Environmental conditions - Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment - Part 2: Equipment transported in fixed wing jet aircraft

IEC/TR 62131-2:2011(E) reviews the available dynamic data relating to electrotechnical equipment transported in fixed wing jet transport aircraft. The intent is that from all the available data an environmental description will be generated and compared to that set out in IEC 60721.

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IEC TR 62131-2:2011 - Environmental conditions - Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment - Part 2: Equipment transported in fixed wing jet aircraft
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IEC/TR 62131-2 ®
Edition 1.0 2011-02
Environmental conditions – Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment –
Part 2: Equipment transported in fixed wing jet aircraft

IEC/TR 62131-2:2011(E)
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IEC/TR 62131-2 ®
Edition 1.0 2011-02
Environmental conditions – Vibration and shock of electrotechnical equipment –
Part 2: Equipment transported in fixed wing jet aircraft

ICS 19.040 ISBN 978-2-88912-383-4

– 2 – TR 62131-2 © IEC:2011(E)
1 Scope . 6
2 Normative references . 6
3 Data source and quality . 7
3.1 Lockheed Tristar KC Mk 1 . 7
3.2 BAe VC10 K . 7
3.3 Boeing 747 Combi (freight and passengers) . 8
3.4 Supplementary data . 10
3.4.1 McDonnell Douglas DC8 cargo . 10
3.4.2 Lockheed C5A (Galaxy), Lockheed C-141 (Starlifter) and Boeing NC-
135 (707) . 10
4 Intra data source comparison . 10
4.1 General remark . 10
4.2 Lockheed Tristar KC Mk 1 . 10
4.2.1 Relative severity of flight conditions . 10
4.2.2 Position within the cargo hold . 11
4.2.3 Relative severity of measurement axes . 11
4.3 BAe VC10 K . 11
4.3.1 Relative severity of flight conditions . 11
4.3.2 Position within the cargo hold . 11
4.3.3 Relative severity of measurement axes . 12
4.4 Boeing 747 Combi (freight and passengers) . 12
4.4.1 Relative severity of measurement axes . 12
4.4.2 Relative severity of flight conditions . 12
5 Inter data source comparison . 12
6 Environmental description . 13
6.1 Lockheed Tristar KC Mk 1 . 13
6.2 BAe VC10 K . 13
6.3 Boeing 747 Combi (freight and passengers) . 13
7 Supplementary data . 13
7.1 McDonnell Douglas DC8 Cargo . 13
7.2 Lockheed C5A (Galaxy), Lockheed C-141 (Starlifter) and Boeing NC-135
(707) . 14
8 Comparison with IEC 60721 . 14
9 Recommendations . 15
Bibliography . 40

Figure 1 – Schematic of Tristar aircraft . 17
Figure 2 – Tristar noise measurements . 18
Figure 3 – Tristar vibration measurements – Take-off, power and roll . 18
Figure 4 – Tristar vibration measurements – Low altitude climb . 19
Figure 5 – Tristar vibration measurements – High altitude cruise . 19
Figure 6 – Tristar vibration measurements – Landing . 20
Figure 7 – Tristar vibration measurements – Low altitude decent . 20
Figure 8 – Tristar vibration measurements – C of G Take-off/climb . 21

TR 62131-2 © IEC:2011(E) – 3 –
Figure 9 – Tristar vibration measurements – Forward take-off/climb . 21
Figure 10 – Tristar vibration measurements – Centre of gravity cruise . 22
Figure 11 – Tristar vibration measurements – Forward cruise . 22
Figure 12 – Tristar vibration measurements – Centre of gravity landing . 23
Figure 13 – Tristar vibration measurements – Forward landing . 23
Figure 14 – Tristar vibration measurements – Cruise environment . 24
Figure 15 – Tristar vibration measurements – Take-off/landing environment . 24
Figure 16 – Schematic of VC10 aircraft . 25
Figure 17 – VC10 vibration measurements – Cruise . 27
Figure 18 – VC10 vibration measurements – Maximum airframe severity . 27
Figure 19 – VC10 vibration measurement – Forward container during reverse thrust . 28
Figure 20 – VC10 vibration measurement – Rear container during reverse thrust . 28
Figure 21 – VC10 measurements – Overlaid worst case spectra . 29
Figure 22 – Vibration Measurements on a pallet in a Boeing 747 Combi aircraft
(transducer V1) . 31
Figure 23 – Vibration measurements on a pallet in a Boeing 747 Combi aircraft
(Transducer V2) . 31
Figure 24 – DC8 vibration measurements reverse thrust . 32
Figure 25 – DC8 vibration measurements acceleration and take-off . 33
Figure 26 – DC8 vibration measurements cruise . 33
Figure 27 – Foley representation of environment for NC-135, C-141 and C-5A aircraft. 34
Figure 28 – Foley landing shock environment . 34
Figure 29 – Foley test severity for take-off/landing . 35
Figure 30 – Foley test severity for cruise . 36
Figure 31 – IEC 60721-3-2 (1997) – Stationary vibration random . 37
Figure 32 – IEC 60721-3-2 (1997) – Non-stationary vibration including shock . 37
Figure 33 – Test severities – ASTM D 4728-91 . 38
Figure 34 – Test severities – Mil Std 810 issue F and G. 38
Figure 35 – Test severities – AECTP 400 (Edition 2 & 3) . 39
Figure 36 – Test severity – Def Stan 00-35, issue 3 & 4 . 39

Table 1 – Tristar flight conditions and measured r.m.s. values . 17
Table 2 – VC10 flight conditions . 25
Table 2a – VC10 measurement locations . 25
Table 3 – Overall g r.m.s. (3,25 Hz to 2 000 Hz) for VC10 airframe/container . 26
Table 4 – Overall g r.m.s. (3,25 Hz to 399 Hz) for VC 10 container measurements . 26
Table 5 – Summary of 747 air transport data . 30
Table 6 – Summary of 747 acceleration levels (g) expected to be exceeded for 1 % of
the time of the trial . 30
Table 7 – Summary of DC8 air data . 32
Table 8 – Foley test severity for take-off/landing – Sine components . 35
Table 9 – Foley test severity for cruise – Sine components . 36

– 4 – TR 62131-2 © IEC:2011(E)

Part 2: Equipment transported in fixed wing jet aircraft

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