ISO/IEC 15414:2015
(Main)Information technology — Open distributed processing — Reference model — Enterprise language
Information technology — Open distributed processing — Reference model — Enterprise language
ISO/IEC 15414:2015 provides: a) a language (the enterprise language) comprising concepts, structures, and rules for developing, representing and reasoning about a specification of an ODP system from the enterprise viewpoint (as defined in Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3); b) rules which establish correspondences between the enterprise language and the other viewpoint languages (defined in Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3) to ensure the overall consistency of a specification. The language is specified to a level of detail sufficient to enable the determination of the compliance of any modelling language to this Recommendation | International Standard and to establish requirements for new specification techniques. ISO/IEC 15414:2015 is intended for use in preparing enterprise viewpoint specifications of ODP systems, and in developing notations and tools to support such specifications. As specified in clause 5 of Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746‑3, an enterprise viewpoint specification defines the purpose, scope and policies of an ODP system. ISO/IEC 15414:2015 is a refinement and extension of Rec. ITU‑T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746‑3, clauses 5 and 10, but does not replace them.
Technologies de l'information — Traitement réparti ouvert — Modèle de référence — Langage d'entreprise
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
Third edition
Information technology — Open
distributed processing — Reference
model — Enterprise language
Technologies de l'information — Traitement réparti ouvert — Modèle de
référence — Langage d'entreprise
Reference number
ISO/IEC 15414:2015(E)
ISO/IEC 2015
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ISO/IEC 15414:2015(E)
© ISO/IEC 2015
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ii © ISO/IEC 2015 – All rights reserved
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0.1 RM-ODP . v
0.2 Overview and motivation . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references. 1
2.1 Identical ITU-T Recommendations | International Standards . 1
2.2 Additional References . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 2
3.1 Definitions from ODP standards . 2
4 Abbreviations . 3
5 Conventions . 4
6 Concepts . 4
6.1 System concepts . 4
6.2 Community concepts . 4
6.3 Behaviour concepts . 4
6.4 Deontic concepts . 5
6.5 Policy concepts . 6
6.6 Accountability concepts . 6
7 Structuring rules . 7
7.1 Overall structure of an enterprise specification . 7
7.2 Contents of an enterprise specification. 7
7.3 Community rules . 8
7.4 Enterprise object rules . 10
7.5 Common community types . 10
7.6 Life cycle of a community . 11
7.7 Objective rules . 11
7.8 Behaviour rules . 12
7.9 Policy rules . 16
7.10 Accountability rules . 18
8 Compliance, completeness and field of application . 19
8.1 Compliance . 19
8.2 Completeness . 19
8.3 Field of application . 19
9 Enterprise language compliance . 20
10 Conformance and reference points . 20
11 Consistency rules . 20
11.1 Viewpoint correspondences . 20
11.2 Enterprise and information specification correspondences . 21
11.3 Enterprise and computational specification correspondences . 22
11.4 Enterprise and engineering specification correspondences . 22
11.5 Enterprise and technology specification correspondence . 23
Annex A – Model of the enterprise language concepts . 24
Annex B – Explanations and examples . 28
B.1 First example – Enterprise specification of an e-commerce system . 28
B.2 Second example – Specification of a library . 34
Annex C – An operational semantics for enterprise behaviour . 41
C.1 A semantics for basic behaviour . 41
C.2 Frames and markings . 41
C.3 Calculating the utility of possible courses of action . 41
C.4 Use of utility to prioritize possible behaviours . 41
INDEX . 43
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ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO and IEC, also take part in the work. In the field of information
technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of the joint technical committee is to prepare International Standards. Draft International
Standards adopted by the joint technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as
an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO/IEC 15414 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, Information technology,
Subcommittee SC 7, Software and systems engineering, in collaboration with ITU-T. The identical text is
published as ITU-T X.911 (09/2014).
This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition (ISO/IEC 15414:2006), which has been technically
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The rapid growth of distributed processing led to the adoption of the Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing
(RM-ODP). This Reference Model provides a coordinating framework for the standardization of open distributed
processing (ODP). It creates an architecture within which support of distribution, interworking and portability can be
integrated. This architecture provides a framework for the specification of ODP systems.
The Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing is based on precise concepts derived from current distributed
processing developments and, as far as possible, on the use of formal description techniques for specification of the
This Recommendation | International Standard refines and extends the definition of how ODP systems are specified from
the enterprise viewpoint, and is intended for the development or use of enterprise specifications of ODP systems.
0.1 RM-ODP
The RM-ODP consists of:
– Part 1: Rec. ITU-T X.901 | ISO/IEC 10746-1: Overview: This contains a motivational overview of ODP,
giving scoping, justification and explanation of key concepts, and an outline of the ODP architecture. It
contains explanatory material on how the RM-ODP is to be interpreted and applied by its users, who may
include standards writers and architects of ODP systems. It also contains a categorization of required areas
of standardization expressed in terms of the reference points for conformance identified in ITU-T Rec.
X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3. This part is informative.
– Part 2: Rec. ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2: Foundations: This contains the definition of the concepts
and analytical framework for normalized description of (arbitrary) distributed processing systems. It
introduces the principles of conformance to ODP standards and the way in which they are applied. This is
only to a level of detail sufficient to support Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3 and to establish
requirements for new specification techniques. This part is normative.
– Part 3: Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3: Architecture: This contains the specification of the required
characteristics that qualify distributed processing as open. These are the constraints to which ODP
standards shall conform. It uses the descriptive techniques from Rec. ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2.
This part is normative.
– Part 4: Rec. ITU-T X.904 | ISO/IEC 10746-4: Architectural semantics: This contains a formalization of
the ODP modelling concepts defined in Rec. ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2 clauses 8 and 9. The
formalization is achieved by interpreting each concept in terms of the constructs of one or more of the
different standardized formal description techniques. This part is normative.
– Rec. ITU-T X.911 | ISO/IEC 15414: Enterprise language: this Recommendation | International Standard.
0.2 Overview and motivation
Part 3 of the Reference Model, Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3, defines a framework for the specification of ODP
systems comprising:
1) five viewpoints, called enterprise, information, computational, engineering and technology, which provide
a basis for the specification of ODP systems;
2) a viewpoint language for each viewpoint, defining concepts and rules for specifying ODP systems from
the corresponding viewpoint.
The purpose of this Recommendation | International Standard is to:
– Refine and extend the enterprise language defined in Rec. ITU-T X.903 |ISO/IEC 10746-3 to enable full
enterprise viewpoint specification of an ODP system.
– Explain the correspondences of an enterprise viewpoint specification of an ODP system to other viewpoint
specifications of that system.
– Ensure that the enterprise language, when used together with the other viewpoint languages, is suitable for
the specification of a concrete application architecture to fill a specific business need.
This Recommendation | International Standard uses concepts taken from Recs ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2 and
X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3 and structuring rules taken from clause 5 of Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3; it introduces
refinements of those concepts, additional viewpoint-specific concepts, and prescriptive structuring rules for enterprise
viewpoint specifications. The additional viewpoint-specific concepts are defined using concepts from Recs ITU-T X.902
| ISO/IEC 10746-2 and X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3.
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This Recommendation | International Standard provides a common language (set of terms and structuring rules) to be
used in the preparation of an enterprise specification capturing the purpose, scope and policies for an ODP system. An
enterprise specification is a part of the specification of an ODP system using viewpoints defined by Recommendation
ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3. The specification of the ODP system can describe any or all of:
– an existing system within its environment;
– an anticipated future structure or behaviour of that existing system within an existing or an anticipated
future environment;
– a system to be created within some environment.
The primary audience for this Recommendation | International Standard is those who prepare and use such specifications.
The audience includes ODP system owners and users, including subject management experts, and developers and
maintainers of ODP systems, tools and methodologies.
The motivation for the enterprise language is to support standardized techniques for specification. This improves
communication and helps create consistent specifications.
The preparation of specifications often falls into the category referred to as analysis or requirement specification. There
are many approaches used for understanding, agreeing and specifying systems in the context of the organizations of which
they form a part. The approaches can provide useful insights into both the organization under consideration and the
requirements for systems to support it, but they generally lack the rigour, consistency and completeness needed for
thorough specification. The audiences of the specifications also vary. For agreement between the potential users of an
ODP system and the provider of that system, it may be necessary to have different presentations of the same system – one
in terms understood by clients, and one in terms directly related to system realization.
The use of enterprise specifications can be wider than the early phases of the software engineering process. A current
trend is to integrate existing systems into global networks, where the functionality of interest spans multiple organizations.
The enterprise language provides a means to specify the joint agreement of common behaviour of the ODP systems within
and between these organizations. The enterprise specification can also be used in other phases of the system life cycle.
The specification can, for example, be used at system run-time to control agreements between the system and its users,
and to establish new agreements according to the same contract structure. Enterprise viewpoint specifications may contain
rules for inter-organizational behaviour.
This Recommendation | International Standard also provides a framework for the development of software engineering
methodologies and tools exploiting ODP viewpoint languages, and a set of concepts for the development of enterprise
viewpoint specification languages. For these purposes, this Recommendation | International Standard provides rules for
the information content of specifications and the grouping of that information. Further requirements on the relationships
between enterprise language concepts and concepts in other viewpoints are specific to the methodologies, tools or
specification languages to be developed.
An enterprise specification defines the purpose, scope, and policies of an ODP system and it provides a statement of
conformance for system implementations. The purpose of the system is defined by the specified behaviour of the system
while policies capture further restriction on the behaviour between the system and its environment or within the system
itself related to the business decisions by the system owners.
An enterprise specification also allows the specification of an ODP system that spans multiple domains and is not owned
by a single party, and specification of the collective behaviour of a system that is divided into independently specified
and independently working subsystems.
This generality places greater emphasis on the expression of correct or normal behaviour and on the chains of
responsibility involved in achieving it. For example, the advent of service oriented and cloud computing has led to the
need to specify business rules and behaviour in a way that clearly describes obligations, permissions, authorizations and
prohibitions, as well as the accountability of each of the objects involved in an enterprise specification. This involves the
expression of the so-called deontic aspects of the behaviour of the system, and of the accountability of the objects
Annex A presents a metamodel of the enterprise language, illustrating the key concepts of the enterprise language and
their relationships. This annex is normative. Annex B provides examples using the concepts and structuring rules of the
enterprise language and provides examples of how they may be used. Annex C indicates how the semantics of deontic
constraints may be expressed. Annexes B and C are informative.
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ISO/IEC 15414:2015 (E)
Information technology – Open distributed processing –
Reference model – Enterprise language
1 Scope
This Recommendation | International Standard provides:
a) a language (the enterprise language) comprising concepts, structures, and rules for developing,
representing and reasoning about a specification of an ODP system from the enterprise viewpoint
(as defined in Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3);
b) rules which establish correspondences between the enterprise language and the other viewpoint languages
(defined in Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3) to ensure the overall consistency of a specification.
The language is specified to a level of detail sufficient to enable the determination of the compliance of any modelling
language to this Recommendation | International Standard and to establish requirements for new specification techniques.
This Recommendation | International Standard is intended for use in preparing enterprise viewpoint specifications of ODP
systems, and in developing notations and tools to support such specifications.
As specified in clause 5 of Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3, an enterprise viewpoint specification defines the
purpose, scope and policies of an ODP system.
This Recommendation | International Standard is a refinement and extension of Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3,
clauses 5 and 10, but does not replace them.
2 Normative references
The following Recommendations and International Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text,
constitute provisions of this Recommendation | International Standard. At the time of publication, the editions indicated
were valid. All Recommendations and Standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this
Recommendation | International Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent edition
of the Recommendations and Standards listed below. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid
International Standards. The Telecommunication Standardization Bureau of the ITU maintains a list of currently valid
ITU-T Recommendations.
2.1 Identical ITU-T Recommendations | International Standards
– Recommendation ITU-T X.902 (2009) | ISO/IEC 10746-2:2010, Information technology – Open
Distributed Processing – Reference Model: Foundations.
– Recommendation ITU-T X.903 (2009) | ISO/IEC 10746-3:2010, Information technology – Open
Distributed Processing – Reference Model: Architecture.
– Recommendation ITU-T X.904 (1997) | ISO/IEC 10746-4:1998, Information technology – Open
Distributed Processing – Reference Model: Architectural semantics.
– Recommendation ITU-T X.906 (1997) | ISO/IEC 19793:2012, Information technology – Open distributed
processing – Use of UML for ODP system specifications.
2.2 Additional References
– ISO/IEC 19505-2:2012, Information Technology – Object Management Group Unified Modelling
Language (OMG UML) – Part 2: Superstructure.
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3 Terms and definitions
3.1 Definitions from ODP standards
3.1.1 Modelling concept definitions
This Recommendation | International Standard makes use of the following terms as defined in Rec. ITU-T X.902 |
ISO/IEC 10746-2.
– action;
– activity;
– behaviour (of an object);
– composite object;
– composition;
– configuration (of objects);
– conformance;
– conformance point;
– contract;
– domain;
– entity;
– environment contract;
– environment (of an object);
– epoch;
– establishing behaviour;
– event;
– instantiation (of an template);
– internal action;
– invariant;
– liaison;
– location in time;
– name;
– object;
– obligation;
– ODP standards;
– ODP system;
– permission;
– policy;
– policy declaration;
– policy envelope;
– policy setting behaviour;
– policy value;
– prohibition;
– proposition;
– reference point;
– refinement;
– role;
– service;
– state (of an object);
– subsystem;
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– subtype;
– system;
– template;
– terminating behaviour;
– type (of an );
– viewpoint (on a system).
3.1.2 Viewpoint language definitions
This Recommendation | International Standard makes use of the following terms as defined in Rec. ITU-T X.903 |
ISO/IEC 10746-3.
– binder;
– capsule;
– channel;
– cluster;
– community;
– computational behaviour;
– computational binding object;
– computational object;
– computational interface;
– computational viewpoint;
– dynamic schema;
– engineering viewpoint;
– enterprise object;
– enterprise viewpoint;
– federation;
– information object;
– information viewpoint;
– interceptor;
– invariant schema;
– node;
– nucleus;
– operation;
– protocol object;
– static schema;
– stream;
– stub;
– technology viewpoint;
– language.
4 Abbreviations
For the purposes of this Recommendation | International Standard, the following abbreviations apply:
ODP Open Distributed Processing
RM-ODP Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (Recs ITU-T X.901 to X.904 | ISO/IEC 10746
Parts 1-4)
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ISO/IEC 15414:2015 (E)
5 Conventions
This Recommendation | International Standard contains references to Parts 2 and 3 of the RM-ODP and to the normative
text of this Recommendation | International Standard. Each reference is of one of these forms:
– [Part 2-n.n] – a reference to clause n.n of RM-ODP Part 2: Foundations, X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2;
– [Part 3-n.n] – a reference to clause n.n of RM-ODP Part 3: Architecture, X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3;
– [n.n] – a reference to clause n.n of this Recommendation | International Standard.
For example, [Part 2-9.4] is a reference to Part 2 of the reference model, (Rec. ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC 10746-2), clause 9.4
and [6.5] is a reference to clause 6.5 of this Recommendation | International Standard. These references are for the
convenience of the reader.
This Recommendation | International Standard also contains some text which is a modification of text from Part 3 of the
reference model, Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3. Such text is marked by a reference like this: [see also 3-5.n]. The
modifications are authoritative with respect to the enterprise language.
6 Concepts
The concepts of the enterprise language defined in this Recommendation | International Standard comprise:
– the concepts identified in clauses 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 as they are defined in Rec. ITU-T X.902 | ISO/IEC
10746-2 and in ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3;
– the concepts defined in this clause.
The grouping into subclauses and the headings of the subclauses of this clause are informative.
6.1 System concepts
6.1.1 scope (of a system): The behaviour that a system is expected to exhibit.
6.1.2 field of application (of a specification): The properties the environment of the ODP system shall have for the
specification of that system to be used.
6.2 Community concepts
6.2.1 objective (of an ): Practical advantage or intended effect, expressed as preferences about future states.
NOTE 1 – Some objectives are ongoing, some are achieved once met.
NOTE 2 – In the text of Rec. ITU-T X.903 | ISO/IEC 10746-3 [Part 3-5] the terms purpose and objective are synonymous. The
enterprise language emphasizes the term objective and emphasizes the need to express an objective in measurable terms.
6.2.2 community object: A composite enterprise object that represents a community. The components of a
community object are objects of the community represented.
6.3 Behaviour concepts
6.3.1 active enterprise object: An enterprise object that is able to fill an action role. In other words, it is an enterprise
object that can be involved in some behaviour.
NOTE – The behaviour of active enterprise objects is constrained by deontic and accountability concepts, defined in clauses 6.4
and 6.6. The deontic tokens defined in clause 6.4 are not themselves active enterprise objects.
6.3.2 actor (with respect to an action): A role (with respect to that action) in which the enterprise object fulfilling
the role participates in the action. That object may be called an actor.
NOTE – It may be of interest to specify which actor initiates that action.
6.3.3 artefact (with respect to an action): A role (with respect to that action) in which the enterprise object fulfilling
the role is referenced in the action. That object may be called an artefact.
NOTE 1 – An enterprise object that is an artefact in one action can be an actor in another action.
NOTE 2 – The object filling an artefact role in an action is an active enterprise object being referenced in the action and this should
not be confused with the way a deontic token held by an object involved in the action constrains its performance.
6.3.4 resource (with respect to an action): A role (with respect to that action) in which the enterprise object fulfilling
the role is essential to the action, requires allocation, or may become unavailable. That object may be called a resource.
NOTE 1 – Allocation of a resource object may constrain other behaviours for which that resource is essential.
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NOTE 2 – A consumable resource object may become unavailable after some amount of use. Any resource object may become
unavailable after some amount of tim
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