ISO/IEC 8613-10:1991/Amd 2:1991
(Amendment)Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 2: Formal specification of the Raster Graphics content architectures
Information processing — Text and office systems — Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange format — Part 10: Formal specifications — Amendment 2: Formal specification of the Raster Graphics content architectures
Traitement de l'information — Bureautique — Architecture des documents de bureau (ODA) et format d'échange — Partie 10: Spécifications formelles — Amendement 2: Spécification formelle de l'architecture des contenus des caractères graphiques à raster
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
First edition
Information processing - Text and Office
Systems - Office Document Architecture (ODA)
and interchange format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications
AMENDMENT 2: Formal specification of the Raster
Graphits content architectures
Traitemen t de l ’informa tion - Bureau tique - Architecture des documen ts de
bureau (ODA) et format d ’echange -
Partie 70: Specifica tions formelles
AMENDEMENT 2: Spkifica tion formelle de l ’architecture des con tenus des
caractkes graphiques 6 raster
Reference number
ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 IE)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
ISO (the International Organization for Standardization) and IEC (the International
Electrotechnical Commission) form the specialized System for worldwide standardiz-
ation. National bodies that are members of ISO or IEC participate in the development
of International Standards through technical committees established by the respective
organization to deal with particular fields of technical activity. ISO and IEC technical
committees collaborate in fields of mutual interest. Other international organizations,
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In the field of information technology, ISO and IEC have established a joint technical
committee, ISO/IEC JTC 1. Draft International Standards adopted by the joint
technical committee are circulated to national bodies for voting. Publication as an
International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the national bodies casting
a vote.
Amendment 2 to International Standard ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1991 was prepared by
Joint Technical Committee ISO/IEC JTC 1, lnformation technology.
@ ISO/IEC 1991
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ISO/IEC Copyright Office l Case postale 56 l CH-1211 Geneve 20 l Switzerland
Printed in Switzerland
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 1991/Amd.2 : 1991 (E)
Information processing - Text and Office Systems - .
Office Document Architecture (ODA) and interchange
format -
Part 10:
Formal specifications ’
AMENDMENT 2: Formal specification of the Raster Graphits
content architectures
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199UAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
Annex D
Formal specif ’ication of the raster graphics content architectures
D.l Introduction
This annex gives a formal specification of the raster graphics
content architectures as described
in part 7 of ISO 8613.
This annex is composed of 5 clauses:
Clause D.l provides a general introduction, including a list of all definitions which are given in clauses D.2, D.3
and D.4
Clause D.2 provides the interface to the document Profile and its formal specification.
Clauses D.3 and D.4 provide the interface to the document architecture by giving a formal specification of raster
graphics presentation attributes and content Portion attributes that apply to raster graphics content portions.
Clause D.5 is an index to the terms (definitions, Operators, attribute names) used in clauses D.2, D.3 and D.4.
At any time a clause number is specified in the semi-formal descriptions this refers to a clause number in ISO 8613-7.
What follows is the outline of the formula which specifies the raster graphics content architecture. The dots indicate
formal text fragments which have been left out for the sake of readability. The full formula tan be obtained by
replacing each line (apart from the and) with the definition which is referenced by the superscript of the predicate
Symbol or Operator Symbol, respectively. The variables used in the definition of the predicate have to be replaced
by those appearing in the outline (if they are different).
NOTE - A defknition is a formula, hence it may never yield an undefmed result, whatever
mlue has been inserted for the variable.
. . . IsDefaultableRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute7*1(att) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsCodingSpecification7*2(v) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsPresentationFeature7*3(v) . . .
and . . . SatisfiesRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureConstraints7*4(prof, doby . . .
and . . . IsFormattedProcessableRasterGraphicsContent7~5(corat) . . .
and . . . IsFormattedRasterGraphicsContent7*6(cont) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsContentPortionDescription7*7
cont . . .
\ )
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsContentPresentationAttribute * “(dt) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsContentCodingAttribute7* ’(att) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsContentPortionAttributeSet7* ’O(as) . . .
and . . .
IsClippingValue7 ’l ’ (v) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsLineProgressionValue7* ’2(v) . . .
and . . .
IsPelPathValue7- ‘3(v) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsInitia10ffsetValue7. ’4(v) . . .
and . . . IsPelTransmissionDensityValue7*15 (v) . . .
and . . . IsImageDimensionsValue7* ‘6 (v)
. . .
and . . . IsPelSpacingValue7*17( v) . . .
and . . . IsSpacingRatioValue7. ‘“( v) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureClassValue7* ‘g(v) . . .
and . . . IsRasterGraphicsContentTypeOfCodingValue7*20( v) . . .
and . . . IsCompressionValue7*2’ (u)
. . .
and . . . IsNumber OfLinesValue7 ’22 (v) . . .
and . . . IsNumberOfPelsPerLineValue7. “3(v) . . .
and . . . IsNumberOfDiscardedPelsValue7*24(v) . . .
IsRasterGraphicsContentInformationValue7~25(~) . . .
and . . .
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (EI
and . . . IsNumberOfLinesPerTileValue7*26 v . . .
(v) . . .
and . . . IsNumberOfPelsPerTileLineValue7~2
and . . . IsTilingOffse tValue7W2 ”( v) . . .
and . . . IsTileTypesValue7-2g v . . .
and . . . IsTileEncodingValue Ob” . . .
NOTE - Other predicatcs or Operators which arc used here, but are defkd in clause 6, are not listed here.
D.2 Interface to the Document Profile
[ Sennformal Description 7.1 1
Predicate “is a defaultable raster graphics content architecture attribute”
A defaultable raster graphics content architecture attribute is one of the attributes ’ clipping ‘, ’ compression I,
’ image dimensions ’ , * initial offset ’ , ’ line Progression ‘, Inumber of discarded pels’ , Inumber of lines per tile’ ,
‘number of pels per tile line ’, ‘pel path ’, ( pel spacing ‘,
* number of pels per line’ , ’ pel transmission density 1 ,
‘spacing ratio’ , ’ tile types’ , ’ tiling offset ’ or o type of coding ’ with an appropriate value.
NOTE - This predicate is used in annex B.
Definition 7.1
1 V att
2 (0 IsDefaultableRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureAttribute(att) #
3 3n,c
4 (I att = [n : c] und
5 n E [ ‘clipping ’; * compression 1 ;
6 ’ initial offset ’ ;
’ image dimensions ’ ;
7 ’ line Progression ’ ; ‘number of discarded pels ’;
8 ’ number of lines per tile’ ; ‘number of pels per line ’;
9 * number of pels per tile line’ ; ’ pel path’ ;
1 pel spacing ’ ; l pel transmission density 1 ;
’ tile types * ;
11 ‘spacing ratio ’;
‘type of coding ’] and
12 ’ tiling offset ’ ;
13 ,n = * clipping’ impl IsClippingValue7*1 ’(c) 1) and
14 ,n = ’ compression ’ impl IsCompressionValue721 (c) J and
15 4n= 1 image dimensions’ impl IsImageDimensionsValue7. ‘6(c) ,) und
16 - ’ initial offset 1 impl IsRasterGraphicsInitia10ffsetValue7*14(c) 5) and
( 5n -
17 ,n = ’ line Progression ’ impl IsRasterGraphicsLineProgressionValue7* ’2(c) J and
18 - 1 number of discarded pels’ impl IsNumberOfDiscardedPelsValue7~24(c) J und
( 772 -
19 ,n = ‘number of lines per tile’ impl IsNumberOfLinesPerTileValue7026( c) J und
impl IsNumberOfPelsPerLineValue7*23 (c) J an d
20 ,n = ’ number of pels per line *
‘number of pels per tile line’ impl IsNumberOfPelsPerTileLineValue7~27(c) ,,) und
21 n=
( 10
22 n= 1 pel path 1 impl IsPelPathValue7 ’3(c) J and
( 11
23 n= 1 pel spgcing I impl IsPelSpacingValue7* ‘7(c) 12) und
( 12
24 n= * pel transmission density ’ impl IsPel ’IkansmissionDensityValue7. ’5(c) 13) and
( 13
25 n= * spacing ratio ’ impl IsSpacingRatioValue7.1s(c) J and
26 n= ‘ tile types ’ impl IsTileTypesValue7*2g(c) 15) und
( 15
27 n- ’ tiling offset ’ impl IsTilingOffsetValue7.2 ”(c) Ie) and
( 16
28 n= ’ type of coding’ impl IsRasterGraphicsContentTypeOfCodingValue7*20(c) 17)1)o)
( 17
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
1 Semiformal Descrintion 7.2 1
Predicate 5s a raster graphics coding specification”
each element is a raster graphics content coding
A raster graphics coding specification is a nomination where
NOTE - This predicate is used in annex B.
1 Definition 7.2 1
1 vv
2 (O IsRasterGraphicsCodingSpecification( v) #
3 (. IsNom(v) and
4 ” V b c -; : (IsRasterGraphicsContentCodingAttribute7* ’(C b)) JO)
1 Semiformal Description 7.3 1
Predicate 5s a raster graphics presentation feature”
A raster graphics presentation feature is a nomination where each element is a raster graphics content presentation
This predicate is used in annex B.
1 Definition 7.3 1
1 vv
2 (O IsRasterGraphicsPresentationFeature(v) iff
3 (1 IsNom(v)
4 V b & -v. (IsRasterGraphicsContentPresentationAttribute7-s(C b)) &)
D.3 Interface to the Document Architecture
I Semiformal Description 7.4 1
Predicate “satisfies raster graphics content architecture constraints”
A document Profile prof and a document body doby satisfy the constraints imposed by the raster graphics content
architecture if the following holds:
For all constituents for which the attribute * contcnt architecturt class’ is specified and has the value ‘2 8 2 7 2'
(4), the content Portion is a formatted processable raster graphics content Portion (5).
For all constituents for which the attribute ‘content archittcture class’ is specified and has the value I 2 8 2 7 0 I
(6), the content Portion is a formatted raster graphics content Portion (7).
The value ) 2 8 2 7 2 1 appears in the document Profile attribute ‘content architecture classes’ if and only if there
exists a content Portion for which the attribute kontent architecture class’ has also this value (8, 9).
The value 8 2 8 2 7 0’ appears in the document Profile attribute ‘content architecture classes’ if and only if there
exists a content Portion for which the attribute ‘content architecture class’ has also this value (10, 11).
NOTE - This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of ISO 8613.
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
I Definition 7.4 1
1 Vprof, doby
2 (O SatisfiesRasterGraphicsContentArchitectureConstraints(prof, doby) in
3 V cont E doby
4 ‘content architecture class’ = * 2 8 2 7 2’ iinpl
(1 ($ ^cont.
IsFormattedProcessableRasterGraphicsContent7.5(~o~t)~) and
’ content architecture class’ = ‘2 8 2 7 0’ impl
6 (J ^cont .
7 IsFormattedRasterGraphicsContent7*6(cont) J J and
I content architecture classes I ifl
8 ‘2 8 2 7 2’ EC -prof.
‘2 8 2 7 2 ’) and
9 3 cont E doby (C ^cont . ’ content architecture class ’ =
10 ‘2 8 2 7 0’ E C -Prof. ’ content architecture classes I in
‘content architecture class’ = ‘2 8 2 7 0 ’) J
11 hont E doby (C ^cont.
nemiformal Description 7.5 1
Predicate “is formatted processable raster graphics content”
A formatted processable raster graphics content Portion is a raster graphics content Portion description. The
attribute ‘number of pels per line’ is explicitly specified and the attribute ‘number of discarded pels’ is not specified.
Definition 7.5
c .
1 V cont
2 (,, IsFormattedProcessableRasterGraphicsContent (cont) i$
3 (1 IsRasterGraphicsContentPortionDescription7.7(~o~t)and
4 not IsPlaceholderl*lg(C ^cont . ’ number of pels per line ‘> und
5 Z Inumber of discarded pels’ E NAMS1*l ”(cont),),)
Semiformal Description 7.6
Predicate “is formatted raster graphics content”
A formatted raster graphics content Portion is a raster graphics content Portion description. The attributes
’ number of lines’ , ’ number of lines per tile’ , Inumber of pels per tile line’ , ’ tile types * and 1 tiling offset * are not
Definition 7.6
1 V cont
2 (O IsFormattedRasterGraphicsContent(cont) ifl
3 (1 IsRasterGraphicsContentPortionDescriptzn7*7(cont) und
4 [ ‘number of lines ’; ‘number of lines per tile’ ; ‘number of pels per tile line’ ;
5 I tile types ’ ; I tiling offset ‘ 1 n NAMS1*18(cont) = C : 1 JJ
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
I Semiformal Description 7.7 1
Predicate “is a raster graphics content Portion description” (clause 7)
A raster graphics content Portion description is a set of raster graphics content Portion attributes, which
* number of discarded pels ’, ’ number of lines ’, ’ number of lines per tile' ,
are ’ compression I, ’ content information ‘,
’ number of pels per line’ , ’ number of pels per tile line ’, ‘tile types ’, ‘tiling offset * and I type of coding’ (6-10).
The attributes 1 compression ‘, ‘content information ‘, ’ number of pels per line’ and ’ type of coding ’ must be
If the value of the attribute ‘type of coding’ is ’ 2 8 3 7 5 ’ (tiled encoding), the attributes
present (4, 5).
’ number of lines per tile’ , ‘number of pels per tile line*, ’ tile types * and ’ tiling offset * must also be specified (ll-
13). If the attribute 1 tiling offset’ is specified, the first component of the value of this attribute must be less than
the value of the attribute * number of pels per tile line’ and the last (second) component must be less than the value
of the attribute ‘number of lines pertile’ (14-16).
NOTE - This predieate is used in clause 7 of this part of ISO 8613.
* /
Definition 7.7
1 V cont
2 (O IsRasterGraphicsContentPortionDescription(cont) ifl
3 (1 IsRasterGraphicsContentPortionAttributeSet7* ”(cont)
’ content information 1 ;
4 NAMS (cont) > [ 1 compression ’ ;
*type of coding ’] and
5 1 number of pels per line* ;
‘content information ’ ;
6 NAMS (cont) C [’ compression ’ ;
* number of discarded pels’ ; ‘number of lines’ ;
1 number of lines per tile’ ; ‘number of pels per line ’;
9 * number of pels per tile line’ ; ‘tile types ’;
’ type of coding ’] and
10 * tiling offset * ;
11 (,C ^cont. *type of coding’ = ‘2 8 3 7 5’ impl
12 NAMS ’. “(cont) 2
13 [* number of lines per tile’; ’ number of pels per tile line’ ; ’ tile types’ ; ’ tiling offset *] J und
14 (9 1 tiling offset 1 E NAMS ’* “(cont) impl
Inumber of pels per tile line * und
15 (d HEAD1*13(C ^cont . ’ tiling offset;)< C ^cont l
’ number of lines per tile 1 1)3)&)
LASTC1*14 (C ^cont . ’ tiling offset ‘) < C ^cont l
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ISO/IEC 861340 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
Sennformal Description 7.8
Predicate ‘5s a raster graphics content presentation attribute” (clause 6)
A raster graphics content presentation attribute is one of the attributes ‘clipping ‘, I image dimensionsl , 1 initial
offset ‘, t line Progression ‘, * pel path ‘, ’ pel spacing’ , ’ pel transmission density ’ or ‘spacing ratio ’ with an appropriate
NOTE - This predicate is used in clause 7 of this part of ISO 8613.
1 Definition 7.8 1
1 Vatt
2 (0 IsRasterGraphicsContentPresentationAttribute(aU) #
3 3-y
4 (1 att = [n : c] and
5 n E [’ clipping ’ ; ‘image dimensions’ ;
6 ’ initial offset ’ ; ’ line Progression * ;
7 * pel path ’ ; ’ pel spacing ’ ;
’ pel transmission density I ; ‘spacing ratio *] and
9 ,n = ‘clipping’ impl
10 (3 IsPlaceholderyc) 07‘ IsClippingValue7*1 ’ (c) J 1) and
11 , n = ’ image dimensions’ impl
12 (d IsPlaceholder 1*1g(c) E%ageDimensionsValue7*16(c) Jl) und
13 ,n = ’ initial offset’ impl
14 (7 IsPlaceholder 1*1g(c) of IsRasterGraphicsInitia10ffsetValue7*14(c) J6) und
15 ,n = ‘ line Progression ’ impl
16 (9 IsPlaceholder ’.‘g (c) or IsRasterGraphicsLineProgressionValue7. ’2(c) 8)8) and
17 - ‘pel path * impl -
18 ‘11 IsPlaceholderq) or IsPelPathValue7W13(c) J 10) und
19 - 1 pel spacing ’ impl
20 ‘11 iPlaceholder ’*‘m- IsPelSpacingValue7. ‘7(c) IJ J and
21 - 1 pel transmission density ’ impl
22 ‘11 IsPlaceholderl*lg (c) ~f IsPelTransmissionDensityValue7* ‘5(c) IJ J und
23 - ‘spacing ratio’ impl
24 ‘II, IsPlaceholderl*lg (c) ~f IsSpacingRatioValue7.1 ”( c) lT) l6) 1) ,,)
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ISO/IEC 8613-10 : 199VAmd.2 : 1991 (E)
1 Semiformal Description 7.9 1
Predicate “is a raster graphics content coding attribute” (clauses 7.1 and 7.2)
A raster graphics content coding attribute is one of the attributes ‘compression ’, 1 number of discarded pels’ ,
1 number of lines per tile’ , Inumber of pels per line’ , I number of pels per tile lit+, 1 tile types
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