Information technology - Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) - Part 8: Media Access Control-2 (MAC-2)

The Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), ISO/IEC 9314, is intended for use in a high-performance general purpose multi-node network and is designed for efficient operation with a peak data rate of 100 Mbit/s. It uses a Token Ring architecture with optical fibre as the transmission medium. FDDI provides for hundreds of nodes operating over an extent of tens of kilometres. The Media Access Control (MAC) specifies the lower sublayer of the Data Link Layer for the FDDI. As such, it presents the specifications and services provided for conforming FDDI attachment devices. MAC specifies the access to the medium, including addressing, data checking, and data framing. MAC also specifies the receiver and transmitter state machines. This part of ISO/IEC 9314 for MAC-2 is an enhancement to the original FDDI standard on MAC (ISO 9314-2).

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ISO/IEC 9314-8:1998 - Information technology - Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) - Part 8: Media Access Control-2 (MAC-2)
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98 pages
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First edition
Information technology –
Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) –
Part 8:
Media Access Control-2 (MAC-2)
Reference number
First edition
Information technology –
Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) –
Part 8:
Media Access Control-2 (MAC-2)
 ISO/IEC 1998
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland
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– ii – 9314-8 © ISO/IEC:1998(E)
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references . 3
3 Definitions. 4
4 Conventions and abbreviations .7
4.1 Conventions . 7
4.1.1 Addressing. 7
4.1.2 Timing values and timers. 7
4.2 Abbreviations . 8
5 General description . 10
6 Services. 11
6.1 MAC-to-LLC services.12
6.1.1 MA_UNITDATA.request . 12
6.1.2 MA_UNITDATA.indication . 14
6.1.3 MA_UNITDATA_STATUS.indication. 16
6.1.4 MA_TOKEN.request. 16
6.2 MAC-to-PHY services. 17
6.2.1 PH_UNITDATA.request. 18
6.2.2 PH_UNITDATA.indication . 18
6.2.3 PH_INVALID.indication. 18
6.3 MAC-to-H-MUX Services. 19
6.3.1 HM_MODE.indication . 19
6.3.2 HP_UNITDATA.request. 20
6.3.3 HP_UNITDATA.indication . 20
6.3.4 HP_INVALID.indication. 21
6.3.5 HP_MODE.request. 21
6.4 MAC-to-SMT services. 22
6.4.2 SM_MA_CONTROL.request . 24
6.4.3 SM_MA_STATUS.indication . 26
6.4.4 SM_MA_UNITDATA.request. 28
6.4.5 SM_MA_UNITDATA.indication. 29
6.4.6 SM_MA_UNITDATA_STATUS.indication . 31
6.4.7 SM_MA_TOKEN.request . 31
7 Facilities. 32
7.1 Symbol set . 32
7.1.1 Line state symbols. 32
7.1.2 Control symbols. 33
7.1.3 Data Quartets (0-F) . 34
7.1.4 Violation symbol (V). 34

9314-8 © ISO/IEC:1998(E) – iii –
7.2 Protocol Data Units. 34
7.2.1 Token. 35
7.2.2 Frame . 35
7.3 Fields . 36
7.3.1 Preamble (PA) . 36
7.3.2 Starting Delimiter (SD). 36
7.3.3 Frame Control (FC) . 36
7.3.4 Destination and source addresses . 39
7.3.5 Routing Information (RI) field. 42
7.3.6 Information (INFO) field. 42
7.3.7 Frame Check Sequence (FCS) . 43
7.3.8 Ending Delimiter (ED). 44
7.3.9 Frame Status (FS). 45
7.4 Timers. 46
7.4.1 Token-Holding Timer (THT) . 46
7.4.2 Valid-Transmission Timer (TVX) . 46
7.4.3 Token-Rotation Timer (TRT) . 47
7.4.4 Late Counter (Late_ct). 48
7.4.5 Token Counter (Token_ct) . 48
7.5 Frame counts. 48
7.5.1 Frame_ct . 48
7.5.2 Error_ct. 48
7.5.3 Lost_ct . 48
7.5.4 Copied_ct.49
7.5.5 Transmit_ct. 49
7.5.6 Not_Copied_ct. 49
8 Operation. 49
8.1 Overview . 49
8.1.1 Frame transmission. 50
8.1.2 Token transmission . 50
8.1.3 Frame stripping. 50
8.1.4 Ring scheduling . 51
8.1.5 Ring monitoring . 53
8.2 Structure . 55
8.3 Receiver. 56
8.3.1 Token and frame validity criteria. 57
8.3.2 State R0: LISTEN . 58
8.3.3 State R1: AWAIT_SD (Await Starting Delimiter) . 58
8.3.4 State R2: RC_FR_CTRL (Receive Frame Control Field). 59
8.3.5 State R3: RC_FR_BODY (Receive Frame Body) . 60
8.3.6 State R4: RC_FR_STATUS (Receive Frame Status) . 62
8.3.7 State R5: CHECK_TK (Check Token). 64
8.4 Transmitter. 65
8.4.1 State T0: TX_IDLE (Transmitter Idle). 65
8.4.2 State T1: REPEAT (Repeat). 67
8.4.3 State T2: TX_DATA (Transmit data) . 69
8.4.4 State T3: ISSUE_TK (Issue Token) . 71
8.4.5 State T4: CLAIM_TK (Claim Token). 72
8.4.6 State T5: TX_BEACON (Transmit Beacon) . 73

– iv – 9314-8 © ISO/IEC:1998(E)
Annex A (informative) Addressing . 83
A.1 General structure. 83
A.2 Administration of addresses . 83
A.2.1 Locally administered addresses. 84
A.2.2 Universally administered addresses. 84
A.3 Transmission order. 85
A.3.1 Representation of addresses . 85
A.4 Group addresses. 86
A.4.1 Broadcast address . 86
A.4.2 Assignment of group addresses for use in standards. 87
A.4.3 Group addresses assigned for use in FDDI. 87
A.5 Source routing addressing. 87
A.6 References . 87
Annex B (informative) Frame Check Sequence . 88
B.1 Description. 88
B.2 Generation of the FCS. 88
B.3 Checking the FCS . 89
B.4 Implementation. 89
B.5 Related standards . 91
Annex C (informative) Bridging.

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