ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25 - Interconnection of information technology equipment
Standardization of microprocessor systems, interfaces, protocols, architectures and associated interconnecting media for information technology equipment and networks to support embedded and distributed computing environments, storage systems and other input/output components. Standards for home and building electronic systems in residential and commercial environments to support interworking devices (IoT-related) and applications such as energy management, environmental control, lighting, and security. Cabling system standards for information and communication technology (ICT), in all types of residential, commercial and industrial environments for the design, planning and installation, test procedures, automated infrastructure management systems and remote powering. NOTE: JTC 1/SC 25 standards reference IEC standards for cables, waveguides and connectors.
Interconnexion des appareils de traitement de l'information
Normalisation des systèmes à microprocesseurs et des interfaces, protocoles, architectures et supports d'interconnexion associés pour les appareils de traitement de l’information et les réseaux, pour prendre en charge les environnements informatiques intégrés et répartis, les systèmes de stockage et autres composants d’entrée/de sortie. Normes portant sur les systèmes électroniques pour les foyers domestiques et les bâtiments dans des environnements résidentiels et commerciaux, pour prendre en charge les dispositifs d’interopérabilité (liés à l’Internet des objets ou IdO) et les applications telles que la gestion de l'énergie, la maîtrise de l’environnement, les domaines de l’éclairage et de la sécurité. Normes des systèmes de câblage pour les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC), dans tous types d’environnements résidentiels, commerciaux et industriels pour la conception, la planification et l'installation, ainsi que les procédures d’essais, les systèmes de gestion d'infrastructure automatisée et la téléalimentation. NOTE : les normes du JTC 1/SC 25 se réfèrent aux normes IEC pour les câbles, les guides d'ondes et les connecteurs.
General Information
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9906:2025 covers cabling channel specifications, for cabling channels constructed from balanced single-pair cabling components, primarily intended for use in industrial automation and process control applications.
The cabling channel specifications are intended to support ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3 single-pair Ethernet (SPE) link segment specifications in the following SPE physical layer specifications (PHYs):
a) 1000BASE T1 Type B (bp), with reach up to 40 m;
b) 1000BASE T1 Type A (bp), with reach up to 15 m;
c) 100BASE T1L (dg), with reach up to 500 m;
d) 100BASE T1 (bw), with reach up to 15 m;
e) 10BASE T1L (cg), with reach up to 1000 m;
f) 10BASE T1S (cg), with reach up to 15 m.
The channel component specifications are referenced according to corresponding IEC balanced single-pair cable and connector specifications.
Channel specifications include IL, RL, TCL, coupling attenuation, and alien crosstalk parameters specifications.
Channel EMC related specifications include electromagnetic isolation levels E1, E2 and E3, which are defined according to the MICE standard environmental characterization system specified in ISO/IEC 11801-1.
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9906:2025 cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2020. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) the addition of ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3, 100BASE T1L (dg), long reach;
b) complete rearrangement of the information contained in Clause 4, Clause 5, Annex A, Annex B, and Annex C.
- Technical report28 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15045-4-2:2024 specifies the simple HES gateway, which is one of a set of physical classes introduced in ISO/IEC 15045-1:2004
- Standard13 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15045-4-1:2024 specifies a set of physical classes for the HES gateway system. It also specifies the requirements of HES gateway modules including home area network interface modules, wide area network interface modules, binding map service and service modules for any class chosen.
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15045-3-1:2024 describes the series of privacy, security, and safety standards to support the HES Gateway and attached devices. The purpose is to specify methods for protecting home and building systems from both internal and external threats, intrusions, or unintended observation of data and unsafe conditions that could result from network functions. Part 3 defines a set of basic and advanced requirements for gateway monitoring and control of both inbound and outbound traffic, including switching/routing, addressing, encryption, intrusion detection and prevention, and other “firewall” functions.
The Part 3 requirements specify the following functions:
1) prevention of active inbound attacks and unsafe commands,
2) discovery and classification of outbound traffic,
3) interoperability of premises internal network traffic,
4) management of privacy and security mechanisms, and
5) provision for a management and reporting dashboard for use by the non-technical end-user.
This standard describes the inter-relationships between privacy, security, and safety.
- Standard39 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9911:2024, which is a Technical Report,
a) describes the rules of implementation of balanced single pair as described by ISO/IEC 11801-6:2017/AMD1:202x within a balanced 4- pair cabling system with a current carrying capacity of 0,75 A per conductor;
b) describes the use of components and cabling to implement and configure according to ISO/IEC 11801-6:2017/AMD1:202x
c) describes links and components for generic single pair channels according to ISO/IEC 11801-1:2017/AMD1:202x. Particular areas of interest are:
• remote powering according to IEEE Std 802.3, Clause 104
• loop resistance, max. current
• insertion loss
• return loss
• noise considerations
• frequency range requirements (low and high)
• length calculation of the SCP-Link-4-pair-cable
• number of channels
d) describes the use of application specific single pair channels in addition to ISO/IEC 11801:2017/AMD1:202x, 6.6.4
e) describes guidance on single pair remote powering applications when using 4-pair cabling with current carrying capacity specified
f) describes guidelines for planning, administration and installation
- Technical report20 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical specification11 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TS 29125:2017(E) This document specifies the use of generic balanced cabling for customer premises, as specified in the ISO/IEC 11801 series, for remote powering of terminal equipment. It provides guidance on new cabling installations and renovations. The customer premises may encompass one of more buildings or may be within a building that contains more than one organization. The cabling may be installed prior to the seelction of remote powering equipment or powered terminal equipment.
- Technical specification26 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical specification26 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical specification91 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical specification84 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15045-3-2:2024 specifies cybersecurity requirements for protecting the privacy of premises and personally identifiable information through the use of the HES gateway and related HES standards. This document applies a set of principles including those specified in ISO/IEC 29100 that are applicable to the HES gateway such as consent, purpose legitimacy, collection limitation, data minimization, retention, accuracy, openness, and individual access.
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 10192-4-2:2024 specifies a control architecture, user interface, and service objects in the HES gateway to enable interworking among home cluster systems and interoperability among the applications supported by these cluster systems. The ISO/IEC 10192 series specifies a common user interface to these cluster-system applications. This common user interface provides input and output methods for user information exchange to access, monitor, control and coordinate applications running on home cluster systems.
This document specifies the application object, service and interface modules from the interoperability standard (ISO/IEC 18012 series) necessary for interworking and incorporation of these modules in the HES gateway (ISO/IEC 15045 series).
- Standard26 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15067-3:2024 focuses on a model of a system in homes and buildings that can manage energy consumption and generation of electricity by devices on premises dynamically in response to electricity availability from:
– sources within the home or building such as solar panels, wind turbines, or storage (stationary or mobile),
– neighbourhood microgrids,
– transactive energy,
– energy aggregators, and
– public utilities.
This document specifies a model including a framework and methods for energy management consisting of interconnected elements that can be configured to support various methods for a Home Electronic System (HES) energy management system. The methods specified are intended to be generic and representative of a wide range of situations. This document applies to the customer grid-edge portion of the electricity grid (within a home or building) and applies even if the consumer has sufficient local power generation to operate without connecting to a public utility.
This document includes an energy management model that balances power supplied from internal and external sources with demand from appliances and electric vehicle chargers. The model offers flexibility for locating the energy management equipment in a stand-alone product, embedded in consumer electronics, or hosted in a gateway. This gateway can be a generic communications interface between a home network and an external network, an energy management gateway designed for handling energy-related data, or the HES gateway specified in the ISO/IEC 15045 series.
This model specifies a local controller that achieves the allocation of power in accordance with available supplies, consumer preferences for appliance operation, and power requirements of these appliances within constraints set by the consumer. Such constraints are typically financial (a budget for electricity) but can also include goals such as using green sources and minimizing their impact on climate change. This controller is called the energy management agent (EMA) since it acts as an agent for the consumer. This model accommodates an EMA with technology of artificial intelligence to facilitate energy management.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2012. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) This edition revises ISO/IEC 15067-3:2012 by expanding beyond demand response to include a balance between multiple sources of power and appliance demands for this power.
b) This edition specifies a system framework that addresses the need for user-centric energy management by providing control options for consumers.
- Standard49 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15067-3-51:2024 specifies a Narrow AI Engine Framework including requirements for the Energy Management Agent (EMA) specified in ISO/IEC 15067-3. This standard includes specifications for an AI infrastructure to be embedded in an EMA serving a single structure (home or building) or community housing such as an apartment complex. The Narrow AI Engine specified in this standard for EMAs enables demand response functionality to be located in each EMA instead of an external energy management system. Thus, energy management can be adapted to local and customer needs. The Narrow AI Engine includes operational principles such as prediction, decision–making, and control.
This standard builds upon the EMA functions of ISO/IEC 15067-3 and ISO/IEC 15067-3-3. The AI functions specified in this standard support complex decisions about energy management for devices attached to home and buildings networks. These AI specifications enable the EMA to allocate power from public sources (including conventional and nonconventional sources) and local sources (wind, solar, and storage) according to price, availability, appliance and electric vehicle demands, customer preferences, and the customer’s budget.
- Standard25 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14763-3:2024 specifies systems and methods for the inspection and testing of installed optical fibre cabling designed in accordance with premises cabling standards including the ISO/IEC 11801 series. The test methods refer to existing standards-based procedures where they exist.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2014 and Amendment 1:2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) removal of plastic fibre testing;
b) addition of testing of MPO cabling;
c) restructuring of the content;
d) addition of end-to-end link LSPM testing;
e) addition of MPTL LSPM testing;
f) addition of measurement uncertainty for all measurement methods;
g) introduction of normative inspection for cleanliness to align with the ISO/IEC 11801 series;
h) testing will support SM ranges up to 10 km;
i) introduction of new test limits for connector attenuation against reference connector;
j) introduction of description of reference connectors;
k) introduction of recommended cleaning methods.
- Standard89 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15067-3-30:2024 specifies functional requirements and reference interfaces for interconnected energy management agents (EMAs) based on the model for an EMA specified in ISO/IEC 15067-3 and the model for multiple interacting EMAs specified in ISO/IEC 15067-3-3. This specification supports energy management by facilitating interactions and information exchange among EMAs and appliances, consumer electronics, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) equipment, water heaters, distributed energy resources (DERs), electric vehicle (EV) chargers, and other loads supplied by public and local power sources in a house or an apartment complex. Local power sources can use DER, which can include, but are not limited to, wind turbines, solar panels, and storage (stationary and mobile). EMAs specified with these functions and interfaces can assist the consumer in responding to price-varying public power and buying or selling transactive energy (TE).
This document specifies framework methods for EMAs to co-ordinate the delivery of energy management applications, and the reference interfaces facilitate a communications protocol among interacting EMAs. These linked and interacting EMAs provide energy optimization and conservation within constraints such as a consumer's financial budget and goals for greenhouse gas reduction, while supporting programmes as diverse as TE and demand response (DR).
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15067-3-31:2024 specifies a protocol for energy management agents (EMAs) to facilitate communications among these agents for demand response (DR) energy management applications. The EMA protocol (EMAP) provides a logical connection among EMAs in community housing such as an apartment building or a campus of houses or apartment buildings. This document also specifies interaction procedures and message formats for DR energy management as introduced in ISO/IEC 15067-3-3. The EMAP supports interactions among EMAs at OSI (Open System Interconnection) layer 7 with a message transfer protocol. An EMA can be embedded in devices such as a thermostat, a smart appliance, or other consumer products. The choice of interconnection depends on the system and the network topology, which can be arranged in a mesh or hierarchical tree structure. An intermediate EMA may relay messages sent between EMAs.
- Standard45 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9909:2020, which is a Technical Report, covers evaluation and recommendations for achieving extended reach, greater than 30 m, for 25 Gbit/s applications over balanced cabling channels.
This document covers channel reference implementations, based on Category 8.1 and Category 8.2, 2 000 MHz, components.
The channel and component category specifications covered in this document are not intended to be normative.
- Technical report1 pageEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-5-194:2024(E) specifies the remote access (RA) server-based application framework, device interaction model, flow process and interfaces, and message formats to achieve intelligent grouping, resource sharing and service collaboration among IGRS smart lock devices.
This document is applicable to smart lock devices with direct network connections or connections through an intermediary network to a server for security authentication. This server utilizes a method to minimize the possibility of unauthorized access to these smart locks, while maintaining seamless interoperability among users, smart lock devices and RA servers at home, office or other remote environments.
- Standard28 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-5-103:2023 (E) specifies the application framework, device interaction process, request and response message formats and service description requirements to achieve intelligent grouping, resource sharing and service collaboration among various audio devices and controllers.
This document is applicable to many types of audio devices with network connection capability. Networked audio devices can include a multi-room home audio system, a high-fidelity audio system, a home theatre, a smart radio, background audio, mobile audio and public audio equipment. Services specified by this document enable smart audio interconnection applications to interoperate seamlessly among audio devices and resource servers at home, in an office or in other remote environments. These services can include multi-device synchronization, sound configuration, audio on-demand service and music streaming and rendering.
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-4-302:2023 specifies an application-layer protocol important for ensuring interoperability among the products of various manufacturers regarding communications between electrical storage systems and controllers. It uses the network enhanced communications device (NECD) protocol specified in ISO/IEC 14543-4-3. This protocol is based on UDP using IPv4 or IPv6 (TCP is optional).
- Standard51 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard1 pageEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 10192-4-1:2022 specifies an architecture for home cluster systems and for interworking among them. It specifies a cluster-to-cluster interface to enable interworking among home cluster systems and interoperability among the applications supported by these cluster systems as well as a common user interface to these cluster-system applications. This common user interface provides input and output methods for user information exchange to access, monitor and control applications running on home cluster systems.
- Standard20 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14165-432:2022 is one of the Fibre Channel family of standards. This standard describes the protocols used to implement security in a Fibre Channel fabric. This standard includes the definition of protocols to authenticate Fibre Channel entities, protocols to set up session keys, protocols to negotiate the parameters required to ensure frame-by-frame integrity and confidentiality, and protocols to establish and distribute policies across a Fibre Channel fabric.
- Standard309 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 11760-103:2021 specifies the command set host systems use to access storage devices. It provides a common command set for systems manufacturers, system integrators, software suppliers, and suppliers of intelligent storage devices. This standard maintains compatibility with the ACS-2 standard, ISO/IEC 17760-102, while providing additional functions.
- Standard576 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard29 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This standard specifies the requirements and recommendations for data exchange attributes of automated infrastructure management (AMI) systems.
- Standard34 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard76 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14763-4:2021 (E) specifies the measurement of two- and four-pair balanced cabling of
a) end-to-end (E2E) link Class D, E and EA;
b) modular plug terminated links (MPTLs) of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II;
c) direct attach cabling of Class D, E, EA, F, FA and of Class I and II.
The free connectors which terminate two and four pairs in field and laboratory conditions are included. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2018. This edition constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- measurement of the transmission performance of modular plug terminated link (MPTL) and direct attach cabling were added.
- Additional requirements of test head designs of E2E link were introduced.
The contents of the corrigendum 1 (2022-09) have been included in this copy.
- Standard18 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 11801-9903:2021 establishes a matrix-model for formulating limits for mixed mode parameters within and between two pairs of balanced cabling. This is for the purpose of supporting new, improved balanced cabling channel and link specifications.
- Technical specification48 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 15067-3-8:2020 (E), which is a Technical Report, provides a conceptual framework for developing architectures and designing solutions related to transactive energy (TE). Transactive energy allows electricity generated locally by consumers using wind, solar, storage, etc., at homes or buildings to be sold into a competitive market. This document provides guidance for enhancing interoperability among distributed energy resources involved in energy management systems at homes and buildings. It addresses gaps identified as problematic for the industry by providing definitions of terms, architectural principles and guidelines, and other descriptive elements that present a common ground for all interested parties to discuss and advance TE. This document builds upon ISO/IEC 15067-3, with technology to accommodate a market for buying and selling electricity generated centrally or locally by consumers. The energy management agent (EMA) specified in ISO/IEC 15067-3 can represent the customer as a participant in TE. Transactive energy is important for achieving electric grid stability as power from renewable sources such as wind and solar fluctuates with time and weather.
- Technical report74 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 15067-3-7:2020 (E), which is a Technical Report, explains the organization and structure of the transactive energy systems research, development, and deployment roadmap.
- Technical report34 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9909:2020, which is a Technical Report, covers evaluation and recommendations for achieving extended reach, greater than 30 m, for 25 Gbit/s applications over balanced cabling channels.
This document covers channel reference implementations, based on Category 8.1 and Category 8.2, 2 000 MHz, components.
The channel and component category specifications covered in this document are not intended to be normative.
The contents of the corrigendum of January 2024 have been included in this copy.
- Technical report21 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-4-301:2020 specifies an application-layer protocol necessary for ensuring interoperability among the products of various manufacturers regarding communications between home air conditioners and controllers, using a protocol called network enhanced communications device (NECD) as specified in ISO/IEC 14543-4-3. This protocol is based on user datagram protocol (UDP) using IPv4 or IPv6 (TCP is optional).
- Standard28 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9910:2020, which is a Technical Report, provides definitions for, and examples of, modular plug terminated link configurations. This document provides performance specifications for Classes D, E, EA, F, FA, I and II modular plug terminated links. Test methods are provided in Clause 8 and are specified in ISO/IEC 14763-4
- Technical report12 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical specification11 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9908:2020 (E) which is a Technical Report, provides a listing of the data centre application options currently available or in process of standardization utilizing duplex and parallel optical fibre channels. It also identifies migration considerations when upgrading to higher speed applications.
- Technical report15 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 60559:2020(E) specifies formats and methods for floating-point arithmetic in computer systems - standard and extended functions with single, double, extended, and extendable precision - and recommends formats for data interchange. Exception conditions are defined and standard handling of these conditions is specified. It provides a method for computation with floating-point numbers that will yield the same result whether the processing is done in hardware, software, or a combination of the two. The results of the computation will be identical, independent of implementation, given the same input data. Errors, and error conditions, in the mathematical processing will be reported in a consistent manner regardless of implementation. This second edition, published as ISO/IEC 60559, replaces the first edition ISO/IEC/IEEE 60559:2011.
- Standard84 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-3-10:2020(E) specifies a wireless protocol for low-powered devices such as energy harvesting devices in a home environment. This wireless protocol is specifically designed to keep the energy consumption of such sensors and switches extremely low. The design is characterized by • keeping the communications very short, infrequent and mostly unidirectional, and • using communication frequencies that provide a good range even at low transmit power and avoid collisions from disturbers. This allows the use of small and low-cost energy harvesting devices that can compete with similar battery-powered devices. The messages sent by energy harvesting devices are received and processed mainly by line-powered devices such as relay switch actuators, repeaters or gateways. Together these form part of a home automation system, which, when conforming to ISO/IEC 14543 (all parts), is defined as a home electronic system. This document specifies OSI Layers 1 to 3 of the amplitude modulated wireless short-packet (AMWSP) protocols. The AMWSP protocol system consists of two and optionally three types of components that are specified in this document. These are the transmitter, the receiver and optionally the repeater. Repeaters are needed when the transmitter and the receiver are located in such a way that no good direct communication between them can be established. Protection against malicious attacks is handled in the upper layers and thus not treated in this document.
- Standard35 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9906:2020(E) covers channel specifications, for channels constructed from balanced 1 pair cabling components, primarily intended for use in industrial automation and process control applications. The channel specifications are consistent with corresponding IEEE 802.3 single-pair Ethernet (SPE) applications and are referenced from link segment specifications in the following IEEE SPE physical layer specifications: • ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3:2017/AMD4, 1 000 Mb/s: 1000BASE T1 Type A, ≤ 15 m, 1000BASE T1 Type B, ≤ 40 m; • ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-3:2017/AMD1, 100 Mb/s: 100BASE T1, ≤ 15 m; • IEEE 802.3cg, 10 Mb/s: 10BASE T1S, ≤ 15 m; 10BASE T1L, ≤ 1 000 m. The channel component specifications are referenced according to corresponding IEC balanced 1 pair cable and connector specifications. Channel specifications include IL, RL, TCL, coupling attenuation, and alien crosstalk parameters specifications. Channel EMC related specifications include electromagnetic isolation levels E1, E2 and E3, which are defined according to the MICE standard environmental characterization system specified in ISO/IEC 11801-1
- Technical report38 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14776-481:2019 defines a device model that is applicable to all SCSI devices. Other command standards expand on the general SCSI device model in ways appropriate to specific types of SCSI devices. ISO/IEC 14776 (all parts) specifies the interfaces, functions, and operations necessary to ensure interoperability between conforming SCSI implementations. This document is a functional description. Conforming implementations employ any design technique that does not violate interoperability. This document defines security features for use by all SCSI devices. This document defines the security model that is basic to every device model and the parameter data that applies to any device model. For additional information on the security goals and threat model discussed in this document see Annex A.
- Standard143 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14763-2:2019 specifies requirements for the planning, installation and operation of telecommunications cabling and cabling infrastructures including cabling, pathways, spaces and telecommunications bonds (other than that specified in ISO/IEC 30129) in support of generic cabling standards and associated documents. The following aspects are addressed: a) specification of the installation; b) quality assurance; c) installation planning; d) installation practice; e) documentation; f) administration; g) testing; h) inspection; i) operation; j) maintenance; k) repair. The requirements and recommendations of Clauses 5 to 14 are premises-independent. Annexes C through G contain premises-specific amendments of and additions to these requirements and recommendations. In addition, this document describes the methodology for the assessment of spaces, pathways, pathway systems and cabling (either installed or planned) in support of remote powering objectives. This document excludes specific requirements applicable to other cabling systems (e.g. power supply cabling); however, it takes account of the effects other cabling systems may have on the installation of telecommunications cabling (and vice versa) and gives general advice. This document excludes those aspects of installation associated with the transmission of signals in free space between transmitters, receivers or their associated antenna systems (e.g. wireless, radio, microwave or satellite). This document is applicable to certain hazardous environments but does not exclude additional requirements which are applicable in particular circumstances (e.g. electricity supply and electrified railways). Safety and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements are outside the scope of this document and are covered by other standards and regulations. However, information given in this document can be of assistance in meeting these standards and regulations. This second edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition: the inclusion of planning and installation practices to support remote powering over the telecommunications cabling infrastructure and the inclusion of planning and installation practices outside buildings.
- Standard175 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14776-415:2019 defines a reference model that specifies common behaviors for SCSI devices, and an abstract structure that is generic to all SCSI I/O system implementations.The set of Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) specifies the interfaces, functions, and operations necessary to ensure interoperability between conforming SCSI implementations. This document is a functional description. Conforming implementations employ any design technique that does not violate interoperability.
The following concepts from previous versions of the SAM standard are made obsolete by this version:
a) support for the SPI-5 SCSI transport protocol;
b) Contingent Allegiance;
c) the TARGET RESET task management function;
d) basic task management model;
e) untagged tasks; and
f) linked command function.
- Standard209 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 15067-3-3:2019(E) specifies a high-level architecture and a set of models for a demand-response energy management system with multiple interacting EMAs in a home or community housing (such as one or more apartment buildings or a campus of houses). These models specify the structure among multiple EMAs, which can be arranged in a mesh or hierarchical structure. This document builds upon ISO/IEC 15067-3.
- Standard27 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14776-224:2019(E) defines the Small computer system interface (SCSI) Fibre Channel Protocol (FCP). This standard defines how the Fibre Channel services and the defined Information Units (IUs) are used to perform the services defined by the SCSI Architecture Model - 5 (SAM-5). This fourth version includes additions and clarifications to the third version (ISO/IEC 14776-223:2008), removes information that is now contained in other standards, and describes additional error recovery capabilities for the Fibre Channel Protocol.
- Standard140 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical report8 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
This Technical Report acts as an introduction to the concepts used to develop the MICE environmental classification system used in cabling standards developed by ISO/IEC. It also gives the sources used to define the boundaries of MICE classifications.
- Technical report7 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical report12 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical report12 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Technical report34 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC TR 11801-9907:2019(E), which is a Technical Report, provides definitions for, and examples of, direct attach cabling configurations. This document provides performance specifications for Classes D, E, EA, F, FA, I and II direct attach cabling by reference to ISO/IEC 11801-1. Informative limits for Class I direct attach cabling to support 5 m short reach mode application according to ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802 3:2017/AMD3, i.e. 25GBASE-T and 40GBASE-T, are provided in Annex A. Test methods will be provided in the second edition of ISO/IEC 14763-4. Direct attach cabling connects two pieces of equipment, it has connectors at each end, and no intermediate connecting hardware.
- Technical report17 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-5-101:2019 (E) enables a media connection, resource sharing and co-operation among computers, home appliances and consumer electronics using remote access (RA). Also, users and devices can share and control media resources. This document specifies: • an IGRS remote media access profile based on the IGRS RA core protocol and the IGRS RA platform protocol, and • application rules for the interoperation between IGRS RA media users and devices
- Standard22 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14543-5-12:2019(E) specifies the test and verification methods for an intelligent grouping and resource sharing (IGRS) remote access (RA) user or device, defines the structure of a user and device testing system for IGRS remote access, describes and specifies the exchange process between a user or device-under-test with a standard IGRS RA service platform (IRSP), and describes and specifies the rules to have validating messages. This document is applicable to the test and verification of an IGRS RA device or user.
- Standard24 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 30129:2015(E) specifies requirements and recommendations for the design and installation of connections (bonds) between various electrically conductive elements in buildings and other structures, during their construction or refurbishment, in which information technology (IT) and, more generally, telecommunications equipment is intended to be installed in order to: a) minimise the risk to the correct function of that equipment and interconnecting cabling from electrical hazards and b) provide the telecommunications installation with a reliable signal reference - which may improve immunity from electromagnetic interference (EMI).
- Standard39 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard99 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
- Standard5 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off
ISO/IEC 14776-263:2018 The SCSI family of standards provides for many different transport protocols that define the rules for exchanging information between different SCSI devices. This document defines the rules for exchanging information between SCSI devices using a serial interconnect. Other SCSI transport protocol standards define the rules for exchanging information between SCSI devices using other interconnects.
- Standard901 pagesEnglish languagesale 15% off