Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects — Part 4: Conformance testing — Amendment 22: AudioBIFS v3 conformance

Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels — Partie 4: Essai de conformité — Amendement 22: Conformité AudioBIFS v3

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 22:2008 - AudioBIFS v3 conformance
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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd 22:2008 - AudioBIFS v3 conformance
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STANDARD 14496-4
Second edition

Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects —
Part 4:
Conformance testing
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 4: Essai de conformité
AMENDEMENT 22: Conformité AudioBIFS v3

Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
ISO/IEC 2008

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International Electrotechnical
Commission) form the specialized system for worldwide standardization. National bodies that are members of
ISO or IEC participate in the development of International Standards through technical committees
established by the respective organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC
technical committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations, governmental
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International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2.
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Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent
rights. ISO and IEC shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.
Amendment 22 to ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004 was prepared by Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1,
Information technology, Subcommittee SC 29, Coding of audio, picture, multimedia and hypermedia

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)

Information technology — Coding of audio-visual objects —
Part 4:
Conformance testing
AMENDMENT 22: AudioBIFS v3 conformance
In subclause Bitstreams, insert the following row into Table 6 after the row for AABper1-76:
Table 6 – Test Sequence Providers and Reason for Existence
ABv3_AAB01-05 Thomson Tests AudioBIFS v3 node AdvancedAudioBuffer
ABv3_ACC01-05 FhG, Thomson, FT Tests AudioBIFS v3 node AudioChannelConfig
ABv3_SS01a-b FhG, FT Tests AudioBIFS v3 node SurroundingSound
ABv3_T3DA01-08 FhG Tests AudioBIFS v3 node Transform3Daudio
ABv3_WS0101-03 FhG, Thomson, Tests AudioBIFS v3 node WideSound
Abv3_Afxp_Ach01 Thomson Tests AudioBIFS v3 AudioFXProto effects

In subclause 6.5.1 File name conventions, insert the following row into Table 29 in alphabetical order:
Table 29 – File name conventions
A.1 AudioBIFS v3 A.2 ABv3_ A.3 -- not applicable --

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
In subclause 6.5.1 File name conventions, insert the following paragraph after "_s is a number
refering to the decoder configuration with regard to the speed factor.":
is the abbreviation of one of the AudioBIFS v3 node names (see Table 6).

After subclause Test scenes, insert the following subclauses:
6.12 AudioBIFS v3 Nodes
6.12.1 Introduction
This clause describes the conformance testing for the rendering and output of AudioBIFS v3 nodes, which are
used for adding support for shaped sound sources (WideSound node), Ambisonics™ audio streams to two-
and three-dimensional BIFS scenes. Furthermore they allow 3D sound in 2D visual scenes
(Transform3DAudio node) and simplify the use of pre-defined audio effects (AudioFXProtos). With
AudioBIFS v3 also a labelling mechanism was introduced that transports the channel configuration information
through the AudioBIFS sub-graph and can be altered with the AudioChannelConfig node.
6.12.2 Composition Unit Inputs
The input audio streams used in the conformance testing of AudioBIFS v3 shall be outputs of an AAC decoder
(AOT 2), and they are monophonic, stereophonic, 5.1 (surround) and Ambisonics™ sounds. They are
explained below:
ABv3_CU01_2ch_AOT2_L1R2: Composition Unit Input AAC: white noise for one second on left, for one
second on right channel. Duration: 8 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, stereo.
ABv3_CU02_2ch_AOT2_L3R4: Composition Unit Input AAC: after 2 seconds silence white noise for one
second on left, then for one second on right channel. Duration: 8 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, stereo.
ABv3_CU03_2ch_AOT2_L5R6: Composition Unit Input AAC: after 4 seconds silence white noise for one
second on left, then for one second on right channel. Duration: 8 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, stereo.
ABv3_CU04_1ch_AOT2_M5: Composition Unit Input AAC: after 4 seconds silence white noise for one
second. Duration: 8 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU05_1ch_AOT2_M6: Composition Unit Input AAC: after 5 seconds silence white noise for one
second. Duration: 8 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU06_1ch_AOT2_M0-3: Composition Unit Input AAC: 3 seconds white noise starting from the
beginning. Duration: 3 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU07_6ch_AOT2_surround: Composition Unit Input AAC: 0.5 seconds silence, then for 0.2 seconds an
880Hz sinus tone on center channel, 0.3s silence, 0.5s 440Hz sin on front left channel, 0.5s 440Hz sin on
front right channel, 0.4s 220Hz sin on left surround channel, 0.1s silence, 0.4s 220Hz sin on right surround
channel, 0.1s silence, 1s white noise on LFE channel. Duration: 4 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, 5.1
ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_one: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voice ‘one’. Duration: 1 second, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU09_1ch_AOT2_two: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voice ‘two’. Duration: 1 second, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU10_1ch_AOT2_three: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voice ‘three’. Duration: 1 second, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, mono.
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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
ABv3_CU11_1ch_AOT2_four: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voice ‘four’. Duration: 1 second, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU12_1ch_AOT2_five: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voice ‘five’. Duration: 1 second, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU13_1ch_AOT2_six: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voice ‘six’. Duration: 1 second, sampling rate
44100 Hz, mono.
ABv3_CU14_2ch_AOT2_LCR_Binaural: Composition Unit Input AAC: male voices ‘left, center, right’,
repeated 1 time. Duration: 10 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, 2-channel binaural.
ABv3_CU15_2ch_AOT2_applause: Composition Unit Input AAC: applause. Duration: ~12 seconds, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, 2-channel stereo.
ABv3_CU16_1ch_AOT2_applause_mono: Composition Unit Input AAC: applause. Duration: ~12 seconds,
sampling rate 44100 Hz, 1-channel mono.
ABv3_CU17_2ch_AOT2_orchestra: Composition Unit Input AAC: orchestra. Duration: ~12 seconds, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, 2-channel stereo.
ABv3_CU18_1ch_AOT2_orchestra_mono: Composition Unit Input AAC: orchestra. Duration: ~12 seconds,
sampling rate 44100 Hz, 1-channel mono.
ABv3_CU19_1ch_AOT2_W: Composition Unit Input AAC: the omni-directional channel (0 order component
W) of a 3D ambisonic recording of an ambient sound field: a complex, mostly static, outdoor scene; birds
singing all around, splashes caused by stones thrown in the water first on the left then on the right, a child and
adults speaking on the front, slightly on the left. In the test sequences, it has to be decoded and played
synchronously with the following audio streams (ABv3_CU20_… to ABv3_CU22_.). Duration: ~14.3
seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, 1-channel.
ABv3_CU20_2ch_AOT2_XY: Composition Unit Input AAC: the horizontal, bidirectional (1 order) channels X
and Y of the same ambisonic recording as ABv3_CU19_1ch_AOT2_W. Duration: ~14.3 seconds, sampling
rate 44100 Hz, 2-channels.
ABv3_CU21_1ch_AOT2_Z: Composition Unit Input AAC: the vertical bidirectional (1 order) channel Z of the
same ambisonic recording as ABv3_CU19_1ch_AOT2_W. Duration: ~14.3 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz,
ABv3_CU22_2ch_AOT2_UV: Composition Unit Input AAC: the horizontal, 2 order channels U and V of the
same ambisonic recording as ABv3_CU19_1ch_AOT2_W. Duration: ~14.3 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz,
ABv3_CU23_1ch_AOT2_ambITU_C: Composition Unit Input AAC: the center channel of a 5.0 playback
version of the recording described for ABv3_CU19_1ch_AOT2_W that could be played over a standard ITU
loudspeaker arrangement. Duration: ~14.3 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, 1 channel.
ABv3_CU24_2ch_AOT2_ambITU_LR: Composition Unit Input AAC: the front left and front right channels the
5.0 playback version described above. Duration: ~14.3 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz, 2 channels.
ABv3_CU25_2ch_AOT2_ambITU_SLSR: Composition Unit Input AAC: the surround left and surround right
channels the 5.0 playback version described above. Duration: ~14.3 seconds, sampling rate 44100 Hz,
2 channels. Composition Unit Input AAC: center channel and left channel
‘seawash’. Duration: ~20 seconds, sampling rate 48000 Hz, 2 channels. Composition Unit Input AAC: right channel and surround
channel ‘seawash’. Duration: ~20 seconds, sampling rate 48000 Hz, 2 channels.
Abv3_AudioNaturalReverb_ImpulseResponse.wav: Original impulse response for binary comparison for test
scene Abv3_aFXP_aNa01.
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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
6.12.3 Compositor Output
The output of the audio compositor will be investigated for conformance, and shall be a single output, N
channel (depending on the spatialization and reproduction method used) PCM audio stream. The input audio
streams are at 16 bit signed integer sample format, and the processing defined by the Advanced Audio BIFS
nodes in the scene will be carried out at an accuracy of at least 16 bits.
Because of the non-normative nature of implementing many of the AudioBIFS features, no sample-wise
comparison is done to the output sound from the compositor. Some of the features can be evaluated in a
static situation (no dynamic changes, such as sound source or viewpoint movements, in the 3D environment)
by measuring certain parameters of the compositor's output. Some functionalities, on the other hand, require
testing in a dynamic situation where only subjective evaluation can be used (the user is listening to the sound
compositor output, and watching the visual compositor output if visual components are present).
In addition to objective and subjective testing a third on one is needed for AudioBIFS v3, the parameter
printout. Therefore the printout of certain parameters (like the absolute position of an audio source or the
current channel configuration of the audio data) can be compared with a given reference. Note, that the
parameter printout does not print the contents of a node’s field, but the status information like channel
configuration that has to be passed through the audio scene graph along with the audio data or through the
BIFS scene graph like the transform hierarchy. The parameter printout should be ASCII text with the format
parameterName value_1 … value_n
whereby value should be in the format of the corresponding field and logged in the top-level sound nodes. In
case of a SFFloat/MFFloat field type the 1.16 float format should be used.
6.12.4 Conformance Tests for AudioBIFS v3 Nodes
The following chapters contain the detailed description of the conformance tests for the nodes
AdvancedAudioBuffer, AudioChannelConfig, SurroundingSound, Transform3Daudio,
WideSound and AudioFXProto effects. Testing of AdvancedAudioBuffer Node
The AdvancedAudioBuffer node provides an interface for stored sound. This node has corrected
functionality and enhanced reload mechanism compared to the AudioBuffer node, e.g to accumulate
snippets of sound in the AdvancedAudioBuffer. These snippets can be accessed directly or as the full
accumulated content. BIFS components needed in the conformance testing
For testing the load and playback mechanism of the AdvancedAudioBuffer node a minimal set of BIFS
nodes is needed: Besides the root node and one grouping node (Group, OrderedGroup) one top-level
AudioBIFS node (Sound, Sound2D) as well as a node that connects the AudioBIFS sub-graph with the
decoder (AudioSource) is required. Conformance testing procedure
Conformance testing of the AdvancedAudioBuffer node requires the player to support the parameter
printout of AdvancedAudioBuffer node's fields. For subjective testing the listener has to check if playing
back the scene has the described effect.
The basic behaviour of this node is determined by the loadMode field. For each of these five modes a test
scene shall be used to check the functionalities. The read/write access to the different content blocks shall be
verified with the corresponding scene by a printout of the index of the content block. Additional subjective
listening tests shall be performed.
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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
Test Scenes:
ABv3_AAB01 This scene is used for testing the compatibility mode (LoadMode=0) (compatible to
AudioBuffer, see functionality and semantics in the node definition) of the
AdvancedAudioBuffer node by loading ABv3_CU8_1ch_AOT2_one with the
help of the AudioSource node into the internal buffer of the
AdvancedAudioBuffer node. After 10 seconds (t=10s) the ‘one’ will be repeated
five times, which can be tested subjectively.
ABv3_ AAB02 This scene is used for testing the reload mode (LoadMode=1) by loading
ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_one with the help of the AudioSource node into the internal
buffer of the AdvancedAudioBuffer node. The clip will be repeated five times with
loop=enabled from t=2s until t=7s. After 10 seconds the content will be replaced be
clip ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_two, which will be repeated five times from t=12 until
t=17. Clip ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_three will be loaded after 20 seconds and repeated
five times from t=22 until t=27. The playback should be tested subjectively.
ABv3_ AAB03 This scene is used for testing the accumulate mode (LoadMode=2) by loading
ABv3_CU8_1ch_AOT2_one at t=0 with the help of the AudioSource node into the
internal buffer of the AdvancedAudioBuffer node. At t=3s
ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_two will be loaded into the buffer and at t=6s
ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_three will be loaded into the buffer. At t=10s all three clips
will be played contiuous (‘one, two, three’) two times while loop is enabled. The loop
mechanism will be tested by setting loop to false at t=19s and start replay at t=20s for
6 seconds. Only one block (‘one, two, three’) should be heard due to the disabled loop
mode. The playback should be tested subjectively.
This scene is used for testing the continuous accumulate mode (LoadMode=3) by
ABv3_ AAB04
loading ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_one, ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_two and
ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_three at t=0, t=3s and t=6s into the internal buffer of the
AdvancedAudioBuffer node with the help of AudioSource. At t=10s all three
clips will be played contiuous (‘one, two, three’) two times while loop is enabled. At
t=18s a fourth clip (ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_four) will be appended and with the
restriction of length = 3 seconds, the first clip shall be deleted. At t=20s all three clips
will be played contiuously (‘two, three, four’) two times. This sequence will be repeated
with appending ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_five and playing back (‘three, four, five’) at
t=30s and appending ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_six and playing back (‘four, five, six’) at
t=40s. The playback should be tested subjectively.
ABv3_AAB05 This scene is used for testing the accumulate mode with limited number of buffer
blocks of the AdvancedAudioBuffer node. In this mode the number of
accumulaed blocks will be set instead of a maximum length. First a sequence ‘one,
two, three' will be loaded and will be played back two times at t=10s. Then ‘four’ will be
loaded into the buffer by replacing ‘one’, played back two times at t=20s. At t=27s the
block in the middle (‘three’) will be deleted and at t=29 ‘five’ will be appended. This
block (‘two, four, five’) will be played back two times at t=31s.
At t=40s the latest block (‘five’) is individually addressed and shall be played 3 times
while loop is still enabled. At t=43s the block in the middle (‘four’) will be addressed
individually and played back 3 times. At t=46s the first block (‘two’) will be addressed
individually and played back 3 times until t=49s. At t=48,5s loop will be set to false.
The actual active block will be played until its end.
At t=50s, t=55s and t=60s clip ‘four’, ‘five’ and ‘two’ will be played only one time.
The playback should be tested subjectively.

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E) Testing of AudioChannelConfig Node
This node is used to label the audio data in the audio subtree to supply the audio presenter with the required
information for multi-channel or soundfield signals. The node has the standard audio node interfaces, but no
signal processing capability. The samples are passed through and get new channel configuration information. BIFS components needed in the conformance testing
For testing the labelling mechanism of the AudioChannelConfig node a minimal set of BIFS nodes is
needed: Besides the root node and one grouping node (Group, OrderedGroup) one top-level AudioBIFS
node that has a spatialize field (Sound, Sound2D, DirectiveSound) as well as a node that connects
the AudioBIFS sub-graph with the decoder (AudioSource) is required. Conformance testing procedure
Conformance testing of the AudioChannelConfig node requires the player to support the parameter
printout of the channel configuration that reaches the top-level sound nodes. As the way this information is
transported through the AudioBIFS sub-graph is implementation-dependent the channel configuration should
be printed in the form of the AudioChannelConfig node's fields. Unique generalChannelFormat
In this subclause the testing of the correct composition of one or more audio signal of the same
generalChannelFormat is described, i.e. all sources in the scene are channel-oriented presets (or subsets
thereof), parametric channel oriented or Ambisonics™ oriented. Pass through
Test scene for parameter printout and subjective testing:
Abv3_ACC01 This scene is used for testing whether the channel configuration of the audio
elementary stream is correctly passed through the AudioBIFS tree. For that purpose a
5.1-channel standard multi-channel configuration sound source will be used. The
audio compositor shall recognize the channel configurations of the elementary stream
and map the channels to the appropriate speaker(s). The 5.1 configuration shall be
recognizable in the parameter printout of the channel configuration from the top level
For subjective testing the CU input used for this scene result in a distinct scheme: On
every channel white noise is being played for one second, starting with the front left
channel, followed by the front right, surround left, surround right, center channel and
finally the LFE channel (5s ABv3_CU07_6ch_AOT2_surround is used as input sounds for this scene. ChannelPreset
Abv3_ACC02 This scene is used for testing whether an alternative channel configuration stream will
be passed correctly through the AudioBIFS tree. Therefore generalChannelFormat
will be set to the ‘ChannelPreset’ mode. A binaural recorded sequence will be used.
After start-up the clip will be marked as ‘normal’ stereo. At t=12s the clip will be played
again and marked as ‘binaural’ stereo. The configuration shall be recognizable in the
parameter printout of the channel configuration from the top level node.
For subjective testing the properties of the audio presenter must be taken into account.
The presenter might have a crosstalk-canceller for loudspeaker playback or a HRTF
cross-convolution for headphone playback. In this case the clip will be heard
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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
‘spatialized’ false during the first 12 seconds and for t>=12s the clip will be heard
correctly due to the binaural marked content which should lead to the crosstalk-
canceller being enabled for loudspeaker listening or disabled HRTF cross-convolution
in the headphone listening case.
ABv3_CU08_1ch_AOT2_LCR_Binaural is used as input sounds for this scene. ChannelPresetSubset
Test scene for parameter printout and subjective testing:
ABv3_ACC03 This scene is used for testing the combination of two stereo and two mono sound
sources to a 5.1-channel sound source. The audio compositor shall recognize the
channel configurations of the sound sources and map the channels to the appropriate
speaker(s). It shall be recognizable in the parameter printout of the channel
configuration that each top-level sound node addresses an individual subset of a 5.1
configuration (the values of fixedPreset are 000110b=6 for the front channels,
011000b=24 for the surround channels, 000001b=1 for the center channel and
100000b=32 for the LFE channel).
For subjective testing the CU inputs used for this scene result in a distinct scheme: On
every channel white noise is being played for one second, starting with the front left
channel, followed by the front right, surround left, surround right, center channel and
finally the LFE channel (5s ABv3_CU01_2ch_AOT2_LR12, ABv3_CU02_2ch_AOT2_LR34,
ABv3_CU04_1ch_AOT2_M5 and ABv3_CU05_1ch_AOT2_M6 are used as input
sounds for this scene.
ABv3_ACC04 This scene is used for testing the combination of two mono sources to one stereo
source. The audio compositor shall recognize the channel configurations of the sound
sources and map the channels to the appropriate speaker. It shall be recognizable in
the parameter printout of the channel configuration that each top-level sound node
addresses an individual channel (the values of fixedPreset are 01b=1 for the left
channel and 10b=2 for the right channel).
For subjective testing the CU inputs used for this scene result in a distinct scheme: On
the left channel white noise is being played for three seconds, followed 1 second
silence and then one second white noise on the right channel.
ABv2_CU06_1ch_AOT2_M0-3 and ABv3_CU04_1ch_AOT2_M5 are used as input
sounds for this scene.
Abv3_ACC05 This scene is used for testing whether a dynamic changed channel configuration
stream (relabelled channels) will be passed correctly through the AudioBIFS subtree.
Therefore generalChannelFormat will be set to the ‘ChannelPresetSubset’ mode.
A stereo signal (‘applause’) will be used. After start-up the clip will be marked as L,R
signal. At t=6s the clip will be marked as LS, RS. The configuration shall be
recognizable in the parameter printout of the channel configuration from the top level
For subjective testing the clip should be recognized from the left and right
loudspeakers after start-up. After 6 seconds the clip should be heard from the left and
right surround loudspeakers.
Abv3_Cu15_2ch_Aot2_Applause is used as input sounds for this scene.

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E) ParametricChannelOriented
These scenes are used for testing whether an alternative channel configuration stream will be passed
correctly through the AudioBIFS tree. Therefore generalChannelFormat will be set to the
‘ParametricChannelOriented’ mode. The audio presenter shall recognize the loudspeaker positions of the
sound sources and map the channels to the appropriate speaker(s). Therefore the ITU 5.1 standard
configuration will be addressed (r=2m, 0° (center), +/-30° (right/left), +/-110° (right/left surround) and
+15°azimuth/-21°elevation (LFE)). At t=12s the configuration will be flipped to (0°, -/+30°, -/+110° and
+15°azimuth/-21°elevation). The configuration shall be recognizable in the parameter printout of the channel
configuration from the top level node.
For subjective testing the, the left/right and left/right surround channels will be swapped at t=12s.
ABv3_CU7_6ch_AOT2_surround is used as input sounds for scene Abv3_ACC06a … Abv3_ACC07c and
Abv3_ACC06a origin = scene origin, Cartesian corrdinate system
Abv3_ACC06b origin = scene origin, Polar coordinate system
Abv3_ACC06c origin = scene origin, Cylindric coordinate system
Abv3_ACC07a origin = user position, Cartesian corrdinate system
Abv3_ACC07b origin = user position, Polar coordinate system
Abv3_ACC07c origin = user position, Cylindric coordinate system
Abv3_ACC09 [C, Left, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround, LFE] =
[scene origin: Cartesian, Polar, Cylindric, user position: Cartesian, Polar, Cylindric] ParametricChannelOriented with directional Loudspeaker
Abv3_ACC10 This scenes is used for testing loudspeaker directional parameters. The
generalChannelFormat will be set to the ‘ParametricChannelOriented’ mode. The
audio presenter shall recognize the loudspeaker positions of the sound sources and
map the channels to the appropriate speakers. A 4-channel subset of the ITU 5.1
standard configuration with only one surround channel will be addressed (r=2m, 0°
(center), +/-30° (right/left), -180° (dipole surround)), similar to a Dolby ProLogic®
configuration. The surround channel will be set to dipole characteristic with
channelDirectionalPattern = 1. The configuration shall be recognizable in the
parameter printout of the channel configuration from the top level node.
For subjective testing, the surround channel should give a surround feeling, due to the
missing lobe from the surround loudspeaker.
origin = user position, Cartesian corrdinate system; Abv3_CU26_2ch_AOT2_sea-
wash_cl and Abv3_CU26_2ch_AOT2_seawash_rs are used as input sounds for the
scene. The two 2-channel streams are combined to a 4-channel signal, whereby the
4 channel the surround channel is.

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E) ParametricAmbisonicsOriented
ABv3_ACC11 This scene is used for testing the gathering of two stereo and two mono streams into a
multi-channel audio flow labelled as a Higher Order Ambisonic sound field. In this
scene, the input ambisonic channels are in the default order (W, X, Y, Z, U, V)
regarding the specification of the spatial resolution (ambResolution2D and
ambResolution3D) and therefore they follow an implicit indexing. The audio
compositor shall recognize the channel configuration of the output multi-channel flow.
It shall be recognizable in the parameter printout of the channel configuration that the
top-level SurroundingSound sound node addresses an Ambisonic sound field
nd st
with a 2 order 2D resolution (i.e. regarding the horizontal plane) and a 1 order 3D
resolution (i.e. regarding the vertical dime

STANDARD 14496-4
Second edition

Information technology — Coding of
audio-visual objects —
Part 4:
Conformance testing
Technologies de l'information — Codage des objets audiovisuels —
Partie 4: Essai de conformité
AMENDEMENT 22: Conformité AudioBIFS v3

Reference number
ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)
ISO/IEC 2008

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ISO/IEC 14496-4:2004/Amd.22:2008(E)

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