Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems — Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1Q: Bridges and bridged networks — Amendment 35: Congestion isolation

Télécommunications et échange entre systèmes informatiques — Exigences pour les réseaux locaux et métropolitains — Partie 1Q: Ponts et réseaux pontés — Amendement 35: Prévention de la congestion

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ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2024/Amd 35:2024 - Telecommunications and exchange between information technology systems — Requirements for local and metropolitan area networks — Part 1Q: Bridges and bridged networks — Amendment 35: Congestion isolation Released:12/19/2024
English language
220 pages
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Third edition
Telecommunications and exchange
between information technology
systems — Requirements for local
and metropolitan area networks —
Part 1Q:
Corrected version
Bridges and bridged networks 2024-12
AMENDMENT 35: Congestion isolation
Télécommunications et échange entre systèmes informatiques —
Exigences pour les réseaux locaux et métropolitains —
Partie 1Q: Ponts et réseaux pontés
AMENDEMENT 35: Prévention de la congestion
Reference number
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2024/
© IEEE 2023
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2024/Amd.35:2024(en)
© IEEE 2023
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Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc
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© IEEE 2023 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2024/Amd.35:2024(en)
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© IEEE 2023 – All rights reserved
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2024/Amd.35:2024(en)
1. Overview. 16
1.3 Introduction. 16
2. Normative references. 17
3. Definitions . 18
4. Abbreviations. 19
5. Conformance. 20
5.4 VLAN Bridge component requirements. 20
5.4.1 VLAN Bridge component options . 20
5.4.7 VLAN Bridge requirements for congestion isolation (optional) . 20
5.32 End station requirements for congestion isolation. 21
6. Support of the MAC Service . 22
6.10 Support of the ISS/EISS by PIPs . 22
6.10.1 Data indications . 22
8. Principles of Bridge operation . 23
8.6 The Forwarding Process . 23
8.6.5 Flow classification and metering . 23
8.6.6 Queuing frames . 26
8.6.8 Transmission selection . 26
12. Bridge management . 27
12.1 Management functions. 27
12.1.1 Configuration Management . 27
12.2 VLAN Bridge objects . 27
12.31 Managed objects for per-stream classification and metering . 27
12.31.1 The Stream Parameter Table . 27
12.31.2 The Stream Filter Instance Table . 28
12.31.3 The Stream Gate Instance Table . 29
12.33 Congestion Isolation managed objects . 30
12.33.1 CI entity managed object . 31
12.33.2 CI Peer Table . 31
12.33.3 CI Stream Table . 31
12.33.4 CIP entity managed object . 32
30. Principles of congestion notification . 33
30.1 Congestion notification design requirements . 33
30.3 Congestion Controlled Flow (CCF). 33
46. Time-Sensitive Networking (TSN) configuration . 34
46.2 User/network configuration information . 34
46.2.1 Data types . 34
46.2.3 Talker . 34
ISO/IEC/IEEE 8802-1Q:2024/Amd.35:2024(en)
48. YANG Data Models . 35
48.2 IEEE 802.1Q YANG models. 35
48.2.8 Congestion Isolation (CI) model . 35
48.3 Structure of the YANG models . 36
48.3.7 Asynchronous Traffic Shaping (ATS) model . 36
48.3.8 Congestion Isolation (CI) model . 37
48.4 Security considerations . 38
48.4.8 Security considerations of the Congestion Isolation model . 38
48.5 YANG schema tree definitions. 39
48.5.11 Schema for the ieee802-dot1q-stream-filters-gates YANG module . 39
48.5.12 Schema for the ieee802-dot1q-stream-filters-gates-bridge YANG module . 39
48.5.13 Schema for the ieee802-dot1q-ats YANG module . 40
48.5.14 Schema for the ieee802-dot1q-ats-bridge YANG module . 40
48.5.15 Schema for the ieee802-dot1q-congestion-isolation YANG module . 41
48.5.16 Schema for the ieee802-dot1q-congestion-isolation-bridge YANG module . 42
48.6 YANG modules . 43
48.6.2 The ieee802-dot1q-types YANG module . 43
48.6.11 The ieee802-dot1q-stream-filters-gates YANG module . 58
48.6.12 The ieee802-dot1q-stream-filters-gates-bridge YANG module . 64
48.6.13 The ieee802-dot1q-ats YANG module . 65
48.6.14 The ieee802-dot1q-ats-bridge YANG module . 70
48.6.15 The ieee802-dot1q-congestion-isolation YANG module . 72
48.6.16 The ieee802-dot1q-congestion-isolation-bridge YANG module . 80
49. Congestion Isolation . 82
49.1 Congestion isolation objectives .83
49.2 Principles of congestion isolation .84
49.2.1 Congesting flow identification . 85
49.2.2 IEEE Std 802.1CB stream identification . 85
49.2.3 Flow priority modification . 85
49.2.4 Priority-based Flow Control interaction . 85
49.2.5 Congestion isolation signaling . 86
49.2.6 Congesting to non-congesting status change . 86
49.2.7 System topology and port orientation . 87
49.2.8 Comparison to Congestion Notification . 87
49.3 The Congestion Isolation Aware Forwarding Process . 88
49.3.1 CIP Congestion Detection . 89
49.3.2 CIP transmission gates . 89
49.3.3 CIM Demultiple

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