Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters - Power performance assessment

IEC TS 62600-100:2024 applied in conjunction with the IEC Technical Specification on wave energy resource assessment and characterization (IEC TS 62600-101), provides a method for estimation of the mean annual energy production of a WEC, assessing the electrical power production performance of a single, non-array, wave energy converter, at Location 2 based on the performance at Location 1.
The scope of this document includes:
a) All wave energy converters that produce electrical power from wave energy.
b) All sea resource zones (near and offshore, deep and shallow water).
c) Capture width matrix transposition from one location to another.
d) Limitation on the changes that are allowed to the WEC and the specification of the location.
e) Wave data required at Location 2, as a minimum the requirements found in IEC TS 62600‑101.
f) Development of the capture width matrix at Location 2.
g) Validation of the capture width matrix at Location 2.
h) Assessment of uncertainties in the derived performance parameters at Location 2.
i) Requirements for the allowable power performance transfer by geometric, kinematic and dynamic similarity.
j) Requirements for the allowable incorporation of additional empirical model data.
k) Requirements for the allowable incorporation of additional numerical model data.
l) The document applies to commercial scale wave energy converters that are:
- compliantly moored.
- tautly moored.
- bottom mounted.
- shore mounted.
This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2012. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
a) Incorporation of IEC TS 62600-102 as a series of annexes in this document.
b) Removal of the computation of annual energy production. This has been moved to IEC TS 62600-101.
c) Modification to the list of terms definitions, symbols and units.
d) Modification of the reporting section to align with IEC TS 62600-200.

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IEC TS 62600-100:2024 RLV - Marine energy - Wave, tidal and other water current converters - Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters - Power performance assessment Released:18. 11. 2024 Isbn:9782832700396
English language
136 pages
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IEC TS 62600-100 ®
Edition 2.0 2024-11
Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters –
Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters – Power performance
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IEC TS 62600-100 ®
Edition 2.0 2024-11
Marine energy – Wave, tidal and other water current converters –
Part 100: Electricity producing wave energy converters – Power performance
ICS 27.140 ISBN 978-2-8327-0039-6

– 2 – IEC TS 62600-100:2024 RLV © IEC 2024
1 Scope . 9
2 Normative references . 10
3 Terms, definitions, symbols, units, and abbreviated terms . 11
3.1 Terms and definitions . 11
3.2 Symbols, units, and abbreviated terms . 11
4 Sequence of work . 14
5 Test site characterisation . 14
5.1 General . 14
5.2 Measurements . 15
5.2.1 General . 15
5.2.2 Wave measurement for wave power characterisation . 15
5.2.3 Current measurement Tidal or ocean currents . 16
5.2.4 Tidal measurement elevation . 16
5.2.5 Bathymetric survey . 16
5.2.6 Wind speeds . 16
5.2.7 Calculation of wave spatial transfer model . 16
5.2.8 Modelling of the test site . 17
6 Methodology . 17
6.1 General . 17
6.2 Sample duration and frequency . 18
6.3 Simultaneity . 18
6.4 Data recording . 18
6.4.1 Amount of data to be recorded . 18
6.4.2 Data format and retaining . 19
7 Measurement and data collection for wave data . 19
7.1 General . 19
7.2 WMI and calibration .
7.3 Instrumentation location .
7.2 WMI calibration . 19
7.2.1 General . 19
7.2.2 General . 19
7.2.3 Direct measurement . 20
7.2.4 Measures Measurements with spatial transfer model . 20
7.2.5 Correction for WEC interference . 20
7.3 Metocean data . 20
7.4 Procedure for the calculation of derived parameters . 20
8 WEC power output measurements . 22
8.1 WEC electrical output terminals . 22
8.2 Power measurement point . 22
8.3 Power measurements . 23
8.3.1 General . 23
8.3.2 Limitations on power production . 23
8.4 Instruments and calibration . 23
9 Determination of power performance capture width matrix . 24

9.1 General . 24
9.2 Structure of the normalized power capture width matrix . 24
9.2.1 Core structure. 24
9.2.2 Sub-division of the normalized power capture width matrix . 24
9.2.3 Calculation of the capture length width . 24
9.2.4 Representation of the capture length matrix width per bin . 25
9.3 Calculation of power matrix .
10 Calculation of mean annual energy production (MAEP).
10.1 General .
10.2 Standard methodology .
10.3 Alternative methodology .
10.4 Completeness of the capture length matrix for MAEP .
10 Reporting format . 27
10.1 General . 27
10.2 WEC description report . 27
10.3 WEC test site report . 27
10.4 Electrical grid and load report . 28
10.5 Test equipment report . 28
10.6 Measurement procedure report . 29
10.7 Presentation of measured data . 29
10.8 Deviations from the procedure . 29
Annex A (informative) Example production of a normalized power capture width matrix . 30
A.1 General . 30
A.2 Sample data . 30
Annex B (normative) Method for power loss compensation where the measurement
point is located on shore . 45
B.1 Single-line diagram . 45
B.2 Cable loss compensation . 46
Annex C (normative) Evaluation of uncertainty . 48
C.1 General . 48
C.2 Uncertainty analysis . 48
Annex D (normative) Error analysis of the wave spatial transfer model . 50
D.1 General . 50
D.2 Overview. 50
D.2.1 Validation procedure . 50
D.2.2 Validation technique . 50
Annex E (normative) Wave energy converter power performance assessment at a
second location using measured assessment data . 52
E.1 General . 52
E.2 Sequence of work . 52
E.3 Limitations of this annex . 53
E.4 Description of wave energy conversion (WEC) technology . 53
E.5 Assess and characterize wave resource related to Location 1 and Location 2 . 53
E.5.1 General . 53
E.5.2 Ambient condition . 53
E.5.3 Wave resource at Location 1 and Location 2 . 54
E.6 WEC power capture data at Location 1 . 54
E.7 WEC model validation . 54

– 4 – IEC TS 62600-100:2024 RLV © IEC 2024
E.7.1 General . 54
E.7.2 Bin selection .

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