Health informatics — Traditional Chinese medicine literature metadata

ISO/TS 17948:2014 defines the core set of TCM literature metadata, describes the principles and methods of TCM metadata, and specifies the formal description of TCM metadata. It applies to the storage, processing, recording, maintenance and exchange of TCM literature. It covers areas of identification, content, distribution, constraint, quality, maintenance, and relationship of traditional Chinese medicine literature.

Informatique de santé — Métadonnées de littérature de la médecine traditionnelle chinoise

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ISO/TS 17948:2014 - Health informatics -- Traditional Chinese medicine literature metadata
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First edition
Health informatics — Traditional
Chinese medicine literature metadata
Informatique de santé — Métadonnées de littérature de la médecine
traditionnelle chinoise
Reference number
ISO 2014
© ISO 2014
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Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Terms and definitions . 1
3 Structure . 2
4 Sources of the metadata elements . 2
5 Standard table of TCM literature metadata . 2
6 Elements dictionary . 5
6.1 Identification section . 5
6.2 Content section .10
6.3 Distribution section .12
6.4 Quality section .13
6.5 Constraint section .13
6.6 Maintenance section .13
6.7 Relation section .14
Bibliography .16
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Chinese medicine has a history of several thousand years, formed by diverse schools of traditional Chinese
medicine, which have produced a large amount of medical classics, which are extensive and profound,
abundant in content, with lots of abstruse vocabulary. There are many versions and transcription errors.
Chinese literature has characteristics that distinguish it from other literature, such as characteristic
elements of TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and the ancient literature. General literature metadata
can not fully describe the TCM literature as a specialized area. This Technical Specification describes a
set of TCM literature metadata to promote the work of the collection, storage, retrieval and use of TCM
Health informatics — Traditional Chinese medicine
literature metadata
1 Scope
This Technical Specification defines the core set of TCM literature metadata, describes the principles
and methods of TCM metadata, and specifies the formal description of TCM metadata. It applies to
the storage, processing, recording, maintenance and exchange of TCM literature. It covers areas of
identification, content, distribution, constraint, quality, maintenance, and relationship of traditional
Chinese medicine literature.
2 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
data that defines and describes other data, i.e. data about data
traditional Chinese medicine
traditional medicine that originated in China, and is characterized by holism and treatment based on
pattern identification/syndrome differentiation
metadata element
discrete unit of metadata
metadata entity
group of metadata elements and other metadata entities describing the same aspect of data
metadata section
subset of metadata that defines a collection of related metadata entities and elements
encoding scheme
scheme which provides contextual information or parsing rules that aid in the interpretation of a term
Note 1 to entry: Such contextual information may take the form of controlled vocabularies, formal notations, or
parsing rules.
element refinement
property of a resource which shares the meaning of a particular element but with narrower semantics
carrier of the text, graphics, symbols, audio, video and other technical means to record human knowledge,
or the curing of knowledge in a certain material carrier.
3 Structure
TCM literature metadata specification defines three levels of metadata structure: metadata sections,
metadata elements and element refinements.
TCM literature metadata contains seven metadata sections, as follows:
— Identification section: basic information of external characteristics, including title, identifier,
creator and publisher, etc.
— Content section: descriptive information of content, including description, subject, etc.
— Distribution section: information about user’s access to literature resources.
— Quality section: quality information about status of literature resources.
— Constraint section: constraint information contains access to and use of literature resources.
— Maintenance section: information on the maintenance of literature resources.
— Relation section: providing reference between data and related data.
4 Sources of the metadata elements
General metadata elements come from Dublin Core Metadata which have been accepted and published
as an ISO standard (ISO 15836), partly cited from HICKR(ISO 13119).
Sources of metadata elements with TCM literature characteristics:
1) Choose representative elements that are usually used to describe TCM information;
2) The necessary and characteristic elements used to describe TCM information include:
— Characteristic Element (Dialectical system, the ancient physicians, etc).
— Data From (four diagnostic method of TCM, Analogism, Clinical experiment, etc)
— Descriptive Ancient Literature (Content, Edition, Dynasty, etc).
5 Standard table of TCM literature metadata
Table 1 shows TCM literature metadata.
2 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

Table 1 — Table of TCM literature metadata
Element refinements and encoding
Sections Elements
1.1.1Translated Title
1.1.3Phonetic Guides
1.1.4Title on Fore-edge
1.1Title 1.1.5Title on the inside cover
1.1.6Title on the Book Cover
1.1.7Title on the First Page of Text
1.1.8Other Titles
1.2.1Creator Description
1.3.1Contributor Description
1.5.1Digital Files Format
1.5.5Binding and Layout
1.Identification section
1.5.6Printing Instructions
1.5.7Edition of Ancient books
1.5.8Paragraph Style
1.6Identifier 1.6.1URI (including URL), DOI, ISBN
1.7Description 1.7.3Preface or Postscript
1.7.5Missing Words Annotations
1.9Place of publication
1.10Place of printing
1.11.1Creation Date
1.11.2Update Date
1.11Date 1.11.3Publication Date
1.11.4Printing Date
1.11.5Available Date
Table 1 (continued)
Element refinements and encoding
Sections Elements
2.1.1Subject Headings
2.1.2Categorizing words
2.1.3Key Words
2.1.4MeSH Subject Headings; TCM
Thesaurus;Chinese Library Clas-
sification; the Ministry of Education
disciplines classification; Classification
standards and code of the TCM data
2.Content section
2.2Ancient Physicians
2.3TCM School Of Thought
2.4Data From
3.1.1Institution information
3.1Storage Location
3.1.2Collection Number
3.Distribution section 3.2.1Collection Shift
3.2Collection History 3.2.2Obtain-way
3.2.3Inscriptive Writings and Signet
4.1.1Grading Criteria For Physical Deg-
4.1Physical Degradation
radation of Ancient Books
4.Quality section
4.2 Rare Degree
5.Constraint section 5.1Rights
6.Maintenance section 6.1Preserve Method
6.1.3Storage Carrier
6.1.4Other matters Needing Attention
7.1.1Inherit from
7.1.4is Replaced By
7.1.5Translated From
7.Relation section 7.1Relation
7.1.6Collection series
4 © ISO 2014 – All rights reserved

6 Elements dictionary
TCM Literature Metadata Entity consists of seven sections: Identification section, Content section,
Distribution section, Quality section, Constraint section, Maintenance section, Relation section. Listed
below are descriptions of each section and element.
NOTE “Obligation” indicates whether a description symbol is mandatory (M), or conditional (C) or optional
6.1 Identification section
6.1.1 Title
Definition: A brief description of the theme and content of TCM literature resources.
Element Refinements: Translated Title; Pinyin of Each Word; Title on Fore-edge; Title on the Inside
Cover; Title on the Book Cover; Title on the First Page of Text; Other Titles.
NOTE Obligation=M; Maximum Occurrence=1 Translated Title
Definition: Other language translations of the title.
NOTE Obligation=O; Maximum Occurrence >= 1 Phonetic Guides
Definition: The title’s transliteration of Chinese Phonetic Alphabet.
NOTE Obligation=O; Maximum Occurrence=1 Title on Fore-edge
Definition: The title on fore-edge of ancient books.
Comments: Type page is the page edge Relative to the spine edge
NOTE Obligation=O; Maximum Occurrence=1 Title on the inside covers
Definition: The title inscribed on the inside cover of ancient books.
Comments: Ancient books’ inside cover is equivalent to the title page of modern books.
NOTE Obligation=O; Maximum Occurrence=1 Title on the Book Cover
Definition: The title inscribed the ancient books cover.
NOTE Obligation=O; Maximum Occurrence=1 Title on the First Page of Text
Definition: The title on the first

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