Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance, inspection and discard

ISO 4309:2010 establishes general principles for the care and maintenance, and inspection and discard of steel wire ropes used on cranes and hoists. It is applicable to those ropes used on the following types of cranes, the majority of which are defined in ISO 4306‑1: cable and portal cable cranes; cantilever cranes (pillar jib, wall or walking); deck cranes; derrick and guy derrick cranes; derrick cranes with rigid bracing; floating cranes; mobile cranes; overhead travelling cranes; portal or semi-portal bridge cranes; portal or semi-portal cranes; railway cranes; tower cranes; offshore cranes.

Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Câbles — Entretien et maintenance, inspection et dépose

L'ISO 4309:2010 établit des principes généraux pour l'entretien et la maintenance, l'inspection et la dépose de câbles en acier utilisés sur des appareils de levage et des palans. Elle est applicable aux câbles utilisés sur les types suivants d'appareils de levage, dont la plupart sont définis dans l'ISO 4306‑1: blondins et ponts portiques à câbles; grues à potence (sur colonne, murales, vélocipèdes); grues de bord; grues-derricks et grues-derricks à haubans; grues-derricks à appui rigide; grues flottantes; grues mobiles; ponts roulants; ponts portiques ou semi-portiques; grues sur portique ou semi-portique; grues sur voie ferrée; grues à tour; grues offshore.

Žerjavi - Žične vrvi - Previdnost, vzdrževanje, pregledi in izločanje

Ta mednarodni standard določa splošna načela za previdnost in vzdrževanje ter preglede in izločanje jeklenih žičnih vrvi, ki se uporabljajo pri žerjavih in dvigalih. Ta mednarodni standard se uporablja za tiste vrvi, ki se uporabljajo pri naslednjih vrstah žerjavov, pri čemer je večina žerjavov opredeljena v standardu ISO 4306-1: a) kabelski in portalni kabelski žerjavi; b) konzolni žerjavi (stebrni žerjavi z ročico, stenski ali premični); c) ploščadni žerjavi; d) igličasti žerjavi in igličasti žerjavi z žično oporo; e) igličasti žerjavi s togo oporo; f) plavajoči žerjavi; g) premični žerjavi; h) tekalni žerjavi; i) kozičasti ali polkozičasti žerjavi; j) portalni ali polportalni žerjavi; k) železniški žerjavi; l) stolpni žerjavi; m) žerjavi na plavajočih objektih, tj. žerjavi, ki so postavljeni na fiksni konstrukciji, ki jo podpira morsko dno, ali na plavajoči enoti, ki jo podpirajo sile plovnosti.

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Fourth edition

Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and
maintenance, inspection and discard
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Câbles — Entretien
et maintenance, inspection et dépose

Reference number
ISO 4309:2010(E)
ISO 2010

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Care and maintenance. 3
4.1 General. 3
4.2 Rope replacement. 3
4.3 Offloading and storing the rope . 5
4.4 Condition of the rope prior to installation. 5
4.5 Installing the rope. 5
4.6 Running-in the new rope. 8
4.7 Maintaining the rope. 9
4.8 Maintenance of rope-related parts of the crane . 9
5 Inspection . 10
5.1 General. 10
5.2 Daily visual inspection . 10
5.3 Periodic inspection. 10
5.4 Inspection following an incident . 13
5.5 Inspection following period with crane out of operation. 13
5.6 Non-destructive testing. 13
6 Discard criteria. 14
6.1 General. 14
6.2 Visible broken wires . 14
6.3 Decrease in rope diameter. 17
6.4 Fracture of strands . 19
6.5 Corrosion. 19
6.6 Deformation and damage. 20
Annex A (informative) Key areas requiring particular close inspection. 23
Annex B (informative) Typical modes of deterioration. 25
Annex C (informative) Internal examination of rope. 34
Annex D (informative) Typical examples of inspection record. 37
Annex E (informative) Useful information on rope deterioration and discard criteria. 39
Annex F (informative) Combined effect assessment of rope condition and severity rating — One
method . 42
Annex G (informative) Examples of cross-sections of ropes and corresponding rope category
number (RCN). 45
Annex H (informative) Guidance on assessment and rating of external corrosion . 51
Bibliography . 53

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 4309 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 3, Selection of wire
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 4309:2004), which has been technically revised.
It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 4309:2004/Amd.1:2008.

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
A wire rope on a crane is regarded as an expendable component, requiring replacement when the results of
inspection indicate that its condition has diminished to the point where further use would be unwise from a
safety standpoint.
By following well-established principles, such as those detailed in this International Standard, along with any
additional specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane or hoist and/or by the manufacturer
of the rope, this point should never be exceeded.
In addition to encompassing the guidance on storage, handling, installation and maintenance, which was first
introduced in the last revision, this International Standard also provides discard criteria for those running ropes
which are subjected to multi-layer spooling, where both field experience and testing demonstrate that
deterioration is significantly greater at the cross-over zones on the drum, than at any other section of rope in
the system.
It also provides more realistic discard criteria covering decrease in rope diameter and corrosion, and gives
one method for assessing the combined effect of deterioration at any position in the rope.
When correctly applied, the discard criteria given in this International Standard are aimed at retaining an
adequate safety margin. Failure to recognize them can be extremely harmful, dangerous and damaging.
To assist those who are responsible for “care and maintenance” as distinct from those who are responsible for
“inspection and discard”, the procedures are conveniently separated.

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Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance,
inspection and discard
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes general principles for the care and maintenance, and inspection and
discard of steel wire ropes used on cranes and hoists.
This International Standard is applicable to those ropes used on the following types of cranes, the majority of
which are defined in ISO 4306-1:
a) cable and portal cable cranes;
b) cantilever cranes (pillar jib, wall or walking);
c) deck cranes;
d) derrick and guy derrick cranes;
e) derrick cranes with rigid bracing;
f) floating cranes;
g) mobile cranes;
h) overhead travelling cranes;
i) portal or semi-portal bridge cranes;
j) portal or semi-portal cranes;
k) railway cranes;
l) tower cranes;
m) offshore cranes, i.e. cranes mounted on a fixed structure supported by the sea bed or on a floating unit
supported by buoyancy forces.
This International Standard applies to rope on cranes used for hook, grabbing, magnet, ladle, excavator or
stacking duties, whether operated manually, electrically or hydraulically.
This International Standard also applies to rope used on hoists and hoist blocks.
In view of the fact that the exclusive use of synthetic sheaves or metal sheaves incorporating synthetic linings
is not recommended when single-layer spooling at the drum, due to the inevitability of wire breaks occurring
internally in large numbers before there is any visible evidence of any wire breaks or signs of substantial wear
on the periphery of the rope, no discard criteria are given for this combination.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 17893, Steel wire ropes — Vocabulary, designation and classification
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 17893 and the following apply.
nominal diameter
diameter by which the rope is designated
measured diameter
actual diameter
average of two measurements, taken at right angles to one another, of the diameter that circumscribes the
rope cross-section
reference diameter

measured diameter of a section of rope that is not subject to bending, taken directly after the rope has been
broken in
NOTE This diameter is used as the baseline for uniform decrease in diameter.
cross-over zone
that portion of rope coincident with a crossing over of one wrap by another as the rope traverses the drum or
rises from one layer to the next at the drum flange
one revolution of rope around a drum
flanged spool on which rope is wound for shipment or storage
wire rope periodic inspection
in-depth visual inspection of the rope plus measurement of the rope and, if practicable, an assessment of its
internal condition
NOTE This is sometimes referred to as a “thorough examination”.
competent person
〈wire rope inspection〉 person having such knowledge and experience of wire ropes on cranes and hoists as is
necessary for that person to assess the condition of the rope, make a judgement as to whether it may remain
in service and stipulate the maximum time interval between inspections
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
valley wire break
wire break that occurs at the inter-strand contact point or valley area between two outer strands
NOTE Outer wire breaks that also occur within the rope anywhere between one valley area and the next, including
any strand-core breaks, may also be regarded as valley wire breaks.
severity rating
amount of deterioration expressed as a per cent towards discard
NOTE The rating may relate to either an individual mode of deterioration, e.g. broken wires or decrease in diameter,
or the combined effect of more than one mode of deterioration, e.g. broken wires and decrease in diameter.
4 Care and maintenance
4.1 General
In the absence of any instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane in his manual and/or any
provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the rope, the general principles given in 4.2 to 4.7 shall be
4.2 Rope replacement
Unless an alternative rope has been approved of by the crane manufacturer, rope manufacturer or other
competent person, only one of the correct length, diameter, construction, type and direction of lay and
strength (i.e. minimum breaking force), as specified by the crane manufacturer, shall be installed on the crane.
A record of the rope change shall be placed on file.
In the case of larger diameter rotation-resistant ropes, it may be necessary to apply additional means of
securing the rope ends, e.g. through the use of steel straps, particularly when preparing samples for test.
If the length of rope required for use is to be cut from a longer length, such as a bulk manufactured reel of
rope, servings shall be applied at both sides of the intended cutting point to prevent the rope from unlaying (i.e.
unravelling) after the cut has been made.
Figure 1 is an example of how a single-layer rope should be served before cutting. For rotation-resistant and
parallel-closed ropes, multiple length servings may be necessary. Ropes that are only lightly preformed are
more likely to unlay (i.e. unravel) after cutting, if inadequate or insufficient servings are applied.
NOTE Serving is sometimes referred to as “seizing”.
Unless an alternative rope termination has been approved of by the crane manufacturer, rope manufacturer or
other competent person, only one of a type, as specified by the crane manufacturer in his manual, shall be
used to attach a rope to a drum, hook block or anchor point on the machinery structure.

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ISO 4309:2010(E)

L = 2d minimum
Figure 1 — Application of serving prior to cutting of single-layer type rope

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
4.3 Offloading and storing the rope
To avoid accidents and/or damage to the rope itself, ropes should be offloaded with care.
Reels or coils of rope shall not be dropped, neither shall they be struck by a metal hook or fork of a lift truck or
any other external force that could damage or deform the rope.
Ropes should be stored in a cool, dry building and should not be allowed to be in contact with the floor. They
should not be stored where they are likely to be affected by chemicals, chemical fumes, steam or other
corrosive agents.
If outdoor storage cannot be avoided, ropes should be covered so that moisture cannot induce corrosion.
Ropes in storage shall be checked periodically for any signs of deterioration such as surface corrosion and, if
deemed necessary by a competent person, dressed with a suitable preservative or lubricant which is
compatible with the rope manufacturing lubricant.
In warm environments, the reel shall be periodically rotated one half-turn to prevent drainage of lubricant from
the rope.
4.4 Condition of the rope prior to installation
Before installing the rope, and preferably on receipt, the rope and its certificate should be checked to ensure
that the rope is in accordance with that ordered.
The strength of the rope to be installed shall not be lower than that specified by the crane manufacturer.
The diameter of the new rope shall be measured with the rope under no tension and the value recorded.
Check the condition of all sheave and drum grooves to ensure that they are capable of accepting the size of
the new rope, do not contain any irregularities, such as corrugations, and have sufficient remaining thickness
to safely support the rope.
For optimal performance, the effective sheave groove diameter should be larger than the nominal rope
diameter by about 5 % to 10 %, and ideally, at least 1 % greater than the actual diameter of the new rope.
4.5 Installing the rope
When uncoiling and/or installing a wire rope, every precaution shall be taken to avoid inducing turn into, or out
of, the rope. Allowing this to occur can result in the formation of loops, kinks or bends in the rope, rendering it
unfit for use.
In order to prevent any of these developing, the rope should be paid out in a straight line with a minimum of
slack being allowed to occur (see Figure 2).
Rope supplied in a coil should be placed on a turntable and paid out straight; however, where the coiled
length is short, the outer rope end may be made free and the remainder of the rope rolled along the ground
[see Figure 2 a)].
A rope shall never be paid out by throwing off wraps when the coil or reel is flat on the ground or by rolling the
reel along the ground (see Figure 3).
For those lengths of rope supplied on a reel, place the supply reel and its supporting stand or cradle as far
away from the crane or hoist as possible, in order to limit any fleet angle effects to an absolute minimum, thus
avoiding any undesirable rotational effects.
Protect the rope from any potential ingress or grit or other contaminants by running it on suitable matting (e.g.
used conveyor belting), rather than allowing it to run directly on the ground.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
Be aware that a revolving reel of rope can have a high inertia, in which case it needs to be controlled in order
to slowly pay out the rope. For smaller reels, this is usually achieved by employing a single brake (see
Figure 4). Larger reels have significant inertia once they start to revolve and might need to be substantially
As far as practically possible, ensure that the rope always bends in the same direction during installation, i.e.
pay out the rope from the top of the supply reel to the top of the drum on the crane or hoist (referred to as “top
to top”), or from the underneath of the supply reel to the underneath of the drum on the crane or hoist (referred
to as “bottom to bottom”). For an example of “bottom to bottom”, see Figure 4.

a)  From a coil

b)  From a reel
Figure 2 — Correct procedures for uncoiling a wire rope
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ISO 4309:2010(E)

a)  From a coil

b)  From a reel
Figure 3 — Incorrect procedures for uncoiling a wire rope (continued)

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ISO 4309:2010(E)

c)  From the reel
Figure 3 — Incorrect procedures for uncoiling a wire rope

Figure 4 — Example of transfer of wire rope from bottom
of reel to bottom of drum with control of rope tension
For those ropes that are subjected to multi-layer spooling, apply a back-tension to the rope during installation
that is equivalent to about 2 1/2 % to 5 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope. This helps to ensure that
the rope on the bottom layer is tightly wound, forming a firm base for succeeding layers.
Follow the crane manufacturer's instructions for the securing of the ends of the rope at the drum and outboard
Protect the rope from rubbing against any part of the crane or hoist during installation.
4.6 Running-in the new rope
Before bringing the rope into full operation on the crane, the user shall ensure that all limiting and indicating
devices associated with the operation of the crane are correctly functioning.
In order to allow the components of the rope to better adjust to the normal operating conditions, the user shall
operate the crane at reduced speed and loading [i.e. down to 10 % of the Working Load Limit (WLL)] for a
number of operational cycles.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
4.7 Maintaining the rope
Maintenance of the rope shall be carried out relative to the type of crane, its frequency of use, the
environmental conditions and the type of rope.
During the life of the rope, and before it shows any signs of dryness or corrosion, particularly over those
lengths which travel through sheaves and enter and exit the drum and those sections which are coincident
with a compensating sheave, the rope shall be dressed from time to time, as determined by a competent
person. In some cases, it may be necessary to clean the rope before applying the dressing in order for it to be
The rope dressing shall be compatible with the original lubricant applied by the rope manufacturer and shall
have penetrating characteristics. If the type of rope dressing is not identified in the crane manual, the user
shall seek guidance from the supplier of the rope or the wire rope manufacturer.
A shorter rope life is likely to result from a lack of maintenance, particularly if the crane or hoist is used in a
corrosive environment or, for whatever reason, no rope dressing can be applied. In such cases, the period
between inspections shall be reduced accordingly.
In order to avoid any localized deterioration, which might otherwise originate from a broken wire which
protrudes excessively from the rope and overlies others when that portion travels through a sheave, it may be
removed by gripping the protruding end(s) and bending the wire backwards and forwards (see Figure 5), until
it eventually breaks (which is, invariably, in the valley position between the strands). When a broken wire is
removed from the rope as part of a maintenance exercise, its location should be recorded for the information
of the rope inspector. If such action is taken, this should be counted as one broken wire and taken into
account when assessing the condition of the rope in relation to the discard criteria for broken wires.
When broken wires are evident close to or at the termination, but the rope is unaffected elsewhere along its
length, the rope may be shortened and the terminal fitting may be re-fitted. Before doing so, the remaining
length of wire rope should be checked to ensure that the required minimum number of wraps would remain on
the drum with the crane at its most extreme operating limit.

Figure 5 — Removal of protruding wire
4.8 Maintenance of rope-related parts of the crane
In addition to following the instructions contained in the crane manual, winding drums and sheaves should be
periodically checked to ensure that they rotate freely in their bearings.
Stiff or jammed sheaves or rollers wear heavily and unevenly, causing severe abrasion of the rope. Ineffective
compensating sheaves can give rise to unequal loading in the rope reeving.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
5 Inspection
5.1 General
In the absence of any instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane in his manual and/or any
provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the rope, the general principles for inspection given in 5.2 to 5.5
shall be followed.
5.2 Daily visual inspection
At least the intended working section of rope for that particular day shall be observed with the objective of
detecting any general deterioration or mechanical damage. This shall include the points of attachment of the
rope to the crane (see Figure A.2).
The rope should also be checked to ensure that it is sitting correctly on the drum and over the sheave(s) and
has not been displaced from its normal operating position.
Any appreciable change in condition shall be reported and the rope examined by a competent person in
accordance with 5.3.
If, at any time, the rigging arrangement is modified, such as when the crane has been moved to a new site
and re-rigged, the rope shall be subjected to a visual inspection as described in this subclause.
NOTE The driver/operator of the crane can be appointed to carry out daily checks to the extent that he is sufficiently
trained and considered competent to carry out this action.
5.3 Periodic inspection
5.3.1 General
Periodic inspections shall be carried out by a competent person.
The information gained from a periodic inspection is used to assist in deciding whether a crane rope
a) can safely remain in service and by which latest time it shall undergo its next periodic inspection, or
b) needs to be withdrawn immediately or within a specified timeframe.
Through an appropriate assessment method, i.e. by counting, visual means and/or measurement, the severity
of deterioration shall be assessed and expressed either as a percentage (e.g. 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % or
100 %) of the particular individual discard criteria or in words (e.g. slight, medium, high, very high or discard).
Any damage that might have occurred to the rope prior to it being run in and entering service shall be
assessed by a competent person and observations shall be recorded.
A list of the more common modes of deterioration and whether each one can be readily quantified (i.e. by
counting or measuring) or has to be subjectively assessed (i.e. by visual means) by the competent person is
given in Table 1.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
Table 1 — Modes of deterioration and assessment methods
Mode of deterioration Assessment method
Number of visible broken wires (including those which are randomly
distributed, localized groupings, valley wire breaks and those that are at, or By counting
in the vicinity of, the termination)
Decrease in rope diameter (resulting from external wear/abrasion, internal
By measurement
wear and core deterioration)
Fracture of strand(s) Visual
Corrosion (external, internal and fretting) Visual
Deformation Visual and by measurement (wave only)
Mechanical damage Visual
Heat damage (including electric arcing) Visual
For some examples of typical modes of deterioration, see Annex B.
5.3.2 Frequency
The frequency of the periodic inspection shall be determined by the competent person, who shall take account
of at least the following:
a) the statutory requirements covering the application in the country of use;
b) the type of crane and the environmental conditions in which it operates;
c) the classification group of the mechanism;
d) the results of previous inspection(s);
e) experience gained from inspecting ropes on comparable cranes;
f) the length of time the rope has been in service;
g) the freque

SIST ISO 4309:2012
SIST ISO 4309:1997
Cranes - Wire ropes - Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue - Câbles - Entretien et maintenance, inspection
et dépose
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 4309:2010
53.020.30 Pribor za dvigalno opremo Accessories for lifting
SIST ISO 4309:2012 en
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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SIST ISO 4309:2012

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SIST ISO 4309:2012

Fourth edition

Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and
maintenance, inspection and discard
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Câbles — Entretien
et maintenance, inspection et dépose

Reference number
ISO 4309:2010(E)
ISO 2010

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SIST ISO 4309:2012
ISO 4309:2010(E)
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SIST ISO 4309:2012
ISO 4309:2010(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Care and maintenance. 3
4.1 General. 3
4.2 Rope replacement. 3
4.3 Offloading and storing the rope . 5
4.4 Condition of the rope prior to installation. 5
4.5 Installing the rope. 5
4.6 Running-in the new rope. 8
4.7 Maintaining the rope. 9
4.8 Maintenance of rope-related parts of the crane . 9
5 Inspection . 10
5.1 General. 10
5.2 Daily visual inspection . 10
5.3 Periodic inspection. 10
5.4 Inspection following an incident . 13
5.5 Inspection following period with crane out of operation. 13
5.6 Non-destructive testing. 13
6 Discard criteria. 14
6.1 General. 14
6.2 Visible broken wires . 14
6.3 Decrease in rope diameter. 17
6.4 Fracture of strands . 19
6.5 Corrosion. 19
6.6 Deformation and damage. 20
Annex A (informative) Key areas requiring particular close inspection. 23
Annex B (informative) Typical modes of deterioration. 25
Annex C (informative) Internal examination of rope. 34
Annex D (informative) Typical examples of inspection record. 37
Annex E (informative) Useful information on rope deterioration and discard criteria. 39
Annex F (informative) Combined effect assessment of rope condition and severity rating — One
method . 42
Annex G (informative) Examples of cross-sections of ropes and corresponding rope category
number (RCN). 45
Annex H (informative) Guidance on assessment and rating of external corrosion . 51
Bibliography . 53

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SIST ISO 4309:2012
ISO 4309:2010(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 4309 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 3, Selection of wire
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 4309:2004), which has been technically revised.
It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 4309:2004/Amd.1:2008.

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
A wire rope on a crane is regarded as an expendable component, requiring replacement when the results of
inspection indicate that its condition has diminished to the point where further use would be unwise from a
safety standpoint.
By following well-established principles, such as those detailed in this International Standard, along with any
additional specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane or hoist and/or by the manufacturer
of the rope, this point should never be exceeded.
In addition to encompassing the guidance on storage, handling, installation and maintenance, which was first
introduced in the last revision, this International Standard also provides discard criteria for those running ropes
which are subjected to multi-layer spooling, where both field experience and testing demonstrate that
deterioration is significantly greater at the cross-over zones on the drum, than at any other section of rope in
the system.
It also provides more realistic discard criteria covering decrease in rope diameter and corrosion, and gives
one method for assessing the combined effect of deterioration at any position in the rope.
When correctly applied, the discard criteria given in this International Standard are aimed at retaining an
adequate safety margin. Failure to recognize them can be extremely harmful, dangerous and damaging.
To assist those who are responsible for “care and maintenance” as distinct from those who are responsible for
“inspection and discard”, the procedures are conveniently separated.

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SIST ISO 4309:2012

Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance,
inspection and discard
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes general principles for the care and maintenance, and inspection and
discard of steel wire ropes used on cranes and hoists.
This International Standard is applicable to those ropes used on the following types of cranes, the majority of
which are defined in ISO 4306-1:
a) cable and portal cable cranes;
b) cantilever cranes (pillar jib, wall or walking);
c) deck cranes;
d) derrick and guy derrick cranes;
e) derrick cranes with rigid bracing;
f) floating cranes;
g) mobile cranes;
h) overhead travelling cranes;
i) portal or semi-portal bridge cranes;
j) portal or semi-portal cranes;
k) railway cranes;
l) tower cranes;
m) offshore cranes, i.e. cranes mounted on a fixed structure supported by the sea bed or on a floating unit
supported by buoyancy forces.
This International Standard applies to rope on cranes used for hook, grabbing, magnet, ladle, excavator or
stacking duties, whether operated manually, electrically or hydraulically.
This International Standard also applies to rope used on hoists and hoist blocks.
In view of the fact that the exclusive use of synthetic sheaves or metal sheaves incorporating synthetic linings
is not recommended when single-layer spooling at the drum, due to the inevitability of wire breaks occurring
internally in large numbers before there is any visible evidence of any wire breaks or signs of substantial wear
on the periphery of the rope, no discard criteria are given for this combination.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 17893, Steel wire ropes — Vocabulary, designation and classification
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 17893 and the following apply.
nominal diameter
diameter by which the rope is designated
measured diameter
actual diameter
average of two measurements, taken at right angles to one another, of the diameter that circumscribes the
rope cross-section
reference diameter

measured diameter of a section of rope that is not subject to bending, taken directly after the rope has been
broken in
NOTE This diameter is used as the baseline for uniform decrease in diameter.
cross-over zone
that portion of rope coincident with a crossing over of one wrap by another as the rope traverses the drum or
rises from one layer to the next at the drum flange
one revolution of rope around a drum
flanged spool on which rope is wound for shipment or storage
wire rope periodic inspection
in-depth visual inspection of the rope plus measurement of the rope and, if practicable, an assessment of its
internal condition
NOTE This is sometimes referred to as a “thorough examination”.
competent person
〈wire rope inspection〉 person having such knowledge and experience of wire ropes on cranes and hoists as is
necessary for that person to assess the condition of the rope, make a judgement as to whether it may remain
in service and stipulate the maximum time interval between inspections
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
valley wire break
wire break that occurs at the inter-strand contact point or valley area between two outer strands
NOTE Outer wire breaks that also occur within the rope anywhere between one valley area and the next, including
any strand-core breaks, may also be regarded as valley wire breaks.
severity rating
amount of deterioration expressed as a per cent towards discard
NOTE The rating may relate to either an individual mode of deterioration, e.g. broken wires or decrease in diameter,
or the combined effect of more than one mode of deterioration, e.g. broken wires and decrease in diameter.
4 Care and maintenance
4.1 General
In the absence of any instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane in his manual and/or any
provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the rope, the general principles given in 4.2 to 4.7 shall be
4.2 Rope replacement
Unless an alternative rope has been approved of by the crane manufacturer, rope manufacturer or other
competent person, only one of the correct length, diameter, construction, type and direction of lay and
strength (i.e. minimum breaking force), as specified by the crane manufacturer, shall be installed on the crane.
A record of the rope change shall be placed on file.
In the case of larger diameter rotation-resistant ropes, it may be necessary to apply additional means of
securing the rope ends, e.g. through the use of steel straps, particularly when preparing samples for test.
If the length of rope required for use is to be cut from a longer length, such as a bulk manufactured reel of
rope, servings shall be applied at both sides of the intended cutting point to prevent the rope from unlaying (i.e.
unravelling) after the cut has been made.
Figure 1 is an example of how a single-layer rope should be served before cutting. For rotation-resistant and
parallel-closed ropes, multiple length servings may be necessary. Ropes that are only lightly preformed are
more likely to unlay (i.e. unravel) after cutting, if inadequate or insufficient servings are applied.
NOTE Serving is sometimes referred to as “seizing”.
Unless an alternative rope termination has been approved of by the crane manufacturer, rope manufacturer or
other competent person, only one of a type, as specified by the crane manufacturer in his manual, shall be
used to attach a rope to a drum, hook block or anchor point on the machinery structure.

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ISO 4309:2010(E)

L = 2d minimum
Figure 1 — Application of serving prior to cutting of single-layer type rope

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
4.3 Offloading and storing the rope
To avoid accidents and/or damage to the rope itself, ropes should be offloaded with care.
Reels or coils of rope shall not be dropped, neither shall they be struck by a metal hook or fork of a lift truck or
any other external force that could damage or deform the rope.
Ropes should be stored in a cool, dry building and should not be allowed to be in contact with the floor. They
should not be stored where they are likely to be affected by chemicals, chemical fumes, steam or other
corrosive agents.
If outdoor storage cannot be avoided, ropes should be covered so that moisture cannot induce corrosion.
Ropes in storage shall be checked periodically for any signs of deterioration such as surface corrosion and, if
deemed necessary by a competent person, dressed with a suitable preservative or lubricant which is
compatible with the rope manufacturing lubricant.
In warm environments, the reel shall be periodically rotated one half-turn to prevent drainage of lubricant from
the rope.
4.4 Condition of the rope prior to installation
Before installing the rope, and preferably on receipt, the rope and its certificate should be checked to ensure
that the rope is in accordance with that ordered.
The strength of the rope to be installed shall not be lower than that specified by the crane manufacturer.
The diameter of the new rope shall be measured with the rope under no tension and the value recorded.
Check the condition of all sheave and drum grooves to ensure that they are capable of accepting the size of
the new rope, do not contain any irregularities, such as corrugations, and have sufficient remaining thickness
to safely support the rope.
For optimal performance, the effective sheave groove diameter should be larger than the nominal rope
diameter by about 5 % to 10 %, and ideally, at least 1 % greater than the actual diameter of the new rope.
4.5 Installing the rope
When uncoiling and/or installing a wire rope, every precaution shall be taken to avoid inducing turn into, or out
of, the rope. Allowing this to occur can result in the formation of loops, kinks or bends in the rope, rendering it
unfit for use.
In order to prevent any of these developing, the rope should be paid out in a straight line with a minimum of
slack being allowed to occur (see Figure 2).
Rope supplied in a coil should be placed on a turntable and paid out straight; however, where the coiled
length is short, the outer rope end may be made free and the remainder of the rope rolled along the ground
[see Figure 2 a)].
A rope shall never be paid out by throwing off wraps when the coil or reel is flat on the ground or by rolling the
reel along the ground (see Figure 3).
For those lengths of rope supplied on a reel, place the supply reel and its supporting stand or cradle as far
away from the crane or hoist as possible, in order to limit any fleet angle effects to an absolute minimum, thus
avoiding any undesirable rotational effects.
Protect the rope from any potential ingress or grit or other contaminants by running it on suitable matting (e.g.
used conveyor belting), rather than allowing it to run directly on the ground.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
Be aware that a revolving reel of rope can have a high inertia, in which case it needs to be controlled in order
to slowly pay out the rope. For smaller reels, this is usually achieved by employing a single brake (see
Figure 4). Larger reels have significant inertia once they start to revolve and might need to be substantially
As far as practically possible, ensure that the rope always bends in the same direction during installation, i.e.
pay out the rope from the top of the supply reel to the top of the drum on the crane or hoist (referred to as “top
to top”), or from the underneath of the supply reel to the underneath of the drum on the crane or hoist (referred
to as “bottom to bottom”). For an example of “bottom to bottom”, see Figure 4.

a)  From a coil

b)  From a reel
Figure 2 — Correct procedures for uncoiling a wire rope
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a)  From a coil

b)  From a reel
Figure 3 — Incorrect procedures for uncoiling a wire rope (continued)

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ISO 4309:2010(E)

c)  From the reel
Figure 3 — Incorrect procedures for uncoiling a wire rope

Figure 4 — Example of transfer of wire rope from bottom
of reel to bottom of drum with control of rope tension
For those ropes that are subjected to multi-layer spooling, apply a back-tension to the rope during installation
that is equivalent to about 2 1/2 % to 5 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope. This helps to ensure that
the rope on the bottom layer is tightly wound, forming a firm base for succeeding layers.
Follow the crane manufacturer's instructions for the securing of the ends of the rope at the drum and outboard
Protect the rope from rubbing against any part of the crane or hoist during installation.
4.6 Running-in the new rope
Before bringing the rope into full operation on the crane, the user shall ensure that all limiting and indicating
devices associated with the operation of the crane are correctly functioning.
In order to allow the components of the rope to better adjust to the normal operating conditions, the user shall
operate the crane at reduced speed and loading [i.e. down to 10 % of the Working Load Limit (WLL)] for a
number of operational cycles.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
4.7 Maintaining the rope
Maintenance of the rope shall be carried out relative to the type of crane, its frequency of use, the
environmental conditions and the type of rope.
During the life of the rope, and before it shows any signs of dryness or corrosion, particularly over those
lengths which travel through sheaves and enter and exit the drum and those sections which are coincident
with a compensating sheave, the rope shall be dressed from time to time, as determined by a competent
person. In some cases, it may be necessary to clean the rope before applying the dressing in order for it to be
The rope dressing shall be compatible with the original lubricant applied by the rope manufacturer and shall
have penetrating characteristics. If the type of rope dressing is not identified in the crane manual, the user
shall seek guidance from the supplier of the rope or the wire rope manufacturer.
A shorter rope life is likely to result from a lack of maintenance, particularly if the crane or hoist is used in a
corrosive environment or, for whatever reason, no rope dressing can be applied. In such cases, the period
between inspections shall be reduced accordingly.
In order to avoid any localized deterioration, which might otherwise originate from a broken wire which
protrudes excessively from the rope and overlies others when that portion travels through a sheave, it may be
removed by gripping the protruding end(s) and bending the wire backwards and forwards (see Figure 5), until
it eventually breaks (which is, invariably, in the valley position between the strands). When a broken wire is
removed from the rope as part of a maintenance exercise, its location should be recorded for the information
of the rope inspector. If such action is taken, this should be counted as one broken wire and taken into
account when assessing the condition of the rope in relation to the discard criteria for broken wires.
When broken wires are evident close to or at the termination, but the rope is unaffected elsewhere along its
length, the rope may be shortened and the terminal fitting may be re-fitted. Before doing so, the remaining
length of wire rope should be checked to ensure that the required minimum number of wraps would remain on
the drum with the crane at its most extreme operating limit.

Figure 5 — Removal of protruding wire
4.8 Maintenance of rope-related parts of the crane
In addition to following the instructions contained in the crane manual, winding drums and sheaves should be
periodically checked to ensure that they rotate freely in their bearings.
Stiff or jammed sheaves or rollers wear heavily and unevenly, causing severe abrasion of the rope. Ineffective
compensating sheaves can give rise to unequal loading in the rope reeving.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
5 Inspection
5.1 General
In the absence of any instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane in his manual and/or any
provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the rope, the general principles for inspection given in 5.2 to 5.5
shall be followed.
5.2 Daily visual inspection
At least the intended working section of rope for that particular day shall be observed with the objective of
detecting any general deterioration or mechanical damage. This shall include the points of attachment of the
rope to the crane (see Figure A.2).
The rope should also be checked to ensure that it is sitting correctly on the drum and over the sheave(s) and
has not been displaced from its normal operating position.
Any appreciable change in condition shall be reported and the rope examined by a competent person in
accordance with 5.3.
If, at any time, the rigging arrangement is modified, such as when the crane has been moved to a new site
and re-rigged, the rope shall be subjected to a visual inspection as described in this subclause.
NOTE The driver/operator of the crane can be appointed to carry out daily checks to the extent that he is sufficiently
trained and considered competent to carry out this action.
5.3 Periodic inspection
5.3.1 General
Periodic inspections shall be carried out by a competent person.
The information gained from a periodic inspection is used to assist in deciding whether a crane rope
a) can safely remain in service and by which latest time it shall undergo its next periodic inspection, or
b) needs to be withdrawn immediately or within a specified timeframe.
Through an appropriate assessment method, i.e. by counting, visual means and/or measurement, the severity
of deterioration shall be assessed and expressed either as a percentage (e.g. 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % or
100 %) of the particular individual discard criteria or in words (e.g. slight, medium, high, very high or discard).
Any damage that might have occurred to the rope prior to it being run in and entering service shall be
assessed by a competent person and observations shall be recorded.
A list of the more common modes of deterioration and whether each one can be readily quantified (i.e. by
counting or measuring) or has to be subjectively assessed (i.e. by visual means) by the competent person is
given in Table 1.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
Table 1 — Modes of deterioration and assessment methods
Mode of deterioration Assessment m

Quatrième édition

Appareils de levage à charge
suspendue — Câbles — Entretien
et maintenance, inspection et dépose
Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance, inspection and discard

Numéro de référence
ISO 4309:2010(F)
ISO 2010

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ISO 4309:2010(F)
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
Sommaire Page
Avant-propos .iv
1 Domaine d'application .1
2 Références normatives.2
3 Termes et définitions .2
4 Entretien et maintenance.3
4.1 Généralités .3
4.2 Remplacement du câble .3
4.3 Déchargement et stockage du câble .5
4.4 Condition du câble avant la pose .5
4.5 Pose du câble .5
4.6 Rodage du nouveau câble.9
4.7 Entretien du câble .9
4.8 Entretien des parties de l'appareil de levage liées au câble.10
5 Inspection.10
5.1 Généralités .10
5.2 Inspection visuelle quotidienne.10
5.3 Inspection périodique .10
5.4 Inspection suite à un incident.13
5.5 Inspection suite à une période de mise hors service de l'appareil de levage .13
5.6 Essais non destructifs .13
6 Critères de dépose .14
6.1 Généralités .14
6.2 Fils cassés visibles .14
6.3 Diminution du diamètre du câble.18
6.4 Rupture de torons .19
6.5 Corrosion.19
6.6 Déformation et dommage .20
Annexe A (informative) Zones nécessitant une inspection approfondie.23
Annexe B (informative) Modes de détérioration types.25
Annexe C (informative) Examen interne d'un câble .34
Annexe D (informative) Exemples types de rapport d'inspection .38
Annexe E (informative) Informations utiles sur les critères de détérioration et de dépose des
Annexe F (informative) Évaluation des effets cumulés des conditions d'utilisation du câble et des
degrés de sévérité — Une méthode .43
Annexe G (informative) Exemples de sections de câbles et du numéro de catégorie de câble
correspondant (RCN) .46
Annexe H (informative) Lignes directrices pour l'estimation et l'évaluation de la corrosion externe .52

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ISO 4309:2010(F)
L'ISO (Organisation internationale de normalisation) est une fédération mondiale d'organismes nationaux de
normalisation (comités membres de l'ISO). L'élaboration des Normes internationales est en général confiée
aux comités techniques de l'ISO. Chaque comité membre intéressé par une étude a le droit de faire partie du
comité technique créé à cet effet. Les organisations internationales, gouvernementales et non
gouvernementales, en liaison avec l'ISO participent également aux travaux. L'ISO collabore étroitement avec
la Commission électrotechnique internationale (CEI) en ce qui concerne la normalisation électrotechnique.
Les Normes internationales sont rédigées conformément aux règles données dans les Directives ISO/CEI,
Partie 2.
La tâche principale des comités techniques est d'élaborer les Normes internationales. Les projets de Normes
internationales adoptés par les comités techniques sont soumis aux comités membres pour vote. Leur
publication comme Normes internationales requiert l'approbation de 75 % au moins des comités membres
L'attention est appelée sur le fait que certains des éléments du présent document peuvent faire l'objet de
droits de propriété intellectuelle ou de droits analogues. L'ISO ne saurait être tenue pour responsable de ne
pas avoir identifié de tels droits de propriété et averti de leur existence.
L'ISO 4309 a été élaborée par le comité technique ISO/TC 96, Appareils de levage à charge suspendue,
sous-comité SC 3, Choix des câbles.
Cette quatrième édition annule et remplace la troisième édition (ISO 4309:2004) qui a fait l'objet d'une révision
technique. Elle incorpore également l'Amendement de l'ISO 4309:2004/Amd.1:2008.
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
Dans un appareil de levage, le câble est considéré comme un élément consommable, appelé à être remplacé
quand l'inspection montre que son état s'est détérioré à un point tel qu'il serait imprudent de continuer à
En suivant des principes clairement établis, tels que ceux détaillés dans la présente Norme internationale,
ainsi que les instructions spécifiques supplémentaires fournies par le fabricant de l'appareil de levage ou du
palan et/ou par le fabricant du câble, ce point ne devrait jamais être dépassé.
En plus des recommandations sur le stockage, la manutention, l'installation et la maintenance fournies pour la
première fois dans l'édition précédente, la présente Norme internationale définit des critères de dépose pour
les câbles en service à enroulement multicouche, lorsque l'expérience sur le terrain et les essais démontrent
que la détérioration est considérablement plus importante dans les zones de dérive qu'au niveau de toute
autre section du câble dans le système.
Elle définit également des critères de dépose plus réalistes portant sur la diminution du diamètre du câble et
la corrosion et décrit une méthode permettant d'évaluer l'effet combiné/cumulé de la détérioration en tout
endroit du câble.
Lorsqu'ils sont correctement appliqués, les critères de dépose donnés dans la présente Norme internationale
permettent de conserver une bonne marge de sécurité. Le non-respect de ces critères peut engendrer des
situations extrêmement nocives, dangereuses ou endommageantes.
Par commodité pour les personnes chargées de l'entretien et de la maintenance, en tant qu'elles sont
distinctes des personnes chargées du contrôle et de la dépose, les procédures les concernant sont données

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Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Câbles —
Entretien et maintenance, inspection et dépose
1 Domaine d'application
La présente Norme internationale établit des principes généraux pour l'entretien et la maintenance,
l'inspection et la dépose de câbles en acier utilisés sur des appareils de levage et des palans.
La présente Norme internationale est applicable aux câbles utilisés sur les types suivants d'appareils de
levage, dont la plupart sont définis dans l'ISO 4306-1:
a) blondins et ponts portiques à câbles;
b) grues à potence (sur colonne, murales, vélocipèdes);
c) grues de bord;
d) grues-derricks et grues-derricks à haubans;
e) grues-derricks à appui rigide;
f) grues flottantes;
g) grues mobiles;
h) ponts roulants;
i) ponts portiques ou semi-portiques;
j) grues sur portique ou semi-portique;
k) grues sur voie ferrée;
l) grues à tour;
m) grues offshore, c'est-à-dire grues montées sur une structure fixe prenant appui sur le fond marin ou sur
une unité flottante supportée par la poussée hydrostatique.
La présente Norme internationale est applicable aux câbles qui sont utilisés sur des appareils de levage à
crochet, à benne preneuse, à électroporteur ou qui sont utilisés pour la coulée, l'excavation ou le gerbage,
qu'ils soient actionnés manuellement, électriquement ou hydrauliquement.
Elle est également applicable aux câbles utilisés sur les palans et les moufles.
Étant donné que l'utilisation de poulies synthétiques ou métalliques à revêtement intérieur de la gorge
synthétique n'est pas recommandée en cas d'enroulement monocouche sur le tambour, en raison des
nombreuses ruptures de fils qui peuvent se produire à l'intérieur du câble sans qu'il y ait de ruptures visibles ni
de signes d'usure importante à la périphérie du câble, aucun critère de dépose fiable ne peut être donné pour
cette combinaison.
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
2 Références normatives
Les documents de référence suivants sont indispensables pour l'application du présent document. Pour les
références datées, seule l'édition citée s'applique. Pour les références non datées, la dernière édition du
document de référence s'applique (y compris les éventuels amendements).
ISO 17893, Câbles en acier — Vocabulaire, désignation et classification
3 Termes et définitions
Pour les besoins du présent document, les termes et définitions donnés dans l'ISO 17893 ainsi que les
suivants s'appliquent.
diamètre nominal
diamètre par lequel un câble est désigné
diamètre mesuré

diamètre réel
moyenne de deux mesures du diamètre, réalisées perpendiculairement l'une par rapport à l'autre, sur une
section droite du câble
diamètre de référence

diamètre mesuré d'une section de câble qui n'est pas soumise à la flexion, pris directement après que le câble
a été cassé
zone de dérive
partie d'un câble coïncidant avec la dérive d'une couche de câble sur une autre au fur et à mesure que le
câble s'enroule autour du tambour ou passe d'une couche à la couche suivante au niveau du rebord du
un tour de câble sur le tambour
support sur lequel est enroulé le câble pour le transport ou le stockage
inspection périodique du câble
inspection visuelle approfondie du câble, plus mesurage du câble et, si possible, évaluation de l'état interne
du câble
NOTE Ces inspections sont parfois aussi appelées «examens approfondis».
personne compétente
〈inspection du câble〉 personne ayant une connaissance et une expérience suffisantes des câbles utilisés sur
les appareils de levage et les palans pour évaluer l'état du câble, décider si le câble peut ou non rester en
service et spécifier l'intervalle de temps maximal entre les inspections
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
rupture de fil au droit d'un sillon
rupture de fil qui se produit au point de contact entre torons ou en zone de sillon entre deux torons extérieurs
NOTE Les ruptures de fils extérieurs qui se produisent aussi sur le câble n'importe où entre une zone de sillon et la
suivante, y compris toute rupture d'âme de toron, peuvent aussi être considérées comme des ruptures de fil au droit d'un
degré de sévérité
importance de détérioration exprimée en pourcentage du critère de dépose
NOTE Ce degré peut se rapporter soit à un mode de détérioration particulier, par exemple ruptures de fils ou
diminution de diamètre, ou à des effets combinés de plus d'un mode de détérioration, par exemple ruptures de fils et
diminution de diamètre.
4 Entretien et maintenance
4.1 Généralités
En l'absence de toute instruction fournie par le fabricant dans le manuel de l'appareil de levage et/ou dans
tout autre document fourni par le fabricant ou le fournisseur du câble, les principes généraux donnés de 4.2 à
4.7 doivent être suivis.
4.2 Remplacement du câble
N'installer sur l'appareil de levage qu'un câble de longueur, de diamètre, de composition, de type, de sens de
câblage et de résistance (c'est-à-dire charge minimale de rupture) appropriés tels que spécifiés par le
fabricant de l'appareil de levage, sauf si un autre câble a été approuvé par le fabricant de l'appareil de levage,
le fabricant du câble ou toute autre personne compétente. Un enregistrement du changement de câble doit
être classé dans un dossier.
Dans le cas de câbles anti-giratoires de grand diamètre, il peut être nécessaire d'utiliser des moyens
supplémentaires pour fixer les extrémités du câble, par exemple à l'aide de feuillards de cerclage en acier, en
particulier lors de la préparation des échantillons pour les essais.
Si la longueur de câble nécessaire est prélevée sur un câble de plus grande longueur, par exemple sur un
touret de câble en vrac, une ligature doit être pratiquée de part et d'autre de la coupure pour éviter de
détoronner (c'est-à-dire détorsader) le câble à partir de l'extrémité.
La Figure 1 constitue un exemple de la façon dont il convient de ligaturer un câble monocouche avant la
coupe. Pour les câbles anti-giratoires et disposés en parallèle, plusieurs longueurs de ligatures peuvent être
nécessaires. Les câbles qui sont seulement légèrement préformés sont plus facile à détorsader (c'est-à-dire
détoronner) après coupe si des ligatures inappropriées ou insuffisantes sont effectuées.
NOTE En anglais, «ligature» se dit «serving», mais parfois également «seizing».
Utiliser uniquement une terminaison telle que spécifiée dans le manuel de l'appareil de levage pour fixer un
câble à un tambour, à un moufle ou à un point d'ancrage sur la structure de la machine, sauf si une autre
terminaison de câble a été approuvée par le fabricant de l'appareil de levage, le fabricant du câble ou toute
autre personne compétente.
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ISO 4309:2010(F)

L = 2d minimum
Figure 1 — Application d'une ligature avant la coupe d'un câble de type monocouche
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
4.3 Déchargement et stockage du câble
Pour éviter tout accident et/ou endommagement du câble proprement dit, il convient de décharger les câbles
avec soin.
Les tourets ou les bobines de câbles ne doivent pas chuter sur le sol. Ils ne doivent pas être mis en contact
avec un crochet métallique ou une fourche de chariot élévateur et ils ne doivent pas être soumis à une force
externe susceptible d'endommager ou de déformer le câble.
Il convient que les câbles soient stockés dans un bâtiment frais et sec sans être posés à même le sol. Il
convient de ne pas les stocker dans des lieux où ils risquent d'être en contact avec des produits chimiques,
des fumées chimiques, de la vapeur ou d'autres agents corrosifs.
Si le stockage à l'extérieur des câbles ne peut être évité, il convient de les couvrir pour les protéger contre
toute humidité susceptible de déclencher de la corrosion.
Les câbles entreposés doivent être examinés périodiquement afin de vérifier la présence de signes de
détérioration telle qu'une corrosion superficielle et, si une personne compétente le juge nécessaire, un agent
conservateur ou un lubrifiant approprié compatible avec le lubrifiant d'origine des câbles doit leur être appliqué.
Dans des environnements chauds, le touret doit être périodiquement tourné d'un demi-tour pour éviter le
drainage du lubrifiant du câble.
4.4 Condition du câble avant la pose
Avant d'installer le câble, et de préférence lors de sa réception, il convient de contrôler le câble et son
certificat afin de s'assurer que le câble est conforme à la commande.
La résistance du câble à installer ne doit pas être inférieure à celle spécifiée par le fabricant de l'appareil de
Le diamètre du nouveau câble doit être mesuré lorsque celui-ci n'est soumis à aucune tension et la valeur doit
être enregistrée.
Vérifier l'état des gorges de toutes les poulies et de tous les tambours afin de s'assurer qu'elles peuvent
recevoir le diamètre du nouveau câble, qu'elles sont exemptes de toute irrégularité telle que des ondulations
et que leur épaisseur est encore suffisante pour supporter le câble en toute sécurité.
Pour garantir des performances optimales, il convient que le diamètre effectif des gorges des poulies dépasse
de 5 % à 10 % environ le diamètre nominal du câble et théoriquement d'au moins 1 % le diamètre réel du
nouveau câble.
4.5 Pose du câble
Lors du tirage et/ou de la pose d'un câble, toutes les précautions nécessaires doivent être prises pour ne pas
le détordre ou augmenter sa torsion. Faute de ces précautions, il peut se former des boucles, des nodosités
ou des coudes dans le câble, qui le rendraient inapte à l'utilisation.
À cet effet, il convient de dérouler le câble sans mou et de le tirer en ligne droite (voir la Figure 2).
Il convient de placer un câble en bobine sur un touret et de le tirer en ligne droite; toutefois, si la bobine
présente une courte longueur, il est permis de libérer l'extrémité extérieure de la bobine et d'enrouler le reste
du câble au sol [voir la Figure 2 a)].
Un câble ne doit jamais être tiré en effectuant des tours lorsque la bobine ou le touret est à plat sur le sol ou
en faisant rouler le touret sur le sol (voir la Figure 3).
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
Pour les longueurs de câble en bobine, placer le touret et son support ou son châssis aussi loin que possible
de l'appareil de levage ou du palan afin de limiter au strict minimum tout angle de déflexion, évitant ainsi toute
rotation indésirable.
Protéger le câble de toute impureté ou autres contaminants en le déplaçant sur un support approprié (par
exemple en utilisant un convoyeur à courroie) plutôt que de permettre son déplacement directement sur le sol.
Il est à noter qu'un tambour rotatif peut présenter une forte inertie et qu'il doit par conséquent être contrôlé
pour que le câble soit tiré lentement. Pour des bobines plus petites, cela est généralement réalisé en utilisant
un simple frein (voir la Figure 4). Les bobines plus grandes ont une inertie significative une fois qu'elles sont
en rotation et peuvent nécessiter d'être freinées de manière importante.

a)  À partir d'une bobine

b)  À partir d'un touret
Figure 2 — Procédures correctes de déroulement d'un câble
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ISO 4309:2010(F)

a)  À partir d'une bobine

b)  À partir d'un touret
Figure 3 — Procédures incorrectes de déroulement d'un câble (suite)
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ISO 4309:2010(F)

c)  À partir d'un touret
Figure 3 — Procédures incorrectes de déroulement d'un câble

Figure 4 — Exemple de transfert du câble à partir du bas du touret au bas du tambour,
avec contrôle de la tension du câble
Dans la mesure du possible, s'assurer que le câble est toujours plié dans le même sens au cours de
l'installation, c'est-à-dire tirer le câble du haut du touret vers le haut du tambour sur l'appareil de levage ou le
palan (désigné par «du haut vers le haut») ou du bas du touret vers le bas du tambour sur l'appareil de levage
ou le palan (désigné par «du bas au bas»). Pour un exemple de tirage «du bas au bas», voir la Figure 4.
Pour les câbles faisant l'objet d'un enroulement multicouche, au cours de l'installation, appliquer au câble une
contre-tension équivalant à 2,5 % à 5 % environ de la charge minimale de rupture du câble. Cela permet de
s'assurer que le câble est bien enroulé sur la couche inférieure, formant ainsi une base ferme pour les
couches suivantes.
Suivre les instructions du fabricant de l'appareil de levage pour la fixation des extrémités du câble au niveau
du tambour et des points d'attache extérieurs.
Protéger le câble afin de l'empêcher de frotter contre une partie de l'appareil de levage ou du palan durant
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
4.6 Rodage du nouveau câble
Avant la mise en service du câble sur l'appareil de levage, l'utilisateur doit vérifier que tous les dispositifs de
sécurité/limitation associés au fonctionnement en toute sécurité de l'appareil de levage fonctionnent
Afin de permettre aux éléments constitutifs du câble de mieux s'ajuster aux conditions normales de
fonctionnement, l'utilisateur de l'appareil de levage doit faire fonctionner l'appareil de levage à vitesse réduite
et sous une faible charge (c'est-à-dire une charge réduite jusqu'à 10 % de la charge maximale d'utilisation)
pendant un certain nombre de cycles de manœuvres.
4.7 Entretien du câble
L'entretien du câble doit être effectué en fonction du type d'appareil de levage, de sa fréquence d'emploi, des
conditions ambiantes et du type de câble.
Pendant la durée de vie du câble, et avant qu'il ne présente des signes de manque de lubrifiant ou de
corrosion, notamment dans les zones de passage sur les poulies et d'entrée et de sortie du tambour et dans
les sections qui sont en relation avec une poulie de compensation, le câble doit être lubrifié de temps à autre,
à des intervalles déterminés par une personne compétente. Dans certains cas, il peut être nécessaire de
nettoyer le câble avant d'appliquer le lubrifiant pour garantir son efficacité.
Le lubrifiant d'entretien doit être compatible avec le lubrifiant d'origine appliqué lors de la fabrication du câble
et doit présenter des caractéristiques de pénétration. Si le type de lubrifiant de câble n'est pas identifié dans le
manuel de l'appareil de levage, l'utilisateur doit demander conseil au fournisseur ou au fabricant du câble.
Une durée de vie plus courte du câble peut résulter d'un manque d'entretien, notamment si l'appareil de
levage ou le palan travaille en milieu corrosif ou si, pour une raison quelconque, aucun lubrifiant ne peut être
utilisé. Dans de tels cas, la période entre les inspections doit être réduite en conséquence.
Afin d'éviter toute détérioration localisée, susceptible d'être provoquée par un fil cassé qui dépasse
excessivement du câble et chevauche d'autres fils lorsque cette partie du câble passe sur une poulie, il est
possible de saisir l'extrémité ou les extrémités du fil qui dépassent et de plier le fil vers l'arrière et vers l'avant
(voir la Figure 5) jusqu'à ce qu'il casse (ce qui se produira invariablement au niveau des sillons entre les
torons). Lorsqu'un fil cassé est retiré du câble lors d'une opération de maintenance, il convient que son
emplacement soit enregistré aux fins d'information de l'inspecteur du câble. Si une telle action est entreprise,
il convient de compter ce fil comme un fil cassé et d'en tenir compte lors de l'évaluation de l'état du câble par
rapport aux critères de dépose pour les fils cassés.
Lorsque l'on constate des ruptures de fils à proximité ou au niveau de la terminaison, mais que le câble est
intact partout ailleurs sur toute sa longueur, le câble peut être raccourci et refixé sur la terminaison. Avant de
faire cela, il convient de vérifier la longueur restante de câble pour s'assurer qu'il restera sur le tambour le
nombre minimal requis d'enroulements, lorsque l'appareil de levage est à sa limite extrême de fonctionnement.

Figure 5 — Élimination d'un fil cassé
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ISO 4309:2010(F)
4.8 Entretien des parties de l'appareil de levage liées au câble
Outre le respect des instructions contenues dans le manuel de l'appareil de levage, il convient de vérifier
périodiquement les tambours et les poulies pour s'assurer que tous ces éléments tournent correctement dans
leurs paliers.
Les poulies ou galets tournant mal ou bloqués s'usent fortement et inégalement, provoquant une importante
usure des câbles par frottement. Les poulies de compensation bloquées peuvent provoquer une charge
inégale sur les brins de câbles.
5 Inspection
5.1 Généralités
En l'absence d'instructions dans le manuel de l'appareil de levage et/ou dans tout autre document fourni par
le fabricant ou le fournisseur du câble, les principes généraux concernant l'inspection donnés de 5.2 à 5.5
doivent être suivis.
5.2 Inspection visuelle quotidienne
Dans la mesure du possible, toutes les parties visibles des câbles doivent être examinées quotidiennement
afin de déterminer d'éventuels signes de détérioration générale ou de détérioration mécanique. Ces examens
doivent également porter sur les points d'attache du câble avec l'appareil de levage (voir la Figure A.2).
Il convient de vérifier également le câble afin de s'assurer qu'il est correctement logé sur le tambour et sur la
ou les poulie(s) et qu'il n'a pas été déplacé par rapport à sa position normale de fonctionnement.
Tout chan

oSIST ISO 4309:2012
Cranes - Wire ropes - Care and maintenance, inspection and discard
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue - Câbles - Entretien et maintenance, inspection
et dépose
Ta slovenski standard je istoveten z: ISO 4309:2010
53.020.30 Pribor za dvigalno opremo Accessories for lifting
oSIST ISO 4309:2012 en,fr
2003-01.Slovenski inštitut za standardizacijo. Razmnoževanje celote ali delov tega standarda ni dovoljeno.

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oSIST ISO 4309:2012

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oSIST ISO 4309:2012

Fourth edition

Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and
maintenance, inspection and discard
Appareils de levage à charge suspendue — Câbles — Entretien
et maintenance, inspection et dépose

Reference number
ISO 4309:2010(E)
ISO 2010

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
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oSIST ISO 4309:2012
ISO 4309:2010(E)
Contents Page
Foreword. iv
Introduction . v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 2
3 Terms and definitions. 2
4 Care and maintenance. 3
4.1 General. 3
4.2 Rope replacement. 3
4.3 Offloading and storing the rope . 5
4.4 Condition of the rope prior to installation. 5
4.5 Installing the rope. 5
4.6 Running-in the new rope. 8
4.7 Maintaining the rope. 9
4.8 Maintenance of rope-related parts of the crane . 9
5 Inspection . 10
5.1 General. 10
5.2 Daily visual inspection . 10
5.3 Periodic inspection. 10
5.4 Inspection following an incident . 13
5.5 Inspection following period with crane out of operation. 13
5.6 Non-destructive testing. 13
6 Discard criteria. 14
6.1 General. 14
6.2 Visible broken wires . 14
6.3 Decrease in rope diameter. 17
6.4 Fracture of strands . 19
6.5 Corrosion. 19
6.6 Deformation and damage. 20
Annex A (informative) Key areas requiring particular close inspection. 23
Annex B (informative) Typical modes of deterioration. 25
Annex C (informative) Internal examination of rope. 34
Annex D (informative) Typical examples of inspection record. 37
Annex E (informative) Useful information on rope deterioration and discard criteria. 39
Annex F (informative) Combined effect assessment of rope condition and severity rating — One
method . 42
Annex G (informative) Examples of cross-sections of ropes and corresponding rope category
number (RCN). 45
Annex H (informative) Guidance on assessment and rating of external corrosion . 51
Bibliography . 53

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oSIST ISO 4309:2012
ISO 4309:2010(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies
(ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO
technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been
established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and
non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization.
International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards
adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.
Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
ISO 4309 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 96, Cranes, Subcommittee SC 3, Selection of wire
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition (ISO 4309:2004), which has been technically revised.
It also incorporates the Amendment ISO 4309:2004/Amd.1:2008.

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ISO 4309:2010(E)
A wire rope on a crane is regarded as an expendable component, requiring replacement when the results of
inspection indicate that its condition has diminished to the point where further use would be unwise from a
safety standpoint.
By following well-established principles, such as those detailed in this International Standard, along with any
additional specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane or hoist and/or by the manufacturer
of the rope, this point should never be exceeded.
In addition to encompassing the guidance on storage, handling, installation and maintenance, which was first
introduced in the last revision, this International Standard also provides discard criteria for those running ropes
which are subjected to multi-layer spooling, where both field experience and testing demonstrate that
deterioration is significantly greater at the cross-over zones on the drum, than at any other section of rope in
the system.
It also provides more realistic discard criteria covering decrease in rope diameter and corrosion, and gives
one method for assessing the combined effect of deterioration at any position in the rope.
When correctly applied, the discard criteria given in this International Standard are aimed at retaining an
adequate safety margin. Failure to recognize them can be extremely harmful, dangerous and damaging.
To assist those who are responsible for “care and maintenance” as distinct from those who are responsible for
“inspection and discard”, the procedures are conveniently separated.

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oSIST ISO 4309:2012

Cranes — Wire ropes — Care and maintenance,
inspection and discard
1 Scope
This International Standard establishes general principles for the care and maintenance, and inspection and
discard of steel wire ropes used on cranes and hoists.
This International Standard is applicable to those ropes used on the following types of cranes, the majority of
which are defined in ISO 4306-1:
a) cable and portal cable cranes;
b) cantilever cranes (pillar jib, wall or walking);
c) deck cranes;
d) derrick and guy derrick cranes;
e) derrick cranes with rigid bracing;
f) floating cranes;
g) mobile cranes;
h) overhead travelling cranes;
i) portal or semi-portal bridge cranes;
j) portal or semi-portal cranes;
k) railway cranes;
l) tower cranes;
m) offshore cranes, i.e. cranes mounted on a fixed structure supported by the sea bed or on a floating unit
supported by buoyancy forces.
This International Standard applies to rope on cranes used for hook, grabbing, magnet, ladle, excavator or
stacking duties, whether operated manually, electrically or hydraulically.
This International Standard also applies to rope used on hoists and hoist blocks.
In view of the fact that the exclusive use of synthetic sheaves or metal sheaves incorporating synthetic linings
is not recommended when single-layer spooling at the drum, due to the inevitability of wire breaks occurring
internally in large numbers before there is any visible evidence of any wire breaks or signs of substantial wear
on the periphery of the rope, no discard criteria are given for this combination.
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ISO 4309:2010(E)
2 Normative references
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated
references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced
document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 17893, Steel wire ropes — Vocabulary, designation and classification
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 17893 and the following apply.
nominal diameter
diameter by which the rope is designated
measured diameter
actual diameter
average of two measurements, taken at right angles to one another, of the diameter that circumscribes the
rope cross-section
reference diameter

measured diameter of a section of rope that is not subject to bending, taken directly after the rope has been
broken in
NOTE This diameter is used as the baseline for uniform decrease in diameter.
cross-over zone
that portion of rope coincident with a crossing over of one wrap by another as the rope traverses the drum or
rises from one layer to the next at the drum flange
one revolution of rope around a drum
flanged spool on which rope is wound for shipment or storage
wire rope periodic inspection
in-depth visual inspection of the rope plus measurement of the rope and, if practicable, an assessment of its
internal condition
NOTE This is sometimes referred to as a “thorough examination”.
competent person
〈wire rope inspection〉 person having such knowledge and experience of wire ropes on cranes and hoists as is
necessary for that person to assess the condition of the rope, make a judgement as to whether it may remain
in service and stipulate the maximum time interval between inspections
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oSIST ISO 4309:2012
ISO 4309:2010(E)
valley wire break
wire break that occurs at the inter-strand contact point or valley area between two outer strands
NOTE Outer wire breaks that also occur within the rope anywhere between one valley area and the next, including
any strand-core breaks, may also be regarded as valley wire breaks.
severity rating
amount of deterioration expressed as a per cent towards discard
NOTE The rating may relate to either an individual mode of deterioration, e.g. broken wires or decrease in diameter,
or the combined effect of more than one mode of deterioration, e.g. broken wires and decrease in diameter.
4 Care and maintenance
4.1 General
In the absence of any instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane in his manual and/or any
provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the rope, the general principles given in 4.2 to 4.7 shall be
4.2 Rope replacement
Unless an alternative rope has been approved of by the crane manufacturer, rope manufacturer or other
competent person, only one of the correct length, diameter, construction, type and direction of lay and
strength (i.e. minimum breaking force), as specified by the crane manufacturer, shall be installed on the crane.
A record of the rope change shall be placed on file.
In the case of larger diameter rotation-resistant ropes, it may be necessary to apply additional means of
securing the rope ends, e.g. through the use of steel straps, particularly when preparing samples for test.
If the length of rope required for use is to be cut from a longer length, such as a bulk manufactured reel of
rope, servings shall be applied at both sides of the intended cutting point to prevent the rope from unlaying (i.e.
unravelling) after the cut has been made.
Figure 1 is an example of how a single-layer rope should be served before cutting. For rotation-resistant and
parallel-closed ropes, multiple length servings may be necessary. Ropes that are only lightly preformed are
more likely to unlay (i.e. unravel) after cutting, if inadequate or insufficient servings are applied.
NOTE Serving is sometimes referred to as “seizing”.
Unless an alternative rope termination has been approved of by the crane manufacturer, rope manufacturer or
other competent person, only one of a type, as specified by the crane manufacturer in his manual, shall be
used to attach a rope to a drum, hook block or anchor point on the machinery structure.

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L = 2d minimum
Figure 1 — Application of serving prior to cutting of single-layer type rope

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4.3 Offloading and storing the rope
To avoid accidents and/or damage to the rope itself, ropes should be offloaded with care.
Reels or coils of rope shall not be dropped, neither shall they be struck by a metal hook or fork of a lift truck or
any other external force that could damage or deform the rope.
Ropes should be stored in a cool, dry building and should not be allowed to be in contact with the floor. They
should not be stored where they are likely to be affected by chemicals, chemical fumes, steam or other
corrosive agents.
If outdoor storage cannot be avoided, ropes should be covered so that moisture cannot induce corrosion.
Ropes in storage shall be checked periodically for any signs of deterioration such as surface corrosion and, if
deemed necessary by a competent person, dressed with a suitable preservative or lubricant which is
compatible with the rope manufacturing lubricant.
In warm environments, the reel shall be periodically rotated one half-turn to prevent drainage of lubricant from
the rope.
4.4 Condition of the rope prior to installation
Before installing the rope, and preferably on receipt, the rope and its certificate should be checked to ensure
that the rope is in accordance with that ordered.
The strength of the rope to be installed shall not be lower than that specified by the crane manufacturer.
The diameter of the new rope shall be measured with the rope under no tension and the value recorded.
Check the condition of all sheave and drum grooves to ensure that they are capable of accepting the size of
the new rope, do not contain any irregularities, such as corrugations, and have sufficient remaining thickness
to safely support the rope.
For optimal performance, the effective sheave groove diameter should be larger than the nominal rope
diameter by about 5 % to 10 %, and ideally, at least 1 % greater than the actual diameter of the new rope.
4.5 Installing the rope
When uncoiling and/or installing a wire rope, every precaution shall be taken to avoid inducing turn into, or out
of, the rope. Allowing this to occur can result in the formation of loops, kinks or bends in the rope, rendering it
unfit for use.
In order to prevent any of these developing, the rope should be paid out in a straight line with a minimum of
slack being allowed to occur (see Figure 2).
Rope supplied in a coil should be placed on a turntable and paid out straight; however, where the coiled
length is short, the outer rope end may be made free and the remainder of the rope rolled along the ground
[see Figure 2 a)].
A rope shall never be paid out by throwing off wraps when the coil or reel is flat on the ground or by rolling the
reel along the ground (see Figure 3).
For those lengths of rope supplied on a reel, place the supply reel and its supporting stand or cradle as far
away from the crane or hoist as possible, in order to limit any fleet angle effects to an absolute minimum, thus
avoiding any undesirable rotational effects.
Protect the rope from any potential ingress or grit or other contaminants by running it on suitable matting (e.g.
used conveyor belting), rather than allowing it to run directly on the ground.
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Be aware that a revolving reel of rope can have a high inertia, in which case it needs to be controlled in order
to slowly pay out the rope. For smaller reels, this is usually achieved by employing a single brake (see
Figure 4). Larger reels have significant inertia once they start to revolve and might need to be substantially
As far as practically possible, ensure that the rope always bends in the same direction during installation, i.e.
pay out the rope from the top of the supply reel to the top of the drum on the crane or hoist (referred to as “top
to top”), or from the underneath of the supply reel to the underneath of the drum on the crane or hoist (referred
to as “bottom to bottom”). For an example of “bottom to bottom”, see Figure 4.

a)  From a coil

b)  From a reel
Figure 2 — Correct procedures for uncoiling a wire rope
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a)  From a coil

b)  From a reel
Figure 3 — Incorrect procedures for uncoiling a wire rope (continued)

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c)  From the reel
Figure 3 — Incorrect procedures for uncoiling a wire rope

Figure 4 — Example of transfer of wire rope from bottom
of reel to bottom of drum with control of rope tension
For those ropes that are subjected to multi-layer spooling, apply a back-tension to the rope during installation
that is equivalent to about 2 1/2 % to 5 % of the minimum breaking force of the rope. This helps to ensure that
the rope on the bottom layer is tightly wound, forming a firm base for succeeding layers.
Follow the crane manufacturer's instructions for the securing of the ends of the rope at the drum and outboard
Protect the rope from rubbing against any part of the crane or hoist during installation.
4.6 Running-in the new rope
Before bringing the rope into full operation on the crane, the user shall ensure that all limiting and indicating
devices associated with the operation of the crane are correctly functioning.
In order to allow the components of the rope to better adjust to the normal operating conditions, the user shall
operate the crane at reduced speed and loading [i.e. down to 10 % of the Working Load Limit (WLL)] for a
number of operational cycles.
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4.7 Maintaining the rope
Maintenance of the rope shall be carried out relative to the type of crane, its frequency of use, the
environmental conditions and the type of rope.
During the life of the rope, and before it shows any signs of dryness or corrosion, particularly over those
lengths which travel through sheaves and enter and exit the drum and those sections which are coincident
with a compensating sheave, the rope shall be dressed from time to time, as determined by a competent
person. In some cases, it may be necessary to clean the rope before applying the dressing in order for it to be
The rope dressing shall be compatible with the original lubricant applied by the rope manufacturer and shall
have penetrating characteristics. If the type of rope dressing is not identified in the crane manual, the user
shall seek guidance from the supplier of the rope or the wire rope manufacturer.
A shorter rope life is likely to result from a lack of maintenance, particularly if the crane or hoist is used in a
corrosive environment or, for whatever reason, no rope dressing can be applied. In such cases, the period
between inspections shall be reduced accordingly.
In order to avoid any localized deterioration, which might otherwise originate from a broken wire which
protrudes excessively from the rope and overlies others when that portion travels through a sheave, it may be
removed by gripping the protruding end(s) and bending the wire backwards and forwards (see Figure 5), until
it eventually breaks (which is, invariably, in the valley position between the strands). When a broken wire is
removed from the rope as part of a maintenance exercise, its location should be recorded for the information
of the rope inspector. If such action is taken, this should be counted as one broken wire and taken into
account when assessing the condition of the rope in relation to the discard criteria for broken wires.
When broken wires are evident close to or at the termination, but the rope is unaffected elsewhere along its
length, the rope may be shortened and the terminal fitting may be re-fitted. Before doing so, the remaining
length of wire rope should be checked to ensure that the required minimum number of wraps would remain on
the drum with the crane at its most extreme operating limit.

Figure 5 — Removal of protruding wire
4.8 Maintenance of rope-related parts of the crane
In addition to following the instructions contained in the crane manual, winding drums and sheaves should be
periodically checked to ensure that they rotate freely in their bearings.
Stiff or jammed sheaves or rollers wear heavily and unevenly, causing severe abrasion of the rope. Ineffective
compensating sheaves can give rise to unequal loading in the rope reeving.
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5 Inspection
5.1 General
In the absence of any instructions provided by the manufacturer of the crane in his manual and/or any
provided by the manufacturer or supplier of the rope, the general principles for inspection given in 5.2 to 5.5
shall be followed.
5.2 Daily visual inspection
At least the intended working section of rope for that particular day shall be observed with the objective of
detecting any general deterioration or mechanical damage. This shall include the points of attachment of the
rope to the crane (see Figure A.2).
The rope should also be checked to ensure that it is sitting correctly on the drum and over the sheave(s) and
has not been displaced from its normal operating position.
Any appreciable change in condition shall be reported and the rope examined by a competent person in
accordance with 5.3.
If, at any time, the rigging arrangement is modified, such as when the crane has been moved to a new site
and re-rigged, the rope shall be subjected to a visual inspection as described in this subclause.
NOTE The driver/operator of the crane can be appointed to carry out daily checks to the extent that he is sufficiently
trained and considered competent to carry out this action.
5.3 Periodic inspection
5.3.1 General
Periodic inspections shall be carried out by a competent person.
The information gained from a periodic inspection is used to assist in deciding whether a crane rope
a) can safely remain in service and by which latest time it shall undergo its next periodic inspection, or
b) needs to be withdrawn immediately or within a specified timeframe.
Through an appropriate assessment method, i.e. by counting, visual means and/or measurement, the severity
of deterioration shall be assessed and expressed either as a percentage (e.g. 20 %, 40 %, 60 %, 80 % or
100 %) of the particular individual discard criteria or in words (e.g. slight, medium, high, very high or discard).
Any damage that might have occurred to the rope prior to it being run in and entering service shall be
assessed by a competent person and observations shall be recorded.
A list of the more common modes of deterioration and whether each one can be readily quantified (i.e. by
counting or measuring) or has to be subjectively assessed (i.e. by visual means) by the competent person is
given in Table 1.
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Table 1 — Modes of deterioration and assessment methods
Mode of deterioration Assessment method
Number of visible broken wires (inclu

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