Industrial automation systems and integration — Parts library — Part 25: Logical resource: Logical model of supplier library with aggregate values and explicit content

ISO 13584-25:2004 provides generic EXPRESS resource constructs that support the description of aggregate data types and values occurring in supplier libraries. It also contains an integrated EXPRESS information model for representing supplier libraries for the purpose of exchange. This integrated information model integrates the above resource constructs with other EXPRESS resource constructs from different parts of ISO 13584 and ISO 10303 into one single schema. Supplier libraries may consist of definitions and of representations of families of parts. They may also define new representation categories. Supplier libraries may consist only of dictionary elements with or without aggregate data types, or they may also contain explicit specifications of the sets of permitted instances. When used together with view exchange protocols, this integrated information model also permits the exchange of one or several representation categories for the parts defined in a parts library. The following are within the scope of ISO 13584-25:2004: generic resource constructs for representing aggregate data types. Aggregate data types and values are modelled according to the definition of aggregate data types of the EXPRESS language (ISO 10303-11); generic resource constructs for representing aggregate values; generic resource constructs for representing assembled parts that may contain an unlimited number of constituent components; a library integrated information model that provides for modelling and exchanging supplier libraries that contain properties whose values may be aggregate-structured, and whose possible class extensions are explicitly described as sets of instances. The following are outside the scope of this part of ISO 13584-25:2004: representation of expressions and variables; implicit description of the set of permitted instances of a class by means of constraints; specification of a software system able to manage supplier libraries represented according to the information models defined in ISO 13584-25:2004.

Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Bibliothèque de composants — Partie 25: Ressource logique: Modèle logique de fournisseur avec des valeurs d'ensemble et un contenu explicite

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ISO 13584-25:2004 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Parts library
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ISO 13584-25:2004 - Industrial automation systems and integration -- Parts library
English language
96 pages
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STANDARD 13584-25
First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Parts library —
Part 25:
Logical resource: Logical model of
supplier library with aggregate values
and explicit content
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Bibliothèque de
composants —
Partie 25: Ressource logique: Modèle logique de fournisseur avec des
valeurs d'ensemble et un contenu explicite

Reference number
ISO 2004
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2) The EXPRESS schemas for ISO 13584-25

STANDARD 13584-25
First edition
Industrial automation systems and
integration — Parts library —
Part 25:
Logical resource: Logical model of
supplier library with aggregate values
and explicit content
Systèmes d'automatisation industrielle et intégration — Bibliothèque de
composants —
Partie 25: Ressource logique: Modèle logique de fournisseur avec des
valeurs d'ensemble et un contenu explicite

Reference number
ISO 2004
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1 Scope. 1
2 Normative references. 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 2
4 Structure of ISO 13584-25 . 7
4.1 Generic resources . 7
4.1.1 ISO13584_IEC61360_dictionary_aggregate_extension_schema. 7
4.1.2 ISO13584_aggregate_value_schema. 7
4.2 Library integrated model. 7
4.2.1 Conformance class 1: minimal dictionaries . 8
4.2.2 Conformance class 2: dictionaries of items classes . 8
4.2.3 Conformance class 3: complete dictionaries . 9
4.2.4 Conformance class 4: complete dictionaries with limited nested aggregate values . 9
4.2.5 Conformance class 5: libraries of item classes. 9
4.2.6 Conformance class 6: complete libraries. 9
4.2.7 Conformance class 7: complete libraries with limited nested aggregate values . 9
4.2.8 Conformance class 10: library instances. 9
4.2.9 Conformance class 11: library instances with asociated dictionary definitions .10
5 Fundamental concepts and assumptions .10
5.1 Aggregate-structured value of properties.10
5.2 Explicit description of a class extension .10
6 ISO13584_IEC61360_dictionary_aggregate_extension_schema .10
6.1 Introduction to the ISO13584_IEC61360_dictionary_aggregate_extension_schema.11
6.2 ISO13584_IEC61360_dictionary_aggregate_extension_schema entity definitions.11
6.2.1 Aggregate_entity_instance_type .11
6.2.2 Aggregate_type.12
6.2.3 List_type .12
6.2.4 Set_type.13
6.2.5 Bag_type.13
6.2.6 Array_type.14
6.2.7 Set_with_subset_constraint_type.14
7 ISO13584_aggregate_value_schema .15
7.1 Introduction to the ISO13584_aggregate_value_schema .16
7.2 ISO13584_aggregate_value_schema entity definitions.16
7.2.1 Aggregate_entity_instance_value.16
7.2.2 Aggregate_value.17
7.2.3 List_value .17
7.2.4 Set_value.17
7.2.5 Bag_value.18
7.2.6 Array_value.18
7.2.7 Set_with_subset_constraint_value.19
7.3 ISO13584 _ aggregate_value_schema rule definition .20
7.3.1 Allowed_aggregate_values rule .20
7.4 ISO13584_ aggregatevalue_schema function definitions .20
7.4.1 Compatible_complete_types_and_value function .20
7.4.2 Compatible_aggregate_domain_and_aggregate_value function.21
7.4.3 Data_type_final_type function.22
7.4.4 Compatible_aggregate_type_and_value function.23
7.4.5 Compatible_final_type_and_value function.28
8 Library integrated information model 25.31
8.1 ISO13584_25_IEC61360_5_liim_schema short listing .32
8.2 Conformance class requirements .38
8.2.1 Conformance class 1: minimal dictionaries .38
8.2.2 Conformance class 2: dictionaries of items classes .40
8.2.3 Conformance class 3: complete dictionaries .42
8.2.4 Conformance class 4: complete dictionaries with limited nested aggregate values .43
8.2.5 Conformance class 5: libraries of item classes.43
8.2.6 Conformance class 6: complete libraries.45
8.2.7 Conformance class 7: complete libraries with limited nested aggregate values .46
8.2.8 Conformance class 10: library instances.46
8.2.9 Conformance class 11: library instances with asociated dictionary definitions .48
Annex A (normative) Short names of entities defined in this part .52
Annex B (normative) Information object registration.53
B.1 Document identification.53
B.2 Schema identification .53
B.2.1 ISO13584_IEC61360_dictionary_aggregate_extension_schema .53
B.2.2 ISO13584_aggregate_value_schema.53
B.3.2 ISO13584_25_IEC61360_5_liim_schema .53
Annex C (normative) ISO13584_25_IEC61360_5_library_implicit_schema expanded listing .54
Annex D (normative) Standard data requirements for library integrated information model 25.56
D.1 Constraints on a library delivery file for referencing library integrated information model 25.56
D.2 Conformance class specification table.57
D.3 Standard data for conformance class 2 to 7 and 10 to 11 (all the conformance classes but
conformance class 1).57
D.3.1 Allowed_reference_to_LIIM_25_rule rule.58
D.3.2 Allowed_entity_instance_type_in_LIIM_25_rule rule.60
D.3.3 Allowed_language_assignement_rule rule.62
D.3.4 Compliant_http_protocol_25 function.62
D.3.5 Compliant_8859_1_protocol_25 function.63
D.3.6 Compliant_external_file_protocol_25 function.64
D.3.7 Is_correct_liim_25_application_value function .65
D.4 Additional constraint for conformance classes 4 and 7.66
D.4.1. nesting_level_aggregate_limit_rule rule.66
D.4.2. no_more_than_two_nested_levels function .67
Annex E (normative) Implementation method specific requirements for the library integrated information
model 25 .68
Annex F (informative) EXPRESS-G diagrams .69
Annex G (informative) Commented example of library integrated information model 25 physical files.
Exchange of explicit general models .72
G.1 Capturing a parts family in ISO 13584.72
G.2 Description of the PAW parts family .73
G.2.1 Dictionary description: the BSU mechanism.74
G.2.2 Dictionary description: the dictionary element definition.74
G.2.3 Library specification: description of the class extension.75
G.3 A complete physical file for explicit general models.76
Annex H (informative) Commented example of library integrated information model 25 physical files.
Exchange of explicit functional models compliant with ISO 13584-101.80
H.1 Description of the PAW parts family and its geometry .80
H.1.1 Dictionary description.80
iv © ISO 2004 – All rights reserved

H.2. Description of geometric representations for the PAW parts family.81

H.3. Library specification of the functional model class .82
H.4 A complete physical file for explicit functional models compliant with ISO 13584-101.84

Figure F.1 — ISO13584_IEC61630_dictionary_aggregate_extension_schema diagram 1 of 1.70
Figure F.2 — ISO13584_aggregate_value_schema diagram 1 of 1.71

Figure G.1 — PAW family description .72
Figure G.2 — Instance of a dictionary de

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