Health informatics — Categorial structure for representation of 3D human body position system — Part 2: Body movement

This document provides terminological concepts for the representation of human body movement and establishes the categories and relationships of text-based terminology and time-dependent body movement in 3D data. This document does not cover 3D graphic user interface, data structure, implementation and guidelines.

Informatique de santé — Structure catégorielle pour la représentation du système de positionnement du corps humain en 3D — Partie 2: Mouvement du corps

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ISO/TS 23541-2:2025 - Health informatics — Categorial structure for representation of 3D human body position system — Part 2: Body movement Released:3. 03. 2025
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Standards Content (Sample)

ISO/TS 23541-2
First edition
Health informatics — Categorial
structure for representation of 3D
human body position system —
Part 2:
Body movement
Informatique de santé — Structure catégorielle pour la
représentation du système de positionnement du corps
humain en 3D —
Partie 2: Mouvement du corps
Reference number
© ISO 2025
All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, or required in the context of its implementation, no part of this publication may
be reproduced or utilized otherwise in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or posting on
the internet or an intranet, without prior written permission. Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below
or ISO’s member body in the country of the requester.
ISO copyright office
CP 401 • Ch. de Blandonnet 8
CH-1214 Vernier, Geneva
Phone: +41 22 749 01 11
Published in Switzerland
Contents Page
Foreword .iv
Introduction .v
1 Scope . 1
2 Normative references . 1
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations . 1
3.1 General terms .1
3.2 Characterizing categories .2
3.3 Abbreviated terms .4
4 Categorial structure . 4
4.1 Overview .4
4.2 Semantic links .4
4.2.1 hasDescription .4
4.2.2 hasAnnotation .4
4.2.3 hasModel .5
4.2.4 hasAction .5
4.2.5 hasActor .5
4.2.6 hasObservation .6
4.2.7 hasFinding .6
4.2.8 hasIntervention .7
4.2.9 hasSegment .7
Bibliography . 9

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In the medical field, body movements are important parts of medical recording. Gait analysis, heart pulsation,
blood flow, hemiplegic movement as well as extremity motion are representative body movements which
can require medical description. However, conventional text-based terminology does not have the capability
to express details of body movement.
With the popularity of virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and three-dimensional (3D) contents,
many medical 3D animations are created without clear terminological concept representation. 3D animation
messages can vary depending on the creator, audience or countries. For example, names of body parts in
a VR scene are not clearly given by standard medical terminology. Sometimes, 3D animation concepts are
described only by narrative text, which is insufficient to deliver precise medical concepts. Additionally, 3D
animations without terminological coordination do not allow terminology-based searching capability and
interoperability within the VR system.
Patients with movement disorder do not have a visual impression on their disease. The meaning of their
symptoms and signs cannot be exactly delivered to their families. They cannot understand long-term trends
of their movement. Quantitative assessments of their motions are very difficult to achieve.
This document explains how 3D medical animations are coordinated with standard medical terminology.
Categories and relations among 3D models, actions and text terminology are given in Figure 7.
By coordinating 3D body movement to text-based standard terminology, 3D medical contents will allow
standardized communication between users and creators. This is also helpful for exchanging medical
information in health-related research. The coordination helps to deliver medical concepts of 3D body
movement, and it allows search capability with standard medical terminology.
Clinicians are able to describe patient’s movement in a more detailed manner. 3D movement models
allow objective, independent assessment of patient’s symptom and disease. Quantification and long-term
assessment are more clearly achievable.
With technological advancement in sensors and optical device, it is possible to log patient’s movements
quantitatively. These data can be processed and animated in a 3D world. Continuous monitoring of patient’s
body movement is also feasible with visual impression. Patients are able to understand their disease status
in a meaningful way.
ISO/TS 23541-1 is applied to a static model. Categorial structures for static models cannot be applied to
3D medical animations because 3D animations have one additional axis of information, which is the time
dimension. Because of this additional dimension, the categorial structure of 3D animation differs in many
ways form a static model.
In a static model, concepts are coordinated with the model and the coordination occurs only once between
the model and text terminology. However, as movement of 3D model develops over time, text terminology is
coordinated with a specific time segment as well as with a specific model. For example, the 3D gait action
model of a Parkinson’s disease patient can be sub-divided into multiple time segments. Since the action in
a time segment can be normal or abnormal, repetitive coordination is required between text terminology,
3D model and time segment. Sometimes opposite concepts such as “normal gait” and “abnormal gait” can be
coordinated with a single body part in an action which does not happen in a static human body model.
In static models, a body part is the target of description. Instead, action sequence, movement range,
movement trajectory are the main targets of description in dynamic 3D human body model.
In dynamic models, a body part changes shape, location or size continuously. Accordingly, single body parts
will have multiple models which are coordinated with the same text terminology, which is not allowed in
fixed model. To handle this, two categories are given to the body part model, which are base model and actor.

Technical Specification ISO/TS 23541-2:2025(en)
Health informatics — Categorial structure for representation
of 3D human body position system —
Part 2:
Body movement
1 Scope
This document provides terminological concepts for the representation of human body movement and
establishes the categories and relationships of text-based terminology and time-dependent body movement
in 3D data.
This document does not cover 3D graphic user interface, data structure, implementation and guidelines.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminology databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
— ISO Online browsing platform: available at https:// www .iso .org/ obp
— IEC Electropedia: available at https:// www .electropedia .org/
3.1 General terms
having the three spatial dimensions of height, width and depth
Note 1 to entry: Computer representation of 3D information is used in healthcare.
3D body movement
representation of the body movement or motion of a human body in the 3D (3.1.1) space
3D animation
3D (3.1.1) computer graphic that depicts moving objects
anatomical site
location in or on the body
EXAMPLE 1 Stomach (SCTID: 69695003) is anatomical site in Gastrectomy (SCTID: 53442002).
EXAMPLE 2 Leg (SCTID: 61685007) is anatomical site in Leg ulcer (SCTID: 95344007).

Note 1 to entry: It is the object of medical observation, decision, or intervention.
structured, human and machine-readable representation of concepts (3.1.6)
unit of knowledge created by a unique combination of characteristics
[SOURCE: ISO 1087:2019, 3.2.7, modified — Notes were removed.]
time-sequential set of record components in the 3D body movement (3.1.2)
3.2 Characterizing categories
3D body part
3D (3.1.1) model or entity that constitutes the structural organization of a human body
EXAMPLE Stomach model in 3D gastrectomy animation.
3D body site
3D (3.1.1) model that rep

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