ISO 7314:2002
(Main)Aerospace — Fluid systems — Metal hose assemblies
Aerospace — Fluid systems — Metal hose assemblies
ISO 7314 gives specifications for medium pressure, high temperature, flexible metal hose assemblies suitable for continuous operation in liquid and pneumatic systems from - 55 °C to + 400 °C, with short duration excursions up to + 650 °C. The hose assemblies covered by this International Standard are intended for use in aerospace applications for conveying air and other gases in pneumatic systems, bleed air systems, heating and ventilating systems and instrument air systems. ISO 7314 does not cover flow velocity in such assemblies exceeding 54 m/s; higher velocities require special vibration-dampening devices. Hose assemblies supplied to the specifications laid down in this International Standard may be of two types: Type 1: Convoluted inner tube - welded, of moderate mass and moderate flexibility. Type 2: Convoluted inner tube - seamless or butt-welded and redrawn, of low mass and high flexibility.
Aéronautique et espace — Systèmes de fluides — Tuyauteries flexibles métalliques
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Third edition
Aerospace — Fluid systems — Metal hose
Aéronautique et espace — Systèmes de fluides — Tuyauteries flexibles
Reference number
ISO 2002
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Contents Page
Foreword . iv
1 Scope. 1
2 Normative reference. 1
3 Terms and definitions. 1
4 Requirements . 1
4.1 Qualification. 1
4.2 Materials. 2
4.3 Design and construction . 2
4.4 Dimensions, masses and ratings . 4
4.5 Performance . 5
4.6 Part numbering of interchangeable parts. 6
4.7 Product identification . 7
4.8 Workmanship. 7
5 Quality assurance provisions . 7
5.1 Supplier’s responsibility. 7
5.2 User’s responsibility. 8
5.3 Classification of inspections . 8
5.4 Test methods . 12
6 Preparation for delivery. 17
6.1 Closures . 17
6.2 Packaging . 17
6.3 Marking of containers. 17
Bibliography. 18
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO
member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 3.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this International Standard may be the subject of
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ISO 7314 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 20, Aircraft and space vehicles, Subcommittee SC 10,
Aerospace fluid systems and components.
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO 7314:1994), which has been technically revised.
iv © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
Aerospace — Fluid systems — Metal hose assemblies
1 Scope
This International Standard gives specifications for medium pressure, high temperature, flexible metal hose
assemblies suitable for continuous operation in liquid and pneumatic systems from − 55 °C to + 400 °C, with short
duration excursions up to + 650 °C.
The hose assemblies covered by this International Standard are intended for use in aerospace applications for
conveying air and other gases in pneumatic systems, bleed air systems, heating and ventilating systems and
instrument air systems when used at pressures and temperatures within the limits laid down in Tables 2 and 3. This
International Standard does not cover flow velocity in such assemblies exceeding 54 m/s; higher velocities require
special vibration-dampening devices.
Hose assemblies supplied to the specifications laid down in this International Standard may be of two types:
Type 1: Convoluted inner tube – welded, of moderate mass and moderate flexibility.
Type 2: Convoluted inner tube – seamless or butt-welded and redrawn, of low mass and high flexibility.
2 Normative reference
The following normative document contains provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of
this International Standard. For dated references, subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of these
publications do not apply. However, parties to agreements based on this International Standard are encouraged to
investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition of the normative document indicated below. For
undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies. Members of ISO and IEC
maintain registers of currently valid International Standards.
ISO 8625-1:1993, Aerospace — Fluid systems — Vocabulary — Part 1: General terms and definitions related to
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this International Standard, the terms and definitions given in ISO 8625-1 apply.
4 Requirements
4.1 Qualification
Any hose assembly supplied to the specifications laid down in this International Standard shall be a product that,
concerning hose construction and end-fitting attachment method, is identical to specimens that have been tested
and that have passed the qualification tests specified in clause 5.
Qualified hose assemblies of type 2 construction may be automatically substituted for type 1 hoses, but type 1
hoses may not be substituted for type 2 hoses unless customer approval is given.
4.2 Materials
The hose assembly materials shall be uniform in quality, free from defects and suitable for use in continuous
ambient and/or fluid temperatures ranging from − 55 °C to + 400 °C with short fluid temperature excursions up to
650 °C. The materials shall be consistent with good manufacturing practices and shall conform to the applicable
specifications and the requirements specified in this International Standard.
4.3 Design and construction
4.3.1 General
The hose assembly shall consist of a convoluted, stabilized, pressure-carrying tube, in corrosion-resistant steel,
suitable for the intended use, and uniform in size and wall thickness. The hose assembly shall be reinforced with
stabilized corrosion-resistant steel braided wire and shall have stabilized corrosion-resistant steel end fittings and
nuts. End fittings shall be attached to the hose by welding. The end-fitting outlet design shall mate with applicable
end fittings.
4.3.2 End fittings
The hose-to-fitting joint shall be welded in a suitable manner in order to meet the requirements specified in this
International Standard. It is recommended that fitting joints be kept to a minimum so as to reduce potential leakage
paths. The mass of type 2 fittings shall not exceed the values given in Table 1. Type 1 fitting masses shall be as
given on the approved drawing.
Table 1 — Masses for type 2 hose assemblies with standard 37° or 24° fittings
Maximum masses
Hose nominal size
Hose Standard end fittings
DN g/cm Straight 45° elbow 90° elbow
05 1,5 20 20 20
06 2 23 23 23
08 2,5 27 29 29
10 3 32 36 36
12 4,2 55 59 64
16 5,3 82 91 100
20 6,5 163 177 186
25 9 218 259 291
32 12 358 413 449
40 19 486 507 552
50 24 768 810 845
63 35 – – –
4.3.3 Hose Inner tube construction
In the case of type 1 hoses, the inner tube shall be an annular or helical, convoluted flexible tube made from
welded, stabilized austenitic stainless steel.
2 © ISO 2002 – All rights reserved
In the case of type 2 hoses, the inner tube shall be an annular, convoluted flexible tube of seamless or butt-welded
and redrawn construction using stabilized austenitic stainless steel.
For either type, the inner tube shall be uniform in size and quality, and free from pitting and other defects.
There shall be no inner tube splices on hose assemblies shorter than or equal to 1 m in length. One splice is
allowed for each additional metre of hose assembly length. Splices are undesirable, but, if required, shall be low-
profile welds in accordance with 4.3.4 and Figure 1. After welding, the convolutions shall be closed as shown in
Figure 1.
1 Convoluted metal hose inner tube
2 Fusion weld
3 High-temperature braze alloy
Maximum 5 l.
Normal convolution spacing specified by supplier design.
Figure 1 — Inner tube splice configuration Reinforcement
The reinforcement shall be a suitably braided construction using stabilized austenitic stainless steel wire in such a
manner as to meet the requirements specified in this International Standard. There shall be no splices, missing
loops, kinks or broken wires in the braid wire reinforcement.
4.3.4 Welds
All welds shall be fusion welds suitable for the intended use. Filler wire, if required, shall be compatible with the
weld material used. Equivalent supplier or other comparable welding specifications may be substituted subject to
prior approval by the purchaser.
4.3.5 Heat treatment
If stress-relieving of austenitic stainless steel welds is required in order to meet corrosion and embrittlement
resistance, the joints shall be stress-relieved at 895 °C ± 15 °C for 2 h ± 15 min.
4.4 Dimensions, masses and ratings
4.4.1 Hose diameter
The inside diameter of the convoluted hose and the outside diameter of the braid covering shall be as given in
Table 2.
Table 2 — Dimensions and performance requirements for hose assemblies
Fitting Operating pressure Proof pressure Proof pressure
a b b b
Inside Outside
Bore at 20 °C at 20 °C at 20 °C
diameter diameter
min. max. min. min.
min. max.
mm mm mm kPa bar kPa bar kPa bar
03 2 6 2 13 750 138 20 650 207 55 150 552
04 3 7 2,5 13 750 138 20 650 207 55 150 552
05 4 9,9 3 13 750 138 20 650 207 55 150 552
5,5 13 3,5 13 750 138 20 650 207 55 150 552
08 7 15 5 12 000 120 18 000 180 48 000 480
10 8,5 18 6,4 11 000 110 16 500 165 44 000 440
12 11 20,5 9,1 9 600 96 14 500 145 38 600 386
14 27 11,6 8 300 83 12 400 124 33 000 330
20 17,5 31,5 14,4 7 200 72 10 700 107 29 000 290
25 23 38 19,3 5 500 55 8 300 83 22 000 220
32 30 47 23,4 3 800 38 5 700 57 15 200 152
36 57 32 3 000 30 4 500 45 12 000 120
50 48 70 42 2 400 24 3 600 36 9 600 96
63 60 85 55
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