Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors

IEC 60603-7:2020 covers 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors and is intended to specify the common dimensions (interface dimensions), mechanical, electrical and environmental characteristics and tests for the family of IEC 60603-7-x connectors. These connectors are intermateable (according to IEC 61076-1 level 2) and interoperable with other IEC 60603-7 series connectors. This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition, published in 2008, its Amendment 1:2011 and its Amendment 2:2019. It constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical change with respect to the previous edition:
- Revised the definitions for intermateability and interoperability; added new definitions.
- Corrected dimension line for dimension AZ2 in Figure 5.
- Corrected dimension line for dimension F1 in Figure A.1.
- Revised the reference to ISO;IEC 11801 to ISO;IEC 11801-1.
- Added lower limiting temperature and upper limiting temperature definitions.
- Revised Table 1 to Table 8 so the column order is Minimum-Nominal-Maximum dimensions (ascending order).
- Corrected Table 7: Climatic category and Upper temperature values to 90 °C (to be consistent with the graph in Figure 10 and Note 1 in Figure 10).
- Revised the wording in 8.2, contact resistance, for clarification.
- Revised Figure 11 and Figure 12 and the wording in the Key below for clarification.
- Removed the sentences under the figure in the Introduction.
- Added Annex E.

Connecteurs pour équipements électroniques - Partie 7: Spécification particulière pour les fiches et les embases non écrantées à 8 voies

L'IEC 60603-7:2020 couvre les connecteurs 8 voies, non couverts, libres et fixes et vise à spécifier les dimensions communes (dimensions d’interface), les caractéristiques mécaniques, électriques et environnementales et les tests pour la famille des connecteurs IEC 60603-7-x. Ces connecteurs sont intermates (selon le niveau 2 de l’IEC 61076-1) et interopérables avec d’autres connecteurs de la série IEC 60603-7. Cette quatrième édition annule et remplace la troisième édition, publiée en 2008, son amendement 1:2011 et son amendement 2:2019. Il s’agit d’une révision technique. Cette édition comprend les changements techniques importants suivants par rapport à l’édition précédente :
- Révision des définitions de l’intermiabilité et de l’interopérabilité; a ajouté de nouvelles définitions.
- Ligne de dimension corrigée pour la dimension AZ2 de la figure 5.
- Ligne de dimension corrigée pour la dimension F1 de la figure A.1.
- Révision de la référence à l’ISO/IEC 11801 à l’ISO/IEC 11801-1.
- Ajout d’une température limite inférieure et de définitions de température limitantes supérieures.
- Tableau 1 révisé au tableau 8 de sorte que l’ordre de colonne est des dimensions minimales-nominales-maximales (ordre croissant).
- Tableau corrigé 7 : Catégorie climatique et valeurs de température supérieures à 90 °C (pour être compatible avec le graphique de la figure 10 et de la note 1 de la figure 10).
- Révision du libellé en 8.2, résistance aux contacts, pour clarification.
- Figure 11 et figure 12 révisées et le libellé de la clé ci-dessous pour clarification.
- Suppression des phrases en vertu de la figure de l’Introduction.
- Ajout de l’annexe E.

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IEC 60603-7:2020 RLV - Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors Released:10/9/2020 Isbn:9782832289594
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IEC 60603-7:2020 - Connectors for electronic equipment - Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors
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Standards Content (Sample)

IEC 60603-7 ®
Edition 4.0 2020-10
Connectors for electronic equipment –
Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors

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IEC 60603-7 ®
Edition 4.0 2020-10
Connectors for electronic equipment –

Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors

ICS 31.220.01 ISBN 978-2-8322-8959-4

– 2 – IEC 60603-7:2020 RLV © IEC 2020
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 11
4 Common features and typical connector pair . 13
4.1 View showing typical fixed and free connectors (see Figure 2) . 13
4.2 Mating information . 13
4.2.1 General . 13
4.2.2 Contacts – mating conditions . 14
4.2.3 Fixed connector . 17
4.2.4 Free connector . 23
5 Cable terminations and internal connections – Fixed and free connectors . 26
5.1 General . 26
5.2 Termination types . 27
5.2.1 Solder terminations . 27
5.2.2 Solderless terminations . 27
6 Gauges . 27
6.1 Fixed connectors . 27
6.2 Free connectors . 33
7 Characteristics . 38
7.1 General . 38
7.2 Pin and pair grouping assignment . 38
7.3 Classification into climatic category . 38
7.4 Electrical characteristics . 39
7.4.1 Creepage and clearance distances . 39
7.4.2 Voltage proof . 39
7.4.3 Current-temperature derating . 39
7.4.4 Interface contact resistance – initial only . 40
7.4.5 Input to output DC resistance . 40
7.4.6 Input-to-output DC resistance unbalance . 40
7.4.7 Initial insulation resistance . 41
7.4.8 Transfer impedance . 41
7.5 Transmission characteristics . 41
7.6 Mechanical characteristics . 41
7.6.1 Mechanical operation . 41
7.6.2 Effectiveness of connector coupling devices . 41
7.6.3 Insertion and withdrawal forces . 41
8 Tests and test schedule . 41
8.1 General . 41
8.2 Arrangement for interface contact resistance test . 42
8.3 Arrangement for vibration test (test phase CP1) . 44
8.4 Test procedures and measuring methods . 45
8.5 Preconditioning . 45
8.6 Wiring and mounting of specimens . 46

8.6.1 Wiring . 46
8.6.2 Mounting . 46
8.7 Test schedules . 46
8.7.1 General . 46
8.7.2 Basic (minimum) test schedule . 46
8.7.3 Full test schedule . 46
Annex A (normative) Gauging continuity procedure . 58
A.1 Object . 58
A.2 Preparation of the specimens . 58
A.3 Test method . 58
A.4 Final measurements . 58
A.5 Description of the continuity gauge . 58
Annex B (normative) Locking device mechanical operation . 62
B.1 Object . 62
B.2 Preparation of the specimens . 62
B.3 Test method . 62
B.4 Final measurements . 62
Annex C (normative) Gauge requirements . 63
C.1 Fixed connectors . 63
C.2 Free connectors . 63
Annex D (normative) Keystone connector information . 64
D.1 Fixed connector, female contacts Keystone type – Type A, variant 03 in the
previous edition of this standard . 64
D.2 Mounting dimensions for type A, Keystone type variant 03 . 65
Annex E (normative) Levels of compatibility . 67
E.1 General . 67
E.2 Intermountability . 68
E.3 Intermateability . 69
E.4 Intermountability and intermateability . 69
E.5 Interoperability . 70
E.6 Interchangeability . 70
E.7 Backward compatibility . 70
Bibliography . 72

Figure 1 – IEC 60603-7 family document diagram . 7
Figure 2 – View showing typical fixed and free connectors . 13
Figure 3 – Contact interface dimensions with terminated free connector . 15
Figure 4 – Fixed connector details . 20
Figure 5 – Free connector view . 24
Figure 5 – “Go” gauge .
Figure 6 – “No-go” gauges .
Figure 6 – Fixed connector "Go" gauge . 31
Figure 7 – Fixed connector "No-go" gauges . 32
Figure 7 – “No-go” gauges .
Figure 8 – “Go” gauge .
Figure 8 – Free connector "No-go" gauges. 36
Figure 9 – Free connector "Go" gauge . 37

– 4 – IEC 60603-7:2020 RLV © IEC 2020
Figure 10 – Fixed connector pin and pair grouping assignment (front view of
connector) . 38
Figure 11 – Connector de-rating curve .

IEC 60603-7 ®
Edition 4.0 2020-10
Connectors for electronic equipment –
Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors

Connecteurs pour équipements électroniques –
Partie 7: Spécification particulière pour les fiches et les embases non écrantées
à 8 voies
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from
either IEC or IEC's member National Committee in the country of the requester. If you have any questions about IEC
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The International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is the leading global organization that prepares and publishes
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IEC 60603-7 ®
Edition 4.0 2020-10
Connectors for electronic equipment –

Part 7: Detail specification for 8-way, unshielded, free and fixed connectors

Connecteurs pour équipements électroniques –

Partie 7: Spécification particulière pour les fiches et les embases non écrantées

à 8 voies
ICS 31.220.01 ISBN 978-2-8322-8894-8

– 2 – IEC 60603-7:2020 © IEC 2020
1 Scope . 8
2 Normative references . 8
3 Terms and definitions . 10
4 Common features and typical connector pair . 12
4.1 View showing typical fixed and free connectors (see Figure 2) . 12
4.2 Mating information . 13
4.2.1 General . 13
4.2.2 Contacts – mating conditions . 14
4.2.3 Fixed connector . 16
4.2.4 Free connector . 19
5 Cable terminations and internal connections – Fixed and free connectors . 20
5.1 General . 20
5.2 Termination types . 21
5.2.1 Solder terminations . 21
5.2.2 Solderless terminations . 21
6 Gauges . 21
6.1 Fixed connectors . 21
6.2 Free connectors . 24
7 Characteristics . 27
7.1 General . 27
7.2 Pin and pair grouping assignment . 27
7.3 Classification into climatic category . 27
7.4 Electrical characteristics . 28
7.4.1 Creepage and clearance distances . 28
7.4.2 Voltage proof . 28
7.4.3 Current-temperature derating . 28
7.4.4 Interface contact resistance – initial only . 29
7.4.5 Input to output DC resistance . 29
7.4.6 Input-to-output DC resistance unbalance . 29
7.4.7 Initial insulation resistance . 30
7.4.8 Transfer impedance . 30
7.5 Transmission characteristics . 30
7.6 Mechanical characteristics . 30
7.6.1 Mechanical operation . 30
7.6.2 Effectiveness of connector coupling devices . 30
7.6.3 Insertion and withdrawal forces . 30
8 Tests and test schedule . 30
8.1 General . 30
8.2 Arrangement for interface contact resistance test . 31
8.3 Arrangement for vibration test (test phase CP1) . 32
8.4 Test procedures and measuring methods . 32
8.5 Preconditioning . 33
8.6 Wiring and mounting of specimens . 33

8.6.1 Wiring . 33
8.6.2 Mounting . 33
8.7 Test schedules . 33
8.7.1 General . 33
8.7.2 Basic (minimum) test schedule . 33
8.7.3 Full test schedule . 33
Annex A (normative) Gauging continuity procedure . 40
A.1 Object . 40
A.2 Preparation of the specimens . 40
A.3 Test method . 40
A.4 Final measurements . 40
A.5 Description of the continuity gauge . 40
Annex B (normative) Locking device mechanical operation . 43
B.1 Object . 43
B.2 Preparation of the specimens . 43
B.3 Test method . 43
B.4 Final measurements . 43
Annex C (normative) Gauge requirements . 44
C.1 Fixed connectors . 44
C.2 Free connectors . 44
Annex D (normative) Keystone connector information . 45
D.1 Fixed connector, female contacts Keystone type – Type A, variant 03 in the
previous edition of this standard . 45
D.2 Mounting dimensions for type A, Keystone type variant 03 . 46
Annex E (normative) Levels of compatibility . 47
E.1 General . 47
E.2 Intermountability .

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