ISO 3873:2025
(Main)Industrial protective helmets
Industrial protective helmets
This document specifies physical and performance requirements, test methods and marking requirements for industrial protective helmets. This document describes the requirements for two helmet types. Type I — intended to protect the upper part of wearer’s head against impacts that may occur in an industrial setting, such as a falling object. Type II — intended to protect the head against impacts that may occur in an industrial setting, such as a falling object or a fall. NOTE The Type II helmet is intended to offer protection from falls from standing or a low height, e.g. standing height elevated by up to one metre. The Type II helmet is not intended to offer protection to the head in all falls and is unlikely to prevent serious head injury or death in uncontrolled falls from one level to another or from a position elevated on a ladder or scaffolding. The selection of a Type II helmet should be considered as one part of an overall safe system of work in the context of working at heights and managing the risks of falls from greater than two metres.
Casques de protection pour l'industrie
General Information
Standards Content (Sample)
ISO 3873
Second edition
Industrial protective helmets
Casques de protection pour l'industrie
Reference number
© ISO 2025
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Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .v
Introduction .vi
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Physical requirements . 5
4.1 Materials .5
4.2 General construction .5
4.3 Accessories and attachments .5
5 Performance requirements . . 5
5.1 Type I Mandatory requirements .5
5.1.1 Striker drop test.5
5.1.2 Resistance to penetration .6
5.1.3 Resistance to ignition .6
5.2 Type II Mandatory requirements .6
5.2.1 Impact energy attenuation .6
5.2.2 Resistance to penetration .6
5.2.3 Dynamic strength of the retention system .6
5.2.4 Dynamic stability . . .6
5.2.5 Resistance to ignition .6
5.2.6 Buckle release .6
5.3 Optional requirements .7
5.3.1 Low temperature tests .7
5.3.2 Artificial ageing .7
5.3.3 Electrical Performance .7
5.3.4 Enhanced resistance to penetration .7
5.3.5 Chin strap .8
6 Test requirements . 8
6.1 Samples .8
6.2 Conditioning for testing.9
6.2.1 Conditioning cabinet .9
6.2.2 Pre-conditioning .9
6.2.3 Low temperature .9
6.2.4 High temperature .9
6.2.5 Wet .9
6.3 Test schedule .9
6.3.1 Type I helmet .9
6.3.2 Type II helmet .9
6.4 Headforms .10
6.4.1 Striker drop tests .10
6.4.2 Headform drop tests .10
6.5 Impact energy attenuation tests .11
6.5.1 Striker drop test.11
6.5.2 Headform drop test .11
6.6 Penetration test .14
6.6.1 Apparatus .14
6.6.2 Test procedure. 15
6.7 Dynamic strength of the retention system . 15
6.7.1 Principle . 15
6.7.2 Apparatus . 15
6.7.3 Test procedure.17
6.8 Dynamic stability .17
6.8.1 Principle .17
6.8.2 Apparatus .17
6.8.3 Test procedure.18
6.9 Resistance to ignition .18
6.9.1 Principle .18
6.9.2 Apparatus .19
6.9.3 Test procedure.19
6.9.4 Report.19
6.10 Electrical insulation test .19
6.10.1 Apparatus .19
6.10.2 calibration . 20
6.10.3 Test procedure. 20
6.10.4 Report. 20
7 Marking . .20
7.1 Markings on the helmet . 20
7.2 Additional information.
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