Gas cylinders — Information for design of composite cylinders — Part 5: Impact testing of composite cylinders

This document provides information for the design of composite cylinders related to impact testing and service experience with impact, including: — low energy impact, which can result from events that can occur during handling or working around cylinders; — high energy impact, which can result from accidents during transportation, or impact by large objects with velocity; — drop impact, which can result from handling, where cylinders are dropped or tipped over; and — high velocity impact, which can result from high energy impact by a small object, such as gunfire, and demonstrates non-shatterability of the cylinder or tube. Where appropriate, field experience relevant to testing requirements is provided. NOTE Unless otherwise stated, the word “cylinder” refers to both cylinders and tubes.

Bouteilles à gaz — Informations relatives à la conception des bouteilles en matière composite — Partie 5: Essais d'impact sur bouteilles en matière composite

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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022 - Gas cylinders — Information for design of composite cylinders — Part 5: Impact testing of composite cylinders Released:8. 06. 2022
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REPORT 13086-5
First edition
Gas cylinders — Information for
design of composite cylinders —
Part 5:
Impact testing of composite cylinders
Bouteilles à gaz — Informations relatives à la conception des
bouteilles en matière composite —
Partie 5: Essais d'impact sur bouteilles en matière composite
Reference number
ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
© ISO 2022

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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
© ISO 2022
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Low energy impact . 1
4.1 General . 1
4.2 Visible indications . 2
4.3 Concepts in standards . 2
4.3.1 General . 2
4.3.2 30 J impact level . 2
4.3.3 488 J impact level . 2
4.3.4 1 200 J impact level . 2
4.3.5 Consequences . 3
4.4 Test concepts . 3
5 High energy impact (accidents) . 4
5.1 General . 4
5.2 Visible indications . 4
5.3 Design influence . 4
6 Drop impact . 6
6.1 General . 6
6.2 Test scenarios . 6
6.3 Design influences . 7
7 High velocity impact.8
7.1 General . 8
7.2 Test parameters . 8
7.3 Test results analysis . 9
8 Failure considerations .10
9 Inspection and examination . .11
10 Field incidents.12
10.1 Bridge hit . 12
10.2 Rollovers. 13
10.3 Rollover with penetration .13
10.4 Vehicle collision .13
10.5 Forklift impact . 14
10.6 Other incidents . 15
11 Impact projects .15
12 Discussion .15
13 Summary .16
Annex A (informative) Low energy impact testing .17
Annex B (informative) Drop impact testing (low pressure liquified gas, up to 50 l) .19
Annex C (informative) Drop impact testing (high pressure) .20
Annex D (informative) High velocity impact testing .21
Annex E (informative) Alternative high velocity impact testing .22
Bibliography .24
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
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ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
This document considers how impact testing is carried out, why it is done in particular ways and the
relevance of various aspects (e.g. a cylinder drop, a flying element through the air, from what direction,
size, shape, weight, impact velocity, etc.; does the cylinder “fail” safe or blow into fragments with
associated pressure wave?).
This document only addresses cylinders, as a definition of all the associated equipment and its
interaction with the cylinders is difficult to assess. The designer can conduct some system level impact
tests, including drop, to assess valves, pressure release devices and other attached components.
It is recognized that there are differences between cylinders/tubes that are for general use (without
any requirements related to packaging and protection in service) and cylinders/tubes permanently
mounted in frames (which offer some differences in loading and protection). Impact testing of an
assembly can be different from testing a single, freestanding cylinder/tube.
This document addresses transportable cylinders, vehicle fuel containers and cylinders permanently
mounted in frames. It applies to all sizes of cylinders, and to carbon, aramid and glass fibre
Drop testing of smaller cylinders is a requirement in some regulations, codes and standards. For serial
production of automotive cylinders, an adequate returnable packing material/method to protect
the cylinder during production and until mounted in the vehicle can be used. However, the drop of a
cylinder demonstrates a general resistance to impact, which improves safety.
In addition to providing an understanding of the background, an overview is provided of some standard
approaches to conducting tests.
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Gas cylinders — Information for design of composite
cylinders —
Part 5:
Impact testing of composite cylinders
1 Scope
This document provides information for the design of composite cylinders related to impact testing and
service experience with impact, including:
— low energy impact, which can result from events that can occur during handling or working around
— high energy impact, which can result from accidents during transportation, or impact by large
objects with velocity;
— drop impact, which can result from handling, where cylinders are dropped or tipped over; and
— high velocity impact, which can result from high energy impact by a small object, such as gunfire,
and demonstrates non-shatterability of the cylinder or tube.
Where appropriate, field experience relevant to testing requirements is provided.
NOTE Unless otherwise stated, the word “cylinder” refers to both cylinders and tubes.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 10286, Gas cylinders — Vocabulary
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 10286 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Low energy impact
4.1 General
Low energy impacts can occur during normal service. Examples of this include dropping tools on the
cylinder, being hit by road debris, some bouncing when initiating or ending a lift by a crane, hoist, or
forklift, being hit by a forklift, or similar incidents. In some cases, low energy impact can leave visual
evidence of the impact or can require a cylinder to be removed from service.
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
4.2 Visible indications
Some impacts can be from contact with sharp objects, in which case there would likely be some
visual indication of surface damage, such as a cut or surface indentation. Other impacts can be from
blunt objects, which can result in some surface crazing, and either surface indentations or internal
delamination, or both, without necessarily leaving visible damage. Glass fibre composite reinforcement
with a translucent resin is more likely to show visible damage due to impact. Acoustic Emission Testing
(AET) or Modal Acoustic Emission (MAE) can be appropriate to assess damage if there is no visible
Low energy impact can cause some reduction in strength, but it is unlikely to result in a rupture when
the impact occurs or before the opportunity for inspection. Guidance on these issues is provided in
standards on visual inspection (see Clause 9).
4.3 Concepts in standards
4.3.1 General
There are some common low energy impact levels that are used in standards, including 30 J, 488 J and
1 200 J. These energy levels are based on typical events that can occur in service. Information related to
low energy impact testing is provided in Annex A.
4.3.2 30 J impact level
The 30 J impact level is based on impact from road debris, such as one that can impact a natural gas
or hydrogen fuel container mounted below a vehicle. The debris can, for example, be dislodged as a
wheel passes over it. This impact level is used in a test from an EU standard for liquid fuel containers
(i.e. gasoline or diesel), and subsequently applied to gaseous fuel containers. Impacts that can reach
this energy level, would, for example, include a granite stone about 40 mm in diameter hitting at about
95 km/h, or a cube of steel about 22 mm on a side hitting at about 95 km/h. This level of impact is
often considered as a means of evaluating protective coatings and is generally applied prior to chemical
exposure testing.
4.3.3 488 J impact level
The 488 J impact level is based on the energy from dropping a man-portable cylinder weighing about
27,3 kg from a height of about 1,8 m. This is viewed as the highest combination of weight and height that
can occur during transportation or installation by an individual. Such a drop can occur on any part of
the cylinder.
The 488 J energy level reasonably represents energy of a similar cylinder falling off a loading dock or
the bed of a transport vehicle. However, the energy level varies with the size of the cylinder. The impact
is unlikely to occur axially on the end boss in such a fall. Accordingly, as cylinder size increases, the
488 J energy level is maintained on the end and is intended to be representative of other loads that can
occur during handling, such as being hit by a forklift, or hitting an object while being transported by a
The 488 J energy level has been effective as a means of assuring impact resistance in the field based on
safe responses to most incidents. There has also been some interest in testing to an impact energy level
that is higher, but still less than the energy level of a high velocity impact.
4.3.4 1 200 J impact level
The 1 200 J impact level, by one account, addresses a stone of approximately 650 g kicked up by or
falling off a vehicle travelling at 110 km/h in one direction, and impacting a cylinder going the opposite
direction at 110 k/h. Such a stone would be approximately 80 mm to 90 mm in diameter, while a cube
of steel with the same weight would be about 44 mm on a side. While this scenario is not as likely as
the two energy levels discussed above, the energy level represents an impact that can occur in service.
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
Transported cylinders generally have some protection from road debris, including the truck bed and
side walls.
4.3.5 Consequences
Some standards have adopted both the 488 J and 1 200 J impact levels, where passing the 488 J impact
is mandatory, and a warning label is applied if the 1 200 J impact results are not successful.
Some possible consequences of low energy impacts, following subsequent pressure cycling, include
crack growth, delamination, and liner leakage. While strength can be compromised by impacts, it does
not necessarily result in rupture of the cylinder.
While cracks can grow during pressure cycling, the pressure cycling can also serve to blunt some of the
stress concentration that results from the impact. In testing of cylinders with cut flaws, including deep
cut flaws, a full lifetime of cycles was applied, and in some cases, the burst pressure was higher after
cycling than without cycling . However, the performance of the cylinder after an impact depends on
factors such as the fibre type, fibre stress ratio, and construction. Performance dispersion within a
production batch can also affect the evaluation of cylinder performance drop due to impacts.
An impact can also result in delamination within the wall. If the construction is exclusively continuous
fibres, delamination between layers is not necessarily of consequence. In some cases, an intentional
delamination between layers has been part of a design as a means of improving cyclic fatigue life.
However, if localized reinforcements are included, such as dome caps or cloth inserts, and the localized
reinforcements delaminate from the wound layers, the structural response of the laminate can be
altered, and strength can be compromised.
An impact that causes cuts or broken fibres reduces the local stiffness of the laminate. This results in
greater local deformation during pressure cycling, which results in lower fatigue life in a metal liner,
and possibly leading to leakage of the cylinder contents.
4.4 Test concepts
The 30 J impact is generally applied in a test via a pendulum with a defined impacting mass and pivot
arm length. An alternative can be a weight dropped from a given height. Caution is advised when using
other methods to catch the impactor after the first impact, to avoid multiple impacts. The 488 J impact
is often applied to transportable cylinders in the form of a drop test, but can also be conducted using a
pendulum or dropped weight. The 1 200 J impact is also generally applied by a pendulum, but can also
be applied using a dropped weight or by an impactor in a horizontal orientation that is powered by a
pressurized gas.
The impact is based on equivalent energy, but consideration can be given to differences in momentum.
Using the example of the 30 J impact, the momentum of the stone or steel cube would be the same,
about 2,24 N·s. For a typical 30 J impact test, the mass is a steel pyramid of 15 kg, which would result
in an impact velocity of about 1,41 m/s, and a momentum of 21,2 N·s, or about 10 times that of the
possible field event. At this point, testing is based on energy, but it would be useful to understand how
momentum influences results.
The cylinder is subject to pressure testing following the impact. Most current standards require
pressure cycling. The upper cycle pressure generally is the working pressure. The number of cycles is
generally reflective of the number of pressure cycles that occur between inspections, although several
standards require the same number of cycles as the original cycle test. Some standards consider the
test successful if the cycling is completed without a rupture of the cylinder. Other standards generally
burst the cylinder after cycling, with a minimum pressure that can be, for example, 80 % of the original
design burst pressure.
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
5 High energy impact (accidents)
5.1 General
High energy impact can occur due to accidents for a vehicle transporting a cylinder, or using it as a
fuel container that can in some cases involve other vehicles. Examples of this include a single vehicle
hitting a bridge or other structure, dropping a cylinder that is being transported, or a similar incident.
A vehicle transporting a cylinder can be hit by another vehicle, such as an automobile, truck, or train,
where it is possible for the cylinder to be hit directly or caused to be ejected from the transporting
vehicle. A tube trailer, battery vehicle, or vehicle transporting a multiple element gas container (MEGC)
can run off the road and roll over. Prevention of roll-overs or other road accidents can be considered
when designing the tube trailer, battery vehicle, or MEGC. High energy impact can also result from
misuse of the cylinder.
5.2 Visible indications
High energy impact generally gives visual evidence of the impact if the cylinder physically contacts
another component. If there is visual evidence, it is likely to be rejected on this basis. Impact with
a sharp or small diameter component is more likely to show evidence of impact. If there is a known
impact, it is generally considered that the cylinder can be removed from service.
Impact with a flat component at high energy is also likely to show some indication of damage. In
some cases, impact from a flat component results in resin crazing and a noticeable loss in composite
properties, such as can be detected when the composite wall is tapped with a coin. It is also possible for
an impact with a relatively flat component to cause reversal of curvature of a cylinder, fracturing the
inner layers, without necessarily showing significant damage on the outer surface.
Cylinders have also been known to rupture during an impact event. At very high levels of energy, the
difference between a rupture and a progressive failure releasing gas can be negligible. However, it
is possible that a high energy impact by a relatively small structure will only result in a hole in the
cylinder and a release of contained gas.
The characteristics of the impacting body, of how impact energy is distributed into the composite wall,
and characteristics of the wall itself, affect results. Consideration of non-dimensional terms helps to
understand how laminate damage can occur. Comparing items such as diameter of the impacting body
to the wall thickness or cylinder diameter can show likelihood of penetration of the wall. Looking at the
load over the affected area, compared with the transverse compressive strength or the shear strength
of the laminate can show likelihood of penetration versus laminate crushing.
5.3 Design influence
Comparing the total energy of impact to reserve strength of the laminate, i.e. the difference between
energy contained at burst pressure versus energy contained when impacted, can give insight as to
whether the impact will result in simple damage, penetration, or rupture.
The location of a cylinder in a vehicle during an impact event has an effect on how much damage the
cylinder receives. Energy is absorbed by either the vehicle or the frame, or both, during the event, which
can offer some protection for the cylinder.
If the accident is such that the impact loading is only on a frame or container, and from the frame or
container into the cylinder through the end bosses, it is possible that there is no visible damage, or even
no damage, to the cylinder. In this case, AET or MAE can be required to assess if there is, in fact, any
damage sustained by the cylinder in the accident. If it can be confirmed that there is no damage, the
cylinder can safely remain in service.
The frame, container, or bundle structure is likely to absorb some of the energy through deflection or
deformation, providing additional protection for the cylinders. A standard that addresses both cylinder
design and frame design can offer information on design and testing that considers interaction of the
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ISO/TR 13086-5:2022(E)
cylinder and frame. The designer of the packaging would be aware of potential impact threats, and at a
minimum conduct a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) to address possible concerns.
The pressure in the cylinder affects the level of damage incurred and the consequences. Pressure
adds stress to the composite reinforcement, but it also stabilizes the wall, limiting deformation when
impacted. Figure 1 shows cylinders with three diameters, each designed for four different service
pressures, with a radial load in the cylinder applied at zero pressure and service pressure.
Figure 1 shows that deflection is greater for unpressurized cylinders than pressurized cylinders, as the
pressure resists the impact load. Figure 1 also shows that larger diameter cylinders deflect less under
load, for a determined stress level, given that the wall is thicker if the service pressure is the same.
When pressurized after an impact at low pressure, the cylinder is more likely to have a lower burst
pressure than a cylinder impacted at a higher pressure, given the grea

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