Fine bubble technology — Agricultural applications — Part 5: Practical data collection to promote the germination of typical vegetable seeds using ultrafine bubbles

This document provides practical data collection of promoting the germination of typical vegetable seeds by applying ultrafine bubbles (UFBs) within the effective number concentrations for barley seeds specified in ISO 23016-2, ISO/TR 23016-3 and ISO 23016-4. While the application of UFB to barley seeds is systematically standardized, reports on UFB application to vegetable seeds germination are scattered worldwide. Therefore, this document intends to illustrate the effectiveness of UFBs to promote the germination of vegetable seeds depending on their response to light, i.e.: a) require light to germinate (positive photoblastic), b) require darkness to germinate (negative photoblastic), and c) neutral to light.

Technologie des fines bulles — Applications agricoles — Partie 5: Collecte de données pratiques pour favoriser la germination de graines de légumes types par l'utilisation de bulles ultrafines

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Technical report
ISO/TR 23016-5:2024 - Fine bubble technology — Agricultural applications — Part 5: Practical data collection to promote the germination of typical vegetable seeds using ultrafine bubbles Released:16. 08. 2024
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO/TR 23016-5
First edition
Fine bubble technology —
Agricultural applications —
Part 5:
Practical data collection to promote
the germination of typical vegetable
seeds using ultrafine bubbles
Technologie des fines bulles — Applications agricoles —
Partie 5: Collecte de données pratiques pour favoriser la
germination de graines de légumes types par l'utilisation de
bulles ultrafines
Reference number
© ISO 2024
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
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CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms and definitions . 1
4 Test subjects . 1
5 Judgement of significant difference in T . 2
6 Seeds and measurement device . . 2
6.1 Seeds for germination test .2
6.2 Measurement device for UFB size and concentration .2
6.3 Examination range of UFB number concentration for vegetable seeds and adjustment
of dissolved oxygen concentration (DO) .2
7 Test data . 3
7.1 General .3
7.2 Carrot seeds of positive photoblastic .3
7.3 Tomato seeds of negative photoblastic .4
7.4 Spinach seeds of neutral photoblastic .5
7.5 Effect of DO (Dissolved oxygen concentration) .6
7.6 Effect of UFB number concentration . .7
7.7 Presence or absence of seed size effect on the promotion by UFB .8
7.7.1 General .8
7.7.2 Carrot seed of comparatively large size .8
7.7.3 Carrot seed of comparatively small size .9
8 Suggestion . 10
Annex A (informative) Example of measured UFB data of size distribution and number
concentration of UFB used in this document .11
Annex B (informative) 95 % confidence intervals of T values corresponding to Figures 1 to 7. 14
Bibliography .21

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This document was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 281, Fine bubble technology.
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The market for technologies using fine bubbles has been rapidly growing in many applications throughout
the industrial, domestic, and academic sectors. Especially, the application of ultrafine bubble (UFB)
technology to the agricultural area is arousing great interest. It is thought to be one of the advanced
technologies improving the productivity and efficiency of agriculture, thereby contributing to the United
Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by means of providing sufficient food and maintaining water
resources on land, as an example.
In this context, ISO 23016-2:2019 has been published, describing the test method for promoting barley seed
germination by application of a UFB water generation system. Although the promotion of germination of
barley seed is closely related to UFB number concentration, effects of the concentration were not specified
at that time.
Thus, in order to provide users with a guideline for selecting an appropriate UFB generation system,
ISO/TR 23016-3:2021 has been published to indicate the minimum viable number concentration of ultrafine
bubbles that promotes the germination of barley seeds.
Furthermore, based on the continual accumulation of data revealing positive and negative effects of UFB on
germination depending on the variety of barley seeds, ISO 23016-4 has been published to provide a method
to evaluate the UFB number concentration ensuring the promotion of germination of the barley seeds
without taking into account their varieties.
This document describes the data collected from the experimental observations on applying UFB water to
promote the germination of vegetable seeds, based on ISO 23016-2, ISO/TR 23016-3 and ISO 23016-4. It was
developed to support the application of the UFB technology to vegetables specially grown in hydroponic
culture system, which market is quite large and still growing.

Technical Report ISO/TR 23016-5:2024(en)
Fine bubble technology — Agricultural applications —
Part 5:
Practical data collection to promote the germination of
typical vegetable seeds using ultrafine bubbles
1 Scope
This document provides practical data collection of promoting the germination of typical vegetable seeds by
applying ultrafine bubbles (UFBs) within the effective number concentrations for barley seeds specified in
ISO 23016-2, ISO/TR 23016-3 and ISO 23016-4. While the application of UFB to barley seeds is systematically
standardized, reports on UFB application to vegetable seeds germination are scattered worldwide.
Therefore, this document intends to illustrate the effectiveness of UFBs to promote the germination of
vegetable seeds depending on their response to light, i.e.:
a) require light to germinate (positive photoblastic),
b) require darkness to germinate (negative photoblastic), and
c) neutral to light .
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes
requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references,
the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
ISO 23016-2, Fine bubble technology — Agricultural applications — Part 2: Test method for evaluating the
promotion of the germination of barley seeds
ISO/TR 23016-3, Fine bubble technology — Agricultural applications — Part 3: Guidelines for the minimum
viable number concentration of ultrafine bubbles for promoting the germination of barley seeds
ISO 23016-4, Fine bubble technology — Agricultural applications — Part 4: Test method for evaluating the
number concentration of ultrafine bubbles (UFB) achieving the promotion of barley seed germination
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in ISO 23016-2, ISO/TR 23016-3 and
ISO 23016-4 apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
4 Test subjects
The items subjected to the test are air UFB water stored in bottles or other containers for preservation and
transport in accordance with ISO 21255, and the UFB generating system used to generate the UFB water.

UFB water is generated by supplying raw water to the UFB generating system. Distilled water with a quality
of Grade 2 according to ISO 3696 or greater is used as raw water that is distilled water supplied as a raw
material for both UFB water and control water according to ISO 23016-2:2019, 3.6.
The size, quantity and concentration of UFB in UFB water were measured. Examples of measured data are
given in Annex A.
5 Judgement of significant difference in T
After determining the correlation curve using ISO 23016-2:2019, Formula (2), the sum squared of residual
(SSR) and standard error (SE) around the time T are calculated. From this curve, the 95 % confidence
interval of T is determined. The results are shown in Figures B.1 to B.7 in Annex B.
6 Seeds and measurement device
6.1 Seeds for germination test
The following vegetable seeds of different responses to light were used as the seeds for the germination test:
a) require light to germinate (positive photoblastic),
b) require darkness to germinate (negativ

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