Standard apply to different types of SPT including separate SPT,
SPT located within the housings of other I&HAS components and also when the SPT functionality is
integrated with the CIE or other parts of an I&HAS.
NOTE 2 To facilitate the differing requirements this European Standard includes a categorisation with three types
(X, Y and Z).
This European Standard does not give requirements for the ATS network or performance.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
EN 50130-4, Alarm systems – Part 4: Electromagnetic compatibility – Product family standard: Immunity
requirements for components of fire, intruder hold up, CCTV, access control and social alarm systems
EN 50130-5, Alarm systems – Part 5: Environmental test methods
EN 50131-1:2006, Alarm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems – Part 1: System requirements
EN 50131-3, Alarm Systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems – Part 3 Control and indicating
EN 50131-6, Alarm systems – Intrusion and hold-up systems – Part 6: Power supplies
EN 50136-1:2012, Alarm systems – Alarm transmission systems and equipment – Part 1: General
requirements for alarm transmission systems
EN 50136-2:2013, Alarm systems – Alarm transmission systems and equipment – Part 2:
Requirements for Supervised Premises Transceiver (SPT)
EN 60068-1:1994, Environmental testing – Part 1: General and guidance (IEC 60068-1:1994)
EN 60068-2-75, Environmental testing – Part 2-75: Tests – Test Eh: Hammer tests (IEC 60068-2-75)
EN 60529, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP code) (IEC 60529)
EN 62262, Degrees of protection provided by enclosures for electrical equipment against external
mechanical impacts (IK code) (IEC 62262)

3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in EN 50131-1:2006 and
EN 50136-1:2012 and the following apply.
average current consumption
average of all current consumed by the SPT during one hour of normal functioning, including the
transmission of an alarm once every five minutes, using the transmission technology with the highest
current consumption
peak current consumption
maximum momentary current consumed by the SPT
External Power Source
energy supply external to the I&HAS which may be non-continuous
Note 1 to entry: Refer to EN 50131-6. External Power Source (EPS) is applicable

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