Information technology - Fibre distributed data interface (FDDI) - Part 6: Station Management (SMT)

The Fibre Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), ISO/IEC 9314, is intended for use in a high-performance general purpose multi-node network and is designed for efficient operation with a peak data rate of 100 Mbit/s. It uses a Token Ring architecture with optical fibre as the transmission medium. FDDI provides for hundreds of nodes operating over an extent of tens of kilometres. Station Management (SMT) specifies the local portion of the system management application process for FDDI, including the control required for proper operation of a node in an FDDI ring. SMT provides services such as connection management, station insertion and removal, station initialization, configuration management, fault isolation and recovery, communications protocol for external authority, scheduling policies, and collection of statistics.

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ISO/IEC 9314-6:1998 - Information technology - Fibre distributed data interface (FDDI) - Part 6: Station Management (SMT)
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204 pages
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First edition
Information technology –
Fibre distributed data interface (FDDI) –
Part 6:
Station Management (SMT)
Reference number
First edition
Information technology –
Fibre distributed data interface (FDDI) –
Part 6:
Station Management (SMT)
 ISO/IEC 1998
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office Case postale 56 CH-1211 Genève 20 Switzerland
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– ii – 9314-6 © ISO/IEC:1998(E)
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Definitions . 2
4 Conventions and abbreviations . 4
4.1 Conventions . 4
4.1.1 State machines. 5
4.1.2 Default and initial values . 5
4.2 Abbreviations. 6
5 General description. 7
5.1 Definition of an FDDI node. 7
5.2 Definition of an FDDI network . 9
5.2.1 Physical topology . 10
5.2.2 Logical topology . 11
5.2.3 Physical media topology. 11
5.2.4 FDDI connection rules. 12
5.3 Overview of SMT functions . 13
6 Services. 13
6.1 SMT-to-MAC services . 14
6.1.1 SM_MA_INITIALIZE_PROTOCOL.request . 14
6.1.2 SM_MA_INITIALIZE_PROTOCOL.confirmation. 15
6.1.3 SM_MA_CONTROL.request. 15
6.1.4 SM_MA_STATUS.indication . 16
6.1.5 SM_MA_UNITDATA.request . 17
6.1.6 SM_MA_UNITDATA.indication . 18
6.1.7 SM_MA_UNITDATA_STATUS.indication . 19
6.1.8 SM_MA_TOKEN.request . 19
6.2 SMT-to-PHY services. 20
6.2.1 SM_PH_LINE-STATE.request . 20
6.2.2 SM_PH_STATUS.indication. 21
6.2.3 SM_PH_CONTROL.request . 21
6.3 SMT-to-PMD services . 22
6.3.1 SM_PM_CONTROL.request. 22
6.3.2 SM_PM_BYPASS.request . 22
6.3.3 SM_PM_SIGNAL.indication . 23
6.4 SMT services to systems management . 23
6.4.1 Overview of SMT management services . 23
6.4.2 SMT-Management agent process local service primitives. 24
6.4.3 Management information base (MIB) structure. 24
6.4.4 Integrity of MIB state . 25
6.4.5 Management information definitions . 26 MIB summary. 26 Managed object class templates. 30 Attribute group templates. 41 Attribute templates . 44 Action templates . 63 Notification templates. 64 ASN.1 definitions . 67 Name binding. 78

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7 Facilities. 80
7.1 SMT frame format .80
7.1.1 SMT frame contents. 80
7.1.2 SMT header. 80
7.1.3 SMT InfoField. 82
7.1.4 SMT encoding rules . 83
7.1.5 Byte ordering in multibyte fields . 85
7.1.6 Addressing . 85
7.1.7 Frame validity. 85
7.2 SMT frames. 85
7.2.1 Neighbour Information Frame (NIF) . 86
7.2.2 Status Information Frames (SIF). 87
7.2.3 ECHO Frame (ECF). 88
7.2.4 Resource Allocation Frame (RAF) OPTIONAL. 89
7.2.5 Request Denied Frame (RDF) . 91
7.2.6 Extended Service Frame (ESF) OPTIONAL. 91
7.2.7 Status Report Frame (SRF) . 92
7.2.8 Parameter Management Frames (PMF) . 92
7.3 SMT_Parameters . 94
7.3.1 General parameters . 94
8 Frame-based management protocols . 102
8.1 Frame processing . 102
8.1.1 Request–response protocols . 102
8.1.2 Announcement protocols . 103
8.1.3 SMT header processing . 103
8.2 Neighbour Notification. 104
8.2.1 Neighbour information polling. 104
8.2.2 Facilities . 104
8.2.3 Neighbour Notification transmitter operation. 106
8.2.4 Neighbour Notification receiver operation . 109
8.3 Status Report protocol. 109
8.3.1 Overview . 109
8.3.2 Facilities . 111
8.3.3 Status Report transmitter operation . 114
8.4 Parameter Management protocol. 118
8.4.1 Overview . 118
8.4.2 Operation. 118
8.5 Station Status polling. 121
8.5.1 Overview . 121
8.5.2 Operation. 121
8.6 Echo protocol . 122
8.6.1 Overview . 122
8.6.2 Operation. 122
8.7 Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation. 122
8.7.1 Overview . 122
8.7.2 Operation. 122
8.7.3 Synchronous bandwidth management process . 125
8.8 Extended Service protocol OPTIONAL . 126
9 Connection Management. 126
9.1 Overview . 126
9.2 Organization. 127
9.3 Connection Management structure . 127
9.4 Facilities . 127
9.4.1 Variables . 127
9.4.2 Signals. 130
9.4.3 Flags. 131
9.4.4 Timers . 133
9.4.5 Line states. 138
9.4.6 Link Confidence Test (LCT) . 139

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9.4.7 Link Error Monitor (LEM). 140
9.4.8 Path Test. 142
9.4.9 Trace function . 142
9.5 Entity Coordination Management (ECM).

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