ISO/TR 22126-2:2025
(Main)Financial services — Semantic technology — Part 2: OWL representation of the ISO 20022 metamodel and e-repository
Financial services — Semantic technology — Part 2: OWL representation of the ISO 20022 metamodel and e-repository
This document is concerned with the representation of the ISO 20022 e-Repository contents in RDF and OWL by developing a case study around the ISO 20022 auth.016 sample message (hereafter simply referred to as “auth.016”). This includes: a) transformation of the sample message into an RDF instance graph; b) demonstrating a set of SPARQL rules that transform the auth.016 message into a FIX TradeCaptureReport(35=AE) message (hereafter simply referred to as “FIX AE”); c) expressing the metamodel, business components and message components exactly with a custom RDF vocabulary; d) representing those schemas as OWL schemas using OWL vocabulary when possible and annotation properties otherwise; e) creating instance graphs for the auth.016 sample messaging using the vocabulary of the business components and message components. This document also discusses the choices that arise in structuring RDF documents equivalent to documents in XML, and FIX Tag-Value format balancing considerations such as preserving the order of parts of the message versus creating graphs that are suitable for RDFS and OWL inference.
Services financiers — Technologie sémantique — Partie 2: Représentation OWL du métamodèle et du référentiel de l'ISO 20022
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO/TR 22126-2
First edition
Financial services — Semantic
technology —
Part 2:
OWL representation of the ISO
20022 metamodel and e-repository
Services financiers — Technologie sémantique —
Partie 2: Représentation OWL du métamodèle et du référentiel de
l'ISO 20022
Reference number
© ISO 2025
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Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviated terms . 1
3.1 Terms and definitions .1
3.2 Abbreviated terms .2
4 Overview . 2
4.1 Graph transformations . .2
4.1.1 General .2
4.1.2 Graphs derived from the XML document .4
4.1.3 Conversion to a FIX AE message .4
4.1.4 Graphs aligned with message and business components .4
5 Methods . 5
5.1 Multiple local RDF graphs .5
5.2 Open linked data .6
6 Reconciling differences between Ecore, RDF and OWL . 7
6.1 Introducing Ecore .7
6.2 Differences between Ecore and RDF standards .7
6.3 Separation of schema objects and instances .8
6.4 Python, pyecore and RDF .8
6.5 Ordering and structured data in RDF .9
6.5.1 General .9
6.5.2 Unordered relationships.9
6.5.3 RDF collections .9
6.5.4 RDF containers .10
6.5.5 Blank nodes and triples turned sideways .10
6.6 Internationalization in RDF .11
6.7 SHACL, another RDF schema language .11
7 Processing ISO 20022 instance messages in RDF .12
7.1 The G graph — Converting an ISO 20022 XML message to RDF instance data . . 12
7.2 Querying ISO 20022 message data with SPARQL .14
7.3 The G graph — Maintaining ordering information .14
7.4 Compatibility with OWL and RDFS inference — G graph .14
7.5 The G3 graph — Converting the auth.016 message to a FIX AE message . 15
8 Mechanical conversion of the e-Repository .18
8.1 File and namespace prefixes — M and B graphs .18
8.2 OrganisationIdentification — Business components and attributes .18
8.3 Message components and attributes .21
8.4 CodeSets . 23
8.4.1 General . 23
8.4.2 Empty CodeSet . 23
8.4.3 CodeSet with codes .24
8.5 Coining unique identifiers . 25
8.5.1 The problem . . 25
8.5.2 Composite names . 25
8.5.3 Arbitrary disambiguators . 25
8.5.4 External id . 25
8.5.5 Internal id . 26
8.5.6 Random id. 26
8.5.7 Skolemization . 26
9 Representing the ISO 20022 e-Repository in OWL and RDFS .26
9.1 Methodology . 26
9.2 RDFS modelling of a business component . 28
9.3 Datatype and object properties in OWL . 29
9.4 Representing enumerated types . 30
9.5 Restrictions on data types .31
9.6 Disjoint classes .31
9.7 Miscellaneous objects and annotation properties.32
9.8 Containment relationships and inference .32
9.9 OWL inference and its limits . 33
10 Instances aligned to the e-Repository .34
10.1 The G graph — Message expressed with message components . 34
10.2 The G graph — Abstract instance of a trade . 35
10.3 Concepts missing in the business components .37
11 Conclusion .38
Annex A (informative) A preliminary OWL 2 ontology as a semantic model for ISO 20022 .40
Bibliography .45
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards
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The proc
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