ISO/IEC 26550:2013
(Main)Software and systems engineering — Reference model for product line engineering and management
Software and systems engineering — Reference model for product line engineering and management
ISO/IEC 26550:2013 provides a reference model consisting of an abstract representation of the key processes of software and systems product line engineering and management, and the relationships between the processes. In the product line there are two development lifecycles (domain engineering and application engineering), the involvement of variabilities, and two process groups (organizational management and technical management). Domain Engineering lifecycle processes define and implement domain assets commonly used by member products within a product line, while Application Engineering lifecycle processes develop applications by exploiting the domain assets including common and variable assets. During domain engineering, product line variability, which reflects the specific needs of different markets and market segments, are explicitly defined. Variabilities are embedded in domain assets and during application engineering they are selected based on the defined variability models. Organizational Management process group helps organizations to establish and improve capabilities for nurturing their product lines from conception to retirement and for establishing and managing relationships with customers, providers, and other key stakeholders. Meanwhile, Technical Management process group provides actual means used to support, monitor, and control the activities of both domain engineering and application engineering of a product line. The reference model for software and systems product line engineering and management of ISO/IEC 26550:2013 can be used in subsequent standardization efforts to create appropriate standards for requirements engineering and management, design, realization, verification and validation, and organizational and technical management processes, tools, and methods of software and systems product line engineering.
Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes - Modèle de référence pour l'ingénierie et la gestion de lignes de produits
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Software and systems engineering —
Reference model for product line
engineering and management
Ingénierie du logiciel et des systèmes — Modèle de référence pour
l'ingénierie et la gestion de lignes de produits
Reference number
ISO/IEC 26550:2013(E)
ISO/IEC 2013
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ISO/IEC 26550:2013(E)
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ISO/IEC 26550:2013(E)
Contents Page
Foreword . iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
4 From single-system engineering toward product line engineering and management . 6
4.1 Challenges product companies face in the use of single-system engineering . 6
4.2 Variability management . 7
4.3 Key differentiators between single-system engineering and product line engineering and
management . 7
5 Reference model for product line engineering and management . 10
5.1 Introduction . 10
5.2 Reference model . 10
6 Two life cycles and two process groups for product line engineering and management . 11
6.1 Domain engineering life cycle . 11
6.2 Application engineering life cycle . 15
6.3 Organizational management process group . 18
6.4 Technical management process group . 21
ANNEX A Further information on products . 25
ANNEX B Relationships within and between domain engineering and application engineering . 26
Bibliography . 34
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ISO/IEC 26550:2013(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 26550 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 7, Software and systems engineering.
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ISO/IEC 26550:2013(E)
Software and Systems Product Line (SSPL) engineering and management creates, exploits, and manages a
common platform to develop a family of products (e.g., software products, systems architectures) at lower
cost, reduced time to market, and with better quality. As a result, it has gained increasing global attention
since 1990s.
This standard provides a reference model consisting of an abstract representation of the key processes of
software and systems product line engineering and management and the relationships between the
processes. The key characteristics of product line engineering are that there are domain and application
engineering lifecycle processes and the explicit definition of product line variability. The goal of domain
engineering is to define and implement domain assets commonly used by member products within a product
line, while the goal of application engineering is to develop applications by exploiting the domain assets
including common and variable assets. Domain engineering explicitly defines product line variability which
reflects the specific needs of different markets and market segments. Variability may be embedded in domain
assets and during application engineering they are exploited in accordance with the defined variability models.
The reference model for SSPL engineering and management can be used in subsequent standardization
efforts to create high-level of abstraction standards (e.g. product management, scoping, requirements
engineering, design, realization, verification and validation, organizational and technical management),
medium-level of abstraction standards (e.g. configuration management, variability modeling, risk
management, quality assurance, measurement, evaluation, asset repository), and detailed-level of abstraction
standards (e.g. texture, configuration mechanism, asset mining) of software and systems product line
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Software and systems engineering — Reference model for
product line engineering and management
1 Scope
This International Standard is the entry point of the whole suite of international standards for software and
systems product line engineering and management.
The scope of this International Standard is to:
provide the terms and definitions specific to software and systems product line engineering and
define a reference model for the overall structure and processes of software and systems product
line engineering and management, and describe how the components of the reference model fit
define interrelationships between the components of the reference model.
This International Standard does not describe any methods and tools associated with software and systems
product line engineering and management. Descriptions of such methods and tools will appear in the
consecutive standards (ISO/IEC 26551 through 26556). This International Standard does not deal with terms
and definitions addressed by ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2010 that provides a common vocabulary applicable to all
systems and software engineering work.
Whenever this International Standard refers to “products”, it means “system-level products” consisting of
software systems or both hardware and software systems. It may be useful for the engineering and
management of product lines that consist of only hardware systems but it has not been explicitly created to
support such hardware product lines. This International Standard is not intended to help the engineering,
production, warehousing, logistics, and management of physical items that, possibly combined with software,
comprise the products. These processes belong to other disciplines (e.g., mechanics, electronics).
NOTE Annex A provides further information on products.
This International Standard, including the reference model and the terms and definitions, has been produced
starting from References [6], [7] and [8], which finally resulted in a broad consensus from National Member
Bodies at the time of publication. In addition to this background process, structure from ISO/IEC 12207:2008,
ISO/IEC 15288:2008, ISO/IEC 15940:2006 and ISO/IEC 14102:2008 has been used as a baseline.
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO/IEC 12207:2008, Systems and software engineering — Software life cycle processes
ISO/IEC 15288:2008, Systems and software engineering — Systems life cycle processes
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3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
application architecture
architecture including the architectural structure and rules (e.g. common rules and constraints) that constrains
a specific member product within a product line
NOTE The application architecture captures the high-level design of a specific member product of a product line. An
application architecture of the member products included in the product line reuses (possibly with modifications) the
common parts and binds variable parts of the domain architecture. In most cases, an application architecture of the
member products needs to develop application-specific variability.
application asset
output of a specific application engineering processes that may be exploited in other lifecycle processes of the
specific application engineering, and may be adapted as a domain asset based on a product management
NOTE 1 Application asset encompasses requirements, an architectural design, components, and tests. In contrast to
domain assets that need to support the mass-customization of multiple applications within the product line, most
application assets do not contain variability. However, applications may possess variability (e.g., end-users may be
enabled to mass-customize the applications they are using by binding application variability during run time). Application
Assets may thus possess variability as well but the variability of an application asset only serves the purposes of the
particular application for which the application asset has been created. As a result, the scope of application asset
variability is typically much narrower than the scope of domain asset variability.
NOTE 2 Application assets are not physical products available off-the-shelf and ready for commissioning. Physical
products (e.g., mechanical parts, electronic components, harnesses, optic lenses) are stored and managed according to
the best practices of their respective disciplines. Application assets have their own life cycles; ISO/IEC 15288 may be
used to manage a life cycle.
application design
process of application engineering where a single application architecture conforming to the domain
architecture is derived
application engineering
life cycle consisting of a set of processes in which the application assets and member products of the product
line are implemented and managed by reusing domain assets in conformance to the domain architecture and
by binding the variability of the platform
NOTE Application engineering in the traditional sense means the development of single products without the
strategic reuse of domain assets and without explicit variability modeling and binding.
application realization
process of application engineering that develops application assets, some of which may be derived from
domain assets, and member products based on the application architecture and the sets of application assets
and domain assets
asset base
stores reusable assets produced from both domain and application engineering
asset scoping
process of identifying the potential domain assets and estimating the returns of investments in the assets
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NOTE Information produced during asset scoping, together with the information produced by product scoping and
domain scoping, can be used to determine whether to introduce a product line into an organization. Asset scoping takes
place after domain scoping.
task to make a decision on relevant variants, which will be application assets, from domain assets using the
domain variability model and from application assets using the application variability model.
NOTE Performing the binding is a task to apply the binding definition to generate new application assets from domain
and application assets using the domain and application variability models.
set of functional and non-functional characteristics that is shared by all applications belonging to the product
domain architecture
reference architecture including the architectural structure and texture (e.g. common rules and constraints)
that constrains all member products within a product line
NOTE Application architectures of the member products included in the product line reuse (possibly with
modifications) the common parts and bind variable parts of the domain architecture. Application architectures of the
member products may (but do not need to) provide variability. Syn: reference architecture, product line architecture.
domain asset
output of domain engineering life cycle processes and can be reused in producing products during application
Syn: core asset
NOTE 1 Domain assets may include domain features, domain models, domain requirements specification, domain
architecture, domain components, domain test cases, domain process description, and etc.
NOTE 2 In systems engineering, domain assets may be subsystems or components to be reused in further system
designs. Domain assets are considered through their original requirements and technical characteristics. Domain assets
include but are not limited to use cases, logical principles, environmental behavioral data, and risks or opportunities learnt
from previous projects. Domain assets are not physical products available off-the-shelf and ready for commissioning.
Physical products (e.g., mechanical parts, electronic components, harnesses, optic lenses) are stored and managed
according to the best practices of their respective disciplines. Domain assets have their own life cycles; ISO/IEC 15288
may be used to manage a life cycle.
domain engineering
life cycle consisting of a set of processes for specifying and managing the commonality and variability of a
product line
NOTE 1 Domain assets are developed and managed in domain engineering processes and are reused in application
engineering processes.
NOTE 2 Depending on the type of the domain asset, that is, a system domain asset or a software domain asset, the
engineering processes to be used may be determined by the relevant discipline.
NOTE 3 Section 3 of IEEE 1517-2010 defines domain engineering as a reuse-based approach to defining the scope
(i.e., domain definition), specifying the structure (i.e., domain architecture), and building the assets (e.g., requirements,
designs, software code, documentation) for a class of systems, subsystems, or member products.
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domain scoping
identifies and bounds the functional domains that are important to an envisioned product line and provide
sufficient reuse potential to justify the product line creation
abstract functional characteristic of a system of interest that end-users and other stakeholders can understand
NOTE In systems engineering, features are syntheses of the needs of stakeholders. These features will be used,
amongst others, to build the technical requirement baselines.
member product
product belonging to the product line
Syn: application
product line
set of products and/or services sharing explicitly defined and managed common and variable features and
relying on the same domain architecture to meet the common and variable needs of specific markets
Syn: product family
product line architecture
synonym of domain architecture and reference architecture
product line platform
consists of product line architecture, a configuration management plan, and domain assets enabling
application engineering to effectively reuse and produce a set of derivative products
NOTE Platforms have their own life cycles. ISO/IEC 15288 may be used to manage a life cycle.
product line reference model
abstract representation of the domain and application engineering life cycle processes, the roles and
relationships of the processes, and the assets produced, managed, and used during product line engineering
and management
product line scoping
defines the member products that will be produced within a product line and the major (externally visible)
common and variable features among the products, analyzes the products from an economic point of view,
and controls and schedules the development, production, and marketing of the product line and its products
NOTE Product management is primarily responsible for product line scoping.
product scoping
subprocess of product line scoping that determines the product roadmap, that is 1) the targeted markets; 2)
the product categories that the product line organization should be developing, producing, marketing, and
selling; 3) the common and variable features that the products should provide in order to reach the long and
short term business objectives of the product line organization, and 4) the schedule for introducing products to
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reference architecture
synonym of domain architecture
‹product line› characteristics that may differ among members of the product line
NOTE 1 The differences between members may be captured from multiple viewpoints such as functionality, quality
attributes, environments in which the members are used, users, constraints, and internal mechanisms that realize
functionality and quality attributes.
NOTE 2 It is important to distinguish between the concepts of system and software variability and product line
variability. Any system partially or fully composed of software can be considered to possess software variability because
software systems are inherently malleable, extendable, or configurable for specific use contexts. Product line variability is
concerned with the variability that is explicitly defined by product management. This standard is primarily concerned with
product line variability.
variability constraint
constraint relationships between a variant and a variation point, between two variants, and between two
variation points
variability dependency
relationship between a variation point and a set of variants, which indicates that the variation point implies a
decision about the variants
NOTE Two kinds of variability dependencies are possible: (1) the optional variability dependency states that the
variant optionally dependent on a variation point can be a part of a member product of a product line; (2) the mandatory
variability dependency defines that a variant dependent on a variation point must be selected for a member product if the
variation point is selected for the member product.
variability management
has two dimensions: variability dimension and asset dimension
NOTE Variability management in the variability dimension consists of tasks for overseeing variability in the level of
the entire product line, creating and maintaining variability models, ensuring consistencies between variability models,
managing all variability and constraint dependencies across the product line, and managing the traceability links between
a variability model and associated domain and application assets (e.g., requirements models, design models). Variability
management in the asset dimension consists of tasks for managing the impacts of variability within each domain and
application asset, that is, in which location of an asset a particular variability occurs and which alternative shapes the asset
can take in that location. The dimensions are complementary in nature, that is, both are needed for successful variability
variability model
defines product line variability
NOTE It introduces variation points, types of variation for the variation points, variants offered by the variation points,
and variability dependencies and variability constraints. Variability models may be orthogonal to or integrated in other
models such as requirements or design models. There are two types of variability models: application variability models
and domain variability models.
one alternative that may be used to realize particular variation points
NOTE One or more variants must correspond to each variation point. Each variant has to be associated with one or
more variation points. Selection and binding of variants for a specific product determine the characteristics of the particular
variability for the product.
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variation point
representation corresponding to particular variable characteristics of products, domain assets, and application
assets in the context of a product line
NOTE Variation points show what of the product line varies. Each variation point should have at least one variant.
4 From single-system engineering and management toward product line
engineering and management
Single-system engineering is the dominant way of conceptualizing and developing software and systems
products. This section first outlines some of the main challenges software and systems product companies
face in using single-system engineering approaches. It identifies variability management as the most
challenging area. Variability management is discussed in the second subsection. The section concludes by
explaining major differences between single-system engineering and product line engineering and
management. Understanding those differences is a key for successful organizational transitioning from single-
system engineering toward product line engineering and management.
4.1 Challenges product companies face in the use of single-system engineering
The excessive use of single-system engineering in environments where the assumptions no longer hold
contributes to a variety of issues encountered by customers, end-users, and providers. For example,
customers may feel their needs are unique and acquire and sustain expensive tailored systems while
commoditized, inexpensive products might be completely adequate. End-users may experience that the
functionality they really need is difficult to find and/or use because the software systems are too complex and
provide too much functionality. Finally, a provider may sell several interrelated products, which look and feel
completely different and do not interoperate, even to the same customers.
Providers of single products typically encounter at least some of the following issues when using single-
system engineering: work efforts and costs are underestimated, productivity is overestimated, must-have
features are missing, product schedules and/or quality goals are not met, and/or customer satisfaction
remains lower than expected. Work efforts may be underestimated and productivity overestimated because
the organization has never before created a similar product or if it has, the organizational unit who created the
similar product may not want to share its experiences and other possibly reusable assets due to rivalry
between organizational units. Inaccurate estimates together with typically fixed budgets result in schedule
fluctuations, missing features, and/or quality issues. Quality issues may also result from the lack of reuse
culture because the software developed from scratch typically has much higher defect density than the
software reusing well-tested components.
The accommodation of adequate variability is typically the most significant problem faced by the providers of
single products. In this context the variability needs typically emerge over time from interactions with various
customers. Providers commonly use one or more seemingly simple but ineffective tactics to deal with
emerging variability. For example, a provider may incorporate variability into a single product by introducing
more and more (partly end-user-visible) parameters in the product and more and more if-then-else-statements
in the source code text of the product to deal with the parameters during run time. As a result, the number of
source code lines grows, the source code becomes increasingly complex to understand and maintain, and the
testability (and often also the performance) of the software deteriorates. Alternatively, a provider with an
existing product may deal with the variable requirements of a new customer by branching a new product from
the existing product, modifying the source code of the new product, merging the modified source code back to
the main line when there is time and other resources available, and finally deleting the branch. Branching and
merging is very expensive and error prone and the source code of the main line will typically become very
complex after a few branches and merges, requiring expensive periodical refactoring to utilize the tactic on a
long term basis. In the worst case, the provider may end up with many partially cloned products and no main
line of source code to maintain. Such ineffective tactics for managing variability also make the jobs of software
developers tedious and are likely to increase employee turnover.
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In sum, product companies utilizing single-system engineering approaches may end up with highly complex
and low quality products, low productivity, high employee turnover, and less than expected customer
Product line engineering and management is a possible way of dealing with such problems. However, it is no
panacea. If it is understood and implemented poorly, significant investments may result without the
materialization of expected benefits. Therefore, the following sections of this international standard outline
what product line engineering and management is and how providers can leverage it to establish and manage
variability; reduce costs and product complexity; increase productivity and product quality through strategic,
prescribed creation and use of domain assets; shorten time to market; and increase customer satisfaction
through mass-customization of products and more accurate estimation of schedules and costs.
4.2 Variability management
In single-system engineering, reuse of knowledge is important. However, product line engineering
fundamentally differs from single-system engineering because the creation, management, and reuse of
domain assets and the product line platform as a whole are of strategic importance. Product line engineering
has to take explicitly into account multiple products and the variations within and between them. Some
variability needs can still emerge (e.g., based on unexpected offerings of competitors) because p
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